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15287350 No.15287350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15287360

>political dissident
they make it sound like that's some kind of an accomplishment in a society with ironclad free speech protections.

>> No.15287368


>> No.15287373


>> No.15287387

Would have funnier if you did “mmmmorangemanbadmmmm”. He doesn’t talk like that

>> No.15287391

>political dissident
>published by Penguin

>> No.15287393

>Political dissident
You guys understand the USG must run the left the same way and by much the same logic as how and why the USG has an enduring interest in the affairs of Sunnis, right?

>> No.15287395

>You cannot be socialist, man! You have microwave.

>> No.15287400

Would have been funnier if you stopped posting. You drag down every thread, it's why no man wants you.

>> No.15287405

>one of the mosf successful academics of his generation

>> No.15287409


Let's compare Noam Chomsky and James Watson

>> No.15287412


>> No.15287429

Penguin is the biggest publisher on the planet, owned the biggest media conglomerate on the planet. If you're receiving patronage from them, you're not a dissident.

>> No.15287430



>> No.15287476


>> No.15287486

Wtf does this even mean

>> No.15287489

The altright wierdos at counter-currents publishing are more dissident than chomsky

>> No.15287520

>Muh precious shitpost

Meaning what? You think he’s wealthy?

Why wouldn’t he get his books published and sold? We live under a capitalist system. Of course we want it otherwise, but we can’t just pretend we have a word without capitalism.
Do you pay rent? I pay rent. Do you have a job? I have a job

>> No.15287527

You've added absolutely nothing. There is a reason why people hate you. The attention-seeking is so obvious.

>> No.15287547

Why does the establishment want to publish his books? Why doesn't it want to publish the alt-right's books?

>> No.15287548
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Yeah I did. I advised OP to use the funny names instead of the out of place swear words.

“Mmmmmdonny tinyhandsmmmmm”

And I helped a poor anon to understand this comic.
I’ll bet you’re the one who doesn’t read or contribute

>> No.15287556
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Real version.

>> No.15287590

They want money. Publishing is generally nice to generally lefty books. You’ll perhaps notice that he’s not allowed on television? MSM bans too far leftists. But of course Chomsky has always been very mild. He just advocates syndicalism. He’s not an organizer, or a labor leader.

Rightwing liberals get a lot of alt outlets. YouTube or Twitter banned both sides. But in the protests of recent years, the cops favor the rightwingers. They’ll arrest those that stray too far and kill people, but they’re sympathetic.

Doesn’t even make sense. Yes, of course the lords made out like bandits. Because they literally are bandits. —Odysseus!?

>> No.15287602

Exactly. The "dissident" left has Verso, Zero, Repeater etc., some of them imprints of Penguin and the other big publishers, most of them at least distributed by the big publishers. Not to mention all the university presses. While the dissident right is entirely independently published, either self-published or by independent houses like Arktos, Counter Currents or Washington Summit.

>> No.15287623

No, money is an afterthought. They want to Manufacture Consent(TM).
>You’ll perhaps notice that he’s not allowed on television?
He did an interview on Channel 4 the other day.
>You’ll perhaps notice that he’s not allowed on television?
Lmao you're living in a fantasy land.

>> No.15287632

Second greentext was meant to be
>But in the protests of recent years, the cops favor the rightwingers. They’ll arrest those that stray too far and kill people, but they’re sympathetic.

>> No.15287659

> They want to Manufacture Consent
What’s that supposed to mean?
What’s channel 4? Local New Mexico? I’ve never seen him on anything but Democracy Now. He’s also being taken advantage of this election cycle. They’re hoping to sheepdog some Biden votes. But it won’t work.
>Fantasy land
It’s a nightmare. I’m trying to explain what you’re seeing.

>> No.15287696

>What’s that supposed to mean?
I thought you've read Chomsky? You should know.
Channel 4 is one of the biggest British media networks. He also recently appeared on the BBC.
The facts: Chomksy gets published by the biggest publishers, themselves owned by the biggest media conglomerates; and gets favorably interviewed by the biggest media networks. The establishment loves the guy. No gods, no masters, viva la revolution!

>> No.15287716

The monarchy wanted competing powers (the lords) out, and used the peasants to do this. See any similarities with our present situation?

>> No.15287782

The title/concept of manufacturing consent doesn’t apply
OH! BBC4. Britain is different. Hell lots of out anarchists of note there. I miss some of them. Wish I could visit.
Again, he’s popular, especially among college students, but kept on the low down. He is not allowed on MSM. Neither was Bookchin. It’s all carefully controlled opposition though anon. Now that the economy is permanently nosediving, the Pentagon is gearing up for the protests and still playing divide and conquer. Mass surveillance, arrests without cause, all allowed now. They think they have us all cornered and it’s okay to listen to an old man advocate anarchism. They’ll grow put of it or go to a nice private prison.

Yes, there’s been several power plays and a great variety, even communist cities. Indentured servitude was occasionally a neat enough deal for some. But always slip into decay. Money is corruption itself.

>> No.15287806

I really want to suck your nipples.

>> No.15287843

Interesting non-sequiturs. The facts however remain: the establishment likes Chomsky, Bookchin too (published by Verso, distributed by Penguin). Also can I suck your nipples?

>> No.15287862

You ever suck your nipples?

>> No.15287882

You have a weird idea of “the establishment” and I’m saying he has a following of mild lefties and a secret service that’s keeping an eye on him. His documentaries ever get an Oscar nod? No but ISIS won one (for putting on white helmets)

And yeah, Bookchin’s ideas were applied to the Kurds and they’re funded by the CIA to fight ISIS, also funded by the CIA to cover the fact this was an illegal bombing campaign and not a “civil war”
You see the level of manipulation going on here?

>> No.15287934

Billion dollar publishers, media conglomerates, media networks -- I don't think it's weird at all. All you have to ask yourself is "why are these people/ideas receiving patronage, but not these others?" It's not manipulation, its realpolitik.

>> No.15287974
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>Publishers make big money off of Chomsky
Yeah, not surprising.
Again, Chomsky isn’t an organizer of syndicalism, he’s just an advocate. Peter Gelderloos is small time publishing. Jane MacAlevey is small press. Would they sell out to be toned down lecture circuit speakers or professors of whatever? Not so far.

>> No.15288086

You're still not getting it. It's not that big publishers made money off of him, it's that they made him who is.

>> No.15288150

I think we already covered this.
He made a name for himself, Zinn too, a bunch of other anti-war anti-imperialists, and the system allowed it. They saw little to no threat, and let them go and make a living in this wage slave world.

Mollified certainly, a mild corruption. Like Bernie Sanders advocates his ideas, but he’s too feckless and corrupted to fight for them. Worse than Chomsky imo.

>> No.15288172

Butterfly's thinking is really disconnectd

>> No.15288186

How do you mean?

>> No.15288888

She has dementia, please be nice

>> No.15288931

Wow lad. You really stuck it to her.

>> No.15288938

Agreed. He seems like he doesn't really care for power in the end when he would have to take the democratic establishment upfront.

>> No.15288952

Girl like you shouldn’t have to work sweet thang

>> No.15289165


>> No.15289192

>political dissident
>vote for Biden guys

>> No.15289563

In the end we all become neoliberals.

>> No.15289586

Bertelsmann was the leading publisher in Nazi Germany. I thought you people loved Hitler, what happened?

>> No.15289611

Sperg-tastic post. Slit your fucking wrists before the next one

>> No.15289623

>political dissident
oh you're a dissident? read Chomsky, he has a PhD in dissidence

>> No.15289633
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>> No.15289639
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