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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.15286983[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

For fuck sake, I thought surely a novel thing long would be able to resolve and wrap up its plot without "artistically" leaving it unresolved and open ended cuz muh deepness, its fucking 1000+ pages long and doesnt even have an overly convoluted premise

But nope, its as open ended as Ive ever read, i have zero satisfaction about how the events went down

>> No.15286986

Novel this long*

>> No.15286991

It isn’t meant to satisfy

>> No.15287002

think about it some more

>> No.15287012

There is a secret ending hidden in the footnotes

>> No.15287020

Yes its so deep its not meant to entertain you wow amazing

You can finish your own story while getting your point across, it's just lazy

>> No.15287025

It isn’t meant to be finished

>> No.15287031

What footnotes?

>Pemulus gets expelled
>Hal becomes retarded
>Don dies or lives whatever
>Orin Dies
>James goes around haunting stice
what else am I missing?

>> No.15288015
File: 296 KB, 455x476, 1524527496115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I dropped that book 70 pages in. I could tell it never "gets better" as all the pseuds on here insist. The only thing DFW is good for is his interview, and all the memes that came from it.

>> No.15288022
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Novel this long

>> No.15288266
File: 209 KB, 1188x898, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pleb filtered

>> No.15288320

I have to imagine this image is a joke with the John wayne shit but I don’t put it past Wes ANDERSON of literature. I don’t understand why anyone would read DFW’s 1000 pages when they could read Tolstoy’s, Dosto’s, Cervantes’, Zola’s, really anyone else’s.

>> No.15288746

Why are people so sure Wayne got killed? this is the third time I've seen this, did I zone out of that part or something,

Same with Hal taking DMZ again, I saw some theory that JOI put it on his toothbrush but I don't remember that anywhere

>> No.15290004

I'm still having fun with it desu

>> No.15291482

>I though this (self-consciously!) pomo book would wrap up it's plot
bit slow eh

>> No.15291497

another pleb filtered. thanks for outing yourself. not even that the book is that great but being unable to grasp the ending of a book without being explicitly told speaks volumes for your reading ability.

>> No.15291540

It wrapped up pretty well actually???