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/lit/ - Literature

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15286045 No.15286045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tried to learn a language and realised humans aren't meant to be bilinguals

>> No.15286058

Thinking in one language is all you need really. If you are dumb, doesn't matter how many you know. You'll be dumb in all of them lol

>> No.15286073

One language one race one nation one system

>> No.15286097

It is literally impossible to be good at a second language without suffering degradation in your original language

>> No.15286225

This is false.

>> No.15286373

try sometime

>> No.15286379

>humans aren't meant to be bilinguals
I think it's more like we aren't meant to be as good at our second language as our first

>> No.15287772

people who grow up in bilingual homes have comparable proficiency in both languages.

>> No.15287793

Humans aren't meant to have language at all, what the fuck are you talking about. Language is a cultural evolution, not a genetic one.
get out of here with your teleological bullshit.
You're just too dumb to learn a second language and projecting it onto the wider human race to soothe your ego.

>> No.15288416

>You're just too dumb to learn a second language
You don't have to be smart to learn a second language.
t. ESL with low IQ

>> No.15288424

>learn japanese
>can now think in concepts that didn't have a word before and I now have an easier time handling their compressed "data unit"
You are wrong

>> No.15288425

I'd never thought of that. I wanted to learn French but now you're sort of scaring me.

>> No.15288432
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Started reading a book and realized humans aren't meant to read, and trees aren't meant to turn into pages and primates are meant to be jumping in trees not transforming them into memory storage communication tools.

>> No.15288450

Exceptionally bad thread.

>> No.15288459


>> No.15288472


By who?

>> No.15288477

Well yeah you need a certain level of IQ to learn a second language. Sub-100 IQ people should probably stick to one, they're already struggling.

>> No.15288522

Yes they are. I've been bilingual for nearly all of my life. The specific scientific explanation as to the differing rate of success regarding language acquisition in adults is unclear, but almost everyone knows that children's neuroplasticity aids them in language acquisition, and the younger they are the better, or more "native" their pronunciation given that their tongue, teeth and lips aren't used a particular set of positions in order to produce sounds.
tl;dr: You're a brainlet.

>> No.15288550

>humans aren't meant to know two sets of grammar rules and word tables THIS OFFENDS NATURE AND GOD
Knowing a foreign language isn't fucking magical or different from any other type of knowledge.

>> No.15288563

This isn't true, unless you literally stop interacting with your native language. Look up language attrition.

>> No.15288570

Don't let some random anons cope about lacking the discipline and patience to learn a new language hold back your learning. Learning a new language will open up new opportunities for you, be that consuming originals instead of translations, talking to people in the new language or generally having more concepts to think of/in. t.trilingual

>> No.15288571

Native peoples of the world are typically polyglots because, in closed-off primitive conditions, langage diverges more quickly, and as such, one needs a fluent understanding of multiple linguae to communicate with neighbouring tribes.

I'll also add that languages don't 'take space'. Claiming that learning multiple languages hinders your development is like saying that the more books you read, the slower your comprehension gets. It's the opposite on both counts, but new worlders would never know it because your brain has degraded due to insufficient linguistic use. Compare the average Unitedstatian to his European counterpart and you will find astonishing intellectual sloth caused by consumption of television over literature, and studying pop culture and its history instead of philosophy, theology and languages.

>> No.15288619

You should think about several things other than what this idiot posted

Do you think learning new vocabulary words in your native language makes you forget older words you already knew? Memory does not work like this. Dont be dumb

>> No.15288635

How can anyone possibly be this based?

>> No.15288682

It's not a matter of vocabulary, it's the whole structure of the language.

>> No.15288687


>> No.15288695
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Language boundaries are kind of artificial. When you read enough, you realize that it is just one big bunch of words that all have different meanings in different contexts. Take the Chomskypill

>> No.15288700


I'm trilingual and you're fucking retarded

>> No.15288721

>and realised humans aren't meant to be bilinguals
Brainlet cope

>> No.15288727

Nah, you're just a loser

>> No.15288731


>> No.15288756


t. Pathetic anglos who are too lazy to put the effort needed to learn a second language.

>> No.15288908
File: 109 KB, 1029x818, EWoerd9XkAA1HD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans/anglos detected. Have a travel in Europe, especially the more tourist-attracting countries. There almost everyone speaks english for the sake of work and maybe even french or german as well. Speaking from the pov of a greek university student, it's EXPECTED from greek teens to be fluent in english and perhaps another language by the time they finish high school, and their mother tongue doesn't suffer in any way appart from excessive use of english loan words in argo. You can learn fluently two or even more languages and it will not effect your mother language in any negative way, it's just that native english speakers are too lazy to do it and therefore think it must be impossible.

>> No.15288918

I speak Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian and Italian. It isn't that difficult, anon

>> No.15289942

It's literally impossible to be good at any one language without knowing several.

>> No.15289947

I speak three languages fluently, you're just a dipshit

>> No.15289951
File: 176 KB, 854x859, 1376995542168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most Anglo thread this site has ever seen.

>> No.15289953

I can't believe there is people out there that only speak one language. Most people in Europe speak a minimum of two. In places like Luxemburg, the majority speaks four.

>> No.15289974

There's a whole continent of it. Some burgers even microwave their water.

>> No.15289986

This. I'm french and lived in the US between age 10 - 15. I can't speak either language now. But then, there are people who are a lot more proficient at learning langues than I am. I barely understand poetry in French kek. People with vivid imagery are usually great at languages, while abstract types aren't.

>Most people in Europe
The actual european parts of Europe (aka Spain, Italy, France - not the protestant colonies of capital) don't.

>> No.15290009


>> No.15290011

Every ill of mankind came ultimately from *nglos

>> No.15290014

>This. I'm french and lived in the US between age 10 - 15. I can't speak either language now

My nigga that just means you're retarded lmao

>> No.15290026

>I'm french
I learned french in school since I was a kid and I just want to tell you
>ta gueule gros trisomique

>> No.15290051

In Europe you are meant to speak English at least perfectly and pick up either French, German or Spanish before you go to college.

I think, like most problems of this century, it's a >burger education problem

>> No.15290093


>> No.15290143

My skills in my native language have degraded a little bit but that's just because I rarely talk to anyone and all the media I consume is in English. As long as you keep using your native language you will be fine.

>> No.15290146

>tfw you can read english, arabic and japanese
don't act like learning european language similar to english is hard

>> No.15290239

This thread is embarrassing.

>> No.15290241

I am fluent in both English and Dutch, what other language is useful to learn?

>> No.15290294

Depends, but generally speaking (in your position):
Spanish > French > Italian > German > Russian
Chinese, Korean, Japanese would be better but they are impossible to fucking learn

>> No.15290411

Why would Italian and German be more useful than Russian?
And why would learning an Asian language be better? I despise China and Korea and I'm probably never going to Japan and Japanese isn't spoken by many people outside of Japan. As for literature it's also not worth learning any Asian languages besides maybe Japanese, but I would have to be an autist to learn that.

>> No.15290455

what a shite thread

>> No.15290503

>Why would Italian and German be more useful than Russian?
Italian wouldn't, but German may if you are interested in certain branches of philosophy.
You are fucking dyslexic, I clearly specified that I am taking difficulty into account. As an English/Dutch speaker one can learn French, Italian and Spanish in the time it takes him to learn Russian.
>As for literature it's also not worth learning any Asian languages besides maybe Japanese
Also, I probably made the incorrect assumption that you are actually interested in quality literature as opposed to just memeing Pynchon, Wallace, or other faggots that are big on /lit/.
Chinese literature is a vast treasure, as rich as pretty much any other language's, with possible exceptions for Russian, and English. Dream of the Red Chamber is among the best novel ever written, comparable to Don Quixote and Ovid's Metamorphoses. Even the six classics and various old tale collections aside, China has a great number of top-tier contemporary writers: Mo Yan, Xan Xua, Yan Lianke, Yu Hua, etc.
But hey, /pol/ said that chinks bad, so I suppose you are not even gonna bother reading them.

>> No.15290512

>Xan Xua
I meant Can Xue, arguably the most influential living writer and imo one of the three best ones (together with Coetzee and Krasznahorkai)

>> No.15290539

yeah education is the problem! eurofags pride themselves on their superior intellect but they really all just repeat each other and are ultimately hollow

>> No.15290560

>Language is a cultural evolution, not a genetic one.
Why would you post outright lies?
Humans are genetically wired to learn language. We have sections of our brain dedicated to the usage of language, such as the Wernicke's area and Broca's area. We know that they're specifically designed for language through the analysis of deaf people. When deaf people use their sign language, the Broca's area lights up in the same way that our area lights up when we speak.
On top of that, there's some case studies, such as Genie from California, which suggest humans will become mentally deformed beyond any repair if they aren't exposed to language before the ages of 9-12

>> No.15290572

Europeans are smarter than Amerimutts but Amerimutts have a bigger resilience

>> No.15290694

I'm new to /lit/ and I haven't really read anything outside of European literature, I just assumed that there is no good Chinese or Korean literature because I never see it mentioned. And can you not imagine someone disliking particular nations and cultures without being apparently indoctrinated by /pol/?
I also don't think that learning Russian is that hard, the hardest part is the grammar and many native Russians even have trouble with that. By prioritizing learning vocabulary and by learning grammar by talking with Russians and by reading Russian literature you can learn it quite fast. That is how most people learn English as a second language. Although I should have mentioned that I can also speak Polish quite well but I'm not yet fluent, but that might make learning a Slavic language like Russian easier.

>> No.15290739

I forgot to mention that becoming 100% fluent in Russian will of course be a lot harder, but I don't think that learning Russian (for me) is as hard as learning French, Italian, and Spanish together.

>> No.15290757

>I couldn't do it, therefore all of humanity shouldn't do it

>> No.15290822

Anglo memes really are retarded. Never heard this one.

>> No.15290834

>Tried to learn a language and learned that I'm retarded

>> No.15290848

This is true.

>> No.15290852

I see a lot of disagreements to this post but while he may not provide good reasons I fear the conclusion is true anyway.
Only it's less about languages and more about the futility of trying to be a polymath. It's extremely hard to even specialize in one thing, trying to reach the cutting edge in multiple fields is probably unrealistic. And if you think languages are somehow different from learning chemistry or music theory then good luck.

>> No.15290875

No its not you complete faggot. Im native Portuguese and learned English and German to C2 and didnt degradate my Portuguese

>> No.15290877

Jack of all trades, master of none
Though oftentimes better than a master of one

He's wrong because knowing multiple languages from the same family deepens your understanding of them. You only suffer in language skills if you NEGLECT THEM

>> No.15290887

t. esl cuck

>> No.15290888

>because I never see it mentioned
I mean, fine, but you deserve to be wrongfully insulted if you trust random faggots like /lit/ or every other non-expert community on matters like this.

>I can also speak Polish quite well
I speak Lithuanian natively, and it definitely made learning Russian a lot easier. But I speak substantially better French (can read complex literature, but can't speak for shit) and Spanish (can read easy to medium works, and communicate quite well) even though I have put more effort into Russian (can read children's books).

>> No.15290912

i get what you’re saying, anon. i have learned a couple of languages since i moved to America and learned English and my English is still fine but i came from Russia when i was in 3rd grade and now my Russian has suffered—i know half of what i should and find myself consulting a dictionary to read in the language my parents and i communicate in at home

>> No.15290917

I think learning two is fine. All the Roman aristocrats spoke in refined ancient Greek and wrote in highly polished Latin for us to enjoy.

>> No.15290970

I agree with you on the benefits on learning multiple languages, but I don't think you can really get around the fundamental issue of having your mental associations weaken with lack of use. You just replace them with new associations from your second language. It's still overall a net gain because you diversify your "synonyms" and sometimes differences between languages can reveal interesting connections. Two cases that spring to mind are the terms "abstraction" and "logic". Fucked concepts with ruined meanings that don't even exist in someone languages and translate to things like "simplifying" and "calculation", which clarify a lot of confusing ambiguities.

>> No.15291253

I'm just not really interested in Asian literature for now, there is still a lot of European literature that I want to read first.

>> No.15291334

Hey, I am with you, I advised against it to begin with.
It's just that there's a severe lack of translations for Chinese lit, and to a lesser extent Korean lit. It's annoying.

>> No.15292026

Dfw speaking 4 languages fluently

That's right, faceless