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File: 42 KB, 586x326, 2020-05-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15284229 No.15284229 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more influential stoic.

>> No.15284240

Stoicism is the ultimate cope for a decaying civilization.

>> No.15284245

literal who tweet caps should be a bannable offense

>> No.15284247
File: 138 KB, 768x929, 1552295960873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.15284270

You're following a privated e-whore account?

>> No.15284437

You aren't?

>> No.15284834

No, actual stoicism is the exact opposite. Read some actual primary sources, or just keep forming your opinions on an entire philosophy based off some modern e-prostitute and Jordan Peterson or any of the other self help cucks who haven't read/understood anything related to Seneca for example.

Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium is a good introductory text, surprisingly enjoyable read

>> No.15284954

holy shit is that moot?

>> No.15285147

No that's a picture of Mark Shekelberg, founder of reddit.

>> No.15285165

Stoicism is a cope for those unable to enjoy nice things in moderation

>> No.15285884

>just keep forming your opinions on an entire philosophy based off some modern e-prostitute
Don't mind if I do.

>> No.15287234


>> No.15287250

These posts make me feel very sad and very old.

>> No.15287266

Why? Is it the guy who made Sneed?

>> No.15287269

>google her
>has a dick

>> No.15287277


>> No.15287283

Twitter should be eradicated from existance. The internet in general was a mistake, should've just been regulated to libraries and scientific facilities.

>> No.15287290

Stoicism is just Taoism without animal analogies

>> No.15287302

Taoism is just Stoicism with animal analogies

>> No.15287315

Taoism is just Stoicism for flatheaded chinks

>> No.15287317

>read actual primary sources
yeah, from the decline of r*me? sorry, but stoicism is a decadent ideology for life-denying ascetics.

>> No.15287332

t. Confucius

>> No.15287709

t. Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15288329
File: 31 KB, 624x624, 1572844350913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does anime encourage stoicism?

>> No.15288351

it encourages you to be a loser who will never procreate, socialize or interact with polite society

>> No.15288395

read more, unironically, stoicism doesn't deny any of life

>> No.15288627

don't they portray the opposite though?

>> No.15288699

Ask Jessica

>> No.15288708


>> No.15288713

He was the guy who was formerly Chuck's.

Also >>>/lit/rbooks

>> No.15288725

Isn't he the one who got cucked by his kike gf?