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File: 130 KB, 1200x501, Michel-2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279938 No.15279938 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15280303


>> No.15281176

Yeah I watched this like a week ago. I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.15281249

i think it's about what people mean when they say is that person
your body don't represent your mental state.

>> No.15281256

Michael Hollykek

>> No.15281273

I'm not sure what to think of your post either. Rephrase that?

>> No.15281440

He was never ok in the strict sense.

>> No.15281455

He looks like a half smoked cigarette, he never was ok

>> No.15281486

Houellebecq's body actually seems to perfectly represent his mental state

>> No.15282048

What a stupid video. I thought it was going to be more interesting than him just getting a fucking X-ray. What's next? Am I going to watch him piss?

>> No.15282108

I don't get the point of this video. He gets MRI to look at picture or something and I'm supposed to give a shit ..why? Jesus we need to genocide the french asap

>> No.15282129

I love Houellebecq but what the fuck was the point of this video?

>> No.15282134

Reminder to watch this for a few laughs

>> No.15282452

>Jesus we need to genocide the french asap
Pretty sure that sexy German girl is responsible for this video.

>> No.15282702

She's not German though.

>> No.15282747
File: 21 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15282758


>> No.15282773

All of western yurop should be glassed at this point.

>> No.15282798

Oh my god you are such a fucking annoying cunt

>> No.15282831

but she is sexy

>> No.15282996

is he mainstream in France?

>> No.15284171

He's cult. But not really mainstream.
He goes on TV, he's a superstar.
Still, I would not say he is mainstream like popular trash writers.
He actually invented something. And it's rare.

>> No.15284208

>He actually invented something
Being an old bitter incel?

>> No.15284227

No, you retard, he exposed our current society more than accurate in his novels. The whole incel thematic that many claim in his books are just an entertainment for the reader.

>> No.15284458


>> No.15284475

Together with USA , CANADA, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. When the so called western menace is gone the people of the earth can finally live in Peace.

>> No.15284495

He's literally not an incel.

>> No.15284766

what do french think of him?>

>> No.15284824

Could this be the next Entr'acte?