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File: 67 KB, 900x750, ted-kaczynski-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279896 No.15279896 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone read this manifesto and not understand what's going on and that the left has been psyop'd into Oblivion? How do we continue fighting the industrial society?
Green Capitalism vs. Green Socialism? What will be the economic system of the future?
When will the left take the Ted Pill?
How do we solve the oversocialized leftist problem?

>> No.15279907

I think that capitalism works better for the future because small-scale pastoral communities cannot enforce socialism. large-scale societies are a blight.

>> No.15279915

I was kind of ted pilled but then read Adorno
>tfw even mythology lead inevitably to industrial domination

>> No.15279941

The problem with capitalism is that we get the domination of Oligarchs. The mind control the left is under is due to Oligarchs.
Adorno was a totalitarian.

>> No.15279961

so how do we implement socialism in small-scale, de-industrialized societies?

>> No.15279971

did anyone watch the NFLX doc on him? he comes across as a total incel

>> No.15279985

We need green capitalism.
He was. Remember, he had a 167 IQ. the iq communications gap would dictate that he wouldn't be able to get along with most people.

>> No.15279995

it's really surprising how the systems documentary on this anti-system thinker makes him look bad according to the systems standards

>> No.15280005

i was joking around.
the doc wasn’t very interesting or critical, it just had audio interview with him and some good footage

>> No.15280022

Ted was right about everything.
Somehow, the boomers we're brainwashed to impose a kind of mental slavery on themselves. The university exists to produce a kind of Mandarin class to enforce the taboo structure of the Oligarchs.

>> No.15280045

Was that audio even him?
Why did they never release the full interview?

>> No.15280053

at what point does this gap affect your ability to interact with average people? my official IQ is only 140 and even I experience the gap

>> No.15280059

The left will not take the ted pill. Nobody who isn't apolitcal will accept the collapse of industrial society and it's technology because leftists and /pol/tards alike think they're doing a great job for the world by 24/7 online shitposting, and shitposting is all they've got. I don't think people will ever become conscious of the effects of the industrial revolution because it isn't taught in mainstream academia. For example psychology, a discipline which has much to gain from understanding the effect mechanisms of the industrial revolution, refuses to engage with Ted's ideas. Ask any psychologist, therapist about why depression rates keep increasing, and very few of them will be able to come up with an answer. Psychologists would much rather label Ted "problematic" for killing people than engage with his ideas (I study psychology, they're a load of fags). The economic system of the future is neither of those. The economic system of the future forgets the entire discipline of economics ever existed.

>> No.15280063

Please explain the to a confirmed retard. What is it like?

>> No.15280072

yes, i believe it was him
the audio was from an interview he granted to the editor of EarthFirst!, a radical environmental journal, whom he thought would be the most sympathetic to him / liked her writings. this was in the 90s i think.
>why not release it all?
there’s probably about 15 minutes of continuous audio total in the doc, cut down from idk how much.
the editor has it in a bunch of tapes in her house
my guess is that they’re sitting on it and haven’t been pushed into
>release the full audio on archive.org
and also probably dont want the publicity of “relasing the unabomber tapes”

>> No.15280077

Psychology is pseudo scientific anyways. The reason modern technological life is ignored is because we don't understand the mind anyway

>> No.15280086

it's like being the only sober person at a party, except the party lasts forever. shit that is intuitively obvious to me is just beyond a lot of people. whenever a normal-low IQ person tries to engage with more substantive ideas they just sound like children to me

>> No.15280087

The clips are totally worthless. It is mostly just one sentence answers without context. Could just as well be fake. Why haven't we heard more of him. It seems that Ted isn't that serious about spreading his ideas

>> No.15280096

Can you make an example?
Most people sound retarded to even a retard like me.

>> No.15280118

>it's like being the only sober person at a party
Great way of putting it.

>> No.15280121

> A new edifice will arise in place of Your temple, the terrible Tower of Babel will arise anew, and although this, like the other one, will remain uncompleted, nevertheless You could have avoided the erection of that new tower and cut short men’s suffering by a thousand years, for it is to us that they will turn after they have suffered with their tower for a thousand years!

We will suffer with industrial society for a while, but it's ok. Think of it as a 5 year old burning their hand on the stove, except it's all of humanity and the process of drawing to the stove, the burn, and recoiling, takes a few centuries. Let it burn.

>> No.15280128

it would be quite impudent to interview david kaczynski extensively and then in the same beat fake audio recordings with ted. i see no reason why the transcripts or the recordings themselves would be faked. you can even see the woman’s reflection in the pictures of ted behind the plexiglass.
but yes, they are mostly useless in their content

>> No.15280132

sure, I once overheard a bunch of normies discussing 'philosophy' when I was in high school. all it amounted to was them saying how weird it was that they couldn't know for sure that anything was real, and even that basic concept was too much for some of them. their idea of a 'deep' discussion was something that I would've thought about when I was half their age. trying to talk about my ideas with normies is like trying to explain advanced calculus to a first grader. they just don't have the capacity to penetrate the concepts I'm brining forward

>> No.15280140

Read kaczynski you politiczed anglo buffoon

kill your fucking self, if you read TK to own anglo """leftists"""" just quit reading and stop associating with the anti-tech movement

>> No.15280159

O think it's like you can't effectively communicate with people 2sd below you

>> No.15280177

Maybe it is just autism spectrum disorder

>> No.15280179

It's literally like communicating with a child. Feels like you have to explain the simplest detail and handhold people for them to "get it".

>> No.15280184

when will michael shannon step up and finally do the inevitable biopic?

>> No.15280191

Where can I find anti-tech forums.

>> No.15280198

He homosexually raped dogs because no human woman would love him.

>> No.15280201

I don't understand, how exactly?

>> No.15280210

Yeah, he just copied most of his ideas from others. A poor, fucked up little mutant, rewriting others' ideas and seething because he knew that eventually he would have to get a job...

>> No.15280211


He was quite handome desu

>> No.15280218

What are your thoughts on reality?

>> No.15280220

In your local cave.

>> No.15280225

Why do you only single out the left? Conservatives were BTFO by Ted too.

>> No.15280228
File: 361 KB, 960x2285, 1584935949474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be big boy "prodigy"
>get trash talked for someone's school project
>flip the fuck out
>become a tinfoil hat and live in a shack making bombs
>write a Manifesto based on rhetoric only
>retards looking for an explanation as to why Stacy won't fuck them or why they have an F- for their mathematics test blame it on the things he named
It's fucking cringey, man. Never seen one person get memed so hard after Stirner.
It's almost as if simple premises are the only thing you retarded fucks are attracted to.
>self good
>god bad
>technology bad
>god good
There's no fucking nuance.
Read a serious book for once (1!) in your life. Let off that BAP trash, Mike Ma is a blond faggot who wrote a shit post for a few pages, don't revere him.


>> No.15280232

based, I feel the same way sometimes
however I constantly feel like people are just pretending to be retarded, or rather they are just downplaying their own intelligence in order to make their lives easier for them
this often causes me to misinterpret people

>> No.15280276

Because you're ideas tend to be built on an underlying structure of contingencies and axioms that must be r cognized in order to understand. The iq Gap makes it so these axioms and contingencies are less obvious.

>> No.15280285

I don't buy it.

>> No.15280294

Cause most conservatives are dumb. Leftist think they're intelligent. Only the far left and far right are actually intelligent

>> No.15280295

These conseratives Ted talks about are just centrist leftists bottom bitch

>> No.15280304

english please

>> No.15280329

The iq communication gap is just as apparent in the opposite direction. To everybody else you just sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.15280335

oh, for sure. I've been told such things to my face

>> No.15280337

You need to have a deeper understanding of how things work in order to understand how complex things work

>> No.15280346

deeper in your ass lol

>> No.15280371

You need to have a deeper understanding of how things work in order to understand how complex things work

>> No.15280380


>> No.15280382

Great post

>> No.15280384

deeper in your complex anal cavity lol

>> No.15280519

brilliant commentary

>> No.15280587

descendant of a brilliant intellect

>> No.15280610

>The reason modern technological life is ignored is because we don't understand the mind anyway
Thank God we don't. When we finally understand it THEN we're gonna get really fucked as a society. When this happen "they" will have achieved absolute control.
Not him btw.

>> No.15280696

My point is just that not everyone is so severely autistic that he throws a hissifit when hearing some motorcrossbikers going by

>> No.15280743

> nuance good
> certainty bad

>> No.15281041

Have you ever lived nearby "Soundsystem parties"? Shit is massive, shake your windows, make your doors tremble. Most people are o.k. with it I bet, but I'M NOT.
My dream in the long run is moving out to the country and living peacefully with little. The thing is: How long will it last?
I'm pretty sure even there the shit is gonna follow me. The city never ceases getting bigger and bigger, big gray mass made of fumes. It will eventually devour everything. And what for?
Progress? Money? Science? Buzzwords made to sell you goods. Heralds of a blind force. They don't even know why they keep going, they only know that they MUST!
Then you say we should just retire to the forests, "ailed shoud move to the wilderness". But Earth is finite and we can only go so far. How long will we still have some strip of native land? And why should we let them make us like animals in a zoo? Why should we depend on the mercy of the merciless?

>> No.15281124

How dense is this supposed genius?? Props to the anon who kept leading him on kek

>> No.15281129
File: 35 KB, 263x395, 5019DF4C-DB42-4F91-A055-E4B490BE8FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered this after I figured out that it was different from Ellul’s The Technological Society, apparently written 20 years later. Why have I never heard this book mentioned? It looks like this edition is less than two years old though

>> No.15281218
File: 31 KB, 300x290, 5606BBDD-97E6-4DE7-918A-C557E6123501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long will it last?
It won’t.

“[Technique] destroys, eliminates, or subordinates the natural world, and does not allow this world to restore itself or even to enter into a symbiotic relation with it. The two worlds obey different imperatives, different directives, and different laws which have nothing in common. Just as hydroelectric installations take waterfalls and lead them into conduits, so the technical milieu absorbs the natural. We are rapidly approaching the time when there will be no longer any natural environment at all. When we succeed in producing artificial aurorae boreales, night will disappear and perpetual day will reign over the planet.”

>> No.15281846


>> No.15281899

I believe there could be a future in hybrid pastoral capitalist system where political power is distributed into a pastoral area, as a check on economic power being focused in population centers. Furthermore, the pastoral areas would be home to the military training centers and the agricultural hub to render a forcible boycott from an urban leader more harmful to the urban population than the pastoral one.