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/lit/ - Literature

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15279824 No.15279824 [Reply] [Original]

What book do you have that would get you "cancelled"?

>> No.15279838

Nothing, because I keep all the "dangerous" stuff like Mein Kampf on pdfs in a secret folder.

>> No.15279865

>secret folder
You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.15279877

It was clearly a joke, retard.

>> No.15279889

>I was just pretending to be retarded, it was a joke!

>> No.15280033

>one person disagrees with you
>completely flip opinion on anonymous forum to avoid bullying from anonymous retard

>> No.15280048

people here don't read books silly

>> No.15280058

>flipping opinion
What did I flip opinion on? I just said that "secret folder" was a joke and was obviously meant tongue-in-cheek. Why the fuck is /lit/ infested with you kids who lack any semblance of reading comprehension these days?

>> No.15280070

two books stand out to me that would be desecrated in our cancel culture: ezra pound's the cantos and heidegger's being and time. why? both written by purported fascists/nazis, despite the fact that both books are masterpieces in their respective genres or fields

>> No.15280138


>> No.15280147

Why would that get him canceled? Zizek is high-status among twitter bluechecks.

>> No.15280149

Sadly, I don't own any that would get me cancelled. The book I own that would be the most controversial if more people read it is Human Scale by Kirkpatrick Sale, but that's only owing to his view on multiculturalism which constitutes a very small part of the book.

>> No.15280166


>> No.15280178

Bible bad.
Thought crime?
Sending over death squads.

>> No.15280195

Why Men Hate Women

>> No.15280253

But he's defacing a Bible with a high-status Good Think Thought Influencer Mind Leader's signature.

>> No.15280311

Mein Kampf which I keep upstairs in a box so mother doesn’t find it (she’s Jewish)

>> No.15280326

Essential Speeches of Hitler
Complete Works of Stalin
Selected Works of Mao
James Mason's Siege
Complete Works of George Lincoln Rockwell
Protocols of the Learned Men of Zion
Culture of Critique

btw isn't m.crumps the guy who was branded leftist incel by Zizek? is he really an incel, he has good facial characteristics?

>> No.15280368

Mein Kampf
Industrial Society and Its Future
Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.15280409

I think just having a 90% white male shelf would get me cancelled
But Hamsun, Celine, Pound definitely. Mishima might raise a few eyebrows.
Bukowski, Burroughs, Kerouac, Mailer, Hemingway, Lawrence and Henry Miller for muh soggy knee

>> No.15280490

more like cock-in-cheek, faggot

>> No.15280495

>he doesn't have a secret folder

>> No.15280498

Will I get put on a watch list for ordering industrial society and its future off amazon/ebay?

>> No.15280502

The New Epicurean & Adventures of a Schoolboy.

>> No.15280516

What’s “wrong” with Hamsun?

>> No.15280522
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You're already on one.

>> No.15280524
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Shoplifted this from an anarchist bookstore after they kicked out my friend's band.

>> No.15280527

>ted kaczynski's collected writings (the one with isaif, the truth about primitive life, his letters etc)
>anittech revolution: why and how
dont even like him
>the white nationalist manifesto by some retard blogger
my dad bought it and i ended up holding onto it

the real worry is my pdfs

>> No.15280532

Although it's not really shoplifting because they saw me just pick it up and walk out and didn't do anything. Gotta respect the commitment to their values.

>> No.15280539

Slaughter of the Cities by E. Michael Jones

>> No.15280538

He was quite the fascist/Nazi sympathiser, but it isn't talked about a lot. In fact sympathiser might be too mild a word. A bit like Dali and Franco, except even fewer excuses for it.

>> No.15280546


>> No.15280547

Little too fond of Hitler
But then so am I

>> No.15280549

almost forgot the camp of the saints and a couple of books abt islam

>> No.15280556 [DELETED] 

None of them really. Herodotus is somewhat misogynistic. My Judaism books would probably get me cancelled on here though, which is too bad because rabbinic scholarship can scratch the same itch for abstraction that Plato does for a lot of anons on here.

>> No.15280568

None of them really. Herodotus is somewhat misogynistic. My Judaism books would probably get me cancelled on here though, which is too bad because rabbinic scholarship can scratch the same itch for abstraction that Plato does for a lot of anons on here.

>> No.15280581

what about ur pdfs

>> No.15280611

How do I get started with Hamsun?
t. dane

>> No.15280618

Move to Norway.

>> No.15280625

Zarathustra/Genealogy of Morals

I don't have radical political books

>> No.15280634

Growth of the Soil
Are all enjoyable and fairly easy reads. Hunger is probably the best introduction.

>> No.15280635

*you're jewish

>> No.15280651

It helps if you can find the humor in autism

>> No.15280660

Thanks, might try to get some physical copies in danish/norwegian if I can.

>> No.15280686

Why do Reddit/twitter types espouse normie, anti authoritarian writers like Orwell and Bradbury with “not a manual!” But then talk about cancelling people for owning certain books?

>> No.15280688

I was at a thrift store last summer and found a coy of Conrad's N*gger of the Narcissus for 1 dollar, but the store clerk was black. I was waiting in line hoping I wouldn't have to explain myself and how the book isn't actually racist, but she didn't even look at the book; she just canned the barcode and I quickly put the book in my hands as I payed.

>> No.15280689

I doubt those two groups overlap very much

>> No.15280690

Because they’re mongs and trannies

>> No.15280704

The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a racist[1][2][3] 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by Catholic author and explorer Jean Raspail. A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the West. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011.[4]

On its publication, the book received praise from some prominent conservative French literary figures[5][6] but has been dismissed by both French- and English-language commentators.[2] The novel has been widely denounced for its xenophobic, nativist, nationalist, monoculturalist, and anti-immigrant themes as well as its racist tone,[1][2][3][7] and has been described as being popular within far-right white nationalist circles.[3][8][9]

lol wikipedia

>> No.15280705

My diary desu, i wrote something short essays in it about applying biological principles to human society and I realised halfway through that I had justified ethnonationalism, without any need for measures of racial superiority as well so it’s not refutable the way people usually try. Plus I demonstrated adequately that gender dysphoria is definitively a mental illness if you are non-dualist like most people these days

>> No.15280728

I want to read your work

>> No.15280742

He liked Hitler

>> No.15280744

I wish evpsych pseuds would kill themselves.

>> No.15280749

Mein Kampf
The first edition of Political Economy Пoлитичecкaя Экoнoмия published in 1954, the one hailed as exemplifying Stalinist economics
Экoнoмичecкиe Пpoблeмы Coциaлизмa в CCCP Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR
Various collections of Maoist pamphlets and booklets, including one called Lenin's Fight Against Revisionism (or something similar)
China After Mao by Charles Bettelheim (I think that's what it's called)
And lots of other good stuff.

>> No.15280757

>a speculative fictional account

>> No.15280764
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For me, it's this one.

>> No.15280767

Journey to The End of the Night
All of my Mishima
Story of the Eye
Fanged Noumena
All of my Nietzsche

>> No.15280778

post it, you prude. i want to read it

>> No.15280800

That's a nice cover. I like some NSBM like Fanisk and Waffen SS, so is it worth it?

>> No.15280897
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ig thatd be the worst of it

>> No.15280907

No he isn't, they consider him to be a cryptofash because he makes fun of baizuo.

>> No.15280963
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Maybe 120 Days of Sodom too depending on the wokeness of my cancellers

>> No.15280973

an english-chinese dictionary sorted by topic with certain sections that appear to be very well used

>> No.15281043
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It's pretty neat. Lots of info.

Here's a page on Fanisk.

>> No.15281107

Very interesting, thanks.

>> No.15281247

Not a book but I have saved copies of the Christchurch and El Paso Shooters' manifestos on a spare laptop I never use. Figured it might be good to hang onto those in case they disappear.

>> No.15281271

>Haha white rich people keep fetishizing non-whites instead of legitimately caring about the struggles of the global poor
>"Y-y-you white s-s-supremacist!"
I don't even like Zizek and the level of double-think required to call him a cryptofascist is ridiculous.

>> No.15281281

It's pretty extensively read by "intellectuals" across the country. I can't imagine a scenario where they care. It's more likely that you're on a watchlist for posting in this thread desu.

>> No.15281408
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Evolutionary psychology is the only good kind of psychology because it’s behavioural biology instead of actual psychology. Evpsych only kind with any actual basis in reality instead of people’s feelings. You hate evpsych because you can’t actually debate it, and it upsets you sensibilities rules by passions rather than by rationality.
I’m not typing out the entire thing but the ethnonationalism essentially came from using kin altruism to explain the biological source for nepotism (the drive to help those with genes more similar to your own), then I looked at it in the other direction: the drive to hinder those with lower genetic similarity to you. This would completely explain where racism comes from and that if we act according to our biology we should favour those more genetically similar to ourselves, and when structuring a happy society (seeing most humans as actors without intellectual engagement) one would attempt to make it more ethnically homogenous to aid social cohesion. Though it is more complex than that.
The refutation of transsexualism in non-dualism comes from the fact that the mind would be derived from the body (specifically the nervous system) which is itself derived from the most fundamental part of our biology: genetic code. Our genetic code determining sex cannot be changed and so if the mind conflicts with it by claiming to be a different sex/gender, then it is the mind that is aberrant, not the genetic code which is more basal.

>> No.15281427

It's impossible to debate because it's a bunch of post-hoc just so stories, brainlet

>> No.15281527

What did you think of the Lighting and the Sun? Sounds bizarre but I'm very interested.

>> No.15281646

>its impossible to debate because it’s (buzzword) (buzzword), brainlet
Literally no effort to address it in any rational way, claiming post-hoc with no further information is extreme pseud behaviour

>> No.15281662

kek k retard go ahead and ignore any meaningful critique of your flimsy work I'm sure that will serve you very well

>> No.15281667

You're the one looking like an idiot here.

t. not that guy

>> No.15281675

You didn’t critique it you massive faggot, you just used buzzwords like a leftist pseud

>> No.15281677

Im sorry, super secret folder!

>> No.15281680

post-hoc and just-so both have meaning, just because you don't understand something doesn't make it a "buzzword"

>> No.15281703

What does that even mean?
I'm getting too old for this zoomer shit.

>> No.15281736

They don't really call for a good response. It's lazy and dismissive. Don't be surprised when you get that response and other people think you look dumb.

>> No.15281754

All words have meaning, you still need to elaborate on how they relate specifically to what you're critiquing rather than just leave them there pretending to be insightful, in that situation you are just using them as buzzwords

>> No.15281774

Not much, desu. I think if people actually knew how fucked up some of the books on my shelf were they might be concerned. Dennis Cooper's The Sluts is utterly depraved, and Guyotat is, well, Guyotat.

I also have all volumes of the Accursed Share, and if you've read them you know that Bataille spends a considerable amount of time being apologetic about/justifying the excess brutality of Stalinism.

Also Baudrillard's Impossible Exchange, where there was one line where he says something like "Rape is not forcing your pleasure on a woman, rape is forcing a woman to have pleasure".

>> No.15281776

Very nice take, but do you still adhere to the fact Aryans are genetically superior?

>> No.15281802

So any word that means something needs to be explained in detail or else it's a buzzword?
I wouldn't have to elaborate on these words if you were literate at all.

>> No.15281804

You talk like a fag.

>> No.15281827

I don't really know enough to have an opinion on whether any one race is truly superior, I'd say that europeans have accomplished more than certain other sections of the world but that wouldn't necessitate genetic superiority. Other regions of the world have accomplished as much as western europe. Technically speaking the 'superior' race is the most successful, but part of my point was that regardless of who is better the drive is to care for your own.
tl,dr: i don't know but superiority isn't what matters in this argument for ethnonationalism

>> No.15281828

You talk like a retarded fag.

>> No.15281838

I take that back, you're not nearly creative enough to be a fag. Just a good old fashioned moron.

>> No.15281858

At least I'm not on /lit/ asking people to explain what post-hoc means

>> No.15281886

>So any word that means something needs to be explained in detail or else it's a buzzword?
Not all words, but words with significant meaning in a discussion or critique of an idea must be made truly relevant if you actually want to engage with what you are critiquing. If Harold Bloom just described Harry Potter as "lacking in imagination" without any further elaboration, then it would be a worthless and lazy criticism

>> No.15281890

quote me where I asked you to explain that.

>> No.15281897

I understand superiority isn't the basis of your argument, but I wanted to know your opinion on racial superiority itself.
How can you say that other regions of the world have accomplished as much as Western Europe? Europe has been the focal point of so much of history; Athens, Rome, the Renaissance, etc. While other countries may have accomplished some things, they're dwarfed in comparison to Christian, Proto-Indo-Europe (I specify Christian to not include Iran and India, as they've let their countries fall into ruin).

>> No.15281902

maybe hogg?

>> No.15281911

OK so you know what post-hoc means but you have no idea how that relates to your construction of explanations for behavior borrowing terminology from darwinism without any support, after the fact.
The connection between your diaryposting and the term post-hoc just isn't obvious to you. Lmao

>> No.15281924

Nobody is asking you to explain what it means you absolute spastic, you are being asked to explain the way in which the post you are critiquing is post-hoc, you are being asked to intellectually engage rather than simply dismiss briefly like a child

>> No.15281973

I agree with it so nothing bizarre about it for me. I recommend you check it out, but especially if you're already a fascist type.

>> No.15281997
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>> No.15282006

actual autist

>> No.15282014

I'd say that Asia has achieved much close to what europe has. Yeah, I think I'd agree that European achievement demonstrates superiority, but I don't know that one could easily relate it directly to genetics as other factors such as an environment have strong influence on culture. Relatively high scores of intelligence could show that though

>> No.15282021

what if there's a tranny gene?

>> No.15282039

It's so obvious that you probably should have just responded to the criticism instead of pretending to be a dullard who couldn't see how it related.

>> No.15282058

>It's impossible to debate because it's a bunch of post-hoc just so stories,
Every single person who says this, without fail, doesn't understand how evolutionary theory works, or they would realize their ""critique'''' invalidates the entire field of evolutionary biology.

>> No.15282071

Using Darwinian theory to explain the behaviour of humans (an organism subject to darwinian processes) is not after the fact justification, it's the application of an established principle to the specific context of a society made up of people affected by that principle.

>> No.15282094


>> No.15282107

not an argument
Use of an established genetic principle to discuss a phenom far more complicated than and quite removed from Darwinian genetics, with the added effect of pandering in evocative scientific terminology so the pleb is more easily convinced by it. Post-hoc just-so stories.

>> No.15282125

>(an organism subject to darwinian processes)
You'd be surprised how many people absolutely refuse to really accept this. Maybe they'll say they do in the abstract but they'll maintain that it's impossible to say anything concrete about it because it's so complex or whatever, which is the same as returning to the blank slate and refusing to admit we evolved.

>> No.15282140

Yes it is an argument. Trying to answer why a mammal has fur is just as much of a 'post-hoc just-so story'. If you can't understand that you dont understand what you're talking about.

>> No.15282146

Youd get put on the retard list for buying something that you can get for free

>> No.15282153

BAPbook or Mike Ma's book.

>> No.15282170

It could mean several things though, is he claiming that evolution is post-hoc, or that my specific application of it to human society is post-hoc?
if the former, microevolution has been proven to exist, and macroevolution has strong evidence in the fossil record and in the degrees of speciation between different groups available to see in that there are animals that can reproduce to produce fertile offspring (subspecies), animals that can reproduce to produce infertile offspring, and animals that cannot produce any offspring; thus indicating a gradual process (macroevolution is irrelevant to this discussion as racial competition is microevolutionary).
If the latter, and he accepts evolution but does not like my use of the theory, then it does not seem post-hoc to me to apply darwinian theory to an organism subject to darwinian processes (which would include all organisms).
You're right though, I should've addressed this as soon as he got upset about engaging directly.

>> No.15282172
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>All my books by Evola
>Most of my books by Guenon
>Some Nazi and Jihadist guides i got from a /k/ torrent once
>Decline of the West by Spengler
>Against Democracy and Liberalism by Alain de Benoist
>Archaeofuturism by Guillaume Faye

I also got a ton of Marxist and anarchist literature but i dont think that's gonna get me cancelled.

>> No.15282207

>I'd say that Asia has achieved much close to what Europe has
Asia is a strong culture, specifically Japan. I'm not well versed in the nuances of Asian peoples and so I can't argue regarding them very well specifically, but look at others like the blacks and Jews. The only black "empire" that was ever built was the Zulu, of which bows and spears were still in use while Europe and Asia had already built guns and cannons. It lasted for 80~ years, compared to, say, Rome of 500 years. The Jews on the other hand are just the same, only more parasitic. Still to this day rely almost entirely on foreign support from the West, i.e America and Britain.
>I don't know that one could easily relate it directly to genetics as other factors such as an environment have strong influence on culture
Would you not say that blacks in America, who are completely institutionally equal still do so much worse than whites? Just look at the Irish or the Italians, who assimilated very quickly into America despite coming here dirt poor and still being oppressed (specifically the Irish, as America was largely Anglo Saxon). Even so, though, we can control for things like socioeconomic factors and blacks still have noticeably lower scores on both IQ tests and SATs.

>> No.15282208

The phenomenon of human society and behaviour is definitively related to our genetics because our genetics are the most fundamental part of who we are as organisms and so decidedly have very strong bearing on phenomena such as racism (though one could explore our material further still to the depths of function in the universe, this would apply to all life)

>> No.15282209

>anarchist literature
I've always thought these guys had the most potential to be truly edgy if they went all the way. I know nothing really about the theory though, and the only one im aware of that said edgy stuff is Bakunin on the Jews.

Like has there ever been some utterly transgressive criminal cult leader who penned an anarchist text

>> No.15282216

>you can get for free
I don't understand what you mean, like downloading a pdf? If so, I don't read online or on Kindles, I fucking hate it and I've never finished a book reading it like that.

>> No.15282232

I would agree that whites on average demonstrate greater achievement under similar situations and are therefore superior today yes. However your comparison to Irish and Italians is not fair because those groups did not undergo chattel slavery in america, a factor which crippled economic momentum once they were freed. I do agree with you though

>> No.15282233

How is that any better than (insert your favorite theory)?

>> No.15282250

tabula rasa has had such an awful impact on discussion of human action, it's embarassing that people still refuse to admit that some people are just more capable than others from birth

>> No.15282265

Anarchism, more than any other ideology, has been thoroughly corrupted by shitty identity politics given way entirely to Nietzschean ressentiment. What this leads to is language policing, attempts to be "inclusive",which really means to have constant auto-flagellation parties and everyone walking on egg shells not daring to offend anyone. It has lost all its teeth.

>> No.15282311

I suspect that a truly sophisticated understanding of human nature and behavior will never really exist, for the simple reason that every single human benefits from lying to others and themselves about their motives, meaning that any institution or even individual thinker is extremely unlikely to manage to be honest and informed enough to pick through all the delusions and lies.

You can make some fairly good guesses about things, but even then it's hard to say how much of your own bias and unwillingness to look at things as they really are are involved. While I'm not a Freudian in any sense I find his ideas like the Oedipus complex instructive, that sort of impulse, that is to say unacceptable socially, even unacceptable to one's own psyche, undoubtedly does exist, many of them even, in conflict with each other and with more obvious impulses.

>> No.15282319

It's not about people being more capable than others but about members of different groups being more capable than other groups, and the fear that awareness of this will spur another Holocaust or bring back slavery.

>> No.15282360

Sure, I dont just mean racism and so on though. Obviously I wouldnt expect them to moralize about that stuff, but just really out there abandonments of all conventional authority, legal, moral, cultural, etc.

I think the Surrealists sort of pretended to do that but they were obviously larping, given their reactions to Fascism and Communism

>> No.15282419

I'm moving into a college dorm room soon. Do you think I can sneak Guenon and Evola in there?

>> No.15282440

That's how egalitarian communities ARE, evidence from the study of hunter-gatherer societies support this. Anarchism and Communism are in a way deeply reactionary, Anarchists want to return to the hunter-gatherer society and Communists basically just want feudalism back, given the realities of how state socialism functions without money, private property, exchange, etc. it's not coincidental that the countries where the Communist Party is strongest are the ones that had apostolic (Catholic/Orthodox) Churches.

>> No.15282442

I have a hardcover Roosh V book that he doesnt even sell anymore as a sort of token of these batshit times. A David Irving book on Rommel which desu I dont think is even revisionist or controversial but his name alone is toxic. And of course on the Kindle we have CUlture of Critique

>> No.15282462
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Almost every book on my shelf.

I also have ~50 fash books being shipped to me. Sold my TV and getting ready to move to the woods

>> No.15282493
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>> No.15282499
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>> No.15282514
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>> No.15282519

>Celine's Pamphlets
>Unabomber manifesto
>Mein Kampf
> stuf like >>15280409 says, although Mailer is hardly controversial and in fact sickens me, and while Kerouac and Burroughs were based, roasties love them, but still hate Hemingway. I own Bukowski too, but should honestly burn it. TS Eliot would also fit this category. My Bookcase is 99 percent white male, but I have Pride and Prejudice, Memoirs From Hadrian, Wuthering Heights, Middlemarch, and a few books by white women. I own Beloved, which I read for school, but that should also be burnt along with Bukowski, and Invisble Man but I haven't read it yet.
>Kafka's diaries where he spergs out on Jews
>Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Musil, etc. Musil and Wittgenstein aren't controversial, but complexity will get you labeled an incel and thus cancelled, so fuck it.
>Joyce, Don Quixote, Tolstoy, Dostoevky and Proust: same as above. Some girl in an english class of mine wrote how Dostoevsky was bad because he doesn't deal with black police brutality in Crime and Punishment, and Raskolnikov was a white supremacist or something retarded.
>The Civil War by Shelby Foote
>A Study of History by Toynbee
>Robert E. Lee biography
>Churchhill's memoirs on second world War
>Marcus Auerilus, who my dad got offended by when I tried to tell him about it three years ago because 'The Romans are racist."
>Marx, Ayn Rand, Adam Smith, Hayek
>Jared Taylor's 2 books
Thankfully, I don't have any of that Kevin MacDonald garbage. I don't need to read 1000+ pages on something completely obvious written by an irrelevant Christian academic, and I don't think these ideas are completely forbidden to normies. I've had a few nice conversations, women too surprisingly, with some of the non-brainwashed ones about Kerouac and Salinger. People generally don't think like that, and very few
are for banning books or cancelling people, just vindictive roasties, and moralistic fags.

>> No.15282525
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>> No.15282633

Vast majority of that normie shit is not in any way controversial, unlike MacDonald who you proudly and breathlessly rush to inform us you have never even thought about reading. You are the stereotype.

>> No.15282642

yeah, because it's too long. I wouldn't even probably disagree with him, and you'd be surprised what some normies get offended by.

>> No.15282645

Super based, brother. Good luck on your journey.

>> No.15282656

>an irrelevant Christian academic
Virulent athiest. Try again, my banker friend.

>> No.15282686

>Virulent athiest. Try again, my banker friend.
I own Celine's pamphlets and Mein Kampf, and said I would probably agree with his analysis, but don't want to actually read the book because it's too long and probably not that interesting/tame for the most part.

>> No.15282828
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What does "cancelled" mean?

>> No.15283203

>Don Quixote
>Ayn Rand
>Adam Smith
>Marcus Auerilus
Dear God anon, if this is what you have to hide, i can't imagine what you have on your main bookshelf.
Do Americans really sperg out about these authors are you just being retarded?

>> No.15283296

>Marcus Aurelius
>Ayn Rand
>Adam Smith
Not familiar enough with the others, but none of these would get you "cancelled", whatever that means. I've talked with people openly regarding these, and I've never gotten any weird remarks concerning it.
The only ones that would really get mad over these authors are blacks and ancom types (obviously besides Marx), people usually just ignore Nietzche's politics.
You do, however, run the risk of getting "ostracized" for talking about a certain book, say Das Kapital, in an intellectual manner rather than in support of it, because most people can't discern between simply reading to understand something and reading because you wholeheartedly support what the author is describing.
From my undestanding, it's basically nigger talk for getting btfo'd, usually for being racist. The problem is that it's usually in response to someone holding nuanced views that they just don't understand, i.e supporting one thing Nietzche says and automatically being a Nazi (which I am, but that's besides the point). They don't understand that humans are diverse creatures with many different beliefs and viewpoints, and are capable of going through hypotheticals and the like without actually supporting the nature of said hypothetical.

>> No.15283323

If a book doesn't make some semite cry I wont buy it

>> No.15283326

If you liked Dosto, you should really read Proust and Tolstoy anon! Start with the russians!

>> No.15283348

Here's an example:
Person 1: "You know, I'm not saying Hitler was a good guy or anything, he was horrible; despite this, many of the practices in the Third Reich were revolutionary, i.e their anti-smoking and animal rights campaigns"
Person 2: "Oh, so you like Hitler? What are you, a fucking Nazi sympathizer?"
Person 1: "What? Nazi? No I ju-"
Person 2: "Cancelled!"
I will then, after I get finished my current stack.

>> No.15283450
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>> No.15283481

Shunned, ostracized.

>> No.15283512

I’m a stickler for the covers and quality of my books, and Meditations on The Peaks or whatever only comes in paperback.

Can you post photos of the back and front?

Also if your copy of Ride The Tiger is hardcover, can you post what it looks like under the dust jacket?

>> No.15283548

>Preferring hardbacks to paperbacks
Never understood this, what's the upside? It seems like it's just more annoying to have to bend the covers back to read, every time I read a hard cover book I have to flex it all weird to see the words nearer the spine. It seems like the only upside to hard covers is that the pages don't bend as easily. Leather bound books are kino though, a perfect mix of both.

>> No.15283554

Guenon maybe, Evola no. Depends where your going.

>> No.15283571

It's a one-person room, although I'm going to share a kitchen with 22-23 other people on my floor.

>> No.15283576
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>> No.15283590
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>> No.15283595

It’s more about the fact that modern paperbacks are covered in this sheen of plastic(?) that peels and eventually curls over time. And they’re shaped so large it just feels clunky and unsightly.

I like hardcovers because their lifetime is insanely longer than a paperback, and you can abuse the fuck out of them without losing the structural integrity of the book itself.

Paperbacks barely survive being thrown into a bag, lest everything is torn and bent.

Also I have a strict guideline for every item I own in my home, to be lacking in logos, barcodes, large text, etc

>> No.15283599
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Hope these are helpful.

>> No.15283604

Probably Germany Tomorrow, even though Strasser was an anti-Nazi by the time he wrote it

>> No.15283620
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>> No.15283625

I really appreciate it.

Also I had no idea Eros was such a thick book. Fascist Confronts... is also thin as hell, I can’t understand why there’s a hardcover version of that small book for only $35.

How long are the parts where he talks to Codreanu in ‘Confronts’?

>> No.15283634

Would this be a good book to understand Strasserism? What’s his ‘mein kampf’ or manifesto so to speak, at least as close as you can get to a guide to the beliefs of Strasserism?

>> No.15283640

Oh go for it then. I was in a fucking quad back in college.

>> No.15283641

read BAP first.

>> No.15283652

I've got like 20 m2 which includes a bathroom and a balcony, so it's pretty sweet. Cheap as shit too.

>> No.15283654

Turner diaries. I'm not racist, I'm not a /pol/tard in any way or degree, but it's a book I keep coming back over and over to for its sheer entertainment value.

>> No.15283656

I’ve read these already

>> No.15283659
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>How long are the parts where he talks to Codreanu in ‘Confronts’?

The chapter is six pages.

>> No.15283664

hyperion (dan simmons' a mega boomer)
Infinte jest
lord of light (cultural appropriation if people knew more about it)
all the authors are majority dead, majority white, all male (except a word for world is forest by Ursula)
on computer:
libido dominandi
chesterton (hated jews)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History
tommy Ligotti's sad boy conspiracy
francis of the filth
tomb for 5000 soldiers

>> No.15283689
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>I own Bukowski too

>> No.15283714

You’re a big help.

I read the first few lines, but I’ll save the rest for when I buy it.

It’s amazing how many people Evola was involved with

>> No.15283731

was selfie suicide any good? I've read harrassment architecture and the pussy from that twitter group

>> No.15283732

>David Duke
But why? Dude is an absolute retard

>> No.15283745

I transferred into a pretty large school that didn't guarantee housing so I had to live in this off-campus decrepit single room apartment with three other guys. Building wasn't even up to code probably. I truly envy you.

>> No.15283755

I’m like a fourth way through and it’s funny.

It’s basically following some soiboi cuck on a date with some shitty e-girl and they just keep spouting shit about some fictional tv show where the star is some narcissistic mega-artist.

It’s very weird, and Logo uses very purplish prose, but it’s definitely an ironic put-on. I wouldn’t fall for all the hate /lit/ has for this new genre, they’re all pretty fun light reads and we should be glad there’s at least this, instead of Handmaids Tale or whatever gay shit is popular in the 10s/20s

>> No.15283783

My true crime books.

>> No.15283931

part of me thinks that these authors are all apart of some psyop targetting chans and right wing twitter, like they were created by the same group that created Q, and that we're just isolating ourselves more by getting into these new niche authors. but then that would require that Kantbot and Mike Ma are both apart of some CIA literature brainwashing group. idk

>> No.15284062

Idk what the psyop is supposed to accomplish, but you should write a ~110 page booklet about that idea, and name them directly. Make up fake facts and fake interviews “exposing” them and publish it on Amazon.

Not only would they most likely appreciate the humor, but it would be pretty easy and fun to do

>> No.15284073

you had a good idea that made me chuckle. thanks friend

>> No.15284076

Originaludgivelsen af sult er på letlæseligt dansk

>> No.15284078

You’re already on a list just by virtue of being here, and so am I. Not that it matters unless you’re posting seriously sketchy shit. I’m sure they have algorithms that do it that can pretty accurately differentiate between shitposters and real dangers to society

>> No.15284196

Fixed it for you:
>Person 1: "You know what I'm saying is that Hitler was a good guy, maybe even a great man. Many of the practices in the Third Reich were practical and would benefit contemporary society certainly, i.e their anti-smoking and animal rights campaigns, and renouncing Judaism and communism, etc. However, I do not think the invasion of Russia was done efficiently. I think Hitler could have gotten more assistance from Japan in Russia Far-East, utilized Iran more efficiently, and waited for Italy to get out of Greece and back to strength. Instead, he rushed and ultimately resulted in his country turning on him towards the end of the war, Germany being seperated, and then reuniting only to become a Globalist economic zone with a faint similarity to biological Germans of the past, but nationality doesn't exist anymore, not to mention the smearing and Kafkaesque Nuremburg Trials, where men were killed for opperating death camps that historians have now been deemed to not be death camps at all. Remember, Herodotus originally said there were 1 million soldiers too."
>Person 2: "Oh, so you like Hitler? What are you, a fucking Nazi sympathizer?"
>Person 1: Yes, but I don't place sentiments on historical events of the past, I'm not a mawkish retard that just exists to die and to simply agree with the consensus.
>Person 2: "Cancelled!"
>Person 1:"Good, only the feeble, weak, and misunderstood are adored by the masses, you clucking seal."

>> No.15284232
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>> No.15284235

Mange tak, ven.

>> No.15284251

Mine as well go all the way with those people if it doesn't make a difference.

>> No.15284402


>> No.15284585

Since when do books get you cancelled unless you define "books" as collections of pedophilic images? I feel like this sort of people don't ever actually interact with anyone, let alone the kind of people into cancel culture. So long as you don't live in some shithole, you can literally have the Anarchist's Cookbook and no one even cares.
Maybe if your entire library was nothing but alt-right, sexist, and racist autism, or nothing but stuff like the Bell Curve, someone might find that odd. Literally all you have to do is chalk it up to, "Understanding the enemy," and no one will even blink.

You'd have to be this guy >>15280326 unironically and own nothing else for anyone to think you're dangerous.

>> No.15284617

Those Audubon guides... watch out for this guy.

>> No.15284627

Upon a brief inspection of this thread, all of you fucking idiots demonstrably own predominantly or nothing but alt-right, sexist, racist autism.

BTW, your book collections won't get you cancelled. What's going to get you cancelled is unironically believing shit like this >>15284196 is a good argument.

>> No.15284698

>c-cancelling is something we do only to dangerous people! really!

>> No.15284718

you are a parody of yourself

>> No.15284724

Wait what? Is Mein Kampf a dangerous thing?

>> No.15284791

Yes, it's dangerous to those who wish for your destruction.

>> No.15285018

I keep my pron in a secret folder. I mean, what If I get a gf. It hurts no one to be prepared...

>> No.15285146

Yeah, it pretty much lays out the blueprint of what the nation-state and the world would look like under Strasserism, plus its philosophical underpinnings. There’s also a lot of stuff that’s no longer relevant, such as his encouragement of a revolution to overthrow Hitler and his plans for a European peace process (though that section also has some interesting stuff on pan-European politics and some issues like colonialism and the status of Jews in Europe).

>> No.15285179

>50 fash books being shipped to me.

>> No.15285190

You take yourself too serious

>> No.15285199

yeah it is dumb to think that a people could be destroyed, that's never happened before in history

>> No.15285289

Fortunately for you none of the people on the cancel squad even know who those people are

>> No.15285295

>why yes, I'm on a watchlist, how did you know?

>> No.15285675

>bronze pervert

>> No.15285696

No, like, YOU arent worth destroying.

>> No.15285822

A people, i.e Western Europeans, are a collection of individuals. If one wishes to destroy Western Europe and her people, then one wishes to destroy each and every individual of that people.

>> No.15285914

both individuals featured in this image are pretentious nerds

>> No.15285928

Oooh, Kerouac, nice!

>> No.15285941

Okay, not ALL fash shit, but a lot of authors who were explicitly anti-jew, or works pertaining to the culmination of the ideology of Fascism. And some extra

The Gay Science
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
A dark stranger
The Iliad
Aristotle on man in the Universe
The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
Antonin Artaud Man of Vision
Decay of Angel
Critique of Pure Reason
Conquest of The Useless
Discourse Networks
Spring Snow
Being and Time
Phenomenology of Spirit
Genealogy of Morals
Hesiod: The Works and Days, Theogony, the Shield of herakles
The Accursed Share Vol. 1 : The History of Eroticism and Sovereignty George bataille
Plato Five Dialogues
Fear and Trembling
The Doors of Perception
Declarations of Havana
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question, A Collection of Articles and Speeches. Stalin
Sayings and Anecdotes Diogenes
Hunger Knut Hamsun
Antonin Artaud Selected Writings
State and Revolution
The Prince
Staging Fascism
Valis Trilogy
Motorcycle Diaries
Economics in One Lesson
Temple of Dawn
Moral Discourses Epictetus
The Psychedelic Experience
The Alternative Oswald Mosley
Tibetan book of the dead
Journey to the end of the night
On the heights of despair
A traditionalist confronts fascism
Confessions of a mask
Reign of quantity and signs of our times
The crisis of the modern world
Society of the spectacle
Storm of steel
Death on installment plan
Anti tech revolution
Chaos Charles Manson and the cia
Ride the tiger
My life Oswald Mosley
The specter of Alexander wolf
Terrorism and communism trotsky
Bhagavad Gita
Das Kapital
The revolt of the masses
The sublime object of ideology
State of deception power of propaganda
Communist posters
Atlas shrugged
I Ching
Anti oedipus, Deleuze
Food of the gods
Hasheesh eater
Poetic Edda
Prose Edda
Neutra complete works Taschen
The condition of the working class
Made in North Korea
Chinese propaganda posters
Mid century ads Taschen
Capitalist realism
Savage spear of the unicorn
The ancient celts by Barry cunliffe
Legionary movement after Corneliu codreanu
March of the titans
Degenerate art, Ostara publications
Maos little red book
Socialism is a science, Kim Jon il
Communist manifesto

>> No.15285974
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I will be living in this tent (with wood burning stove/heater attachment) on farm land, eating fish from the local lake/river and harvesting mushrooms/wildflowers to supplement my weekly bicycle trips to the farmers market.

I won’t leave until I’m done reading and my body is acceptable for defending myself.

>> No.15286076

You have to have not cut your penis off to post here.

>> No.15286152

That’s a good find, I just finished heart of darkness today, enjoyed desu

>> No.15286163

This is extremely based, did you get the idea from Teddy? How long are you estimating your stay? I assume you'll swear off all electronics also.

>> No.15286174

looks sick i didn’t realize there was a book on nsbm
the only halfway decent book on blegg medl i have is dayal’s evolution of the cult

any recs?

>> No.15286207

I love tourists

>> No.15286212

The Morgenthau Plan was based on the Kaufman Plan which, if you read carefully, applies to all German blood wherever it be found. The Jews have long since declared war against us.

>> No.15286247

There is only power and those too weak to seek it.

>> No.15286267

12 rules for life

>> No.15286294


>> No.15286328

No, I will have a phone to use as a camera, a beats pill for music/podcasts, and a laptop to download podcasts/music for when I visit town. Oh, and AirPods for listening to music or podcasts while working/reading.

I’m using a foldable solar power generator to charge my headlamp, lantern, pocket power bank, and my iPad for making music in GarageBand

I won’t have cell service or internet, but I don’t mind these electronics, as without internet, they stop being distracting

>> No.15286335


>> No.15286344

No, you're just threatened by the study of evolutionary psychology because it provides an essential basis for emergent social phenomena which you would rather believe is arbitrarily constructed for your own reasons of ideological prejudice.

>> No.15286727

you all should get checked for ODD

>> No.15286766

Franz von Papens' memoirs

>> No.15287582

I'm already totally socially isolated so I'm immune to 'cancellation'. I own a copy of "Lost Girls" tho, so that might still do it.

>> No.15287804

Lol no its not

>> No.15287921

This but I'm old school and keep physical copies under my bed and underneath an opaque sheet. The sheets appears to be there merely for convenience when I need to change my sheets, but in reality it hides edgelord-core literature.

>> No.15287935

Anarcho-Fascism by Jonas Nilsson.
I bought it because I was interested in how someone could reconcile anarchy and fascism. The books is mostly just him being an angry at women and, as he puts it, "feminized men", unfortunately.

>> No.15287941
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Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening on the Jewish Question

The Culture of Critique

>> No.15287965

>Having physical copies in your home

>> No.15288149

HP Lovecraft

>> No.15288297

ted kazyinski or ernst junger probably

>> No.15288548

>You’re already on a list just by virtue of being here, and so am I. Not that it matters unless you’re posting seriously sketchy shit. I’m sure they have algorithms that do it that can pretty accurately differentiate between shitposters and real dangers to society
Hello Palantir.

>> No.15288566

I feel like having The Birthday Letters would be enough to get me cancelled by Twitter at this point.

>> No.15288567

>None of them really. Herodotus is somewhat misogynistic. My Judaism books would probably get me cancelled on here though, which is too bad because rabbinic scholarship can scratch the same itch for abstraction that Plato does for a lot of anons on here.
I'm buying Maimonides guide today.

>> No.15288581

Unless someone is a literal retard and thinks owning Hitler biographies is a no-no I have no such book

>> No.15288586

Nietzsche is explicitly pro-jew and anti-anti-semite btw
and I know you're never going to read those books, remember me saying that next time you reflect on the fact that you haven't come close to finishing that list

>> No.15288648

Various books by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and some other Communists
Nick Land (although this is mostly because very few people actually understand that accelerationism isn't just when you go fast to make things worse or whatever)
Heidegger and Schmitt (both in the Nazi party, although not really believers of Nazism)
Marquis de Sade
As well as some PDFs such as the Nazbol Manifesto and Mein Kampf

I have some other books, but they'd really only get me canceled if I showed the wrong person

>> No.15288668

Mailer stabbed his wife and got away with it. That’s why roasties seethe over him.

>> No.15288707

can't go wrong with the Guide, but look into getting a Maimonides reader which has selections of his mishneh torah (less fun than the guide and more Aristotelian in approach), guide and letters (the one on astrology is excellent).

>> No.15288715

Shit, you're right

>> No.15288724

The Wretched of the Earth
Haven't read it yet, basically a playdoyer on why whitey deserves getting cucked & BTFO.

>> No.15288772
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Lots of Hitlerists in these threads. I dislike anyone trying to 'nuance' Hitler not on his role in the Final Solution or the war but on the facts of his policies (e.g the trains ran on time). It seems to me that if of all the civil servants in the history of the world you choose to put light to the groundbreaking achievements of based Hitler, you're perhaps marginising the destructive force of Nazism, which is bad.

If you own Mein Kamf, you're in another pickle. You want to read what others have long before you denounced as poor writing and have in length explained. It's a political Manifesto by young, amgsty Hitler and you're thinking : "huh, all of those fuckin' kikes couldn't be right, I've got to know for myself - this is the free world. I will learn what Hitler tried to say! ' Perhaps since you're a public prosecutor? No, because you like the feeling of tabboe

David Bowie, the flamboyant faggot who smelled like ass had a Nazi phase. You're attention whores and nothing else. Read proper literature about totalitarianism and nazism >> Hannah Arendt.

Waste of money.

>> No.15288788

Suck a gun.

>> No.15288795

MKULTRA 1, MKULTRA 2, MKULTRA 3, and MKULTRA 4. It's pretty much guaranteed that I don't get to acquire any physical or social power.

>> No.15288809

>huh, all of those fuckin' kikes couldn't be right, I've got to know for myself
Well, if it's so laughably bad, what's the harm in reading it? Surely their analysis holds up to scrutiny?

>> No.15288818

One simply wishes to understand the fundamental paradox at the heart of Nazism: How was the rail network so efficient when one would expect that the diversion of so many trains to concentration camps would ultimately have a negative impact on the commuter experience in terms of scheduling and legroom. Bowie was probably getting at this with Station to Station.

>> No.15288823
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>> No.15288901

It's the insistence on scrutanising it that carries a weight of prospective anti-Semitism. Do you want to understand the Nazi phenomena? Clear ahead.
These same people (usually white) wouldn't read some Paha's diary entries on the Armenian genocide, but since whites are unequivocally Hitlerist they MUST read what their late Fuhrer has commanded.
I will never wrap my head around this insubordinate drive to be exposed to fascist thought in the name of 'understanding'. Jews will break you for the better.

If you want to read about the Final Solution there's plenty of good books out there. I'm in the process of finishing the post-script of The Banality of Evil so if you want me to share the bibliography with you I'd be happy to do so.

You're reading The Communist Manifesto and expecting Das Kapital. It's like swallowing Hitlers cum and wondering if there's ailments or medicinal properties in there. Who knows? Might be. There's a lot said about Hitler but you're choosing on drinking his semen. That's what you're doing. Reading or owning Mein Kamf is fellatio.

>> No.15288903
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Wait I totally missed your joke lmao

>> No.15288995

The pseuds do

>> No.15289634

you're already on a watchlist nigger, your pc and smartphones are infested with NSA malware. Get with the times, we've known this for 7 years.

>> No.15289652


>> No.15289664

lmao you're disgusting and pathetic

>> No.15289773

literally any of the mishima. already got canceled once for posting his self-portrait as saint sebastian.

>> No.15289838
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This book got banned from Amazon after getting referenced in the manifesto of a whignat spree shooter. Pretty sure it has the distinction of being the oldest book banned from Amazon (was first published in 1896, 7 years before the protocols of the elders of Zion).

>> No.15289869

He's not an anti-semite but he hates what the Abrahamic religions represent: ressentiment and meekness.

>> No.15289888

>Hannah Arendt

>> No.15289996

Oh yeah, I got that one on pdf
What did you think of it?

>> No.15290020

Mein Kampf

>> No.15290035

I bought it when I was 14

>> No.15290077

Good Lord, dismissed by commentators!

>> No.15290134
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My whole religious section, from Evola to Varg

>> No.15290154

it was talked about a lot, which is why a noble prize winner was basically forgotten until recent republishings of Hunger and a couple other of his books.

>> No.15290172

why? i mean his music is great and he is a really likable guy, but his paganism seems meme-tier new age mother nature stuff

>> No.15290174

>publish series of books
>book 1 doesn't align with book 2 and 3
why do publishers do this

>> No.15290200

Ride The Tiger Cock
Mein Cock
Kike is Shite

>> No.15290219
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>which is why a noble prize winner was basically forgotten until recent republishings of Hunger and a couple other of his books.
I was talking about him a decade ago because of his influence on Kafka on Joyce. He's remained consistently known for decades, pic related was started in the early to mid 90s as a project to celebrate the guy and finished in 2009 and it got talked about a lot even in non literary circles for a lot of that time. He isn't any more popular now than at any point since at least the 90s, and probably earlier.

I don't know if you're deliberately trying to spread conspiratorial misinformation or if you're merely doing it by proxy, but can you please be less retarded either way.

>> No.15290268

go back

>> No.15290397

I own three Houellebecq novels, and Houellebecq is not cool to liberals and anarcho-leftists.
Otherwise I'm good.

>> No.15290427

he's cool cause he is french and ugly, so he can say anything and it's cool. unless you give too high incel vibes, then it's bad

>> No.15290541

Can you buy this online? I’m not really into nsbm but metal history and info is my jam

>> No.15290556

No they think he's Nazbol because he dared express the belief that class is more important in power relations than race, gender etc.

>> No.15290611

>This man was evil incarnate.
>No, don't try to read his book, it's poorly written.
>Why are you reading his book instead of just believing what we tell you?
Gee, I wonder why anyone would be skeptical.

>> No.15290625

You might still be able to get it direct from the publisher (Occidental Congress).

>> No.15290772

Lolicon doujin

>> No.15290787
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Is Ragnar Benson the real deal or some fat LARPer?

>Roberty Bly
MUH NIG. I've got some Bly and Moore books. They're great gateways into Jung. Head that direction if you haven't already. Liber Novus isn't the place to start, but it's the only book I've ever felt it necessary to take a highlighter to.

>> No.15290793
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Abroad perhaps, but in France, it's not the case.
Liberals still see him as islamophobic and sexist here, and anarcho-leftists think he is too incel, conservative and whiny and excuse the mediocrity of modern life in his writings -- ironically like the people who think the Dilbert principle normalize incompetence at the workplace -- or whatever.
I'm an anarcho-Marxist but love his novels and I'm definitely the odd one in my group of friends. The very few people I know who also like him are generally identifying up to a point with the lonely protagonists, and prefer The Possibility of an Island over his most realistic works.

By comparison, talking about the political theories of Nick Land and Moldbug don't get me cancelled, because no one understand the extent of how truly fucked up they are and French people can't into English anyway. De Sade and Bataille are okay too, because they are too edgy to be cancelled.

Pic related is Germany's largest theater advertising an adaptation of Submission, in front of Hamburg's train station, when I was there during the G20 protests. It goes to show that Houellebecq is much more appreciated in Germany and abroad than in France.

>> No.15290867

I also think he’s meme tier, that’s kinda why I bought the book. His paganism is silly and I think he’s just a grumpy old man at this point

>> No.15290921

the cover to Irene's cunt is probably my favourite cover of all time. Too bad the book sucked ass.

>> No.15290932

nah, Zizek is just an edge-lord, he just got away with it because he is from a shitty european country, talks funny, and is very friendly

>> No.15290939

Love Guyotat, probably gonna have someone read a passage from Tomb at my funeral.

>> No.15290954
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did everyone stand up and clap at the end?

>> No.15290960

i have Evola but none of his political books, xenophon, and some book about technology in china

>> No.15290965


>> No.15291011

it's about a uk minister getting cancelled by his bookshelf, open a newspaper sometime retard

>> No.15291029


>> No.15291148

Mussolini's Autobiography and a few Kissinger books are the only things that come to mind.

>> No.15291377

Never read Mussolini's Autobiography. Is it any good? It sounds quite interesting.

>> No.15291576

>liber novus

May check it out eventually, I’ve got to work through some Classic philosophy right now but will at some point loop back around to Jung and that side of psychology.

>> No.15291661

I have some Ted K and every Evola book that's in English so probably those.

>> No.15291696
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>> No.15292673
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>> No.15292742

good job on selling your tv for books, anon

>> No.15292892

This guy gets it.

>> No.15292936

Unless your mom is only 1/4 jewish I have bad news for you

>> No.15293001
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I have been studying fascism and nazism for a while now, looking forward to reading these over the summer.
So far the best ones have been "A history of the jews" by paul johnson, "A history of fascism" by stanly g payne, and "The nazi movement in Baden" by Johnpeter Grill

>> No.15293010
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Reading something by david irving gets me even more canceled than I already am of course

Suggestions for this topic are welcome

>> No.15293054

holy based

>> No.15293427

Not the hecking opinion boys!

>> No.15293656
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>> No.15293755

I specifically qualified my statement by saying "so long as you don't live in some shithole". What part of that precludes the UK?

>> No.15293769

Nothing says fascism and ubermensch like sitting in your room and letting a book tell you what to do. Slave morality flows deep ITT

>> No.15293799

got a mega link ?

>> No.15294054

>It's the insistence on scrutanising it that carries a weight of prospective anti-Semitism
You sound pretty worried that it makes some compelling arguments for anti-semitism. But I'll tell you what makes an even better case for anti-semitism: being raised jewish. Jews might not be world-eating monsters, but they're awful fucking people.

>> No.15294106

>looks like you're well stocked on toilet paper

>> No.15294374

Because they don't. This thread is about some people's imaginary enemy, inspired by a vocal minority in some lame universities

>> No.15294476
File: 67 KB, 800x600, you-who-hate-the-jews-so-why-did-you-adopt-their-religion-author-friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzche: Christians are just as bad as Jews
Retarded anon: Nietzche wasn't anti-semitic!

>> No.15294485
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He held Jews in very high esteem, rofl

>> No.15294581

Who exactly is Mike Ma? I read his book, but I know absolutely nothing about the man beyond some vine videos

>> No.15295654


>> No.15295684
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One of these.

>> No.15295856

>but has been dismissed by both French- and English-language commentators
A mark of quality if I've ever seen one.

>> No.15296262

Stop being such a pussy

>> No.15296276

Infinite Jest

>> No.15296351

something worth noting also is proximity plus dumb luck seems to help. If your culture starts up near another culture that was very advanced, theirs bleeds into yours and you get a boost.

See Rome: they had advantages because their ancestors the Estruscans just happened to be building mud huts close to Greece. Like the Etruscans were not at all an advanced people, they just got a boost from getting stuff from the Greeks and then over time developed more stuff on their own based on Greek stuff until through a stronger military they took over the Greeks and surrounding lands.

And the Greeks were themselves not all that advanced, mostly poor fisherfolk, who just happened to be at a great trading area between Africa and the Middle East, which is where the actual advanced civilizations were way back in the day. And North Africa only had advanced civilization because it was close to the Indus Valley and Middle East, where civilization started.

Bear in mind that all this time, the people we think of as Europeans were still living in mud huts and moving rocks around, with no real civilization to speak of.

To say that Europeans are obviously better because they accomplished to most ignores that their achievements are built on the shoulders of giants, mostly their earlier and (at the time) more advanced neighbors. For a lot of human history, Europeans were far from the most advanced group, and were seen as barbarian savages by the "advanced races".

So some amount of luck and geography does seem to factor into it: if you're a culture of poor-ass dirt farmers or fishers, you're not likely to advance unless some other group shows up and hands you a bunch of cool tech. That happened to the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Indians, the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Western Europeans.

I think a better argument is that what you do with what you're given shows forward-thinking. and in that way, yes, the Western Europeans have probably done the best.

>> No.15296376

A history of central banking and the enslavement of the human race

>> No.15296438

well I got harassment architecture so I guess thats a new list to be on. pretty sure ufo books and popular mechanics wont get me in trubs tho

>> No.15297488

name 1 (one) non-shithole country

>> No.15297521

That macro is an insult to my eyes.

>> No.15297565

And you're shorter than 6'5" and therefore shorter than me.

You are nothing to me.

>> No.15297654

That's either abridged all to hell, or its printed for ants. It's not even a quarter the size it should be