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/lit/ - Literature

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15279038 No.15279038 [Reply] [Original]

alright, I won't lie I'm like 40 pages in confused to fuck. Just want to ask whether the story chapters carry on the same way as the first two, or if there is some kind of a narrative you can piece together by reading on? I must say though I'm really loving the prose and style that Calvino brings to it, and it can be pretty fucking funny when it wants to. Also the scene with the Reader in the bookstore talking to the Other Reader was absolutely tremendous, iss like fucking reading /lit/ personified.

>> No.15279078

>getting filtered by this book
Anon, I... how much do you read?

>> No.15279145

What you on about filtered. I said I'm enjoying it, I'm just confused at whether there is any discernable connection between the chapters taken from books or whether it'll keep being a random chapter from books found in Reader chapters. I've read on a bit and theres summat emerging with those chapters but I'm still confused as to the point of the book chapters