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15279000 No.15279000 [Reply] [Original]

>threw a coffee table at a woman
>raped a 17 year old while on tour
>stalked a 5 year old child
>pushed woman from a moving car
>threatened to kill a guy
buhhh but uh irony is the problem

>> No.15279014

sounds incredibly based to me, he was being sincere about it all

>> No.15279052

Fuck. What do I do when I find myself mirroring a lot of his behavior towards women?

>> No.15279054

have sex

>> No.15279079


All those things sound like not-that-extreme behaviour deliberately taken out of context and presented in the worst possible light.

>"Raped a 17 year old while on tour"
I don't know about this but I'm betting it just means some 17-y-o cutie met him on tour and did what young girls have been doing since forever with any charismatic man in the spotlight, whether it be rock star or author or politician. "Raped" probably just means "statutory rape" i.e. she was under 18.

>> No.15279082

Sounds like a hero to me.

>> No.15279088

>In the early 1990s, Wallace was in a relationship with writer Mary Karr, who had split with her husband. Karr later described Wallace as obsessive about her and the relationship as volatile, with Wallace once throwing a coffee table at her and once forcing her out of a car, leaving her to walk home.[22][23] She has complained that Wallace's biographer D. T. Max underreported Wallace's abuse. Of Max's account of their relationship, she tweeted, "that's about 2% of what happened. tried to buy a gun. kicked me. climbed up the side of my house at night. followed my son age 5 home from school. had to change my number twice, and he still got it. months and months it went on."

>> No.15279101

how does dave describe this
also real rape or statutory rape

>> No.15279133


Well if there's one thing we can be sure about, it's that you'll get the plain unvarnished truth about a person from his ex. (Especially if their break-up was acrimonious.)

>tried to buy a gun
>kicked me

It's kinda pathetic. She's doing her best but she really hasn't got much to work with.

>> No.15279134

>had to walk home

Women really think they are entitled to sit at home on their fat asses and eat chocolates all day

>> No.15279136

at least he was sincere in his outrage

>> No.15279137

An hero, if you will.

>> No.15279152

wow he's literally me

>> No.15279167

What's important is that it was a sincere rape.

>> No.15279180

Well, he said that he rapes women, so from the sound of it he's already got that part.

>> No.15279190

>once forcing her out of a car, leaving her to walk home.
oh come on, now you're just padding cv

>> No.15279201
File: 70 KB, 185x146, ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15279210


>> No.15279224

Post the one where he threatened his male student.

>> No.15279226

might finally read all of infinite jest

>> No.15279235

roastie cunt. fuck that bitch

>> No.15279258

holy based

>> No.15279357

Whats with all the DFW hate threads recently?
Is it a reddit raid?

>> No.15279363

>DFW good
He was a pathetic fag

>> No.15279393
