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15277152 No.15277152 [Reply] [Original]

How come /pol/ and retards like Molymeme, and PJW hate the Frankfurt school when clearly none of them have read a single work by any of the members? How can people on the right be so ignorant and disingenuous while carrying on in everyday life? If I was that much of a worm I'd killmyself but that's just me.

>> No.15277155

why is this thread pinned?

>> No.15277203

I'm a janny, try not to let that make you too paranoid ;)

>> No.15277205

How do you know PJW hasn't? I bet he has.

>> No.15277220

He said that they conspired to create the modern art world and then called them postmodern neomarxists

>> No.15277470

All I know is that Adorno wrote some pseud essay lambasting jazz, which means that he is a colossal faggot, of whose works none should be taken seriously.

>> No.15277513

Aren't they just globalist or something? Which one do I read?

>> No.15277531

No, read the essay 'The work of art in that age of mechanical reproduction' and Adorno's Minima Moralia and you'll start to see how ridiculous that dismissal is

>> No.15277539

*the not that lol

>> No.15277555

making breadtube stans like you seethe in the process

>> No.15277564

quick rundown on the Frankfurt school?

>> No.15277586

Not OP, but they were neo marxists, attempting to develop marxist thought as a method or process of analyzing social phenomena rather than pushing for a particular state organization (though many were, more than likely, sympathetic to communism). What's odd about the Right's obsession with them is all the things they hate about post-modernism; the moral relativism, the disbelief in normalcy as righteousness, the criticism of the venerable institution or idea, are more or less very minor elements of their work.

>> No.15277588

You're so shallow

>> No.15277597

Yes, and?

>> No.15277598

I hate those retards, you have no idea what you're talking about hbomberguy doesn't read critical theory. Also making people angry because you're stupid isn't an impressive accomplishment

>> No.15277608

I'm not reading the first one you suggested because it sounds lame but what's a version of the second book you wrote but instead of being written by a commie it is written by a Christian?

>> No.15277632

I can't think of a christian version who you wouldn't also call a commie, don't bother.

>> No.15277637

So the Frankfurt school is gay...

>> No.15277644

that's what you thought before so go ahead and keep thinking it

>> No.15277656

That's not true I just had a vague association in my head between globalism and the Frankfurt school.

>> No.15277707

I will save that pic for the Frankfurt recs, Based thread OP.

>> No.15277806

No one on the left has read any rightist works either.
"Everything I *need* to know about Dugin I learned from Buzzfeed" kind of shit.
I mean, look how often people make lame excuses not to read shit they have explicitly solicited a recommendation for on this and other sites (and in real life) much less something they can just instantly dismiss based on reputation alone.

>> No.15277852

It was a common enough reaction in the 20s & 30s. Mencken particularly hated stuff at the blues and honky-tonk end of its mood range, and wrote a savage roast about it.

>> No.15277883

The /pol/ man does not read or really analyse, they are pure instinct.
They create a meme version of an idea, spread that amongst themselves, have little theoretical arguments with the meme version of the idea in their head and repeat it to the group. Then they will assign individuals to these meme ideas and then feel confident saying that the thinker was evil or dumb.
Even insufferable faggots like philosophytube don't do this, he read Jordan Peterson, a man often belittled by Pol and commies, and in his reading he demonstrates the ability to understand the argument, why it is effective, and can formulate a response by identifying where in the argument he disagrees. No one on /Pol/ can read anything beyond a synopsis so simply reverts to hatred and dismissal.
Books are long for a reason, it's hard to argue against things, especially long works of cultural theory. Your standard 22 year old male that spreads the pol shit will never be able to effectively argue against someone like the Frankfurt school so they simply resort to hatred.

>> No.15278520

Don't act like the left doesn't do the same thing. You act like your typical leftist would be willing to pick up Evola. The majority of people on both sides of the political spectrum don't read there oppositions work. You don't really have to go in depth over what side to choose, it's pretty fucking obvious who are going to be your friends and foe's.

>> No.15278526

Tell me anon-kun, can a man judge a tree by the fruit it bears?

>> No.15278886

m-maybe neither side should do it

>> No.15278976

Yes but shouldn't people at the very least attempt to make sure their ideology is actually based in logical thought?

>> No.15278999

Why not try to understand the opposing side a little better? It's how I learned respecting pronouns.

>> No.15279015

Horkheimer’s leftism is a bore. His late Platonic period and his work on positivism are very good.
t. religious zealot

>> No.15279055

This board is fucking autistic. Do something productive instead of arguing on the internet you retards

>> No.15279069

I doubt the left cares about Evola at all.

>> No.15279282

The difference is that lefties dont go around spreading dumb shit about Evola, while /pol/ retards do so about frankfurt school. Read whatever the fuck you're talking about, thats all.

>> No.15279297

Cuz frankfurt was full of faggots

>> No.15279306

It is all terribly embarrassing. Discussing something without reading it, and, in that way, spreading false information about it, is a crime worthy of swift execution.

>> No.15279324

The right knows more about left wing ideology than left wingers know about right wing ideology

if you aren't a conservative American then you have never even heard about libertarian writers

>> No.15279372
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Worst of all is accusing this dude for warning us about the mechanisms leading to many things happening today

>> No.15279597

Ironic thing is that PJW et al are of the exact same opinion of modern art/music/culture as the "neomarxists" they hate so much.

"Popular music has become dumber, duller, and more homogenised than ever before" - PJW

"Regressive listeners behave like children. Again and again and with stubborn malice, they demand the one dish they have once been served." - Adorno
"Music for entertainment ... seems to complement the reduction of people to silence, the dying out of speech as expression, the inability to communicate at all" - Adorno

>> No.15279627

>criticising people for being narrowminded, not knowing the ideologies they oppose
>confined to the Amerimutt "conservative/liberal" political dichotomy
Everyone has heard about libertarian writers. It's just that nobody outside America cares

>> No.15279632

>Do something productive instead of arguing on the internet you retards
Okay, but why single out this board in particular?

>> No.15280215
File: 388 KB, 1161x1787, 4B1FFB5C-6B40-4757-A55F-908304831C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the 68ers focused on the shallowness and dehumanization which are characteristic of the affluent, technological society rather than revolt against the traditional and religious values which were in fact its most hated enemy, I find it hard to imagine things being quite so bad today.
More Horkheimer, less Marcuse and Gramsci.

>> No.15280242

>The difference is that lefties dont go around spreading dumb shit about Evola

Come on now

>> No.15280273

Only thing spread about ebola is the negroid semen meme.

>> No.15280278

Yes they do you retard.
All the time they dismiss right-wing thinkers out of hand as muh racist fascist ebil nazi in the exact same way that right-wing peterson tards will dismiss the frankfurt school as 'post-modern neo-marxists'.
Be serious, you idiot.

>> No.15280283

>the inner workings of the mind's of [some retards] is literature discussion

>> No.15280288

all ideologies are based on logic, which is why they’re all fallible and WRONG

>> No.15280290

Don't care if Adorno is often abstruse at times, his prose is so kino.

>> No.15280375

dismissal is one thing. both left and right do it. what i don't see is left-wing pundits on youtube etc. going on about some sort of grand conspiracy theory ie: "cultural marxism"

>> No.15280476

Left-wing pundits don't need to attribute any kind of grand conspiracy because most of their desired policies are already slowly being implemented by the neo-liberal establishment that they claim to hate so much.
Gay rights, tranny rights, refugee rights, the elevation of non-whites over native European populations, the persecution of right-wingers - you name it.
They're all being implemented because left-wing ideology, whatever you want to call it Marxist/anarchist etc., is purely acting in the service of neo-liberal capital, and bolstering its hegemony.
Left-wing ideology is not being attacked in the same way as right-wing, traditionalist values are.
You people are part of the establishment.

>> No.15280633

Left wing and neoliberalism are exclusionary. Either you preach free market, competition and economic individualism or you preach democratic control over economy. Also no gives a fuck about fags.

>> No.15280956

Marxism is false consciousness. Helps capital in reality.

>> No.15281066

Oh yes, in the cosmic dance enemy is a friend, left is right, right is left of right and metaplatonic Kant oversees it all.

>> No.15281135

Because most of the authors are Jewish and /pol/ is full of sad alienated sacks of shit that critical theory seeks to explain. Next question

>> No.15281213

Do you deny that it is possible to achieve something other than what one intends? Which seems more plausible: that the revolution has achieved its goals to date, or that something else has happened?

>> No.15281638

close minded sheeplet here

>> No.15282638

How so?

>> No.15283076

>How come /pol/ and retards like Molymeme, and PJW hate the Frankfurt school when clearly none of them have read a single work by any of the members?
because /pol/ doesn't read shit if it isn't a headline or a meme

>> No.15283550
File: 537 KB, 612x696, ADORNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes certainly. The tree that bears good fruit is judged as a good tree, as well the three that bears bad fruit is judged as a bad tree.

I should have heed his warnings about jazz music. Now it's too late.
