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15277116 No.15277116 [Reply] [Original]

I have not heard any solid/valid/legitimate arguments against the radical feminist position. Do such arguments exist?

>> No.15277124

idk if they ever get around to making an all female commune that would be neat I suppose

>> No.15277204

Transwomen are women

>> No.15277236
File: 32 KB, 720x928, 0AA63A40-7D32-4788-9861-D5494AD6C523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic gave me cancer

>> No.15277293

prove it

>> No.15277309

Nor have I heard any arguments against moderate southpaw philosophy.

>> No.15277349

No, they are not.
Everyone who calls these funny men 'women' just really pity them, because no one actually believes that they are one. Yeah, maybe some of them (not a lot) seem like they are women. But they are unable to beget a child. They don't even have a decent pussy. Some of them have dick and balls. Why call them women?
Liberals are all making an enormous effort to indulge these people, going as far as to state enforce their folly. But it is all just a game. It is all make believe. You will never be a woman.

>> No.15277381

Radfems really specify their position on battles they know they can win, other than that it's a bunch of vague poetics. Can't talk shit about the poetics obviously because it's all about subjective experience and internalized yadda yadda, and the specifics are all stuff they're absolutely right on (porn is exploitative, men tend to be more violently criminal, rape=bad, etc)
In this way they are the most based feminists, and even though I'm trad as fuck I still dig Andrea Dworkin because she's the exact kind of man you want on your side. You hold the ugly line. She married a gay dude, probably fuckin' raped him, to prove a point. She never bent to popular will. A true believer. If only she was one of ours she'd be leaving pipe bombs at proud boi rallies or lining up humanities professors at the shooting wall.

>> No.15277465

>A cuck trying to sound based

>> No.15277474

it is the only form of feminism you can hold to without being a mainstream whore

>> No.15277728

Radfem doesn't have a position, just an infinite series of complaints...

>> No.15278733

just for the hypothetical, but what would your stance be if the surgery was advanced enough to give them functioning wombs and pusi?

>> No.15278847

The problem with terfs and with all radfems is that they want to entrench gender roles in order to keep and easily understood and marketed struggle going. Feminism is discussed in waves because once you accomplish something you don't need to keep fighting about it and can move on to other things. Basic suffrage leads to abortion rights leads to the myriad and highly specific goals of "third wave" feminism, which was really a collective of competing ideologies.

Radfem is part of fourth wave feminism which is now so far removed from easily understandable problems that brainlets consider it no longer necessary (there will likely be some who respond to this post even). It's not that feminism is no longer necessary but that its work is asymptotic, it's 95% of the way there but the remaining 5% is the hardest. Radfems reject this because it's too complex for them. They would rather continue living in a world where they are systematically underprivileged because it is the one they know than move on to the next iteration. They are second wave feminists living out of time.

>> No.15279330

so foster parents arent real parents because their kids are not made out of their sperm? you know, social recognition differs from biology

>> No.15279368

Depends on what position. There are many positions radfems hold.

>> No.15279578

>Radfem is part of fourth wave feminism [...] They are second wave feminists living out of time.

>> No.15279592

1 it's retarded
2 dont like it
need any more, nigger?

>> No.15279602

>The problem with terfs and with all radfems is that they want to entrench gender roles

>> No.15279619

i mean, i just don"t care. it's a made-up non-issue. if it looks and acts like a woman, i'll adress it by she, if like a man, then he it is.
imagine obsessively thinking about other people's genitals instead of just ignoring this shit like a sane autist

>> No.15279661
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What do you think of reverse trannies (female to male)? I mean, it's at least nobler to live as a man and make your qualities better (manly voice, more muscle, stronger, more dominant, free from faggotry of a female, etc) than go the other way.. right?

>> No.15279672

>I dont have an argument so I'll redefine biological realities because i'm too much of a weak faggot loser to accept reality
low IQ cope

>> No.15279728

>But it is all just a game. It is all make believe
Congrats, you've figured out the key conceit of literally every mode of social affiliation. The horizontal relations between people have nothing to do with biology and everything to do with the play of signs. To deny this is to endorse biological determinism, and a feminism which is governed above all else by it will only end bad for the men, given that IVF is far easier and far more efficient than artificial wombs, and the male disposition is fundamentally harmful and is objectively the source of all misery and suffering in the world. Before you know it, we will ALL be females.

>> No.15279746

accepting reality means obsessing over trannies and spending more than half a second on deciding how to call a stranger? rent free.

>> No.15279750
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>admit you exist in an echo chamber
>suggest this means validation for your echoes

>> No.15279761

They make me sad because they are mostly either straight women poorly coping with past sexual abuse or butch dykes that were convinced they were trans. I've met one that I think might have had serious hormonal issues because he barely transitioned and seemed male from early childhood, which was before trans stuff was in the news.

>> No.15279798

i've accepted i may not make it as a man, but being a very extreme tomboy or a manly androgyne is fine with me. anything but the standard girl would do.
i haven't had unironical suicidal thoughts since the DIY hrt kicked in (country too shithole to get it legally, plus i'd feel like a vapid faggot talking to muh THERAPIST). if it made my life undeniably better and i pay for it myself, why not

>> No.15279875

literature board

>> No.15279922

>no argument, just accusations

>> No.15280038

>radfems are the ones upholding the old gender roles and gender binary not incel larpers wearing women blackface

>> No.15280066

"Gender role" is a shitty woke buzzword designed to distance sex-based social norms from their basis in biology.

Radfems are at least smart enough to understand that you can't defend women's rights if you muddy the definition of a woman beyond recognition.

>> No.15280576


I don't know what "radical feminism" is.
I don't recall having ever heard os this Andrea Dworkin before.
1 minutes on wikipedia and I learn this subect wrote a book on how reproduction by penetration is bad because it is what it is and what it is is bad.
This subject, apparently said smth like "men fucking women is the realisation of men hating women"

This is the kind of fake logic an asshole teacher uses to put an F on a kid who's better at that subject than the teacher. You have realised that, right?

Just going "this method of reproduction is bad and evil because men take dominance and men taking dominance is evil" kinda sucks.
The more I am reading the more flipped out I go...
...so through her opinion on porn and a couple erotic novels(who the fuck reads theses day? how can people learn from a book they haven't read), she says society is shaped to hate women... then goes on to say anatomically dicks are made to be weapons of rape and submission of women...
Those two things aren't really... tied at all.
If anything, following her own logic, it is proved she is going against the rules of nature.

>> No.15280592

The Poverty of Feminism
Read it.

>> No.15280637
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>Radical Feminist
There's the one type of "Radical Feminism" that's about superiority of females in the world that would inevitably end in disaster.

And then there's the weird cyber-Hegelian projective "Feminism" theory that has little to do with females as such but is just a mix of performatism in the context of a world with Landian currents, and outside noumena acting upon historical development, and that's quite aesthetic.

I can't quite reject "Feminism" since what it's theoretical underpinnng became, after the Butlerian sublimation (not to say subversion) is quite based.

>> No.15280639

>I don't recall having ever heard os this Andrea Dworkin before.
these are the kind of people who infest 2020 /lit/
lol just lol
even your basic bitch gamergator /v/ermin at least knows the name

>> No.15280653

Being transgender is more like being transracial than like being a foster parent.

The simple reality is that there are no 'male' or 'female' brains - or people who have them in the wrong bodies - and there is no such thing as an internal sense of 'gender' separate from your own life and experiences. The only insight a 'transracial' white person who believes themselves to be black 'on the inside' would have into being blackness would be what a white person thinks African Americans are like. In the same way - trans women are just men performing what they think womanhood is and trans men are just women doing the same thing in reverse.

If you're LGBT+ spaces long enough you'll realise trans people nearly always act like the gender they were assigned at birth.

>> No.15280665

to be fair you're probably better off not realizing who Dworkin is

>> No.15280671

Most FtMs don't actually want to be men, they just don't want to be women.

>> No.15280678

sounds like something someone who internalized the notion that men are the default and that women are the abberation would say

>> No.15280706

Actually go and hang out with some FtMs, I'm not kidding. Some of them are genuinely very masculine - but a lot of them are just misguided straight women larping as gay men

>> No.15280722

A lot of them are genuinely into it because they hate being objectified, have body image issues, and have idealized a vision of non-conventional (typically gay) masculinity where they'll be able to escape womanhood

>> No.15280734

You are VERY low iq and a VERY stupid person

>> No.15280748

Which radical feminist position?

>> No.15280751

that's true. females are a subgender of male. Their very existence is just a historical anomaly which was a result of the Fall of Man.

>> No.15280771

Males possess XY chromosomes. Gender, both masculine and feminine, is within man. Thus, for a man to act more masculine or feminine is totally in line with his being. Females, on the otherhand, only have XX chromosomes. For a female to act male, is a totally degenerate abbreviation of justice. It does not matter if a man is a feminine or masculine, but a woman should only be feminine.

>> No.15280779

>if it looks and acts like a woman

So when it looks like a nerdy white guy with chronic ringworm and greasy hair down to their ass, who transitioned because of Zelda games, what will you do then Anon

>> No.15280790

Great logic

>> No.15280804

You got it wrong, females were made by Yakub in his Armenian caves Anon, specifically for their toes to be sucked

>> No.15280834

This isn't /d/

>> No.15280842

What about men with XX (not trans men, but the intersex condition)

>> No.15280851

true biological hermaphrodites.They should be allowed to identify as such if they choose.

>> No.15280905


>> No.15280919
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>the problem with terfs and with all radfems is that they want to entrench gender roles in order to keep an easily understood and marketed struggle going
HOW? radfems believe in sex-based oppression, and also recognize gender as a hierarchical system that exists to maintain control over women's wombs. radfems have no problem if boys want to wear dresses or whatever but they don't think that gender lives in the dress inherently. a woman is not makeup, dresses, submissiveness or whatever—a woman is an adult human female. radfems are actually in favor of gender abolition and usually want women to stop giving a fuck about the more negative or painful aspects of femininity…and on the opposite side there is "oh you like wearing dresses but you have a dick? oh you don't like trucks? you must be a girl then" how is THAT not entrenching and essentializing gender roles? if a boy likes to play with dolls he should be encouraged to mutilate his dick in the name of…abolishing gender roles? gender is so fluid that 5 million new ones must be made to respond to everyone's particular feminine and masculine proclivities? come on, anon.

>> No.15280930

what did he mean by this?

>> No.15280959

Good post

>> No.15280967

"Gender roles are a social construct."
"What if we socially construct gender roles that make you a form of property again?"
"WHAT THE FUCK?! That's oppressive!"
"Oppression is a social construct."

>> No.15280993

It's not about wearing the dress or playing with dolls, the mode of thinking that this is all that counts is exactly the point. The mind of a radfem is so wrapped up in tautological definitions of femininity that when you try to break her out she thinks its just more oppression. The abolition of gender is the goal of libfem, radfem wants to keep it while aiming for a 'separate but equal' doctrine.

>> No.15281030

I find it complicated, tbqh. Even if I can see his point.

This topic is like ethnostate debates, where the parties paradoxically bargaining how to move things in various directions while not allowing for change. The only consistent position is a totalitarian one that leads to the oppositions detriment. Every non-radical effectively only gives non-human underlying system time to Capitalize on the dispute.

>> No.15281053

How are libfems abolishing gender when they simply obscure the reality of sex-based oppression.

There are two natal sexes, and a minority who are intersex - which is a mixture of both. 'Gender' is just the ideas and social constructs we've attached to the existing sexes.

By validating 'gender' and gender identities to the point of denying sex-based reality - all libfems have done is make actual liberation more difficult.

>> No.15281058
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Can any resident radfemmes give me their basic ideas on this book? I haven't seen any feminist reviews of it and it would be very interesting to see the counterpoints.

>> No.15281069

You don't want to abolish gender unless you think women = men and men = women; only then could you remove the distinction.

>> No.15281080


>> No.15281090

Damn bruh he really just beat you with minimal effort. Dismantled your sarcasm and destroyed the foundation of your stance with apathy. Get fucked nerd

>> No.15281096

No half decent counter-arguments exist because the TERFs are actually right about gender. You can't be a gender other than what you were assigned at birth.

>> No.15281108

Abolishing gender is not the same as denying sex

>> No.15281112

I didn't say it was broseph

>> No.15281133

>the mode of thinking that this is all that counts is exactly the point
what do you mean here? are you going to explain to me how gender is a feeling? what are the other sources of dysphoria and how are they expressed? i'm just…not sure what you're on about.
>the mind of a radfem is so wrapped up in tautological definitions of femininity
how is a statement on three things that are feminine-coded tautological? makeup and dresses and dolls are associated with femininity. so is tenderness, softness, demureness, etc etc etc whatever—the point is that i can provide a definition of femininity that is not self-referencing. liberal feminists, however, engage in tautology constantly over "what is a woman" because they've been conned into letting trannies co-opt their movement and so they say "a woman is a woman who feels like a woman and is a woman."
>the abolition of gender is the goal of libfem
liberal feminists are hyperindividualist corporate retards who play into the hands of dumbfuck male coomers with movements such as "slutwalk" and "free the nipple," who think that everything they do is a political statement a la "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" "#girlboss" etc. i'd love to know how an actual capitalist movement that keeps women made up, hairless. (and this is the most important part…being made up and hairless are POLITICAL and FEMINIST actions) and hopping from dick to dick abolishes anything…liberal feminism sells women a product, an image of liberation, but in actuality it is just a rebranding of what already was
>radfem wants to keep it while aiming for a 'separate but equal' doctrine
this is patently false. radfems are gender abolitionists—that is 100% a part of the platform. sure, there are some separatists within the radfem movement but they fundamentally believe in the rights of females and males to both exist as persons in the same society and for neither to be subject to specific treatment on the basis of sex. this is the ultimate goal of radical feminism. i won't argue that some radical feminists take a scorched earth approach but you have this wrong. i think you're confusing gender (the hierarchy based on sex) with sex (and even then radfems want sex NOT to be a determinant of one's position in society)

>> No.15281164

What's the main thesis of this book

>> No.15281182

>You don't want to abolish gender unless you think women = men and men = women

Men and women are just adult human males and females. You can't abolish either of them - you can abolish the gendered distinctions and expectations on either of them.

>> No.15281211

Even bluechecks know who Dworkin is lmao

>> No.15281220

Man and woman are the gendered distinction you goob.

>> No.15281304

There are only 0 genders

>> No.15281305

generally speaking, radfems do not care about simps and will award you no pussy for being a cuck on 4channel

>> No.15281308

Gender is a social construction based on sex. Male and female are the sexes. Alone, terms like man and woman can also just delineate individuals of either sex.

>> No.15281310

cope and low IQ

>> No.15281322

Where can I tear up that male radfem boy pussy tho

>> No.15281347

Yes, but you still have a gendered distinction, regardless of if you divorce it from sex or not.

>> No.15281351

Hey the Nigels are getting it somehow, you never know

>> No.15281369

may as well be true
t. >>15279798 i'm okay with a weird in-between, it somehow feels spiritual to be on the verge of absolute sexual ambiguity

>> No.15281383

so close to being based

>> No.15281387

i suppose so but i prefer to imagine a world in which nigels are not inducted into nigelhood because they simped out in hopes of sampling some radical vaginal mucosa. you're probably right though— there are at least a few simps who make it to the big leagues.

>> No.15281396

I have zero interest in 3d women and even have a few trans online friends, but I genuinely see nothing disagreable in radfem ideology.

>> No.15281404

fujos who took the yaoi meme too far

>> No.15281438

sent to the gov't for admitting terrorist involvement and violence. not kidding.

>> No.15281449

>Zero interest in 3d women

Honestly shocked you're not a trans woman

>> No.15281496
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try to ignore it
if it trespasses into my personal space i run away like i'm resuming a morning jog no matter the real circumstances

>> No.15281518
File: 211 KB, 640x529, rAtILxQP59s7x43llikrBX9MxOl1ZGzFg4mErqU4fss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genderfluid, nonbinary, etc identities are all bs and dumb as hell

>> No.15281535

> saying it on a site that 100% agrees with you
such a brave take

>> No.15281536

I feel like this is pretty conceptually simple but the way you understand sex positive feminism is pretty indicative of your wider mindset in regards to it. What you want is to have women be women and men by men and you're attempting to disguise this on the basis of 'we need this to be truly equal' when what we actually need is the inverse. When everyone is everything nobody is anything. It's about deconstructing social roles, standards of beauty, etc. the complete package. And not just of women but men too. Radfem doesn't care about any of this, what it cares about, all it's capable of caring about is the most basic structures of power. Which is why radfems need woman to be such an exclusionary category, because if it isn't then the power structures get too complex.

There's a reason that the real world has moved on from this and it's because the problem has more dimensions than just 'does or doesn't' have a vagina. It's why so many terf gotcha's boil down to things like 'yeah well when I get raped I can get pregnant.' It's an attempt to maintain extant social roles and standards while sanding the rougher edges off rather than detonating them completely.

The ultiamte goal of Libfem is not "anyone can be either gender" it's "nobody is any gender." This position is painful to someone who has a very strong gender identity which they don't want to give up, which is why male chauvinists and female terfs are equally threatened by it and use the same exact language to try and deny it.

>> No.15281551

Nonbinary genderfluid is the only one that makes any sense at all and it will only make sense until we achieve a Kyrptonian Birthing Matrix at which point it too will cease to be relevant.

>> No.15281554

Eat my ass

>> No.15281572

Intersex can’t help being born that way. What?

Agree, but I still hear bs about girls in pants or hairy underarms. We all know what else is dumb as hell.

>> No.15281582

What if I don't care about any of this utopic nonsense and just want humanity to go on as before but hopefully a little bit less shitty thanks to UBI, legal weed and thick thighs

>> No.15281608
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>> No.15281641

And why should they give up their 'strong gender identity' for the sake of the usual bourgeois degradation of values and wage slavery? The self-esteem of less than a percent of people is seemingly more important.

>> No.15281670

>>I feel like this is pretty conceptually simple but the way you understand sex positive feminism is pretty indicative of your wider mindset in regards to it
i split my post into multiple greentexts so that you could easily answer each question i had and you answered none of them. i still have no idea what you are talking about. if it is conceptually simple, why are you having such a terrible time articulating these concepts? what i am going to need from you is a definition of liberal feminism because it sounds like you think it is somehow above and beyond mainstream 3rd/4th whateverwave feminism because…nothing about my characterization of liberal feminism was off. these are all true and real movements under the libfem umbrella with considerable support. sex-positivity is dick-worship. how is orgy-porgy free-love shit liberating to anyone—male or female? in what world ought we not examine the popularity of female pain in both sex and pornography (hot 18 year old slut gets choked and anally violated - 20million hits and so on)? how is sex negativity not the pro-woman, pro-human answer? radfems don't hate sexual intercourse so much as they want sexual proclivities to be examined with a critical eye. they're not anti-pleasure.
>When everyone is everything nobody is anything. It's about deconstructing social roles, standards of beauty, etc. the complete package. And not just of women but men too. Radfem doesn't care about any of this, what it cares about, all it's capable of caring about is the most basic structures of power. Which is why radfems need woman to be such an exclusionary category, because if it isn't then the power structures get too complex.
i just responded to this in the other post (and the post before that) and you restated what you said and substantiated absolutely nothing. i'm not doing this one again. see >>15281133.
>It's why so many terf gotcha's boil down to things like 'yeah well when I get raped I can get pregnant.' It's an attempt to maintain extant social roles and standards while sanding the rougher edges off rather than detonating them completely.
what kind of radfems have you been talking to and how is this a gotcha? the radfem "gotcha" is that liberal feminism perpetuates both female oppression and male porn-addiction and contributes to society's pornification and degeneration into some sort of pedophilic carnival. i don't know one single radfem who would think that male rape is less rotten than female rape—radical feminism espouses an end to all rape. i don't know why you're acting like this "terf gotcha" logically follows from your previous male/female dichotomy sentence.
and deny it.
>The ultiamte goal of Libfem is not "anyone can be either gender" it's "nobody is any gender."
i've stated multiple times this is the radical feminist platform


>> No.15281700

(continuation of >>15281670)
>>This position is painful to someone who has a very strong gender identity which they don't want to give up which is why male chauvinists and female terfs are equally threatened by it and use the same exact language to try and deny it.
radfems don't have a strong gender identity. the whole entire thing is going after the systematic violence done towards women (which has repercussions for men as well) and eliminating gendered expectations so that your biological sex predicts nothing about your life-outcome

>> No.15281739

"and deny it" was a typo generated by copying your post to greentext it, apologies

>> No.15281791

>nothing about my characterization of liberal feminism was off.
Yeah, sure let me just check what your definition is and...
>sex-positivity is dick-worship
I've said the same thing to you a few times now because it's evident you're not fully cognizant of your what your own argument is here. You're making mouth sounds without considering what they mean.

For example:
>eliminating gendered expectations so that your biological sex predicts nothing about your life-outcome
So explain the logical causality between this and 'therefore trannies are men.' The desire to simultaneously deny and embrace biologically determinism is exactly what we're talking about. Biological sex doesn't matter for radfem until it does and they're not capable of expressing in an intellectually honest way with themselves why this is. The reality is that radfem don't actually want that, what they want is what you said here:
>systematic violence done towards women
This is an admirable goal but it fails to critique the basic structures responsible for propagating it because it's stuck in a 20th century context. It's the desire to reach for what's directly in front of your face at the expense of anything beyond it. You're getting baited by 'wouldn't you like us to let you walk down the street at night' and failing to examine the 'wait why do I need to be allowed to do something?' part.

At the end of the day I think they both align towards the same goal, it's just one of them does so in a slow, painful way while the other just rips the bandaid off. This is why your own position on libfem is indicative to me of what's wrong with your argument. You're more caught up trying to tear people down than lifting them up.

>> No.15281861
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>"TERFS are so obsessed with genitalia "
>proceeds to make a 40 min video of why eating his cock is not gay, and having piv sex with him is lesbian sex

>> No.15281930

based poster is based.

>> No.15282030
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Feminism was promoted under the assumption that female "liberation" would raise female happiness. It has done exactly the opposite, measurably. The discussion really should just end there. Women are less happy in general. "Equal" relationships are unsatisfying to women and divorce rates have become a joke. Women entered the workplace and halved the value of labor for everyone. The promotion of female promiscuity tricked women into exploring their options beyond their biological prime and incentivized ideal males into likewise sleeping around instead of settling down with them. Even as feminism gains ground, it only tells women the world is more and more unjust, further dividing the genders over time. Feminist, radical feminist, intersectional feminist, TERF feminist, whatever. I see no meaningful difference. Almost every single step in the feminist march for the past century has been a disaster. I'm fucking amazed we've allowed this to happen in the first place. I'd 100% be behind rewinding the culture of gender as far back as possible. I think everyone would be shocked at how many problems it'd solve.

>> No.15282036

That while men hold the power through authority, women hold power indirectly by holding power over men through reproduction and other such things.
Something along the lines of: Men control power, and women control the men who control power.
That men invariably do what they do to get access to women, and that because of this women have a large amount of power, even if it's not institutional/authority.

I think it also mentions that of all the powers they hold, the power over sex is the greatest. That by using these things appropriately a clever woman can make literally any man, even the most powerful ones, do what they want.