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File: 334 KB, 2142x1344, Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15275976 No.15275976 [Reply] [Original]

Who was more based?

>> No.15275992

Plath is clearly the stronger poet.

>> No.15276000

I just finished The Bell Jar in the morning and I want to know if any anon knows of a film that has similar ethos? Thanks.

>> No.15276130

A film? Weepy sadness of young people whose futures go incredibly wrong? It's locale and backstory is entirely foreign but you could try All About Lily Chou-chou for a similar feel. Vive L'Amour is another good one, but that's half a male perspective. Some of Cassavetes' films feel like a grown-up version of that narrator, esp. A Woman Under the Influence

>> No.15276362

Sylvia by far. Sexton was a coomer.

>> No.15276408
File: 10 KB, 236x294, yungrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15276496


>> No.15276503


Grown ups? Sylvia 'literal Stacy but I'm still gonna kms because lol I'm such a victim' Plath? You're kidding right? Sylvia Plath is im14andthisisdeepcore

>> No.15277242


>> No.15277307

im a Sexton guy, but they were both brilliant.

their identical suicides just make it weirder

>> No.15277355

same COD suicides*

>> No.15277917

whats a cod suicide