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15275842 No.15275842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any rational arguments against girl having multiple sexual partners around before marriage?

>> No.15275851
File: 140 KB, 952x498, confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, sin separates you from God

>> No.15275861

I will attack her with boxes full of bees.

>> No.15275862

They’re all from right-wingers and they’re all essentially coping

>> No.15275863

Well what is it in reference to? If it's in reference to marriage then yes. Statistically, more sex partners correlates with higher divorce rates.

>> No.15275872
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>Statistically, more sex partners correlates with higher divorce rates.
But is this simply a correlation or a causation?

>> No.15275881

It makes the girl less attractive to 4channers - what worse fate could a person experience?

>> No.15275889

Does it matter? If your want to find a good marriage partner, you're going to do better with someone who's had little sexual experience.

>> No.15275892

But why?

>> No.15275895

I can't think of a guy who would find a girl that attractive in a girl. Except coomers.

>> No.15275903

Why would you marry someone you’ve never had sex with?

>> No.15275908

If she wasn't capable of forming a romantic connection with other males yet permitted them to cum all over her, what makes you different?
If she doesn't consider romantic attraction a necessary pre-requisite to sexual intimacy, how would you ever expect her loyalty?

>> No.15275916

I'm not that guy but one possible explanation could be people who have had multiple sex partners have problems with maintaining a stable relationship. Leading to them having multiple while people who are better at maintaining them have longer relationships resulting in less sex partners.

>> No.15275942

When I'm romantically involved with someone I want our relationship to be something we mutually think of as special. If she's been in a million relationships identical to ours, by what standard can our relationship be special? If a stranger is equally intimate with her body as me, there's nothing that's authentic between us.

>> No.15275950

The burden of rational arguments should be on the ones performing actions. How is multiple partners justified?

>> No.15275954

I think the real issue is when women with lots of partners start looking for commitment.

Most, smart, well balanced, men are reluctant to invest in a promiscuous women to be his wife and mother of his children --- for very good reason.

At that point, these women may feel regret and then drift into abusive habits.

But, if they don't want a permanent relationship at some point, then they'll probably feel fine with their choices.

>> No.15275960

>swallowing 2 thousand year old church propaganda

go read more

>> No.15275967

This thread will 404 at 220 replies. How depressing. Don't post off topic threads you retards. This isnt /b/.

>> No.15275972

how is not saving a child from a shallow pond justified?

>> No.15275973


>> No.15276034

The virtue of temperance is necessary for a happy life. A promiscuous lifestyle means not only you don't have this virtue, but that you will get further away from having it.

>They’re all from right-wingers and they’re all essentially coping
You are pretty ignorant. Arguments against promiscuity are much older than the left-wing/right-wing distinction.

>> No.15276036

Sam... why do you keep bringing this up? I keep telling you I couldn't save him because of my paraplegia. Get over it already.

>> No.15276042

Women lose the ability to pair bond from excessive sexual partners. There's a great wealth of evidence against promiscuity.

>> No.15276046

>But, if they don't want a permanent relationship at some point, then they'll probably feel fine with their choices.
Promiscuity is bad for your mental health, even if you stay single your entire life.

>> No.15276052

>Are there any rational arguments against girl having multiple sexual partners around before marriage?
Ok, here's a thought experiment. Which would you rather marry
1) girl who has had zero sexual partners
2) girl who has had 1,000 sexual partners
99.9% of people who answer the first. You can extrapolate from this principle.

>> No.15276053
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not wanting Herpes

>> No.15276057

Yes. God said so. Faggot.

>> No.15276064
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I am against women having rights or liberties, this includes sexual liberty. These things are demonstrably associated with the downfall of society and the moral fabric of civilization.

>> No.15276072

The more sexual partners a human female has had, the less her body is able to produce oxytocin, the prevalent chemical involved in pair bonding.

>> No.15276081

>Promiscuity is bad for your mental health
Thats probably true but I haven't met that many people who have had an excessive amount of partners in my life, a few at most. I've only had one partner and it was a girlfriend from high school and have been celibate ever since.

>> No.15276086

As this anon said >>15276042 if you're looking for 'scientific arguments' as opposed to moralistic ones, the pair-bonding argument is what you're looking for.
Women lose their ability to pair-bond concurrent with a greater amount of sexual relationships.
Greater number of sexual partners = a weakened ability in the female to form meaningful relationships with future partners
Ergo, if you want to marry a woman, you will want one with no sexual partners, as the chances of divorce begin to skyrocket after a woman has had 3+ sexual partners.

>> No.15276103
File: 183 KB, 940x798, 1518726916535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, women and men do not have sexual partners in equal amounts. Acceptance of female promiscuity leads to a male underclass that has little or no sex. These men become a psychologically abnormal group in society causing all kinds of problems. Anyone who has been on the internet in the last few years understands this on some level. The women also end up competing for a very small pool of men which they cannot conceivably all win resulting in yet another psychologically abnormal/damaged demographic.

Pic related.

>> No.15276123

The only one I have also applies for men as well.

The number of sexual partners you have often determines the amount of value placed on any individual one. For an individual who has had a significant number of sexual partners, that showcases a low level of importance on who they have sexual interactions with, trivializing the act. For someone who is trying to have a little more valued relationship, if they have had a significantly different number of partners from their significant other showcases a different attitude towards sex. This doesn't necessarily mean one attitude is better than the other, or that those types of couples can't be successful, however it can cause conflict between the two individuals in a relationship.

>> No.15276153
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>tfw 20% of men have 80% of the sex

>> No.15276164

Rationally, sluts are bad people and make bad wives and bad mothers. Rationally, this has been common knowledge for millennia.

>> No.15276165
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I like the pure simplicity of this argument.

>> No.15276173
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>> No.15276177

>Arguments against promiscuity are much older than the left-wing/right-wing distinction.
That hasn’t stopped right-wingers from taking the wrong arguments and spamming them

>> No.15276199

In your post you said that
>They’re all from right-wingers and they’re all essentially coping
Which is actually wrong. Arguments against promiscuity are not a "right-wing" thing. They are a virtue and eudaimonia thing.

>> No.15276201
File: 2.64 MB, 604x850, islandgf3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source please

>> No.15276214

What is the basis for your virtue foundation though?

>> No.15276225

Sorry, could you repeat the question?

>> No.15276244
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When I imagine myself in a scenario where I walk home from work and see a pretty young lady harassed by drunk men and I know that she's a virgin I might just risk bodily harm, step in and help. However if I know that she slept outside of wedlock before, I shall go home with a smile, knowing that she's being raped in a backalley, hopefully leaving her drenched in cum, torn clothes, and a lifelong mental trauma

>> No.15276246


>> No.15276248

What is the basis for your virtue foundation though?

>> No.15276254

Why would you even have to make this decision since AWAW?

>> No.15276264

Sorry, could you reword the question?

>> No.15276292

Not really. But then again, is anything related to sex or love rational?

>> No.15276299

What is the moral reasoning for your assertion that promiscuity is less virtuous?

>> No.15276300

>Not really.
But people posted lots of them here?

>> No.15276306

literature board

>> No.15276314

>spinster cope

>> No.15276326

I'm gonna read them now

>> No.15276332

- More sexual partners means high risk of carrying STDs which can be transmitted to the child.
- Having more partners assigns less individual valuation of each partner, which lowers confidence in her valuation of any additional partner.
- Dat ho dont value herself and she wont value a stable relationship with an honest fellow.

>> No.15276349
File: 103 KB, 640x430, politsuffrajutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfortunately they are no rational arguments that do not depend on a presupposition of the truth of Abraham religion.

One could have argued in the past that risk of pre-martial sex were greater than the rewards, in the age rampant syphilis, social ostracism of bastards and "impure" women but now in the age of the pill,condom, penicillin, female liberation and so forth the arguments become foppish.

In countries with high rates of HIV?AIDS infection one could make a basic argument of self preservation but with advent of medication for that particular plague such arguments decrease rapidly in their worth.

Now if bride prices were still a thing and if fathers turned Afghan at the mere thought of some impingement of their daughters virginity then one could make some compelling arguments in favour of Pre-martial celibacy.

One could argue from a Platonic and Confucian POV that moderation is to be desired in all things and hence a preponderance of sexual partners shows an unbalanced personality whit a corresponding inability to reach virtue.

However all this runs in to the counter that human beings are made for procreation and that males evolutionary strategy is to have sown in as many fields as possible and that women fill the same urges, and if classical thinkers are to be believed they feel them to a much greater degree than males, the consequences are natural. 7
For example despite the intense piety of 18th century Spain one could rarely find a virgin as the concept of masculinity was so tightly bound up with sexual promiscuity.

>> No.15276360

>Thread full of poor coping mechanisms
>Post the only literature on the subject
Cope Have sex

>> No.15276383

Who cares about rationality. What are you gay or something? Just dont be a whooore

>> No.15276397

There is a deeper one, but the most simple argument is:
Pleasure can't guarantee happiness.
Over indulding in pleasure (such as having casual sex, binge drinking, etc) doesn't satiate you, it actually increases your craving.
Desiring more of it will make it so you won't get peace of mind since it will cause you anxiety (you desire pleasure but you are not sure you will get it), distress (for when you want pleasure but can't get it). And even if you do get the pleasure you desire... ...not only it will not bring you happiness or peace of mind but it will increase your desire for it later. So, habits are what makes you (Aristotle is one philosopher who emphasized habits). Besides (this is kind of unrelated to my point), the pleasure you get when you over indulge in pleasure is smaller due to how the human brain works.

Another way that being promiscuous hurts you is on how it affects your choices. It causes you to make bad choices. For example, think of the man who cheats on his wife and destroy his marriage.

>> No.15276415

>Unfortunately they are no rational arguments that do not depend on a presupposition of the truth of Abraham religion.
Whenever someone posts this in regards to promiscuity, you can ignore the rest of the post, since it shows he has little knowledge of the topic.

>> No.15276423

This post doesn't change that you are
a.) a spinster
b.) coping

>> No.15276430

im going to have sex RIGHT NOW so i can be a retard like butterbitch and this >>15276349 faggot so i can gradually destroy myself and have nothing better to do than constantly shitpost on a fucking nowhere literature board

>> No.15276435

Aren't you the tripfag that pretends to be an Epicurean?
Epicurus advised people to be celibate. Was that a "poor coping mechanism"?

>> No.15276446

The prioritization of feeling good over creating a stable household with children is detrimental to society, and is what will kill the West.

>> No.15276452

Yes, we cannot remove useless buttertryhard from the board, but we can point out that they're a hypocrite and loser. Some people consummate sex with their sole partner and enjoy bliss, others synonymize sex with self destruction and waste their lives shitposting with a trip.

>> No.15276456

Hey /lit/ how's it going?

>sees thread

ah, oops? I must be on /pol/ or something, ha ha can anyone help me find /lit/?

>> No.15276461

I bet all of my TF2 keys Buttertard doesn't respond to this with a refutation.

>> No.15276474

has buttershit ever responded to anything without a cheap meme response?

>> No.15276476

buttershit WILL NOT reply to this

she is a retarded pseud

>> No.15276480

Neither are true, but this proves you’re coping.

I am Epicurean. Do you know what advice is?

>> No.15276483

Statistical inference, as the previous post argued
Are you slow or something?

>> No.15276489

Prove you have children you faker.

>> No.15276493

Why don't you post one of your gifs of women making snarky faces, old spinster? All out?

>> No.15276504

>I am Epicurean. Do you know what advice is?
>sex never did anyone any good, and that one ought to consider himself fortunate, if it didn't do him any harm

>> No.15276515
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what rational arguments would you suggest?

>> No.15276521

Wow cool an ugly unsuccessful materialist epicurean do tell more

>> No.15276522
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>tfw will never be the fifty year-old laughing stock of /lit/ that failed out of art college

>> No.15276531
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>failed out of art college
The fuck? lol

>> No.15276533 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 1200x1600, 1588643445487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epicurus advices we weigh the consequences. A family could cause a lot of pain, what with all the worry and heartache they cause, but if your heart must go that way, prepare yourself.
Kiss your lover is it were the last time. Enjoy your life as deeply as possible.

I have none but you.
Pic for you
I’m not here to be attractive for you, scrub.

>> No.15276539

Butterfail was doxxed? Post deets, even if its thru a link, so you wont get banned

>> No.15276546

Pumping me for biographic material to try and shame me, I revealed to anon that I was an aspiring filmmaker. Nothing came of it. It happens.

>> No.15276552

Dumb advice for self-extincting bonobos. If you wanna extinct yourself whatever, but that's on you, and don't try to pin that onto everyone else.

>> No.15276555

I do not like you, please don't respond to my posts.

>> No.15276562

Trips of truth

>> No.15276569

What a lovely picture my friend, may I save it? Death to Buttershit, also.

>> No.15276574

>Kiss your lover as if it were the last time

Just a way to remove and relieve pain from one’s life.

Nice digits

>> No.15276628

God is dead tho

>> No.15276713

>Neither are true, but this proves you’re coping.
Yes, he is right. You are 46 year olds, mediocre job, poor, ugly, ex mod in 4chan, art collage failure(film lmao), spinster, probably has menopause and a dyke.

>> No.15276780
File: 21 KB, 521x115, 20200504_201952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey butterdyke. Look at this edit I make. You want me to make more? I plan to upload them in several porn websites.

>> No.15276787

It's not ideal but everyone deserves a second chance. If you keep being a thot (male or female) then you're just fucked desu senpai

>> No.15276813

very based

>> No.15276854

besides all research showing that such a thing leads to unstable marriages that do not last?
besides the obvious increased chance of catching stds?
no, not that I know of

>> No.15277046

Does it not somehow just feel stupid that sex plays such important role to humans, simply because evolution overshot with the amount of dopamine it generates? Whether you're a christcuck prude, or a liberal degenerate or something inbetween ultimately your entire existence and set of morals and values revolve around the silly act of putting penis between the meatflaps and jerking your body until white liquid comes out.
Could the mankind that sidelines sex altogether ever be imagined? Can you picture humanity which regards sex like any other drug - likr smoking, drinking, or food. Something you do occasionally wbut assign absolutely no importance to? Would such civilization be an upgrade?

>> No.15277168

Why would we want to sideline sex? Passion is important. It's good. It's a part of who we are. I'm not necessarily saying that promiscuity is good when I say this though. I'm talking about love.

>> No.15277230

Because sex is ultimately a rather basic biological function? Do you not think passions would be better off directed towards things beautiful and human, rather than a crude reproduction mechanism?

>> No.15277305

Unless you fuck like a maniac and have a big dick shell probably remember those guys eventually and crave other mens cocks again

>> No.15277427


>> No.15277429

William Guppy said no.

>> No.15277432


>> No.15277439

Getting a loose pussy

>> No.15277448

Holy fuck the cope lol

>> No.15277506

If you're old enough to walk into a store and purchase beer and you still think the ethical principles universal to most ancient religions have no basis outside of superstition I feel sorry for you.