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/lit/ - Literature

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15275789 No.15275789 [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me to get libtards epcly owned by my arguments?

>> No.15275800

First off, cut the passivity of your sentences by half: "help me to get libtards owned"? Just be more direct ffs: "What books will help me EPICALLY OWN libtards with my arguments?"

Cut the passive voice bullshit.

>> No.15276187

this is a no libtard zone, please leave

>> No.15276223

I would love to see Ben Shapiro get publicly beaten up so I stopped seeing threads about him. I'd probably be willing to contribute my own money to pay some thugs to jump him and beat him senseless if that would mean that I wouldn't see threads about him on /lit/.

>> No.15276243

I read The Templar by Dan Jones and it was baller, duuude.
Also, anything by Milton Friedman.
Semper fi!

>> No.15276270
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Socialist writings

>> No.15276291

Ben Shapiro is a liberal

>> No.15277023

Schopenhauer wrote an essay titled "How to Be Right"

>> No.15277065

>>15276291 this
Unironically Capital vol. 1

>> No.15277119

>ben shapiro

>> No.15278358

Why? He's a neocon.

>> No.15278408

Literally read a book on logic. Logic is the science that evaluates arguments.

>> No.15278419

Atlas Shrugged
I made one of teachers cry by parroting objectivist ethics true story

>> No.15278426

Neoconservatism is founded on liberalism.