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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 720x576, alice at the tea party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1527302 No.1527302 [Reply] [Original]

Lit contact thread!




>Currently Reading:

>Favourite Book:

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):

>Any other information you wish to share:

>> No.1527306


>> No.1527310

OP wants to meet people who read books i think..tough though it is..

>> No.1527315

>Age: 28

>Sex: Male

>Location: Algiers

>Currently Reading: La Nausée

>Favourite Book: Le Comte de Monte Christo

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): albert.meursault@hotmail.fr

>Any other information you wish to share:
Life is insignificant.

>> No.1527316
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Manchester, England
>Currently Reading:
Frankenstein - Mary Shelly
>Favourite Book:
A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
>Any other information you wish to share:
Prefer to talk via email just because i do not use msn very often. I will, however, be on it tonight

>> No.1527317


>> No.1527319


i'm doing this for /lit/
i think i outlined that in my first post.

>> No.1527324

>Location:southern USA (N.C.)
>Currently Reading:The Unnamable by Beckett
>Favourite Book:Story of the Eye
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):Aim is "retouralanormal"
>Any other information you wish to share: i listen to terrorcore and twee pop

>> No.1527337


i see what u did there

>> No.1527344

ur email bounced back - ltn 2 type retard

>> No.1527347


>> No.1527353


Clearly you haven't read The Stranger.

>> No.1527354
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>Currently Reading:
The Great Gatsby
>Favourite Books:
Catcher in the Rye, Ada or Ador, The Trial
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
>Any other information you wish to share:
i'm a juggalo.

>> No.1527355

We're on /lit/...

You could just go to /soc/ and ask for people who read books.

>> No.1527359

you clearly didnt understand it if you didnt get the joke.

i hate faggt hipsters like you, pretending to understand the greatest books of all time.

>> No.1527362

age: 21
sex: female
location: seattle
currently reading: lolita
favorite book: lord of the rings

>> No.1527387
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taxi for anon

>> No.1527391


why do you keep posting pictures of this guy? pretending it's you?

link for more of this fake guys pics.
or i could post it on /lit/?

>> No.1527415

Or you could an hero?

>> No.1527431


>old unfunny /b/ meme on /lit/

sure bro, seems like i'm the problem!

>> No.1527432

>The Decameron
>The Idiot or Nausea
>... nah
>I listen to noise/power electronics, I fapped to Sálo, I am being turned on by watching snuff films and I'm a virgin.

>> No.1527434

And to that problem, you have the final solution.

>> No.1527438

wut no contact details??

>> No.1527444




>Currently Reading:
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Garcia Marquez)

>Favourite Book:
Hunger (Hamsun)

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
See above.

>Any other information you wish to share:
I'm a black spic.

>> No.1527453

>stagolee detected

>> No.1527454
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Molloy, The Dismemberment of Orpheus, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Foucault's Pendulum, Dialectic of Enlightenment

people who have read 1984, lolita, ender's game, brothers karamazov, please ignore

>> No.1527459

Alright, sandhedsgarden@hotmail.com

>> No.1527465

<3 = broken

also wtf at nausea favourite book, what language did you read it in?

>/b/-tard mad as hell

>> No.1527468

jokin dude, you sound like a fuckin nutjob

>> No.1527469

Are you a muslim?

Danish. First serious book I read, that's why I love it.

>> No.1527472
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>>people who have read 1984, lolita, ender's game, brothers karamazov, please ignore
>still hasn't read these entry-level texts!

>> No.1527474

>Are you a muslim?

this. but more in a extreme try-hard way.

>> No.1527473 [DELETED] 



Currently reading Nana by Émile Zola and Three Men On The Bummel by Jerome K. Jerome.

One of my favourite novels is Lolita, but I never tire of Salinger or Vonnegut.

I'm in my first year of a literature degree at the Sorbonne.

Skype is above.

P.S. >>1527306
I'd've thought?

>> No.1527479

Sage for not /lit/-related

Just because you made a thread about the people of /lit/ doesn't make it a discussion of literature, otherwise that Stagolee tripfag thread would also be /lit/-related.

>> No.1527484
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I pity you guys, instead of going out, you look for friends on the internet.
You fucking aspies.

>> No.1527486


>hasn't already read Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.1527490
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>> No.1527508
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Truth hurts doesn't it fagbrax?

>> No.1527517

Muslims hate Denmark.

I don't try hard. Then I wouldn't have listed two rather mainstream existentialist books as my favourites.

>> No.1527518

soc is that way, faggot. -->
soc is that way, faggot. -->
soc is that way, faggot. -->
soc is that way, faggot. -->

>> No.1527536

>I don't try hard
>noise/power electronics music
>'i fapped to de sade! lifetime acheivement!'
>wanks to snuff at 15

>> No.1527540
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I like filling these out, but don't wanna hook up.




>Currently Reading:
House of Leaves - Danielewski

>Favourite Book:
The Plauge - Camus

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):

>Any other information you wish to share:

>> No.1527548

Not Sade, Sálo, faggot.

>> No.1527610


>> No.1527879

The Savage Detectives/Huck Finn/Collected Works of Rilke
I don't talk to people on the internet other than here.

>> No.1527898


>> No.1527904

Louisiana or Los Angeles?

>> No.1527934 [DELETED] 

>christian in L.A.

>> No.1527935

the latter

>> No.1527960

Cool... You wanna give me a ride?

>> No.1527968

I am christian and do reside in Los Angeles.

>> No.1527980

Where to?

>> No.1527984
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>> No.1528010

A mere 14 years of age
Britain, Scotland specifically
>Currently Reading:
'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy
>Favourite Book:
If I can name a series, The Dark Tower.' If only one book, then probably 'The waste lands'
>Any other information you wish to share:
I likely sound like a hipster or something, apologies If I do.

>> No.1528013

been there already

>> No.1528018

fuck you for being younger than me

>> No.1528042

>Age: 25

>Sex: m

>Location: Germany

>Currently Reading: Crime and Punishment

>Favourite Book: Memories of Ice (Malazan Book of the Fallen), The Trial

>> No.1528060

what youre not older than me?

>> No.1528087

Age: 17
Sex: Female
Location: South-East England
Currently Reading: Language, Truth and Logic
Favourite Book: Infinite Jest
Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): madamexpsychosis@gmail.com
Any other information you wish to share: I am a pretentious faggot.

>> No.1528100

why did you drop trip.

>> No.1528136

Is Wycombe a nice place?

>> No.1528151
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>> No.1528158

i like that you've been using David Mitchell for reaction images.

>> No.1528162

how the fuck? i thought you were just bluffing about Wycombe from her ip o_0

inb4 tripsk jokes

>> No.1528163

Yet another quality tripfag thread.

>> No.1528189
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>a compendium of Kafka's short stories
>L'Etranger by Albert Camus
>I'm looking for someone with whom to wrestle with the heavyweight intellectual issues of the day deep into the night.

>> No.1528342


>> No.1528900

Liverpool/Peterborough, UK.
Portrait of the artist/apology for poetry
Handful of dust/Orlando/Infinite Jest/Unbearable lightness of being
wolf359alpha@hotmail.com <- msn.

>> No.1528958
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>Currently Reading:
Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis, on my boyfriend's suggestion.

>Favorite Book:
Watership Down

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
Skype is Sol Niceguy. I have no cam. No relation to the vidya character.

>Any other information you wish to share:
When I'm nervous I talk about nothing but animals and western cartoons. When I'm not nervous I still mostly talk about animals and western cartoons.


>> No.1529238

>Age: 23

>Sex: f

>Location: tx

>Currently Reading: Ulysses

>Favourite Book: An Arrow's Flight - Mark Merliss

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): pinkdomo_lit@hotmail.com

>> No.1529342

>Age: 21

>Sex: male

>Location: California (southern)

>Currently Reading: Essays and Aphorisms (by Schopenhauer) and Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche)

>Favourite Book: Republic (plato), Catcher in the Rye (salinger), or Slaughterhouse-Five (vonnegut)

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): on request

>Any other information you wish to share: philosophy is my life

>> No.1529354
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>Favourite Book: Republic (plato)

>> No.1529374

wats wrong?

the republic was my first philosophy read and it fucking opened sooo many doors

>> No.1529381

Pinellas county, Florida

Currently: Mrs. Caliban in my leisure time, Canterbury Tales(in the original Middle English) for school.

Favorite: The Bell Jar, I guess. That's one of them, anyway.

Contact info: I only communicate by carrier pigeon.

Additional information I'd like to include: Hatters often appeared to go mad during the Victorian era because mercury was used in the felt curing process. They would contract mercury poisoning, which can cause all sorts of fun symptoms.

>> No.1529436


>> No.1529474

Age: 21
Sex: F
Location: America
Currently reading: a collection of Inge's plays
Favorite book: Orlando by Woolf

>> No.1529477

Why do you like The Bell Jar so much?

>> No.1529480
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>Location: America

>> No.1529484


Because I used to be incredibly depressed and attempted suicide. The Bell Jar is so accurate in its depiction of depression that if leaves me in awe, while simultaneously reminding me of those rough times.

>> No.1529489

Nice, yet sad answer. It literally blew my mind when I read it..

>> No.1529491

>Age: 17
>Sex: Male
>Location: USA, NC, 919
>Currently Reading: Notes from the Underground
>Favorite Book: An American Tragedy
>Contact Info: I'll post if someone's interested.
>Any other information you wish to share: Today I decided I would abandon all of my inhibitions, and just write. I wrote for two hours or so, churned out about two pages, but once I read what I had written, I then hit CTRL+A and Backspace, and exited the document without saving. It probably wasn't all that bad, but I just hated it because it was my own.

>> No.1529492

you have to get over that last bit...

>> No.1529495


I know. Thank you though.

>> No.1529508

>Age: 16
>Sex: f
>Location: philadelphia

>Currently Reading: into the wild

>Favourite Book: belljar

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): smilefrownmood@aim.com

>> No.1529551
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older than brownbear and tybrax
>Currently Reading:
genealogy of morals, metamorphoses
>Favourite Book:
don't have favourites, idk maybe something like rules of attraction/ dice man/ steppenwolf
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
>Any other information you wish to share:
I'm just this guy

>> No.1529563

>Unable to add the buddy >anonymousubermensch@hotmail.co.uk because the username is invalid. Usernames must be valid email addresses.

>> No.1529565

>older than brownbear and tybrax

>> No.1529567


I'm not sure if you've stated it before, but what is your sexuality?

I've always penned you for gay, but I don't mean that as an insult.

>> No.1529571


D&E must really be prestigious in this board.

>> No.1529575


He posts regularly. If that's what you mean by prestige.

>> No.1529595

maybe you typed it in wrong ty

straight. what gave you the impression i was gay?

>> No.1529603

nope i tried it 3 times.

>straight. what gave you the impression i was gay?

>> No.1529606


Queer Theory

>> No.1529649

interesting Ms Seattle. Tell me more.

>> No.1529654


Oh, hi there :)

>> No.1529659

she only has 3 cats.

>> No.1529672
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>Queer Theory

get in line with the rest of the resentful marginalised

>> No.1529673

you mean dogs. Seattle has dogladies, not catladies.

>> No.1529681
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18/f in my first year of a Literature degree at the Sorbonne in Paris.

I think my favourite authors are Salinger, Vonnegut and Nabokov.

I'd love to talk to any /lit/erates :)

>> No.1529688

theres a girl from paris earlier ITT. you should meet up and read some anne rice.

>> No.1529689


>Sex: male

>Location: D&E's chin canyon

>Currently Reading: crash, suicide club

>Favourite Book: n/a

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): nope

>Any other information you wish to share: I can spout a whole bunch of bullshit

>> No.1529699


I want you madly.

>> No.1529726

>Ann Arbor
>The End of Nature
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>I listen to excessive amounts of classical music

>> No.1529732

Ctrl+F tells me otherwise... it's a pity.

Well, you can have my Skype for the meantime :D

>> No.1529733

youre kind of sad.

>> No.1529744



So long as you promise me that, when we fall madly in love, move in and grow old together, you'll read Voltaire to me in French, nightly.

Not too big of a commitment I hope.

>> No.1529745

North Carolina
Going to school for Computer Programming.
Current reading Between Hell and Reason

>> No.1529747


Where at in NC?
What uni/community college?

>> No.1529748

maybe i imagined it or it was another thread. you could try greev oval to see if it was deleted.

>> No.1529758

Was going to UNC-Chapel Hill.
Fucking hated dorm life.
Too much forced socialization.
Went back home to a shitty little community college.
Currently on my third year of school!
Almost done, and almost out of here! :D

>> No.1529770

In the best of all possible worlds, that sounds fairly doable yes.

>> No.1529779

>Age: 19

>Sex: M

>Location: Groton CT

>Currently Reading: The Sound and the Fury

>Favourite Book: I don't like to play the favorites game.

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): Freshly.Hewn@gmail.com

>Any other information you wish to share: Not at the moment.

>> No.1529780

Keep your pornography off blue boards, please.


>> No.1529782

It's almost five in the morning here so good night fellow /lit/erates.

>> No.1529784


Really? I can sympathize with you in a way. I have the grades/ACT score to get into UNC-CH, but when I visited there, it seemed like a place for tools.

So then I decided to only apply to Western Carolina. Because it was far away, instate, and hated by my parents for whatever reason. Got into the honors college, but then I got a girlfriend so now I'll probably be going to a community college so I can stay in the area.

>> No.1529787


>> No.1529804


>Dialectic of Enlightenment

I just got an instant boner.

>> No.1529829

Yeah, my boyfriend actually lives out there in Asheville.
I go out there sometimes, but I'm not looking to move that way until I finish school.

>> No.1529832



>> No.1529837

Age: 25
Sex: M
Location: Argentina
Currently Reading: don Quixote
Favourite book: Hopscotch
Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): nah..
Any other information you wish to share: the nordic gods are the greek gods for the vikings

>> No.1529839


Is there a community college in Chapel Hill, or are you going to Wake Tech?

>> No.1529845


I'm in raleigh btw.

>> No.1529846
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pick up the pace guys my fanmail isn't going to write itself

>> No.1529850


I think I'm cute.

I know I'm sexy.

I got the looks.

That drive the girls wild...

>> No.1529866
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San Francisco, CA
>Currently Reading:
Beloved by Toni Morrison
>Favourite Book:
The Bell Jar, Pride and Prejudice, Lolita, The Great Gatsby, 1984, Catch-22
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc):
AIM - Coffeenese
>Any other information you wish to share:
I love dystopian/apocalyptic novels, existentialism, and other controversial books. And Sylvia Plath.

>> No.1529867
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how drab

so sad it is that all of the new tripfags are this ordinary

>> No.1529872


You think you know me?

>> No.1529875

So the only real difference between the new and the old is time. Good to know.

>> No.1529879
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>and other controversial books
if you hadn't of said that i would've considered you to have pretty good taste

>switching up from my traditional Moliere/Yeats/Chekhov routine in order to remind you all who i really resemble

>> No.1529889

Neither, I'm in Fayetteville.

>> No.1529895
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>if you hadn't of said that i would've considered you to have pretty good taste
>if you hadn't of said that
>hadn't of said that
>hadn't of

If you didn't have such abominable grammar I would have considered you to have pretty good taste.

>> No.1529897

i guess it's a doggy dog world out their

>> No.1529899




I'll repeat my question, You think you know me?

>> No.1529901
File: 24 KB, 676x387, report ignore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is /soc/ in here

>> No.1529906

>Age: 17

>Sex: M

>Location: Ireland

>Currently Reading: A Clockwork Orange / Robinson Crusoe (college).

>Favourite Book: Lolita, The Bell Jar, 1984

>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): No

>Any other information you wish to share: Only been reading seriously for a couple of months, so working through the obvious.

>> No.1529916

Eh sure, but no contact info

>Currently Reading:
Dante's Inferno (divine comedy)
>Favorite Book:
The Great Gatsby
>Any other information you wish to share:
Fuck the Italians and how they write books. I can the Canterbury Tales without a problem, but the Divine comedy? nope.jpg

>> No.1529917

>17, M
>Lolita, The Bell Jar, 1984
Want to be friends? Or are you trollin breh?

>> No.1529930
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>> No.1529963


Good decision, chump.

>> No.1529971

Melbourne, Australia
Reading: Woken Furies
Favorite: City of Saints and Madmen
Contact: geist_game@hotmail.com
Other: I'm on goodreads at http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3800589

>> No.1529986

>Age: 22
>Sex: M
>Location: Phoenix, AZ
>Currently Reading: The Magicians
>Favourite Book: Magician Master/Apprentice
>Contact Info (Email, AIM etc): albertscoot4me@live.com
>Any other information you wish to share: I'm also an engineering student that watches a lot of anime, reads a lot of manga and watches a lot of movies and collects random pieces of information.

>> No.1530046

alberta, canada (grand prairie currently [in a shite motel])
/lolita/white tiger
something by PKD
I have no idea why I'm posting in this thread, why would anyone email me? Looks like lots of people reading lolita. How grand. Someone gave it to me and I've been enjoying it but still waiting for the message to come. Really well written though. Im half drunk. Anybody watch the superbowl? I didn't. Instead I listened to the forty-something couple in the next motel room fuck on and off for the last couple of hours. Fairly interesting I'd say. Loud moaning and skin on skin slapping sounds at 240ish bpm.
My lips are dry and i should go to the store to get chap stick but it's really cold outside. If anyone wants to perhaps make the drive up here I'd gladly wait up for you to hand deliver me some and reimburse you for the cost of gas/ bus ticket/ plane ticket/ helicopter training and rental, plus an additional 10% bonus (cause I'm a nice guy). Also once you get here we could discuss literature and maybe even go to the strippers across the street and get drunk if you play you're cards right. I also have two beds if you need to stay the night, and theres free, that's right, FREE continental breakfast (consisting of sunny D, eggo waffles [which you have to toast yourself] and DOLE fruit cups (YUM!).
Anyways, send you're resume to the email above and I'll let you know if you've got the job!



>> No.1530068

Update on the couple next door:
A female lawyer just came in and is discussing drunk driving charges with them. They are trying to devise a plan on how to weedle their way out of the situation. I am loling my ass off. I've seen the guy and he has a moustache.
That is all.

>> No.1530088

I'm sorry, but I may email you. That's what you get for posting you're email on 4chan.
also, correction: my email is actially @gmail.com, not @ hotmail.com.
just thought I'd clarify.

>> No.1530100

I NEED your contact info sir.

My MSN is Ovvnage@hotmail.com