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File: 52 KB, 720x411, Screenshot_2020-05-04-09-56-22-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15271187 No.15271187 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about freedom?

>> No.15271206

What a selfish prick. Personally I think we should surveil every citizen autonomously, provide UBI, ban cash, pubs and especially gyms, have helicopter patrols to ensure no one goes to national parks or outside in general etc. this way everyone is safe and I can make pop art of vaguely brown people to advertise government safety products

>> No.15271214
File: 8 KB, 236x213, 4chan meme wojak brain RENAME BEFORE POSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but also forcefully disarm the population at gunpoint, that way a fascist regime could never arise

>> No.15271217


>> No.15271269

just kill everyone

>> No.15271302

this, it's the only way to stop corona

>> No.15271313

Imagine defending an economy that can’t survive being limited to essentials for two months

>> No.15271336

that guy is a psycho

>> No.15271337

worst is "muh tourism industry"
I saw a cunt invoke this IRL once

>> No.15271365

>normoids cant even handle being psuedo neets for a few months


>> No.15271389
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>> No.15271424

Maybe you should read some nRX. Normies do not deserve or even desire freedom. All they want, at any cost, is security and comfort as is plain to see.

Lets continue to sacrafice 40,000 people a year so we can drive cars that destroy the urban landscape, pollute, and make everyone's lives more miserable. I drive 20 minutes a day to work and back and it's easily the most miserable part of my day. I'd give anything to sit on a train, even if it were for 40 minutes instead, and relax.

>> No.15271436

You say this but the reality is you’d be in a crowded “train” with six million foreigners. You are insulated from reality

>> No.15271459


We have tons of regulations and rules about how you are and are not allowed to participate in traffic. How we behave on the road is literally one of the most regulated things in our lives. The Chinese virus lockdown rules are peanuts compared to that. What a fucking idiot. He's basically arguing for removing all traffic lights, speed limits, and allowing people to drive into oncoming traffic.

>> No.15271462
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>Maybe you should read some nRX

>> No.15271503
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When is he dropping a new album?

>> No.15271509
File: 137 KB, 788x582, 830D7948-CB98-45E9-AF93-376DDD23DD30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 samefags

>> No.15271579


>> No.15271640

I wonder if he says the same to 9/11

>> No.15271649

>our freedoms
freedoms for what?

>> No.15271781

tourism going extinct is a good thing
international travel should be heavily limited so that visiting/moving to another nation actually means something
prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.15271850

It's a legit question tho. Maybe in Burgerland tourism isn't a big thing, but here in Spain (also in Italy and perhaps France) we're gonna be totally fucked up without it

>> No.15271861


>> No.15272078

or muh sports industry
fuck these fucking parasytes

>> No.15272137

best argument for banning cars i've heard

>> No.15272151

>not understanding the whole flattening the curve thing was so hospitals weren't overrun

>> No.15272453

Americans are conditioned from birth to have absolutely no collective inclination whatsoever. The concept of making a choice that would benefit others around us without directly helping ourselves is completely foreign to us. Bringing something like that up in public will get you nothing but confusion or anger in response.

>> No.15272481
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big brains only ITT

>> No.15272517
File: 810 KB, 2000x1331, Zsa-Zsa-English-Bulldog-Winner-Worlds-Ugliest-Dog-Competition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we can all earnestly agree that we hope this continues to get worse

>> No.15272552

This is not true there are things like church charities, some government positions like firefighters and military, and other stuff

>> No.15272565

charity doesn't do anything

>> No.15272617

Charity helps many people and is more altruistic than welfare since it's voluntary.

>> No.15272648

Firefighters and military are the Designated Hero Jobs that are exceptional for being the only ones expected to make sacrifices.
>more altruistic than welfare since it's voluntary
And here we are, welfare has to be a forced coercion and most of the country is furious that it exists at all.

>> No.15272677

Taxation is theft, retard. It's pointless to try to rationalize your way out of.

>> No.15272679

Welfare is by definition forced, you have no choice.

>> No.15272683

on liberty by stuart mill


>> No.15272700
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>> No.15272736

I truly believe that vehicles should be banned. Would be a much better world.

>> No.15272745

You really don't understand mutual inclusivity, do you? Your cutsie little visualization here clearly states that taxation is theft. Try again, retard.

>> No.15272752

>submit to governmental authority for le greater good

suck my dick and ass, retard idiot

>> No.15272757

>Your cutsie little visualization here clearly states that taxation is theft
not at all it is making fun of that statement

>> No.15272763

Also fuck anyone that makes cars their hobby. How psychologically stunted do you have to be to get an erection browsing Google Images results for boomer tier Italian sports cars?

>> No.15272787

Fuck you nigger. I want to be able to afford plane tickets to some place else that isn't this depressing soulless shithole of a country.

>> No.15272831

I agree with this post. It's the only post I agree with in this thread.

>> No.15272892


>> No.15272904


>> No.15272976

Maybe you shouldn't have imported so many migrants if your economy can only stay afloat by degeneracy

>> No.15273535

Well I don't want you to come to my country and make it worse with your presence. Good thing you can't anymore lol

>> No.15273642

>drivers licenses
>mandatory insurance
>mandatory safety features
>hundreds of laws and codes governing public traffic
>lights, signs, lines, traffic police
The death toll would be significantly higher than 40,000 per year without the thousands upon thousands of government control mechanisms to make automobile traffic safer. Likewise, covid-19 has already managed to kill an estimated 40-65k people despite the fact that we've locked down the entire country. Imagine how worse it would be had we not.

Why are all of these people so low IQ? Why? It doesn't make sense. Statistically speaking, the majority of them should be average. How is this fucking possible? Are they just not thinking? Are they the sheeple parroting whatever opinion is fed to them through media that they accuse everyone else of being?

>> No.15273655

No man is an island. You cannot live and there is no point in history when you could have survived without communal effort. Taxes are the communal effort of sufficiently complex human organization. Refusing to pay taxes is theft from the rest of society that has gifted you every opportunity you've had since birth.
Shut up and pay taxes, selfish scumbag.

>> No.15273668

>no collective inclination
>bombarded by messaging about how you are good/bad by virtue of belonging to an ethnic group by birth and why you owe/are owed things as a result of your group membership

>> No.15273685

What non-Americans need to realize is that when someone in power invokes "the community", in an American context, what that means is, it is time for some form of wealth transfer to various resentful minorities, so pay up.

>> No.15273695

I don't visit 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.15273699

Don't want to die in a car accident? Don't drive.
Don't want to get sick? Don't go outside lil ass nigga.
Just because you're not willing to accept risk in some way doesn't mean everyone has to be held to your standard. Become more self-sufficient if you have an issue with interaction as a result of relying on the goods and services provided by others. Stay inside goy!

>> No.15273726

>restore our freedom
Yeah, our freedom to wageslave, I never wanna go back to work, this is too comfy

>> No.15273768
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>> No.15273782
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>> No.15273798


i agree anon, i really wish we had more trains, it would be such a pleasure to read on the commute

>> No.15273811

Rudolf Steiner.

>> No.15273843

Nations are just groups of people separated by arbitrary limits. Why should I be forbidden of visiting another group of people?

>> No.15273885

Sweden's deathrate is significantly higher, fuckhead

>> No.15273893
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, feh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't want to die in a car accident? Don't drive.
Lots of pedestrians and bycicle riders die daily
>Don't want to get sick? Don't go outside lil ass nigga.
If you get sick you may pass the virus to someone actually relevant in society. Also virus is airborne.

>> No.15273900

Sweden has literally 8 times more deaths per million than Norway, retard

>> No.15273904

Half of these points are reasonable, the other half are fucking retarded. Nice job mixing them so you can refute any critique by pointing to the "legit" notes. Now fuck off back to Twitter.

>> No.15273935

>respond to a post without understanding what you're responding to
Fucking moron zoomer.
We have a structure in place to minimize risk due to "user error" when driving. Without it, cars would be so unsafe as to be unusable. We need the same types of guidelines and regulations to stop the spread of one of the most contagious diseases of our time.

>> No.15273958

I want the lock down to end so all the young fat ass Americans can die. Think about how fucked they will be after that? More than half of an entire generation, gone, because they were too lazy/stupid to take care of themselves.

I want the rumors of this virus being a lab creation to be true, I want to believe there is a group of scientists that went out of their way to create a virus that kills fat people.

>> No.15274014

because for every good tourist there are 5 terrible tourists who litter, shit on park trails, etc.
and then this turns beautiful and historic areas into gimmicky international theme parks instead of a place for the people who were born there to appreciate. look what has happened to Venice, the Grand Canyon, etc.

>> No.15274059

>I want the rumors of this virus being a lab creation to be true
Jesus, you're fucking thick

>> No.15274068

Elaborate please

>> No.15274076

the rumors are that it was leaked from a lab, doesn't mean it was man made

>> No.15274095

I bet you're fat aren't you porky?

>> No.15274174

I've been laughing at the filename like a retard for two minutes

>> No.15274295
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>> No.15274320

People only appreciate those places in pictures. Locals hardly go to touristic places in their own cities.

>> No.15274379

scofield bible

>> No.15274380

Have you considered that is because either a) there are too many tourists there or b) are tourist traps with no cultural value whatsoever

>> No.15274471

the idea is that in a lot of countries there are not very many rules for driving. Americans tend to freak out over that and they say "these people are crazy drivers". But all those people are used to the craziness and so they have to pay attention when they drive. Americans on the other hand are too presumptuous of what other people are to do. so they let their guards down and become like autists that don't know what to do when something goes amiss.

>> No.15274541

Freedom! by Adam Kokesh

>> No.15274545

>have the option to work for someone else or for myself
>that potential employer might have resources that would make working for them economically sensible even if most of the capital I produce goes to them
>always have the option to be self-employed, in a partnership, or even just live off the land
>somehow this is worse than the government taking a cut of whatever I make without my consent and spending it on shit I don't support, like completely retarded wars, and if I refuse they will take it by force and throw me in jail

Taxation is literally theft.

>> No.15274600

This wasn't the case until about forty years ago. You're literally describing a symptom of the problem I'm talking about - the government existing either to pay me gibs if I'm a negroid, to ameliorate my guilt if I'm a white liberal, or to be the evil keeping me down and preventing me from being The Real Me if I'm a white neocon.
All of these positions are subtle cases of the particularly American brand of narcissism. Not one of them takes into consideration anything cooperative or collective, only giving and taking from the self, sometimes with others as faceless background characters (evil libtards stealing my money, poor innocent negros thanking my mandatory benevolence).

>> No.15274601

The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner

Freedom and the spirit by Nikolai Berdyaev

>> No.15274627

>The lockdown is increasing the rate of child molestation
I love it when /pol/acks pretend they aren't exactly the same as liberals using morality as a rhetorical bludgeon then go on to say shit like this

>> No.15274769

go live in a forest

>> No.15274790


>> No.15274803

Try 60 years ago, and think about what happened then. Desegregation, and the immigration quotas changed from predominantly western European to a mishmash of spics and other mystery meat incompatible with western civilization that did not assimilate well. Why would people collectivize and give for the greater good when the society they live in is low trust and does not have common, traditional values?

>> No.15274818

What in the God damn fuck did I just read?

>> No.15274851

I can't fucking wait for autonomous vehicles.

>> No.15274873

I know this is bait, but not everything is black and white. You're proposing that anything short of absolute freedom, independence, and self-interest is bootlicking. That's simply not true. Some people want to live in harmony with others. Some people enjoy service for its own sake. The American sense of community has been sacrificed to corporate greed. The only community many americans understand is that of the consumer--how to make and spend the most money.

>> No.15274892

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Ancaps should be shot en masse in the streets.

>> No.15274902

Ask Venetians, Spaniards, Croatians, Alaskans, etc. about the joys of being a tourism hotspot. You get more money at the expense of your entire community getting commodified.

>> No.15274904

Jesus fucking Christ, its not COVID-19's death rate that is driving the closures. Its the people who end up flooding the ER and getting hospitalized because of it. It floods the healthcare system exacerbating all of the other medical emergencies that occur on an ordinary day.

>> No.15274921

a) Tourists go to a handful of cities in the entire world.
b) No one cares about tourist traps except tourists.

>> No.15274944
File: 142 KB, 598x939, 1588625932628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You completely missed my point retard, don't participate in things where you can't accept the risk, and if these people are so "relevant" then they can walk around in NBC masks and a hazmat suit for all I fucking care.
We have a structure in place to minimize risk due to "user error" for this meme virus too, stay the fuck home, you're only going to come into contact with this people by your own volition.

>> No.15274960

I feel like you were trying to gotcha me into clamming up out of fear of seeming xenophobic, but I do hate foreigners and agree with what you're saying, hordes of unassimilated brown people harm any sense of community America used to have and it's an objectively bad thing. Doesn't contradict any of my points, the crux being that due to a variety of factors Americans cannot stop being malignant narcissists obsessively making everything about themselves.

>> No.15274973

>we are supposed to quarantine the sick
almost half the sick population presents with mild or no symptoms. For your smooth brain: this makes them indistinguishable from the healthy

>> No.15274987

>Tourists go to a handful of cities in the entire world
Is that why just about every town has a tourist trap and why entire countries are held afloat by a fragile and pollution heavy industry?
>No one cares about tourist traps except tourists
But they are still made and take up a significant amount of space that could go towards something that is actually useful. They then attract pickpockets, scammers, etc. who make the rest of the area worse for everyone involved.

>> No.15275006

Are those the "reopen" protesters? If so, that pic makes no fucking sense. Arbeit macht frei is the slogan of Auschwitz. They're asking to be allowed back into work-slavery.

>> No.15275034

If taxation is theft, why don't you gtfo? You do realize that the internet is a public service, right? Just like the power lines running to your trailer park, and the road you drove to get there.

>> No.15275052

We agree then, but you can't make it seem like it's for no reason. You can't expect someone to act for the good of his neighborhood if he thinks that Tyrone next door will just loot his shit when a hurricane hits. Europeans don't realize this because they have the luxury (in most of their countries still, especially central and eastern Europe) of not having to deal of hordes of incompatible immigrants just looking for gibs to send back home tax free.

>> No.15275055

Please refrain from posting jpegs you received from your grandma. An hero strongly implied. Thanks.

>> No.15275117
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>be effectively unemployable, if my resume gets through I always bomb the interview
>mass shutdowns cause huge unemployment spike
>mfw I'm no longer alone

>> No.15275118

I never said it was for no reason, and I'm American. I can dislike immigrants and aspirational advertising and consumerist governance all at once.

>> No.15275125

How is it narcissistic if it's describing what actually happens?

>Community policing
="Don't enforce laws against theft etc. in my community."
>Community organizing
=Chicago-esque corruption
>International Community
="Time to bomb someone."
>Good of the Community
"Give me that."
>Values of our Community
"Respect my identity as part of the trans community bigot!"
How is this not taking into account collectives? Literally all of those items are defined by membership in a collective.

>> No.15275137
File: 13 KB, 420x274, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sense of community

>> No.15275151

plenty of europeans realize this because that's exactly what's been happening here for the last 40 years and especially during the last 20. CE and EEs are the most sceptical about it. back when that NZ mosque shooting happened everyone was saying how the muzzies deserved it

>> No.15275159

kino post

>> No.15275210

Absolutely. Why should I give a fuck about strangers?

>> No.15275216

Here is a quote from freedom and the spirit
>The first kind of Liberty means division and disunion. the second strives to subject this Division and disunion to the control of organized truth and goodness and by this means to reduce the world to order and to a series of arbitrary and mechanical relationships ; in a word it's object is to create necesitarian Freedom in and through necessity. There appears to be no end to this tragedy of freedom, and it seems doomed to perish, for it contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. The dialectic of both the first and the second kinds of freedom belongs to a world already divorced from its Divine Centre.

>> No.15275240

Are you trying to argue with a 65 year old I'm With Her liberal in an MSNBC comment section?
The point is that your inability to see a community as anything but transactional - "they're just trying to take what's mine" - is a symptom of America's long-since-crumbling sense of itself as a nation. You cannot see yourself or others as citizens of your country, only customers and taxpayers. There are no longer any ideals or values that tie you to the people around you, just obligations or financial opportunities.
There are dozens of reasons for this, but you're actively making it worse by standing for nothing but a shift in its flow. You don't want your country to reestablish those values, you just wish you were the one getting the gibs, because after a lifetime of ignoring that there are other options, deep down you've been dindufied yourself.

>> No.15275247

Why should I? If the government is going to steal my money, why shouldn't I at least enjoy the few benefits it brings?

I'm no anarchist.

>> No.15275255
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>I know! I'll say he got taht picture frum hes granmuh! Dat'll show heem!
Nice job refuting my points sperg, remember to stay inside goyim, 2 more weeks!

>> No.15275256

>I’m no anarchist
How do you propose the state finance itself without levying taxes?

>> No.15275260

>you shouldn't question the government government warmongering because they also pay for stuff you want

Hmm, if only there was a system in which roads and internet were maintained privately for the people who wanted them.