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15270157 No.15270157 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most petty reason you ever dropped a book?

>> No.15270162

Notre-Dame de Paris because I became horribly annoyed at the constant interruption by architecture chapters, but was too proud to read the novel without reading it fully. I never skip.
It's a shame, I liked it.

>> No.15270220

I dropped LOTR (one big book, not 3 smaller ones) because the spacing was so small, it was annoying

>> No.15270222

Book had an italian name

>> No.15270226

It wasn't good.

>> No.15270237

I've never dropped a book. I've read a lot of very bad books, but at least I've given them a fair shake of the sauce bottle.

>> No.15270241

felt like the author was influencing me way too much.

>> No.15270353

never have, my hands are quite steady lole !

>> No.15270358

"We" by Zamyatin because of the part where the author attempted to show off his maths knowledge. As a mathematician, I found the part extremely cringe and dropped the book.

>> No.15270373

>where the author attempted to show off his maths knowledge
Stopped reading there. I hate when pseuds try to show off literary knowledge that they don't possess.

>> No.15270390

"1984" by Orwell because of the part where the author attempted to show off his maths knowledge, stating that "2+2=5". As a mathematician, I found the part extremely cringe and dropped the book.

>> No.15270397

there was a female character I liked who wasn't sexualised enough

>> No.15270404

based fellow mathschad

yeah this is my biggest gripe with Hugo, I love most of his stuff but I hate the filler


I dropped Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance because the author felt like such a pseud

>> No.15270407

the coomer strikes again

>> No.15270412

the academic discipline that brought us Bourbaki shouldn't be criticising anyone else's writing

>> No.15270418

I have petty reason for not picking up books. Any books having to do with college and campus life make me feel insecure and jealous of never finishing school. I also despise coming of age novels.

>> No.15270423
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I stopped reading <picture attached> at the point in the Introduction when Osborne says he's going to use "she" throughout instead of "he" to help redress unconscious gender bias.

(This is no pdf we're talking. It's a big expensive physical book that someone gave me as a present because they knew I was into game theory.)

I wonder what it's like.

>> No.15270428

It was political and written after 2008. I sprint in the opposite direction if post-2012.

>> No.15270449

Books written after 2010 by new writers.

>> No.15270457

I enjoyed the more essayistic parts ("this will kill that"), but I just could not bear the rest.

>> No.15270465

I saw this thread and realized that I can't be bothered to finish The Plague by Camus. It's nowhere near as though provoking or entertaining as The Stranger.

>> No.15270469


Maybe she was sexualised more later though. You might be missing out. I don't suppose you're prepared to share the title?

>> No.15270474

The Stranger was bore or at least the translation made it sound boring.

>> No.15270478

Lolita or something

>> No.15270549


The first time I read Sylvia Plath's Complete Poems I stopped half-way through "To A Fatherless Son" because her complete hypocrisy suddenly annoyed me too much. (The child did indeed grow up with one parent missing. But it was his father who had to bring him up and his mother that was missing. The exact opposite of the poem.)

>> No.15270552

I've dropped Divergent when I was in high school because some kid from church saw me reading it and told me it's shit. I've read a bit more and thought he had a point.

>> No.15270557
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Life is harsh.

>> No.15270562

Is that you, Lovecraft?

>> No.15270565

>Stopped reading there. I hate when pseuds try to show off literary knowledge that they don't possess.
What is the literary knowledge that I tried to show off? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15270770

"Moby-Dick" by Melville because of the part where the author attempted to show off his whale knowledge. As a whale biologist, I found the part extremely cringe and dropped the book.

>> No.15270782

Ok and what's your point?

>> No.15270806

>whale biologist
Stopped reading there. I hate when pseuds try to show off knowledge of "whale biologists" that they don't possess. As a cetologist myself, I found this part extremely cringe and dropped the post.

>> No.15270823

Holy cringe

>> No.15270837

The whole thread is about petty reasons you've dropped the book. Holy shit stop mocking me, I admit it was a petty reason.

>> No.15270838
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>he's a cetologist rather than a marine biologist

>the true STEMbug can't parse metaphor

>> No.15270855


They won't stop mocking you now, anon. They've discovered something to chant and they've stripped off their clothes and smeared themselves with garlic butter and are capering around chanting it. You might as well relax and let them chant.

>> No.15270865

I got about 200 pages in the Snopes trilogy by Faulkner and dropped it. Don't normally drop a book but I just couldn't do it. Has anybody here finished it and is there any redeeming quality?

>> No.15270902

Catcher in the rye because the protagonist was so fucking annoying. Even as a teenager I would’ve considered him a whiny little bitch who needs to get punched. Also Confessions of an Economic Hitman because it reads like a self flagellating James Bond for American champagne socialists, some of the book’s exchanges were so obviously made up (despite being non fiction) I just had to laugh at it.

>> No.15270905

>Catcher in the rye because the protagonist was so fucking annoying
Big agree.

>> No.15270917

it's very obvious what site you've come from btw

>> No.15270918

Eugénio Garin, because of the pretentious auto-fellatio kind of writing

>> No.15270926

House of Leaves because I had just finished Finnegans Wake, and my brain just couldn't handle another long/difficult abstract novel.

>> No.15270934

Last story of Canterburry Tales. Guy writes about cucking and farts and then suddenly starts to preach.

>> No.15270959


Hahaha but this isn't a petty reason, it's a good reason. (Well, you're wrong about CITR, but disliking a book's MC is a good reason in general for dropping it.)

Here's another interesting question:

*What's the furthest you've ever got in a book and then given up?*

I would be interested to know if anyone's ever dropped a book, say, with only 10% to go.

>> No.15270962


They WISH they had my rhetorical flair.

>> No.15270970


Do you even like to read?

>> No.15271782

I liked it. What did you hate about it?

>> No.15271825

Who the fuck drops a book? I've never started a book and not finish it. It might take me a while, but I always come back

>> No.15271903

I dropped Berlin Alexanderplatz at the 100th page because the English translation was kinda difficult for me with all those factory worker slangs (I'm ESL)

>> No.15272180

Some anon talked shit about it and it was also a best seller

>> No.15272230

I dropped a book because the author mentioned no less than a dozen times within a few pages how he was a member of MIT's Media Lab along with various other academic accolades.

>> No.15272364

I've dropped the dark towers series and Harry Potter series ~200 pages into the 7th book. Sometimes you swim in a lake and then realize you're up to your neck in shit.

>> No.15272424

daskapital or meinkmpf?

>> No.15273377

It questioned Christian theology

>> No.15273663

I tripped and it fell out of my hands.

>> No.15274046

The author was a Jew.

>> No.15274292

imagine thinking Lolita is hard to read

>> No.15275353

Completely stopped reading about Pythagoras once I realized all of it was speculative nonsense

>> No.15275399

Crime and punishment. The prose was fruity as fuck, it was probably the translation though because I loved notes from the underground

>> No.15275400

too much swearing

>> No.15275413

Found out George Elliott was a hole and dropped Middlemarch

>> No.15275424

das kapital

>> No.15275431

What do you mean by fruity?

>> No.15275442
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I used to believe you should always finish a book.
Then, twelve years ago, I read a book that was so mind-numblingly terrible that I changed my mind, then and there. It is my firm belief that this travesty of a novel was only written because the author was bored, and only published because the author was rich.
That book was Iona Portal by Robert David MacNeil.

>> No.15275487

I almost didn't continue Foucaults Pendulum because of the same reason in the very first chapter. I appreciated the philosophical musings of the eternal fixed point but the physics was cringe.

>> No.15275567

wait till you get to spivak pronouns, you tard.

>> No.15275594

Madame Bovary because I find the attention to worldbuilding autistic

>> No.15275626

I just didn’t know what he was talking about after 200. He went into a endless paragraph diversion about a kid going to U Miss Football for the second time and I stopped.

I remember the part where Snopes burn down their landlords house being kinda cool

>> No.15275653

never did but i felt really disgusted when a read a book of someone from my hometown, it was the shittiest thing i have bother to read, just 70 pages of a history of how a "intelectuall mason" fights for the freedom of a small town

>> No.15275668


>> No.15275670

"The Tiger" by Nael, 6 years old because of the part where the author attempted to show that the tiger destroyed the cage. As a zookeeper, I found the part extremely cringe and dropped the poem.

>> No.15275679
File: 229 KB, 1047x1572, C2819004-1B92-4FC8-92AB-EEF7C46CBE60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipped to the glossary for stupid unnecessary neologisms 10 times in less than 10 pages.
DROPPED after 10 pages. Never looked back. Fuck Dune

>> No.15275686

you were not influenced anon, you started yo see the truth

>> No.15275698

I dont read

>> No.15275723
File: 39 KB, 340x544, Skitter_by_ariirf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was reading Worm when it was all completed. Some issues, but ultimately liked it. Went on to the sequel, Ward, while it was being updated. Couldn't wait for details so I browsed the reddit and hated everyone there. I don't want to be attached to that fanbase.

>> No.15275751

I can’t read

>> No.15275757

Imagine having no imagination like this guy

>> No.15276023

I dropped Steppenwolf because Hesse is really far up his own ass.

>> No.15276281

I know you're joking, but still that sort of triggers me.

>> No.15276293

Only dropped one book recently, and it was because a man met a cat in a bar, one that he previously had had sexual relations with.

>> No.15276509

imagine being this retarded

>> No.15276673

>Hesse is really far up his own ass.
That's part of the appeal of his writing, it's very exaggerated. Maybe it hasn't aged well, but at the time it was probably cool. Demian, Beneath the Wheel, and Siddartha are all at least entertaining, and they're short enough to be read in an afternoon or two.

>> No.15276699

the author got destroyed in another book I was reading on parallel

>> No.15276788


>> No.15276819

found out Christopher Paolini was some weird christian when I was an edgy 14 yo aethiest and dropped the Eragon series

>> No.15276833

best thread in ages

>> No.15276983

>Catcher in the Rye
While I still read through the whole thing in highschool, it was fucking horrible. I remember adults recommending it to me too because they thought it might appeal to my "rebellious nature."
The entire book is extremely pretentious, trying to seem more important than it really is. It makes itself out to be some sort of psychological/philosophical fiction but in reality it reads like a child wrote it and its "deeper meaning" is, again, something a preteen would think up. I don't think I've actually ever met someone who really enjoyed Catcher in the Rye at all, honestly. It seems as though the only reason it ever gained popularity was due to the historical value of it regarding American culture.

>> No.15276996

Pretentious is the one thing Catcher in the Rye most definitely is not

>> No.15277015

How so?

>> No.15277030

you missed nothing. every book past the first is just the first book but worse. and this is a judgement I made as an edgy 14yo as well.

>> No.15277031


>He's pretending the vocabulary isn't deliberately esoteric rather than interpreting the mention of it as a joke about how shallow HH is as a person


>> No.15277043

It deals with down-to-earth subject matter in simple, everyday language.

>> No.15277049
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I was reading GR then remembered it was written by this goofy-looking man and couldn't take it seriously anymore

>> No.15277110

>Deals with down-to-earth subject matter
What, that purity is lost as one grows from childhood? This is what I mean by pretentious, it's a simple subject matter that could have been written and proved in maybe half a paragraph; instead, though, the author takes an entire book to seem as though it's some deeper meaning to life.
>Everyday language
Yes, but this everyday language is used intentionally to make it seem "down-to-Earth", not because it actually IS down to Earth.

>> No.15277135

I don't understand the argument. Choosing to write a book about simple subjects is wrong? It could have been shorter, but at 200 pages it is quite short by novel standards.

>> No.15277192

>simple subjects
The fact is that it's too simple, or rather, there's no nuance to it. It's like writing a 200 page book about how the grass is green, then marketing it as some deeper metaphysical argument. Note that I chose to say 'how' instead of 'why', because the book doesn't talk about the 'why' at all in the loss of purity, it only talks about it happening and nothing else.
>At 200 pages it is quite short by novel standards
The length isn't really what I don't care for, it's the nature of the book.

>> No.15277367

dropped Ken Wilbur when he started making up his own words. came across as crazy

>> No.15277386

amen. took me till I was ~23 to start quitting books and I've never looked back

>> No.15277418

Was reading "The Sense of an Ending." There's a scene when pretentious teens talk about philosophy - already a redflag in a book. Authors want to express "deep thoughts," but use pretentious teenagers to hide behind, in case the reader doesn't like. I read and I hit this metaphor.
"History is a raw onion sandwich. It just repeats, sir. It burps."
And I thought it was some of the worst writing I've ever read. Threw the book in the trash in a state of anguish. Didn't read anything for three days.

>> No.15277517

I stopped reading hofstadter's "I am a strange loop" because the first chapter advocates vegetarianism and I love to eat meat.

>> No.15278005

Like at least 20 pages in the main character was having an affair
Also I thought it was a little to early for a sex scene

>> No.15278016
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I haven't read that many books (roughly 50 or so) but I've never left any unfinished

>> No.15278035

I’ve finished so many of the books in this thread mostly because of the reasons people have listed as why they dropped it. Most books I drop is just because I get bored and it doesn’t catch me in the moment. Some books have taken years before I revisit and then they do catch.

>> No.15278064

I didn’t like it.

Based. Made me giggle.

>> No.15278272


>> No.15278312

I'm not a fan of Catcher in the Rye and I do think it's overrated, but the main purpose was to show how fucked the protagonist is. His apparent sexual assault and misguidance from his family results with him being an annoying asshole without realizing he is contradicting himself most of the fucking time when it comes to "phonies". One scene that comes to mind is definitely the prostitute hookup since before he was saying oh it's not a big deal then chickening out when it was going to happen. So in essence you probably can't like him since this is just the incoherent ramblings of a troubled teenager, but does that make for great literature? In my opinion nah.

>> No.15278764

anything by C. Miéville because he is trockij

>> No.15278818

I never drop them. If I hate them, I keep reading them so I can dismantle all their retardedness.

>> No.15278832

Her poem daddy is god-awful and seriously one of the most insane and well captured reasons why women are fucking nuts

>> No.15278861

Literally every word ever is made up. The only difference to you is whether they were made up before or after you were born, as a measure of their lasting power.

>> No.15278868


>> No.15278911

because i read before bed. when i started having sleep problems i coulndt read anymore so books that i had already started stopped being read.

>> No.15278952

Oh, this is a good one for the longest you've read a book before dropping it Q.
I read almost all of Worm. I got to the Big Bad, found out what the big mystery was all about, and then realized I didn't care for the series at all. I assume I read about 95% of it.

>> No.15278958

My ex gave it to me as a gift, shortly before I dumped her ass for being a retard.

>> No.15278971

These days I refuse to read anything written by a woman. I can usually instantly tell if something was written by a female, and it just never clicks for me. I know I'm just a fuck up, but anyone else here with my particular dysfunction?

>> No.15279063

based i refuse to read stuff written by fem*les or vocal leftists like steven k*ng, or whatever. i read only classics, or books which promote traditionalism.

>> No.15279087
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I was reading 'Inspection by Josh Malerman' for a dumb book club I'm apart of.
It was alright, until everyone started talking gender politics, so I dropped they book and have never returned.

>> No.15279096

That's nice I guess, but I don't givea shit about any of that, I just can't seem to enjoy anything written by a woman. It just seems off, you know?

>> No.15279170


There is definitely female writing and male writing. Of course such a gigantic concept is going to be fuzzy around the edges, but it seems to me it's so obvious as not to be worth discussing.

That said, there are some female writers who write like men. Emily Bronte is the first example who comes to mind.

>> No.15279183

yeah voids cannot understand the man's plight.

>> No.15279241

I will check her out. Again, I'm not against the concept of female writers, I just don't get along with the ones I read so far.

>> No.15279265
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Actually this guy
>pic related
I got my novel published. It's been 8 years. I still have the book and still haven't read it beyond where I had left.

>> No.15279278

there are men who write like women as well. When I found out the girl with the dragon tattoo was written by a man I was shocked. I've only read a bit of it, but the author seemed so out of touch with how men acted.

>> No.15279281

Stopped reading the percy jackson novels when i was like 13 because one of the characters became gay

>> No.15279288

Scandinavians, they're not really men any longer.

>> No.15279499

I really liked Worm. Ward is finished now and it's just not very good; there's too much left unsaid in it, like the whole book is subtext and your'e supposed to fill in the blanks. It's like in other works, where something is hinted at but not expressly mentioned and then later its revealed what happened, like a heist movie or magic trick. But in Ward it's never explained.

>> No.15279503

Not him, but Dune is the only book I ever dropped. It was ok, I read it maybe few years ago, I remember the last part I finished, where Paul killed this sand guy and there was a ceremony, at that time I stumbled upon Book of the new sun and gave it a go, forgot all about Dune as Book of the new sun was VASTLY better.
Not saying Dune was terrible, it was ok, but it might have been the only book I read that didn't really interest me. I enjoyed more the idea of the world, the book, than the book itself. I really wanted to like it but it was just ok.

>> No.15279504

at some point you can just like a story for the merit of how well it is done. Holden's character is well-written. He is fleshed out, he reminds you of that one kid you knew. The archetype is timeless, even with the different slang.
>there's no nuance to it
the fact that half the people don't even get the fact that Holden is mentally ill, or the theme being loss of innocence (incessant need to remain adolescent) means that it is nuanced. People still bitch about this book to this day without understanding it. If it truly was so simple, people wouldn't bitch.
Also there is nuance in the plot sense as Holden rapes Phoebe yet, only 4chan talks about it.

>'why' at all in the loss of purity, it only talks about it happening and nothing else.
I can see this argument, but with the first person narrative, I'm not sure how this would've been resolved? Also, I'm not sure if anyone has that answer. Sometimes pondering is okay without postulating. We still get a catharsis of the idea that Holden may grow up reluctantly soon with the final chapter.

>> No.15279506

someone I didn't like liked it.

>> No.15279509

Dropped American Gods when its spent decided to describe in detail a gay sex scene. Going as far as describing the taste of the guys cum

>> No.15279511

God what a fat fucking manchild you are.

>> No.15279519
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>> No.15279537


That passage suggested very strongly to me that Gaiman is indeed a Gayman. It's not certain thought because he's definitely a shitlib so he might have just put it in to establish his progressive credentials.

>> No.15279555

Showing an attractive woman makes the thread no worse than would be without it. And it is pleasant in its own right.

>> No.15279587

no. it attracts people because of the sexy lady, not because it's a good thread. it's like reading a book because the author is attractive. it's low brow, manipulative, and pathetic.

>> No.15279604

No, I do not think that it does, because it is possible to save the picture without posting in the thread. I do it quite often. This is the distinction between a book with a beautiful cover and a thread with a beautiful woman - the former is not separable from the book it is a part of, the latter is separable from the thread it is the OP of.

>> No.15279700

Back in high school I would read anything and everything I’d get my hands on, so I ended up reading this YA series called the City of Glass. I seem to be immune to bad literature since I enjoyed many mediocre books, but I dropped this series right before the ending of the third book because I learned that the series continued afterwards and I was so done with the shitty fake incest plotline of this book (I mostly read it out of sheer ADHD) that I didn’t even want to know what happened next. Series start as a decent if edgy Twilight ripoff than suddenly turns into fifty shads of man with this weird conflict were the MC wants to fuck palette-swap Edward Cullen because he’s hot, but she’s doesn’t want to because she finds tons of evidence saying that they’re long lost siblings. But forgot about all of this moral dilemma that has been building up for three books because turns out due to angelic shenanigans they technically are not blood-related and now the two fo them have carte blanche to fuck. Fuck that shit, nothing more than literary cowardliness

>> No.15279722

Fuck I read that series as well. I remember almost nothing about it, other than that there were very many plotholes.

>> No.15279843

I dropped Beautiful Liars by Leonard Cohen. At first I really liked it, and have always liken Cohen's other work. But it just went on and on so mindlessly.
Now I'm reading Jude the Obscure, which I chose because I knew it was 'well known' but didn't know anything about the plot (first mistake).
Turns out every male in the book is a huge cuck and Hardy is just a huge slut apologist.
I'm hanging on as of right now, because I'm still vaguely hopeful he turns it all around and Sue dies in a housefire or something.

>> No.15279854


JtO is not the easiest Hardy novel to love. You're better off with Tess.

>> No.15279909

My sister gave me a copy of that guy from Parks and Rec's book, and I probably would have dropped it anyway cause he's a faggot leftist and cringey as hell, but the primary reason I dropped it almost immediately was that he alternated fonts per "chapter" and one of them was sans serif. Fuck that I'm not reading fucking sans serif. And the alternating fonts just pissed me off more.

>> No.15280129

Can't remember what book it was but I did drop some game theory book because it kept referring to the reader as "she".

>> No.15280259

A character I liked died and I kind of lost interest

>> No.15280411

Madame bovary bc it made me mad

>> No.15280448

The Red and the Black because the main character reminded me of myself when I was young which made me cringe.

>> No.15280454

Like a fruit

>> No.15280465

Which Murakami novel is this again?

>> No.15280474

>boxer attitude to literature
Guess why the based department never calls you faggot

>> No.15280521

Black Swan although I liked the ideas he presented, I found his disrespectful/rude style really tiring. I dropped it when he introduced some mathematican as "having good ideas but did not live life fully" and then going on a completely irrelevant, page-long tangent on why the guy is a beta after all

>> No.15280695

Does it get easier to "deal with"? Sue is just such an insufferable jerk.

>> No.15280991

I dropped Assassin's Creed Black Flag after the opening of the story was too similar to either Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. I've also never played any of the games.

>> No.15282090

Character used miles and meters in the same sentence. Threw it at the wall. It was a kindle too.

>> No.15282117

literally and unironically profanity
there is not a single book with the word fuck in it worth reading

>> No.15282159

"Less Than Zero" by Bret Easton Ellis. It was the driest, most boring garbage I've ever read. I made it to the chapter where there was the drugged out twelve year old girl tied up on the bed. I didn't drop it because I was disgusted; I dropped because I was bored. Ellis somehow managed to make a literal child sex slave boring; one of the very few things it should be difficult to do.

>> No.15282240

>Ellis somehow managed to make a literal child sex slave boring; one of the very few things it should be difficult to do.
>one of the very few things it should be difficult to do.
Say that again, anon?

>> No.15282256

I think he was agreeing with you bud?

>> No.15282300

This is the most Thai image I've ever seen

>> No.15282395

I dropped Gibson's The Difference Engine mostly because it was boring as hell, but the last nail in the coffin was the description of how many times the author's obvious self-insert guy had sex with the heroine in one evening. Like, he banged that bitch five times in a row like it was nothing, just because he felt like it and had complete ownership over her, whoa what a badass amIrite. Maybe that's a petty reason, but I picked up this book because someone recommended it as an intellectual masterpiece, and it was just some perpetually horny old perv's bedroom fantasy, for fuck's sake

>> No.15282526

Did I get fooled into reading Worm? I'm trying to get through it right now, but it's YA tier writing with characters that don't interest me.
Is it one of those things where I have to read 500+ pages before it gets good?

>> No.15282726

You made it farther than me. I dropped that POS after 2-3 pages for the same reason. I mostly drop all books that are half-filled with non-referenced names or neologisms within the first few pages. Dropped the only Wheel of Time book I picked up for the same reason.

>> No.15282749

AC Black Flag is one of the best AC games in the series

>> No.15282845

>Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
"“She’s ten months old, for God’s sake,” I said." This line made me irrationally furious, because I remember the kids that talked like that in my middle school were the biggest faggots in the world.

>> No.15283211

Bc I slipped on a banana hehe

>> No.15283376

Dropped Books of Babel after the second one because I realized every plot development was just going to be the main character getting cucked. As a cuck myself I found this extremely cringe and dropped the series.

>> No.15283712

I don't think the problem is that the author is female, it's that the ones you've read made by women are bad. I've read some pretty good books written by women (not a >110 IQ that says Harry Potter is good), I bet you might eventually find one too

>> No.15284079

imagine not being able to comprehend inferences

>> No.15284096

I drop all books immediately at a mere mention of a lesbian or lesbianism. Same with anime and manga. I really fucking hate dykes.

>> No.15284128

That's your blunder, anon. While mathematics are absolutes, mathemagics are not. You must think like a mathemagician.

>> No.15284177

I dropped Hume after reading Kant.

>> No.15284195

You make me laugh, you're a funny guy. Hold on to that.

>> No.15284537

It's really weird because it's hard to tell how seriously we're supposed to take the Parson's Tale. Even ignoring the hypocrisy of the Parson preaching against fiction, he says more outlandish stuff like wet dreams are a sign of incredibly evil sinning, when that wasn't even the party line in the Church. The Parson is so hard-assed, he even despises singing.

>> No.15284583

The author got cuckolded irl and was okay with it

>> No.15285070

what an amazing post

>> No.15285191

If you aren't a tranny from Spacebattles, it's complete garbage. You absolutely did fall for the meme.

>> No.15285198

Write about fags and trannies your readership becomes fags and trannies.
Not him but I got invested in it when I was 14, and at this point I can look back and realize how bad it is even without all the fag and tranny shit. Stopped reading ward when I realized all the characters I was supposed to sympathize with just annoyed me. Which in a work that is explicitly a character piece just falls flat.

>> No.15285200

Holy based.

>> No.15285235

I stopped reading If On A Winter's Night A Traveler because I became really upset that the "reader" (You) found a literary girlfriend, and in the second person it made it almost unbearable. I had to stop when it got to the sex scene because I was reminded of my ex. Beautiful writing though

>> No.15285256

>dropped catcher in the rye because the protagonist sounds retarded
>dropped life of pi because the protagonist is a pajeet

>> No.15285291

Hard to read.... God damn, I am so ashamed

>> No.15285330

The characters were acting really fucking stupid, to the point where it actually made me mad.

>> No.15285348

awww sweety who hurt you???