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15270000 No.15270000 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down ( I do not say by what sort of feet ) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life! The crusaders later made war on something before which it would have been more fitting for them to have grovelled in the dust a civilization beside which even that of our nineteenth century seems very poor and very "senile." What they wanted, of course, was booty: the orient was rich. Let us put aside our prejudices! The crusades were a higher form of piracy, nothing more! The German nobility, which is fundamentally a Viking nobility, was in its element there: the church knew only too well how the German nobility was to be won . The German noble, always the "Swiss guard" of the church, always in the service of every bad instinct of the church but well paid . Consider the fact that it is precisely the aid of German swords and German blood and valour that has enabled the church to carry through its war to the death upon everything noble on earth! At this point a host of painful questions suggest themselves. The German nobility stands outside the history of the higher civilization: the reason is obvious. Christianity, alcohol the two great means of corruption. Intrinsically there should be no more choice between Islam and Christianity than there is between an Arab and a Jew.



At 21:10 Awlaki gives a very good explanation of why Nietzsche held Islam in such high regard, in that Islam warns when men look toward business and work ethic and depart from war and taking slaves, they become humiliated


>> No.15270090
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>> No.15270308

If he read the Quran and Hadith, he would be horrified that it is full of resentiment.

Modern political processes only increase the resentment and poisonous fragility of poor, unprotected Muslims.

>> No.15270318

They aren't full of ressentiment.

>> No.15270324

>What they wanted, of course, was booty: the orient was rich
based yellow fever

>> No.15270339

The main rebuttal of Islam by Nietzsche: he did not become a Muslim. For him, this is a religion of sand niggas from One Thousans and One Nights. Aesthetically cool, but he didn't feel the truth in this.

>> No.15270354

>The main rebuttal of Islam by Nietzsche: he did not become a Muslim
How is that a rebuttal?

>> No.15270359

Go and reread it. Especially the fragments in which Muhammad speaks of Christians, Jews and Gentiles.

Any attentive reader will see envious malice in this ('they do so, and you do the opposite', 'be friends with them' modificated over time in 'be enemies with them', etc.)

>> No.15270378

Hostility is not the same as ressentiment.

>> No.15270387

For Nietzsche, Islam is just a useful set of rules that would bring society into a state close to that which he would like to see. He never says that he considers Islam to be a true religion. This means reducing religion to a purely functional level - the same thing when philosophers say 'let people believe in God, because otherwise they will be immoral criminals'.

>> No.15270398

. You quite evidently don't understand how Nietzsche saw truth, but it would be correct to say that of all worldviews, he saw Islam as the truest. His idea of truth is not Islamic,

>> No.15270408

This is not just hostility. It gradually changed from peacefulness to total malice, exposing real envy and resentment. The development of the hostility of Muhammad towards the outside world is a good topic for Nietzschean research.

>> No.15270413

This. And you can find quotes where Nietzsche is critical of Muhammad and Islam as ultimately still too life-denying.

That Nietzsche dabbed on Christianity means nothing. I can point to numerous quotes where he is basically crying to take it up the ass by Catholicism.

Muslims today are filled with resentment toward the superior West and Israel, and Muslims in the west can't exist without LGBTQ liberals who pity them and give them free gibs.

>> No.15270417

His idea of truth is absolutely anti-Islamic, lol. It is strange to see Muslims pulling out quotes and not understanding the essence of Nietzschean philosophy.

>> No.15270420

>Here is what a mentally ill idiot thought

Yeah thanks OP, thats something I really dont read often enough on this website

>> No.15270427
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Based neecheans?

>> No.15270429

Whoa. There is no envy there at all. Furthermore Muslims were not persecuted by Jews or Christians in Mecca, but by pagans--let us not forget he showed magnanimity to Mecca after conquering it. He didn't face hostility from Jews until he achieved power in Medina, and from there retaliated overwhelmingly. Hos hostility to both Jews and Christians was defined by points in their doctrines and, especially for Jews, in their character. However even with that hostility he wasn't vindictive, as demonstrated by this


>> No.15270432

>And you can find quotes where Nietzsche is critical of Muhammad and Islam as ultimately still too life-denying.
No. You can't

>> No.15270435
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Based Ubermensch

>> No.15270436

It is, yes. From within it he saw Islam as the truest worldview however which you denied

>> No.15270444

Yes, the Hedbo shooter is what Francis said that about

>> No.15270450
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>> No.15270451

Reread the Quran and Hadith please.

>> No.15270458

You are not a Muslim if these Nietzsche’s arguments seem to defend Islam.

>> No.15270466
File: 341 KB, 512x318, 2BBD6011-4E1D-482F-BF70-DC815EE157D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based redpilled neecheeans

>> No.15270484
File: 2.35 MB, 1500x844, D4F4BA6E-F108-4558-A3E3-ACD0D4075356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will to power looks something like this

>> No.15270510

>No. You can't

Retarded jihadist. Go blow yourself up. Nietzsche was critical of Islam.

> Der Mohammedanismus hat wiederum vom Christentum gelernt: die Benutzung des ‘Jenseits’ als Straf-Organ. Was allein entlehnte spater Muhamed dem Christentum? Die Erfindung des Paulus, sein Mittel zur Priester-Tyrannei, zur Herden-Bildung: den Unsterblichkeits-Glauben.

>> No.15270527
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I'm a Muslim. Furthermore I am a convert and I studied it for a year before converting. I have memorized multiple chapters of the Qur'an in Arabic and own multiple volumes of Hadiths

They defend it from his epistemology. Not from Islam's. Are trying to dismiss the truth content of his statements due to that? If so you do not understand philosophy or dialectic

What's wrong here?

>> No.15270531

"The “holy lie”—common alike to Confucius, to the Code of Manu, to Mohammed and to the Christian church—is not even wanting in Plato. “Truth is here”: this means, no matter where it is heard, the priest lies...."

>> No.15270532


>> No.15270539

>What's wrong here?
They are full of ressentiment

>> No.15270560

This is (rightfully) critical of the Ottoman degeneration in his time which placed Sufi mystics as the keepers of truth, it developed out of the work of Al-Ghazali who said inner jihad is more important and a scholar is superior to a warrior. It can be contrasted with Ibn Taymiyyah's and Maududi's ideas

>> No.15270561

Resentment midwits dying for a reward in the afterlife..this is Nietzschean and if you disagree you don't understand philosophy or dialectic.

>> No.15270567

That's got absolutely nothing to do with life-denial, a phrase coined by Schopenhauer to describe his values

>> No.15270570

I've never seen such a dishonest cope.

> Mohammedanism has learned from Christianity: the use of the 'beyond' as a criminal organ. What did Muhamed later borrow from Christianity? Paul's invention, his means of priestly tyranny, herd formation: the immortality belief.

He's criticizing Muslims for believing in immortality, in the rewards of a fake afterlife.

>> No.15270577

Wew lad our over disrespect of a revered figure isn't the same as ressentiment. That is like saying Andrew Jackson killing a man for insulting his wife was ressentiment

Obviously you didn't listen to the lecture I linked and the Hadiths it quoted

>> No.15270589

Muslims live 110% in ressentiment towards Christians and Jews. You can move the goal posts all you want, but Nietzsche was critical of Islam and Muhammad.

>Obviously you didn't listen to the lecture I linked and the Hadiths it quoted

Explain it. I'm not clicking your links, you lazy retard.

>> No.15270590

The use immortality as an organ similar to Christianity's starts mainly with the Ottomans. Before that it's no more Christian than Valhalla

>> No.15270600


You are not Muslim

>> No.15270603

Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, warned that if Muslims turned from war and became farmers and businessmen, Allah would humiliate them and give Christians and Jews power over them until they returned to fighting. Omar, radhi Allahu ahnu, when he saw Muslims farming, he burned the crops and said this is what Jews and Christians are to do, they will feed us. We are tasked with war and living by that

>> No.15270614

A belief in jannah absolutely did not start with the Ottomans. Can't believe someone can be so dishonest and think no one will see through it.

Seek help. You're mentally ill.

>> No.15270617

>warned that if Muslims turned from war and became farmers and businessmen

>> No.15270618

A belief in the afterlife didn't. You didn't parse what I said.

>> No.15270630

>Abu Dawood (3462) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “When you engage in ‘aynah transactions (a kind of transaction intended to circumvent the prohibition on riba or usury), and you take hold of the tails of oxen and you are content with agriculture (at the time when jihad is obligatory), and you give up jihad, then Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion, Allaah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion

Again check the lecture

>> No.15270646

Why is religious practice life-denial if you believe in eternal life? You're just "preparing" for what would amount to the rest of your life.

>> No.15270652

Agreed, and not even Islamic. What does Nietzsche himself reveal in his breakdown, contemptuous analysis or ressentiment himself? Anyone who studies the Middle East and Islam inevitably feels the pull of that bi-furcated albeit beautiful religion(s), and thinks far less of inevitably Westernized Sufis. The Civil War in Islam itself is far more real than the gibbering sects of competing Christianities too btw, a fundamental most Westerners aren't even aware of although it's more than palpable.

>> No.15270684

Nietzsche is calling out the belief in the after-life in Islam. You know how the Quran repeatedly tells unbelievers that they will be punished in the after life? Nietzsche is saying that is bullshit and in this respect Islam is no different from Christianity.

>> No.15270704

Life-denial has nothing to do with afterlife, it comes from Schopenhauer meaning you sacrifice your joy and vitality to avoid the cost it incurs to others

It's not a civil war. Sufism is mostly promoted by puppet regimes and the state department. Sufism that is free of that, like Muhammad Taqi Usmani, is far different

Please pay attention: organ

>> No.15270740

>Please pay attention: organ

Please stop coping with dishonest takes that argue past people.

>> No.15270751
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Islam will be destroyed by God. Judgement day is coming. You follow a false prophet

>> No.15270816

What is the function of the afterlife in Christianity as per Nietzsche?

>> No.15270942

Lol, stop taking hadith's as gospel you twit.

>> No.15271631

Are you an 'Alim?

>> No.15271751
