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File: 78 KB, 214x175, ,meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15269770 No.15269770 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right about Guenonian meme culture?

>> No.15269777

I won't click that link but the guy looks Jewish.

>> No.15269779

I don't know, but this nigga needs to learn how to focus his camera.

>> No.15269861

he doesn't even read the books he is reviewing

>> No.15270186

He's a jew, you can't trust them. They are all performance and no substance. Look at one of this guys videos, he's not a being but an act

>> No.15270192

Jewest looking fucker I've seen in a while. Looks like one of the bankers from Harry Potter.

>> No.15270196

Apparently he’s got Hispanic heritage and is Christian. Either way he’s got an unlucky phenotype

>> No.15270200

>is Christian.

>> No.15270203

Every jew on the internet claims to be a good christian boi cause they know what's up and without Hollywood propping they wont get anywhere. You'd think h3h3 are the only jews on the net.

>> No.15270223

The best Christian boy was a Jew so it is their birthright I guess.

>> No.15270231

I’m a JREG fanboi. He said in his Q&A that he was born Christian and still considers himself Christian.

>> No.15270236


Typical /lit/ browser

>> No.15270242

I take your word for it

>> No.15270249

What a strange (((phenotype)))

>> No.15270255

This is a pretty accurate description of his content, though it's still somewhat entertaining

>> No.15270262

Thanks anon.

>> No.15270609

15:29 is the best part
Fuck Trannypoints and """Philosophy"""Tube

>> No.15270631

He's making fun on internet political larping

>> No.15270801

Is that from the QA where he flipped a coin to decide whether he’ll lie or not to a question

>> No.15271054

This guy is full of shit. There's no way he read revolt and had 3 wiki-esque sentences to say about the book, kys.

>> No.15271096

The last five minutes of the video is his admitting that he read none of the books and that he in fact plagiarised the Evola blurb from a 4chan infographic.

>> No.15271170

I honestly don't understand how people can like him. At the end of the video he straight out reveals to you that he's been lying to you the whole time and that he's read none of the books he's talking about, and that basically you're an idiot for wasting your time watching the video (as if that wasn't obvious from the beginning). I'm a zoomer and I don't get why just because something is ironic it makes it good.

>> No.15271193

It’s satire

>> No.15271194

Satire of what? What does he satirize?

>> No.15271216


The fact that you dislike him for this makes me like him now. Thanks a lot zoomer bitch ass idiot.

>> No.15271221

I also really dislike taking a shotgun to my face and pulling a trigger BTW.

>> No.15271230


>> No.15271246
File: 209 KB, 650x433, photo_11762_landscape_650x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw you're trying to be intelligent

>> No.15271253

mfw you're a fucking nigger

>> No.15271261


i don't see any face.

>> No.15271264
File: 25 KB, 213x214, 1419530286966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dropped your face, cutie

>> No.15271297

Extremists who don’t read the books they talk about

>> No.15271318

Like who?

>> No.15271344

Fascism isn't capable of being economically far left, it's always culturally far left. Fascists are SJWs because SJWs are the real fascists.

Based af

>> No.15271350

checked and based. that kike looks like an ugly rat and no one should give a shit about his shitty opinions on shitty books.

>> No.15271363
File: 31 KB, 512x288, 6ABD7E39-D78A-4E6A-8372-8B1889068962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Nose too small. Pic related is how Jewish goblins look

>> No.15271541

God I hate his pretentious face and voice tone and the way he speaks.

>> No.15271553
File: 161 KB, 640x480, zizek4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the extremists, anon? I don't see them. Do you see them? Where are they?

>> No.15272773

>mfw pseudo-butter is a zoomer

>> No.15272845
File: 141 KB, 441x441, 1588518528898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His extreme pathological existential anxiety is very off-putting. It's as if he's about to explode with neurotic fervor.

That, and he puts an advertisement right where the mein kampf review is. Which is, frankly, disrespectful to the austerity of WWII. And he didn't even read the books? This man is next level Jewish.

>> No.15272869

Extreme compared to what?

>> No.15272872

He’s mocking an abstract phenomenon, not an actual person

>> No.15272989



>> No.15273678

its a satire channel dumbass. if you actually watched the video you would know that his opinions are all jokes.

>> No.15273749 [DELETED] 

You have to be an idiot to think that he actually read any of these books judging simply by how, and how much, he talks about them

>> No.15273751

This but unironically