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15269672 No.15269672 [Reply] [Original]

Post good incel literature. Both fiction and non-fiction are welcomed. I know some Anons here, might find this distasteful, but it's not like I can simply google or to reddit on this particular topic.

>> No.15269735


I read that book over a few days alone in the windowless, music-less break room where I work at a grocery store. IIRC I actually completed it on or about New Year's Day. I'm 36 and I've never had sex with a woman. Let's just say that it had an effect. it seems fairly clear to me that the MC committed suicide at the end by whatever means available, but this isn't an interpretation I've noticed other people have, would be curious to hear thoughts.

>> No.15269758

As cringy as the incel community can get, it seems to me like the only cool and untouched community left of actual outcasts.

>> No.15269914

I am 30 and did have sex but only with prostitutes.Why not do the same???

>> No.15269960

Not him, but it scares me that no woman will ever "love" me. Sex feels meaningless, and love feels depressing.

>> No.15270645

>tfw you realise you will never see your child because no woman will have sex with you.
Biology is not fair. Woman can easily have kids in their own, but men have to suffer.

>> No.15271366


>> No.15271467
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>> No.15271775

In what ways did it effect you?

What's somewhat strange about this book is that its protagonists are sexless / loveless yet earn good money, so the current incel epidemic which is often due to women attending to college and biologically desiring a more high-earning mate isn't strictly relevant to their situation.

As far as I can tell, the women in the book do not love these men because:

1. They are burned-out by overwork (like the narrator's female colleague, who travels long distances each weekend just to be away from the city)

2. They find attention / titillation exciting but have no interest in actually having sex let alone committing to a relationship (the lady who strips in the first chapter)

3. They are attracted to physical attributes as much as material wealth and so overlook figures like Tisserand (the teenager in the discotheque)

4. They have been made cold and hostile due to modern influences (the narrator's ex-wife, who divorced him)

5. They are only looking for cheap thrills (the girl who seduces the narrator's priest friend for the novelty of having sex with a priest)

The men meanwhile have the following issues:

1. They are too disillusioned and depressed to invest in life (narrator)

2. They are physically repulsive (Tisserand)

3. They lack any desire to commit to a relationship (the narrator's colleague who collects consumer technology and has no love life out of choice)

The fundamental themes of the book in my opinion are social isolation and exhaustion, both of which are encouraged by what could be called neo-liberalism, "late capitalism" etc. The only characters who benefit from this socio-economic style are those who love technology (a couple of examples), those who are materially driven (the young entrepreneurial colleague, and the dentist with a sports car) or those who succeed in the hedonistic marketplace (the black guy at the disco). Those who cannot or do not wish to keep up are lonely (rural-loving female colleague), disillusioned (narrator), mentally unstable (narrator / Tisserand), or simply left for dead (the older man who dies in the supermarket after the female staff refuse to give him mouth-to-mouth, the elderly French lady who is presumably murdered by blacks / arabs in the newly ghettoised area of Paris she lives in). The concept of romantic love has been destroyed, in the narrator's view, and there is no real hope for anything in life beyond a more comfortable (if increasingly solitary) existence aided by technological advances designed to make life outside of work as convenient as possible (Minitel, etc.). The only way to find fulfilment in such a society is to get rich or have a lot of sex - there doesn't seem to be any other option, and for many those two options are obviously off-limits due to the nature of the free market.

>> No.15272040

Theres a decent chunk of guys who make decent money but get little/no play

>> No.15272267

is the book a blackpill? looks interesting but I don't want to get depressed.

>> No.15272423

You'll be depressed if you take the blackpill. There's no other way to do it.

>> No.15272454
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>is the book a blackpill? looks interesting but I don't want to get depressed.


>Adolescence is not only an important period in life, but that it is the only period where one may speak of life in the full sense of the word. The attractile drives are unleashed around the age of thirteen, after which they gradually diminish, or rather they are resolved in models of behaviour which are, after all, only constrained forces. The violence of the initial explosion means that the outcome of the conflict may remain uncertain for years; this is what is called a transitory regime in electrodynamics. But little by little the oscillations become slower, to the point of resolving themselves in mild and melancholic long waves; from this moment on all is decided, and life is nothing more than a preparation for death. This can be expressed in a more brutal and less exact way by saying that man is a diminished adolescent.”

>"You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is."

>> No.15273326


It's not worth the trouble. My real problem is that I've been masturbating prone since age five and I don't want to change. I have other very good reasons/excuses. Fortunately I'm an only child, an introvert and not hideously ugly so I'm pretty well-adapted to solitude. There are moments when it gets tiresome, but these pass fairly quickly.


By definition, they're not cool. A better word might have been "authentic".

>> No.15273343
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will probably get shit for this but, Notes from Underground

>> No.15273354


Too many words when he could have just said "You will never have gotten prime teen pussy."

>> No.15273841
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>> No.15274393

*You will never have gotten prime teen pussy without paying or taking it by force, unless you happen upon a perhaps disturbed young girl who'll be ok with a much older man

>> No.15275847

>>"You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream.
but I have, so it's not really a blackpill. Sucks to suck I guess but that's how it goes.

>> No.15277143

But a century ago, pretty much every relationship was like that. They all worked out.

>> No.15277150

>but I have, so it's not really a blackpill.

>> No.15277436

In some way, all of Houellebecq's books are blackpills. An anon here the other day said he had a mental breakdown after reading The Elementary Particles.

>> No.15277453

Incel is not a "community", it's a descriptive term. Most guys who are Incel don't even know about the label

>> No.15277461

i can only imagine this comment shouted from the back of a pickup truck by a 19 year old Chad in his letterman jacket, a brewski in each hand

>> No.15277488

>the current incel epidemic which is often due to women attending to college and biologically desiring a more high-earning mate
There's a very strong argument to be made that a rise in sexlessness (or romantic failure) in men is a product of the increased prevalence of dating apps, rather than a shift in economic conditions.

>> No.15277562

>is the book a blackpill? looks interesting but I don't want to get depressed.
Houellebecq Is pretty much the personification of the blackpill

>> No.15277638

The story doesn't concern itself much with sexual frustration as much as a lack of intimacy in general. White Nights would be a better example from Dostoevsky.
The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.15277739
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>> No.15278048

> . The only way to find fulfilment in such a society is to get rich or have a lot of sex
Do you think it wasn't the same in medieval or ancient times?

>> No.15278082

The Sexual Life of an Islamist in Paris

>> No.15278111

A Confederacy of Dunces is probably at the top

>> No.15278117
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I really don't like Houellebecq being associated with "incel lit" but I get what you mean. Read his other books as well, they all sort of touch on the themes of Whatever to some extent.
Also take a look at his poetry and essays.

>> No.15278135
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>> No.15278842

The collector.

>> No.15278876

Houellebecq shows you rock bottom, but he also puts a smile on your face

>> No.15278885
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Why such a big jump bros?

>> No.15278904

my uneducated guess is they've been busy flipping burgers and feared another mouth to feed

>> No.15278909
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>> No.15278935

>man is a diminished adolescent.
How do you guys not recognize this shit as a bitter internal cope? This is clearly a guy proclaiming his insecurities as the 'hard facts of life' to try and regain some dignity.

Do you think you're going to get better by reading this? Do you want to? Do you just want to read the diaries of the most hopeless and depressed faggots who ever lived to re-enforce your anti life tendencies? Why not skip the foreplay and kill yourself if that's all your life is worth?


>> No.15278950

You can't see the whole picture.

>> No.15278953

My mom taught me at a very early age that there is nothing sweeter than self-hate and resentment. Feeling sorry for yourself. She was right.

>> No.15278954

Looking forward to 2028, year when everyone will get sex.

>> No.15278996

>Looking forward to 2028, year when everyone will get sex.
Why do you think so, anon?

>> No.15279007

Probably wasn’t

>> No.15279017
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I don't think the MC did it. His friend sure, but him? no. (the Mc became a novelist after working for the ministerium for agrarian affairs.)

>> No.15279057
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>> No.15279147
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>> No.15279168

Kek. Sex for everyone then. God knows what's going to happen.

>> No.15279185

What is this statistical model called?

>> No.15279196

The point is that in those times people generally dated within their local, often non-urban communities and felt no real compulsion or necessity to either have a lot of sex with random people, or make a lot of money. The idea of "making it" was largely reserved to the distinctly ambitious (often to a sinister degree) or the degenerate (sexual hedonists, for example). Houellebecq in a Youtube Q&A about Whatever talks about the notion that prior to free market forces inflicting precarity and competition-driven atomisation on individuals, there was in the past a sense that life was in many respects quite simple (even innocent) and that a man could find a romantic partner by being a charming person, and elsewhere he writes that his ambition at the time of writing the book was to inspire French women (IIRC) to give the ugly but well-intentioned guys a chance, something H himself realises in retrospect was rather grandiose and delusional.

H's fundamental assertion throughout his books is that the concept of freedom is something which, although superficially desirable, has actually led to a sense of freedom being inflicted, of each individual being turned into a competitive, entrepreneurial figure detached not only from a sense of community but also increasingly from their family, etc. He refers to the family unit as the last example of an innocent form of communism (in Atomised IIRC) and laments that even this unit is being undermined my "free market" ideology in which any kinship not conducive to realising one's perceived economic and / or erotic potential is treated as sentimental, superfluous and so on.

An example of this freedom as a sinister force is the parrot for example in the first chapters of Atomised, who, after "escaping" his well-cleaned cage ends up flying into a window, shitting itself, and falling to its presumed death at the bottom of the apartment building; a scene foreshadowing the disabled woman throwing herself down the stairs to her death after no longer being able to engage in the sexual marketplace. More recently, H has stated that Coronavirus should not be treated as a potentially benefit to French society in terms of forcing the economy to benefit people etc, but will only lead (he believes) to more people working from home, thus adhering to what he sees as a kind of socio-economy teleology (if I'm using that term correctly) whose conclusion is the collapse of any kind of relationships between people based on more than erotic appeal or financial obligation, with both relationships being tied to one another in some sense, and the latter relationship becoming increasingly brutal and competitive due to a race-to-the-bottom "neo-liberalism" in which French farmers, for example, are left to rot and kill themselves out of despair because the market prefers purchasing the same crops from illegal Malian immigrants (as in Serotonin) working in southern Spain for a fraction of their wage.

>> No.15279401
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>in which French farmers, for example, are left to rot and kill themselves out of despair because the market prefers purchasing the same crops from illegal Malian immigrants (as in Serotonin) working in southern Spain for a fraction of their wage.

>> No.15279609

None of those are mutually exclusive and they're the symptoms of the same problem. We need a 500 year rollback.

>> No.15279670

Incel was a term solely used by puahate and the like. When the media began using it, the herd who processed its garbage expanded the realm of people who fell under its categorization. Its meaning is now a nebulous, but effective weapon to against society's losers. Anyone that is angry, undesirable and a virgin will get caught in the net, even if their virginity is only some tangential root of those frustrations.

>> No.15279770

Wellback once said that for him novels are all about the characters. This shows this very well.

>> No.15279782

oh shi-

>> No.15279919

>This is clearly a guy proclaiming his insecurities as the 'hard facts of life' to try and regain some dignity.
That's his protagonists, yeah, not Houellebecq himself. He makes it clear that their misery is their own fault too.

>> No.15279947

What was actual protag problem?

>> No.15280193

His liver hurt

>> No.15280659

Most of them had sex

>> No.15281432


Here's everything you need.

>> No.15282213


A-Anon, i-is this you?

>> No.15282336

I don't think it mattered, the world would be the same with or without him, which was the unfortunate realization he made.

>> No.15282375

Dating apps
Note the gap between men and women, draw your own conclusions

>> No.15282473

Why are women like this bros? He only wanted to help her get over her ex.

>> No.15283022
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>> No.15284148

We were quite hedonistic before we were fully evolved, I wonder what made us become such prudes, and now again go back to our animalistic ways.