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15269061 No.15269061 [Reply] [Original]

I've read the manipulated man and I'm reading the anatomy of female power. I get the feeling that these two books are all I need, I've know of it but not sure if it goes deeper. I had problems with getting girls for sex for a whike, got laid a bunch but haven't really deciphered women as well as these books illustrate. I still was too nice and walked all over still, occasionally anyway. Is there more to read on these subjects, as in actionable behaviors or mental conditioning? Thanks.

>> No.15269347

No more mr. nice guy, The book of pook

>> No.15269557

I liked pook but it was too long and didn't go anywhere. Is no more Mr nice guy different than these books? It says to adopt masculine traits and not be ashamed of them but the literature I read basically says that my masculinity is a construction by women to be conditioned to serve them. Is it a reiteration of not being ashamed of being masculine? I'm not afraid of it, rather I'm trying to break the mold.

>> No.15269591

I second No More Mr Nice Guy. It's actually a healthy book, rather than a lot of the toxic crap of the red pill stuff. Although it doesn't emphasize it, it's about overcoming trauma, especially that from childhood. Well worth reading.

>> No.15269621

What toxic red pill stuff are you talking about? What books are you saying are bad? I think red pill stuff is bad because it tells you thinks then makes you question if it's true, about the nature of women but it doesn't explain as well as these books I read, instead of saying girls like tall guys it says that many heterosexual couples prefer sexual dimorphism, to be as different looking as possible and for the male to be larger to trigger a defensive role in the smaller partner (aka female).
I'll give it a try. I read a lot of PUA books all were crap except one. Did you read more on the subject?

>> No.15269649

The story of Adam and Eve proves that it's more mans neuroticism that makes them have problems with women. t. not christfag

>> No.15269658

>What toxic red pill stuff are you talking about?
Anything by Rollo. He's clearly a narcissist and his techniques are those of a manipulative sociopath. Dread = gaslighting, for example.

>> No.15269660
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-women-are-considered-deep-why-because-one-can-never-discover-any-bottom-to-them-women-friedrich-nietzsche-21-45-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are chimpanzees bro. all they care about is height, wealth, and social status. they want to reproduce with a high status mate. everything they do is towards that end - unless they're genetically unfit or infertile, in which case they might want to adopt. they are absolute narcissists and incapable of abstract thought. everything is sensual to them. everything is superficial.

i'd recommend schopenhauer and nietzsche

>> No.15269681

To be honest I don't like doing that either but isn't it strange how women always do? Dreading is what women do always, saying she will leave you, flirting with other guys to make you jealous, withholding sex. I don't plan to go into a bad relationship but it's nearly impossible to find an attractive woman with good traits.
Which books? I've read Nietzsche before I think it was beyond good and evil

>> No.15269694

It probably doesn't get better than Chinweizu's 'Anatomy of Female Power'.

how about David Deida - Way of the Superior Man

>> No.15269698


If a woman says she's leaving you then that's an ultimatum not dread.

>> No.15269700

on women by schopenhauer, nietzsche just talks about women here and there but his views are incredibly based

>> No.15269715

>Dreading is what women do always, saying she will leave you, flirting with other guys to make you jealous, withholding sex
If someone is being manipulative (and not just having a bad day) then that's a big red flag.- don't put up with it. Have good boundaries.

>> No.15269718

>David Deida - Way of the Superior Man
I liked it. The Way of Men is also good on masculinity in general, even though it was written by a literal massive faggot.

>> No.15269734

Dread is the same. You give ultimatums. Of course it's much less powerful because a woman can get a man easily. But if A man is successful it means he must have some merit for her to consider staying.
Will read, thanks Anon.
I know it's something bad but you'll probably never find an attractive girl that doesn't do that. The books I read basically says that is their nature and raise from birth. Really disturbing, I forgot about how my mother kissed me on the lips and trained me. Apparently it's not only Western.
Will try! Yes it's very good, it's not filled with lazy writing like Villar. You think it's the best? I think so too from what I read so far.

>> No.15269773

> you'll probably never find an attractive girl that doesn't do that

Because people in the West aren't self-aware. It's much better in other nations, though I will concede that any culture would fall if subjected to the same brainwashing as the West has endured.

>> No.15269831

I think that I'm screwed if I want to find a decent girl who is Western. I've had better relationships with Hispanics. I don't think the culture falls as much as the embryo of female power, their control of the cradle, the kitchen and sex. Western women are more entitled but all women do the same thing, some are just nicer about it.

>> No.15269850

Just know that if you are western and want kids, one day you will either have to choose between a non-western woman, risking rootless kids, or a western one, with the usual risks attached to such a marriage.

>> No.15269883

>I know it's something bad but you'll probably never find an attractive girl that doesn't do that.
Be realistic about how good looking a girl you can get given how attractive you are. But for God's sake choose a woman who's as emotionally stable as possible- looks fade, crazy is usually for ever.

>> No.15269927

>women are chimpanzees bro
whoa this is based

>> No.15269939

>Anything by Rollo.
>He's clearly a narcissist
>and his techniques are those of a manipulative sociopath. Dread = gaslighting, for example.
Wrong. Gaslighting is what people do when wish to attack the sense of reality of another person trough intentionally giving misinformation to confuse them to such a degree that they start doubting their own perceptions, feelings, thoughts and emotions and whole view of reality. "Dread" just means that the woman sees that her man has option and that he is capable of pursuing those.

>> No.15269942

It's terrible. In this situation I can't have them unless I find a girl overseas. And even then I'd want to raise it myself rather than deal with a nag.
They're all crazy man. For sex partners it's not important. As for dating, I've chosen only bad ones that hurt me. I don't think it's going to be possible unless I date another illegal immigrant, but that comes with issues like wanting papers.

>> No.15270014

> rips your balls (ability to raise any future offspring) and face (social status) off

Sound analogy

>> No.15270024

Why do women always display that hivemind-like mentality, as if owning a vagina grants them personal connection to the mind of every woman on the planet. I never saw a man say anything of sort except for maybe comedians and their "us guys" jokes which meant to act as a self-ridicule.

>> No.15270039

Think of them as jews. Or perhaps you should think of jews as a faction of women. They are evil.

>> No.15270111

>I still was too nice and walked all over still, occasionally anyway.
That's neediness. A lot of older PUA material will talk about this, usually called validation or approval seeking. It's a complex thing but the bottom line is you act like a doormat because you're afraid of making mommy unhappy. All you need to do is recognize the true value of sex and affection from women you're not going to breed with, which is close to zero. Once you understand that pussy was never an object and is not worth chasing, your attitude will change your behavior without having to do anything.

>> No.15270131

>It's a complex thing but the bottom line is you act like a doormat because you're afraid of making mommy unhappy.
Thanks mom. Really helped with my life. Your pavlovization, too.

>> No.15270365

If you are truly serious about this, then I recommend Sex and Character by Otto Weininger (Indiana Press).

>> No.15270376

Is that why they're both so neurotic when criticised? They're self-aware enough to know that their deeds are a result of their femake/jewish nature?

>> No.15270415

Yeah, it is. It's a consequence of selectively breeding for machiavellian traits. You could think of both of them as psychopathic AIs trying to reverse engineer human behavioral matrix, for social, economic and political power - nothing more than that, and nothing other than that, they don't even have vision of how to use any of that. The crazy women who go insane with the makeup or are just replication errors which lack one line of code. They are missing the link to male standards. The crazy women who have 'emotional' issues lack emotions the clearest. They all lack emotions, the 'crazy' ones simply have to reconfigure their emotion manipulators at all times, and/or cannot reach the state they find acceptable. Hence the manipulator goes into overdrive with heavy drama that serves nothing.

All is fine so long as they have economic, institutional and social power over men. Doesn't matter if the world around them turns into an ugly prison devoid of creativity; the actual shape of their souls. Heh, they even selected for the current male looks - easy to replace, no psychological limits on killing them, a body suited solely for utility.
Whereas women have been shaped by three separate factors. The indirect factor of selecting for men, larger head sizes and increased utility value made hips wider due to childbirth. The second factor is the male preference, the internal drive towards femininity; the anima, which females seek to represent more efficiently with art painted on their faces. Thirdly, the are shaped by their own internal competition, which one hypnotizes males most efficiently.

>> No.15270459

> don't even have vision of how to use any of that.
Yeah, but the main reason for it is what? There must be something that selected them for these traits, right? Is it offspring from only the dominant men (women) and better chances of survival (jews)?

>> No.15270488

>There must be something that selected them for these traits, right?
Any system of power becomes a meta-game. Psychopaths and cheaters do the best in such systems. Especially if there is no anti-cheat in place.

The other portion of women and jews has died or become a minority without those traits (social, economic, political power). The nations of goyim and men project their own good nature onto their slavers. Until we learn to perceive evil for what it is, we are stuck here. I believe this is karma.
However, it is opposed to our natural intuition. If you help a man, why would they kill and humiliate you for it? Doesn't make sense. However, jews do that to every nation that lets them in, and saves them from persecution.

>> No.15270504

Sound, but how come that other nations aren't like jews then?

>> No.15270519

We haven't been selectively bred by the effects of Mosaic law. We didn't learn to 'always cheat to ensure our own survival'. The harsh nature of the Mosaic law backfired completely. It only allowed cheaters and liars to survive. Not law abiding people, but people who would do anything to not get caught.

>> No.15270533

>I read a lot of PUA books all were crap except one
Which one?

>> No.15270563

It surely explains the Jewish tendency to try and circumvent the law, not living it in spirit.

>> No.15271454

The more imperious the Jezebel, the greater the tyrant invoked -- contemporary femininity matches the drive towards bare power and oligarchic technocratic authoritarian rule. It's a great oppositional force inviting to be overcome by a new breed of man -- or to fall into unprecedented maenad goaded slaughter

>> No.15271872

>contemporary femininity
I haven't seen this. Women don't do femininity these days. There is no grace, no care, nor any true beauty. Just animalistic urges and pathological social norms.

>> No.15272941

Because women are not complex beings and as a woman they know that. Guys are confused and use logic and what they do didn't make sense to us. Imagine if you knew math and here women are doing it all wrong, but won't give you sex if you yeah about it. You STFU.
No dude. These are girls I was fucking.
Thanks it looks good. Jewish age indeed.
It's by 60 years of challenge. It is filled with typos from a shady looking site but it worked. I got laid. Just try to hold a girls hand man. If she finches or doesn't hold back she won't fuck you.
Most of my Jewish friends are very law abiding. The most successful is not. I think there may be a spirit of wickedness but it's not universal.

>> No.15273049

Because women work as a big gender gang to exploit men (at least in the West)
Its funny how they genuinely hate themselves but are collectivists to defend their class interests

>> No.15273493

The funny thing is you think they're different elsewhere. Their methods of power are the same.