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/lit/ - Literature

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15266598 No.15266598 [Reply] [Original]

I love writing, I love writing, I hate most things I write, but everything, the entire process makes me so happy. I don't care if anyone pays me to write, as long as I am able to write I will be, if not happy, atleast satisfied.

>> No.15266621

unironically based.

>> No.15266631

Pretty based. I have yet to find my passion, but I applaud you, anon. Keep writing.

>> No.15266633

How do I get started with writing lads?
I have a lot of great ideas stored up in the old noggin but I don’t even know where to start. Are there journals made specifically for writing? I hate spiral notebooks

>> No.15266812
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The only true start to writing are these ideas, scenes, which unfold in your mind. Find 60 of those scenes, find a factor connecting them, and then you have a book. Writing is attrition, it is endlessly scanning your pages, working upon the prose, making fixes, changes, doubting yourself, just write, and things will come.

>> No.15266831

Extremely powerful. No one can stop you. Godspeed to you, anon!

>> No.15266867

Just fucking do it, write and be totally incoherent and fail spectacularly to get your point across but do it anyway.
Then keep doing it, and gradually you'll notice the occasional moment of poetic clarity becoming a more and more frequent occurrence, and keep going beyond that, really keep writing every week, every day if you can.
After a time, you will be shocked at how much you have improved, how much more clearly and effectively you can elucidate a point, it's a truly beautiful thing.

I really mean it though Anon, you must persevere, only after months or years will you really notice a major improvement. Good thing the process is a whole lot of fun

>> No.15266869

>I love writing, I love writing, I hate most things I write, but everything, the entire process makes me so happy. I don't care if anyone pays me to write, as long as I am able to write I will be, if not happy, atleast satisfied.
What have you written?

>> No.15266875

I posted all i've written in this doc.