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/lit/ - Literature

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15265954 No.15265954 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst book you've ever read?

>> No.15266226

bridges of madison county

>> No.15266256

i read all 3 john williams novels and loved them all, so i thought his short story nothing but the night would be great. its like catcher in the rye except even i couldnt sympathize with the guy. im glad john williams stopped drinking

>> No.15266263

my diary desu

>> No.15266271

some hit of the summer book for middle aged white women afraid of getting older
i was called Before i go to sleep

>> No.15266283

that's not a published book

>> No.15266435

Couples by John Updike. And a short novel by Andre Gide, but i can't remember the name

>> No.15266446

The Master and Margarita or White Noise

>> No.15266454

Didn't get through it, but definitely The Life of Pi. The line in the book about atheism vs agnosticism is one of the single dumbest things I've ever read.

>> No.15266459

The Sword of Shanarra

>> No.15266461

It was an airport thriller called The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. Least suspenseful "thriller" I've ever read.

>> No.15266491

eee eee eee stands out as a disappointment
I probably don't remember the worst

>> No.15266510

3) The Fall (Camus)
2) Heart of a Dog
1) third book of hitchhiker guide to the galaxy (I actually enjoyed the first two but holy shit what a drop)

>> No.15266533

The Sun and Her Flowers.
I talked to a cougar i was meeting with about an interest in literature and she said she wanted to lend me a book of poetry. I had not heard of Rupi Kaur at the time. It really bummed me out because I really liked the woman who gave it to me but that book killed my attraction. I haven't read "Milk and Honey" but I have heard that it is even worse.

>> No.15266588

Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.15266603


>> No.15266610
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Worse than anything i've ever read by a fucking mile.

>> No.15266641

eye of the world
piece of fucking garbage

>> No.15266754


>> No.15266784
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Assigned reading sophomore year in high school. Why we went from reading entry level classics in freshman year to actual YA shit I have no idea.

>> No.15266810


Native Son

>> No.15267102

Ready Player One and it's not even close. Gone Girl next.

>> No.15267628

Agreed. RPO to me is an instant litmus test of someone's taste in either books or movies. It's actually really good in that regard.

>> No.15268221
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>> No.15268736

David Copperfield

>> No.15268746

The Republic by Plato

>> No.15268750
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>> No.15268764

Wow Anon, I also like eating my own shit and sucking dicks at glory holes, it's nice to find others. Do you have a discord?

>> No.15268855

Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.15268871

What did you dislike about Heart of a Dog?

>> No.15269719

I thought disliked the writing style, I found it very hard to follow and unpleasant and it brings down the whole experience. Plus, I felt the book didn't really go anywhere. Like, I understand the underlying meaning, I understand it's a parody or satire but it doesn't make me laugh and the story itself doesn't go anywhere or do anything. So the whole book is just "Bolshevism bad" but I didn't feel like it developed the idea by making it funny as a satire or making deep characters, interesting story or anything. The basic idea of the dob becoming human and being more rotten than as a dog is cool and interesting but that's it, the execution lacks in everything else and o cannot stress how much I disliked the writing style.

>> No.15269774

The magic mountain by thomas mann, it was boring as shit
I would have liked it when i was younger

>> No.15269810

That's so sad. I had a similar experience with a female friend who bought me a "poetry" book by a similarly (honestly worse) bad author.

Insta-poetry is garbage. Took around 20 minutes to read the book I mentioned, cringing all the while. There were maybe 2 pieces I actually somewhat liked. Everything else was bland and cliche. Most of it was vaguely about heartache in relationships and self-empowerment, but ultimately seemed to reinforce the need to attach to other people. Plus the formatting of the book relative to the content had no cohesion. The themes of the separate parts didn't seem to actually mean anything and the illustrations, although great, had little relation to the poetry inside the book. It just seemed like the scraps from the notebook of a 13 year old.