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15264979 No.15264979 [Reply] [Original]

Is transhumanism inevitable? Is it a good thing?

>> No.15265048
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Yes and yes

>> No.15265057

>Is transhumanism inevitable?
>Is it a good thing?

>> No.15265095
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Naturalfags >>>/out/

>> No.15265138 [DELETED] 
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The idea of implanting metals and plastics into us till we aren’t human is a silly one.
Genetic manipulation and even melding with currently foreign microbial life, natural or artificial, seems to me the easier and more elegant alternative.
It’s inevitability is fenced in only by our apparent trajectory towards extinction. Will we, transformed or not, make it? Donno lol.

>> No.15265145

yes. we finna become gods nigga who doesnt want that

>> No.15265151

transhumanism is pathetic. die with some dignity intact

>> No.15265153
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The idea of implanting metals and plastics into us till we aren’t human is a silly one.
Genetic manipulation and even melding with currently foreign microbial life, natural or artificial, seems to me the easier and more elegant alternative.
It’s inevitability is fenced in only by our apparent trajectory towards extinction. Will we, transformed or not, make it? Donno lol.

>> No.15265162

You go right ahead and die with your dignity. I wanna live till I’ve had my fill.

>> No.15265168
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transhumanism is onions beyond onions

>> No.15265179

I agree with the bug.

>> No.15265187


>> No.15265195

Yeah, but I'd rather become God's nigga instead.

>> No.15265199
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only true answer is
> yes
>its way to early to tell change isn't necessarily bad we may overcome the disaster that was the industrial revolution yet but who knows

>> No.15265200

You're always saying that. But I see no progress being made.

>> No.15265213

>some nuts & bolts in your body

>> No.15265539
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Why is transhumanism always concerned with cybernetics? What about genetic engineering?

>> No.15265549

Eugenics is no no area

>> No.15265593

Eugenics is about breeding. And the castration of people against their will is the no no.

>> No.15265630

>Is transhumanism inevitable?
No, industrial society is going to collapse relatively soon.

>Is it a good thing?
Is what, transhumanism? No.

>> No.15265639

Also (((circumcision))) and female genitals mutilation.

>> No.15265667

Nigga I want a cyberdick, how can you not be a god with a cyberdick

>> No.15265687

I don’t advocate that practice, but it’s not a part of eugenics

>> No.15265699

Death robs you of all dignity

>> No.15265704

no it does not because christ defeated death

>> No.15265729
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>no it does not because christ defeated death

>> No.15265755

Fucking hell /lit/, will I be able to get cyber implants like those in Deus Ex in my life time?

>> No.15265777

>And the castration of people against their will is the no no.
But that's the only thing good about it

>> No.15265780

The body is just meat, it is a vessel for the mind.

>> No.15265846

Its stranger than that still.

>> No.15265997
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>> No.15266036

We have pacemaker and prosthetic implants. Transhumanism is already here. Gene editing is being tested in China and neuralink will turn us into cyborgs. Nature has designed its entities in a process of billion years while we as humans have only existed for a minuscule fraction of history. Who knows what the long term consequences of genetic manipulation will be. One thing that is certain is that it will be crucial for our longevity as a species. Anarchoprims will die as they won’t be able to adapt to volatile environment while the cyborgs will live on.

>> No.15266113


>> No.15266125

No and no. Earth will have exhausted the massive amount of fossil fuel necessary to generate the singularity before it comes. And the singularity itself is an impossibility. Infinite progress cannot be extracted from limited resources. We’re fed the myth that it can but once the oil runs out this will be shattered.

>> No.15266128
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transhumanism is self-defeating

>> No.15266132

Whoa whoa, cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

>> No.15266155

all these technofags need to get emped in minecraft.

>> No.15266202

What about renewables?

>> No.15266277

The amount of energy generated by a solar panel before it needs replacing is about equal to the amount of energy in the form of fossil fuels required to manufacture it. This is mostly true for all renewables. Plus since fossil fuels are so deeply embedded into our culture once they run out civilization dissolves with them.

>> No.15266299

>Plus since fossil fuels are so deeply embedded into our culture once they run out civilization dissolves with them.
holy shit, any studies/articles about this? I never thought about it.

>> No.15266321

Agreed. Still hate you though

>> No.15266639
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Start with pic related. I used to be into transhumanism but it seems silly after reading this. You can also try this channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJIIMmCfJxBv5-jGTK3iIMw it introduced me to these ideas a few weeks ago.

>> No.15266645

everything runs on oil my dude

>> No.15266667

Genetic engineering is the future. Nobody wants to put their brain/consciousness inside of a toaster to live an eternal hell

>> No.15266687

thanks pal

>> No.15266731

If you want the Singularity to happen you must abandon Accelerationism. Nick Land is a false prophet and capital will only drives us further away from transhumanism and more towards hypercapitalistic stagnation.

>> No.15266861

Sure thing

>> No.15266868
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Lately, I have been thinking about how post-industrial collapse societies would function. Like, how much would they learn from the achievements of computers that no longer exist? Would we retain knowledge of what we learned from developments in medicine and agriculture?

>> No.15266917

Those in post-industrial society will metaphorically and literally have a junk heap of self-destructed technology they’ll be able to sift through and recycle. Inevitably some things will be lost and some retained.

>> No.15266939

transhumanism as in putting useless/damaging shit in your body? no, i doubt ever. transhumanism as in augmenting and outsourcing the human into personal and collective tech? already here and proves to be a generally bad thing for most. example: everyone is stupider and more narowminded despite a wealth of information and ideas at their fingertips. low attention span and conditioned kneejerk reactions means they will never improve without rejecting it.

>> No.15268200

No and no.

>> No.15268941
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>> No.15269013

We understand everything about computers, and barely anything about genetics or the brain as it relates to consciousness. Biochemistry is so complex, sometimes shit just goes wrong as a side effect of going right. It would absolutely be easier to interface tech with a biological brain than try to construct a functioning biological organism without some ancient conserved shadow gene popping out of nowhere after a day in the sun and wrecking house.
Not to mention, studying these fields solves causal problems (and is rayciss), so funding goes to profit-oriented pills that treat symptoms.

>> No.15269025

we can engineer news people on tv to make them likeable and less cunty, faggoty pretentious and retarded

>> No.15269274

Finally a flyfriend-take I can agree with.

>> No.15269345

Am I going to die in 7 days?

>> No.15269381

For the extremely wealthy, sure. It'll increase division between those with and those without, and people can find that bad.

>> No.15269398

And that's why transhumanism would help his cause.

>> No.15269429

No, because contrary to popular belief, digital computers have nothing to do with brains.

>> No.15269431

Finally I can I agree with something. However, if transhumanism becomes a thing do you think it would be available for poor old hags like you? Nope. It would be most likely for people with a lot of money and power.

>> No.15269494

i hate technocracy, Ted was right

>> No.15269579

>tfw too dumb to be a technocrat

>> No.15269839
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I'd prefer Transhumanism but odds are, before any kino Transhumanism happens we sit in our shit and mud again.

>> No.15269851
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>Is transhumanism inevitable?
Obviously. It's hard to imagine an easier prediction, assuming nothing more than the human race continues to exist. It's as strange to dispute it as it is to quibble over the ethical implications. The world will continue to turn as always and nothing really changes, y'all need to stop being so dramatic.

>> No.15269873
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>> No.15269897

*IS* right
Ted isn't dead.

>> No.15269954

>woop dee doo i can do more stuff physically
who cares

>> No.15270074
