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15264483 No.15264483 [Reply] [Original]

>my whole identity is based on this jewish book

>> No.15264502

Jews and Judaism are based. So I don't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.15264509

Secular self-hating Jews like Spinoza (pbuh) are based, religious Judaism is cringe

>> No.15264510

Cringe and retarded posting.

>> No.15264519

>my moral compass is based on fairweather utilitarianism instead of a transcendent objective that I can't ever possibly live up to

>> No.15264526


>> No.15264531

More like
>my whole identity is based on a book
I don't care who wrote it one book is not enough to base your life on

>> No.15264538

>yaweh's cringe behavior has anything transcendent or profound about it

>> No.15264544

>oh and I can't admit I'm wrong so I must use inconsistent mental gymnastics to justify what *I* believe is right

>> No.15264559

Literally the complete opposite of this is true.
Congrats on being perfectly wrong.
Now go back to sucking off Spinoza and Marx.
Your post:
[X] Cringe
[X] Retarded
[ ] Meaningful

>> No.15264570

Marx was a genius. Your cope levels are off the charts

>> No.15264594
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>> No.15264608

The Vilna Gaon was a genius. The Arizal was a genius. The Ramhal was a genius.
Marx was no genius.

>> No.15264637
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>> No.15264643

>all jewish rabbis
Why am i not surprised

>> No.15264646


>> No.15264648

The had brain power and they wasted it on trivial nonsense.

>> No.15264673

I can say that about Marx, Spinoza, Derrida or Wittgenstein.
On the other, the people I mentioned are central to the lives of many millions of orthodox Jews, so they indeed used their brains for the right thing.

>> No.15264695

>Marx, Spinoza, Derrida or Wittgenstein
They have been instrumental in moving history forward. Those orthodox thinkers are completely irrelevant.

>> No.15264703

>They have been instrumental in moving history forward
Anything that helped us reach this point in h*story must have been pure poison in retrospect.
>Those orthodox thinkers are completely irrelevant

>> No.15264715

>Anything that helped us reach this point in h*story must have been pure poison in retrospect.
Yeah, and? That poison has made us stronger.
Don't be ridiculous. Scriptural exegesis and Talmudic minutiae is the most pathetically useless waste of time. Just think of all that wasted genius.

>> No.15264752

>Yeah, and? That poison has made us stronger.
t. has to ask wife's bf's permission before he can take his daughter to tranny story hour
>Don't be ridiculous. Scriptural exegesis and Talmudic minutiae is the most pathetically useless waste of time. Just think of all that wasted genius.
Again, 4u. To me, and to millions of orthodox Jews, it's much more important than your secular garbage. As an example, this book: https://www.sefaria.org/Messilat_Yesharim?lang=bi

>> No.15264777

>t. has to ask wife's bf's permission before he can take his daughter to tranny story hour
goal post shifting non sequitor. not even going to respond in earnest to that nonsense.
>Again, 4u. To me, and to millions of orthodox Jews, it's much more important than your secular garbage
WRONG. it's not important for you either. if vilna gaon never existed you would have lived your life in exactly the same way, just studying some other rabbi instead. if marx hadn't existed, history would have been radically different, whether for better or for worse. these rabbis have no impact on either of our lives. if there was no ramhal you would have just studied nahminides instead and it would have made no difference. it's just mental masturbation, any substitute will do. And, yeah, I've read that book

>> No.15264784

How does it feel to know everyone wants to see you gassed alongside your semite brethens you fucking kike?

>> No.15264788

>everyone wants to see you gassed
not even remotely true. you are marginal. lots of people like jews or are indifferent to them.

>> No.15264809

HaShem will protect us, and we will survive and be stronger because of it, just like what happened in the times of Haman, Titus or Hitler.

>> No.15264839

peak stockholm syndrome. yaweh enslaved you and your whole history is a continual tragedy upon tragedy heaped upon you by the arch-demon you worship

>> No.15264846

Piss off Gnostic tard. You're worse than the materialists.

>> No.15264856

not a gnostic. even jews believe that shedim exist. all im saying is that yaweh is one too. i don't think the material world is evil or that its designer (demiurge) is evil

>> No.15264897

He's right. Why the fuck do you think the jews want globalism for the gentiles but an ethnostate for themselves? Their whole culture is based around manifesting planetary tyranny. They've been at this for hundreds of years at the behest of their "Lord." Jews are the Chosen of the Ialdaboath. Get redpilled you dumb fuck, we're reaching the end of this simulation.

>> No.15264902

The Bible transcends the need for identity, though you are unlikely to understand that because you can't see that you yourself are inside an ideology (just like Christians) and then ideology has an identity that you take on. If I had to guess your ideology is scientific materialism because they are the ones who get the most butt-hurt about Christians.

>> No.15264912

im not a gnostic, bro. jews are as much victims of this as anyone else. its pure stockholm syndrome. im also jewish entho-culturally, but i reject yahwism in all its forms

>> No.15264918

>we're reaching the end of this simulation
I agree. And during this period of time, you'll see all the prophecies of our prophets come true in front of your eyes. The Creator has never left the creation, Gnostic retard.

>> No.15264931

Jews became the enemies of the West once they let Yeshua of Nazareth have his way and shit up the whole of europe. You could've put the kike swindlers called apostles to death at once but your fucking king knew full well that Christianity was a peak subserversion cult made to indoctrinate goym into worshipping a fucking kike on a stick. Look where your precious Yeshua got us, we've got abject fucking golems with zero self-awareness who are willing to die for an offshot of your shitty religion. Fuck you and fuck your greedy ass god, without your fucking cult there would be no Christianity or Islam and the world would be a much better place.

>> No.15264936

prophecies can be engineered by moderately powerful beings like yaweh. you'd be a credulous fool to believe he is "God" just because he can manipulate certain chains of events on an irrelevant backwater planet in a universe of inconceivable size. that is assuming that this yaweh figure is even still alive. for all we know he died hundreds years ago. whoever or whatever he was.

>> No.15264951

blaming others for your own mistakes is peak cringe. yahwism is garbage, in all its forms, but europeans only have their selves to blame for taking it up. accept personal responsibility. it's the only way to move forward.

>> No.15264954

>my whole identity is based around criticism of a book

>> No.15265051

You shouldn't be allowed to post your incoherent rage.

>> No.15265118

you shouldn't be allowed to breathe.

>> No.15266148
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>*blocks the path of all judeo-christians

>> No.15266204

"Excuse me sir, please move at once. It seems you have taken a page out of Dr. Manhattan's book and spontaneously appeared in millions of places at once, but this is a rather miraculous occurrence but really only a minor hindrance. By the grace of God you have been represented in many places at once. Clearly you should or someone should, write a book about you but it won't be me as I really don't care for pagans. See you, Varg.

>> No.15266211

Read Maximos the Confessor and Dionysius. Christian philosophical thought is guided by scripture but its not the whole of it.

>> No.15266850
