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File: 31 KB, 300x290, jacques_ellul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15264326 No.15264326 [Reply] [Original]

What does he mean by technique? I honestly can't understand The Technological Society. What would a world with less obsession with technique look like?

>> No.15264406
File: 121 KB, 900x1200, EPA3vqDUYAEUR9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would a world with less obsession with technique look like?
like this.

but seriously an other anon summarized it nicely in a previous thread: 'Techniqur has a broader scope than technology and is basically the drive towards efficiency, rationalization and ordering principles at a given stage of development. This isn’t exclusively modern and existed even among ancient humans but with the Industrial Revolution technique has exploded and dominated the planet. Even stuff like standardized time and clocks are technical'

>> No.15264458

Ok, but what does that really mean?

>> No.15264907

Reign of quantity

>> No.15264911

jesus christ. does this land whale actually make money?

>> No.15265719


>> No.15265745

call me ishmael

>> No.15265759

it's a process of alienation bro
it's optimization at the cost of humans
basically humans sacrificing themselves for the perfection and optimization of a task is the consummation of technique

>> No.15265774

What kind of system would not do this though? It seems like it's inevitable unless you want to die out. How can you compete any other way?

>> No.15265837

well that's exactly the point he's trying to make
compete towards what exactly? your alienation
the economy today takes primacy over humans, that's his entire point, and the fact that you're worried about materialist competition proves exactly that

>> No.15265975

But how would another system function? That's what I'm wondering because I don't see any alternative.

>> No.15266018

"it is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism"

>> No.15266032

it's okay, nobody does either, but it always starts by noticing the flaws of the system
read capitalist realism by mark fisher, he talks precisely about the fact that we can't see an alternative to this

>> No.15267554

So just bitch about it for nothing then?

>> No.15269044

I see none of you anti-tech LARPers can provide a coherent answer.

>> No.15269218

Angloid bugman detected.

>> No.15269225

People who can't see alternatives tend to be morons.

>> No.15270662

state one alternative dipshit

>> No.15271521

>>the economy today takes primacy over humans
I'm getting tired of this charlatanism.
The 'economy' or the 'technique' doesn't magically take primacy by itself. It is decided by men. Men decide to do these things, and by this very fact they are putting their aims first. It is always primacy of the minds doing it.
What you and Ellul are trying to say is that there are very specific aims and objectives that you consider to be the 'real' human and they do not correspond to what is chosen by men. With some conservative leftist like Ellul, the ideal would be some sort of vaguely intellectualized version of those women-with-children-in-wheat-fields pictures that some morons tried (and failed) to hype on /pol/.

>> No.15271558

>I don't see any alternative.
You need Jesus

>> No.15271585

It’s power and fear of immediate death that keeps capitalism in power. We can’t wind back anything without war and death

>> No.15271602

From hell's heart I stab at thee...

>> No.15271605

>says the man on the transmitting his message to the internet with his chinese electronics

which part of this did you choose?

>> No.15271614

We can't wind anything back. War is won with technology.

>> No.15271619
File: 72 KB, 551x600, Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I describe a world with no exit, convinced that God accompanies man throughout his history.

>> No.15271652

>fear of immediate death that keeps capitalism in power.
Well, that's also true, but probably not in the sense you were going for.

I chose my computer, indeed. Even made some autistic comparisons of processors before settling.
I like the capability of sending these messages to stupid anonymous from halfway around the world. I chose doing that too.

>> No.15271688

Instead of maximizing consumption via optimal production, we might instead try to maximize human satisfaction via optimal consumption. An alternative system would want minimize consumption to prevent over-production which has rapidly begun to exhaust our capital (natural resources). We would want to build things that last, we would want to be self-reliant, we would want to eat seasonally, we would want to be part of small nations, even city states instead of massive countries, etc.

read E.F Schumacher's Small is Beautiful

>> No.15271708

You chose that instead of becoming a subsistence farmer? Did you ever have an alternative? Did you choose to go to school? To learn to write?

>> No.15271713

What problem does this solve?

>> No.15271822

>tfw someone thought my post was good enough to post in another thread a few days later
Feels good

>> No.15271838

>>You chose that instead of becoming a subsistence farmer?
I chose to be a researcher in material science if my life is bothering you. I didn't consider farming, but had other, very different opportunities I strongly considered. Shitposting is probably better than farming in my opinion.
>Did you ever have an alternative?
Yes. Other jobs, other countries, neetdom, etc.
>Did you choose to go to school?
It's indeed mandatory up to age 16 where I grew up, and I happen to have disliked most of it. I chose to go to post secondary education though.
>To learn to write?
It's indeed part of the mandatory curriculum. I'm far enough down into lolbergtarianism to think any state mandated curriculum is communism but learning to write is quite honestly not far fetched. I wouldn't go on rants about lack of control because I was told to have basic literacy as a small child. If you allow an imaginary scenario, I think I would definitely learn to read/write as an adult had I not already. I can't say if I chose here but I immediately liked reading upon learning.
You could however say the same thing about any activity you are made to do as a child. Will the anti-capitalist covenant magically make people adult at birth?

>> No.15271839

Is it that hard to imagine a world less efficiently ordered at the cost of everything else, a world which allows some spontaneity or irrationality to creep in? That’s most of history.

>> No.15271847

>call me ishmael

>> No.15271894

If you were a kid say a few thousand years ago, what were your alternatives? Are they different? Why is that?

>Will the anti-capitalist covenant magically make people adult at birth?
The whole question is flawed. Ellul is not anti-capitalist.

>Jesus finds the same mistake in both the Saducees and the Pharisees, both those who collaborate with the Romans and those who oppose them.

>> No.15271933

>>If you were a kid say a few thousand years ago, what were your alternatives?
Whatever is available at the time you describe.
>Are they different?
>Why is that?
Let's just technique since it's the topic. Technique (by that I also mean the men doing it) oversaw an enormous opening of opportunities.
>The whole question is flawed. Ellul is not anti-capitalist.
Make that the great anti-tech covenant then.
Don't Jesus me, especially in a thread about a c*lvinist.

>> No.15272377

>Ellul is not anti-capitalist.
I wouldn’t say he was exactly pro-capitalist either

>> No.15272439

Some sense of meaning beyond what is simply materialistic? Modern architecture is so finely tuned that there is nothing left in it.
This can be shown by the fact that throughout the world, across culture, we can see the same kind of modern building being erected everywhere. Something is lost.