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1526232 No.1526232 [Reply] [Original]

So we're "groomed" by society and sorta homogenized by social norms and what not. Is this such a bad thing though? Is it something worth lingering on? It's very possible to live a happy and fulfilling life within this structure.

Eh, this structure also causes pain/places humans above other humans and is limiting in many ways. I'm not sure what to think...

Whaddya think /lit/

>> No.1526236


it's possible to live relatively happily within the society while being fiercely oppositional to everything wrong with it

so do that

>> No.1526237

I don't know. Think about the anal cannon, for instance. And the next thing happening is a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.

>> No.1526238

Isn't that hypocritical?

>> No.1526246

how many times have you posted that in the last 10 hours?

inb4 "pretends to start answering question then derails into anal cannon copypasta

>> No.1526247

If you hate everything about society, you're probably a maladjusted, pimply teenager. Not that I didn't also go through that phase, but I grew up.

Frankly, I have no problem with a lot of society. Wearing clothes, eating with utensils, facing forward in the elevator, sneezing into my sleeve, saying please and thank you- eschewing these things would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Are there some glaring errors in our culture that I hate? Fuck yes. Hatred and greed and blind consumerism and apathy are all terrible. So I just don't engage the parts of culture that I don't like.

Bitching about how bad society is is going to do nothing but make you depressed (however, OP, I realize that you weren't bitching). Engage the good parts of what you find around you, don't engage the bad parts. Find friends that think the same way so you don't get too discouraged. And when you can, throw a little good out into the world. It's worked for me, anyway.

>> No.1526250

I have no idea. I started counting, but the next thing happening was a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex puked into it. After the ass was filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucked it until the pressure was all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock was pulled out and the anal cannon exploded! To top it all off, ass to mouth occured, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure. Poetry requires commitment.

>> No.1526252

Thanks for the post.

>> No.1526258

No problemo, bro. I figure there's enough T-Rex vomit spam out there right now.

>> No.1526263
File: 41 KB, 640x486, judge-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'll allow it

>> No.1526265

"T-Rex vomit spam." I love you.

>> No.1526266

I don't think it is possible to be happy without socialization. The process exists to the end of streamlining sociality. Admittedly, we don't have an exemplar for the unsocialized human, but most people agree that the less you have been habituated to customary social practice (whatever that might be), the more dangerous, out of control, or personally unpleasant you are. People who aren't socialized don't do things like delay gratification, or consider the feelings of others, or suppress their violent urges. We can tell, because we see that kind of behavior in the closest thing we have to unsocialized people: psychopaths and the mentally challenged.
Of course, it feels unpleasant to do all of those things I just mentioned. It grinds at the core of our individual will, and makes us feel oppressed by the wills and expectations of others, but the alternative is complete alienation from those others: the kind of alienation we see, once again, in psychopaths and the mentally challenged. Social practice is the only thing that makes things like trust and respect possible, and since people need people, both for the purposes of survival and emotional attachment, it is really very difficult to get by without it.
This isn't to say that everything a person is socialized to do is ethically and pragmatically the best. It just means that you can't live with people without bowing to some sort of social norm.

>> No.1526269

I have seen and done it all, but today I knew it was time to bring out the T-Rex vomit spam.

>> No.1526270

Man is a zoon politikon - a social/political animal. It's part of our very nature.

>> No.1526272

I can't help but feel like life itself is so streamlined.
School -> College -> Career -> Married/kids -> Die

And during this process we're surrounded by expectations of how we should do things, what we should wear, etiquette, interests, etc.

I don't know what else to expect though. I live a pretty fucking privileged life.

>> No.1526274

Well presumably we abide by the imposed social norms because we desire approval from society. But this is an emotional reaction and the degree of intensity with with we experience an emotion varies from person to person. It is only those who are intensely apathetic by nature who have a great deal of contempt for society's expectations of them. They hate to feel like they are being submisive while people who are at the other extreme, who GENUINELY aren't affected by what people think, make the conscious decision to obey the laws of society because they see it as practically beneficial.

>> No.1526275

I've always felt that this position makes the opposite mistake. It belies the existence of actual personal desires.
We have drives to associate with one another, certainly, but we also have drives to dominate one another. We have desires related to ourselves and our own maintenance like food and sex and rest and freedom of movement, but we also have desires related to others' opinions of us, like respect and love and freedom of intention. Those desires seem to clash a lot. If anything is definitive of the human condition, I think it's that weird Freudian tension between our social and personal drives.

>> No.1526276

So run away to Mexico and become a drunk.

To attain a permanent residency status in Mexico, all you really have to do is demonstrate that you have an income of over USD1000 per month. Now that's not a lot of money - and from what I hear it's very possible to live comfortably on that, or a little more. Not a bad life, really.

>> No.1526278

Oh and corporations running our lives pretty much. That sucks too.

>> No.1526279

I'll play the devil's advocate and say that yes, there is something relatively disturbing in the hegemonic state of society. Consider who is controlling the hegemony of society and how that control is maintained. Control can be coercive and obvious (law enforcement) or can be diffuse and pervasive (gender roles, social norms, morality), all of which effectively lead to the self-regulation of behavior. One may be content, but can one be happy knowing that choice and free will are but an illusions governed by culture? How we evaluate and obtain the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, shelter, transportation) are all influenced and somewhat controlled by those in power--those in control of the means of production and in control of the media. It's not hard to assume that opportunistic rulers would willingly repress personal freedoms.

>> No.1526282

>I've always felt that this position makes the opposite mistake. It belies the existence of actual personal desires.

I don't think that I am taking that position, just saying that humans are by nature social, and the fact that we live with other human beings is an essential part of the human condition. Not that we're all alike or driven only by our roles in society. I would characterize the human condition, perhaps ultimately in the same way as you, but in different terms: it's the fact of plurality, the fact that there exist a multitude of human beings each of whom is distinct and in some way unique, capable of action and spontaneity, but also living together with many other people, and tied to them and shaped by them.

>> No.1526281

Your opinion of this is also shaped by society.

And it's only good or bad to the degree that you enjoy it.

>> No.1526285

So what do you really believe then? What is your actual view?

>> No.1526286

On a personal level, I think you need to analyze and break down this concept of "expectations" that you have. People seem to think that there is one monolithic "society", which acts like a person with intentions and opinions and so forth. In fact, society is an aggregate of thousands of opinions, many of them mutually exclusive. So not everyone expects that from you. I don't expect that from you, and neither does most of the lower middle and working classes, but I suspect there is someone in particular whose opinion does matter to you, and from whom you're getting these expectations. Think about who those people are and consider your options from there. Decide who you really care about enough to please, because it's impossible to get everyone to respect you.

>> No.1526287

I've always felt that this position makes the opposite mistake. I don't think it is possible to be happy without socialization. If you hate everything about the anal cannon, you're probably a maladjusted, pimply teenager.
...I'll allow it.

>> No.1526289

This is good input. Thanks.

>> No.1526290


I'm not sure how how legitimate that argument is. We've never observed man as a creature outside socialization and (to my best knowledge) haven't tested what depriving mammals of social contact does to them. While it may be difficult to impossible to personally imagine living in isolation, that doesn't make it impossible. Reproduction is entirely conceivable without being social.

It is certain, however, the society we currently live in does a lot to reinforce the notion that we have to spend large amounts of time with others to support ourselves. The lone wolf is all but extinct in the modern world. Even the most anti-social people focus their lives around other people by constantly avoiding them.

Perhaps the best example is in the anal cannon copypasta. The anal cannon is loaded when a funnel is placed into an asshole, and a second whore pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up.

After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate awesome feeling of pissing in an ocean of piss.

Notice how this is reposted. The author either craves attention (a social thing) or wants to impose his will on others (another social desire). Would a person deprived of social contact throughout their development do this if they were somehow introduced after completely developing? Unlikely. They just wouldn't care.

>> No.1526292

My personal view is that while most people can get along happily in the system that we are in, it seems that we are a little too swayed by consumerism and immediacy. That is, we just get socially and mentally lazy and thus apathetic to our surroundings and the people in it.

>> No.1526296

I spent one day shitting up enough threads that one day a few months from now some anon will be asking if we all remember the anal cannon, and the next thing happening is a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.

>> No.1526297

Just fyi


>> No.1526298

I'm nearly completely sure there have been at least a few cases of childhood isolation documented and studied.

Also, the converse has been studied. People with stronger interpersonal ties are likelier to live longer lives:


>> No.1526300

This thread is basically an embodiment of an idea for a novel I've been mulling over in my head for a couple months.

>> No.1526303

Exactly. I spent one day shitting up enough threads that one day a few months from now some anon will be asking if we all remember the anal cannon, and the next thing happening is a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.

>> No.1526307

A brief synopsis:
The piece is an absurdist novel concerning the convergence of three lives.
1) A disillusioned youth who has come to believe that his own will has been forever undermined by the influence of society.
2) A streetwise, but kindly old man who has come to accept his need for society, but at the cost of his dreams and aspirations.
3) A raving schizophrenic, who repeats a single paragraph over and over in the hopes that someone will remember him when the elements have claimed his body.

>> No.1526310

People seem to be so caught up in the "system" and would much rather talk about materialistic stuff/stuff relating to the system. I find myself relating to like... Nausea's narrator more than my classmates to be honest. (HS Senior)

>> No.1526309


That only proves that social isolation causes problems when they're returned to a social context. A quick browse didn't demonstrate that there were marked problems present aside from that or that they discovered just how long the monkeys would live. Thank you for the study, though.


I'm actually taking a course on the value of social networks and we've read at least one of the scientific articles discussed in that article (the obesity one). I would chalk longer life due to social contacts up to the fact that society encourages it/social contacts enable better survival strategies. Socialization followed by isolation is probably just as crippling as isolation followed by socialization.

>> No.1526313

Oh and I'm not above the system or think I'm better than these kids but I guess our interests just aren't the same.

>> No.1526314

Sounds cool dude.

>> No.1526317

>3) A raving schizophrenic, who repeats a single paragraph over and over in the hopes that someone will remember him when the elements have claimed his body.

Please tell me that this paragraph will involve the ass cannon.

>> No.1526318

The monkeys were incapable or uninterested in feeding themselves. Some of them resorted to self-mutilation, while others merely refused to move at all.
Here's a longer article.

>> No.1526319

being homogenised is utterly bad. our completely material, visual, mechanical culture has transformed human beings into pictures and digits. this has been slowly happening over the years but nowhere is it condensed in such a perfectly neat way as in facebook. we have become our profile pictures and the single digit on someone elses riends counter. our lives are ruled by electronic images, they tell us how to dress, how our bodies should look, the locations we should frequent, how we should fuck, how we should talk, how we should interact with other people, everything. the t.v and now the computer tell us how to live in every way, people replace the rearing of children with t.v more and more. weve become like our technology, weve become the images we worship. we are dress rehersals for our profile page, and our gatherings are mere dress rehersals for the pictures theyll become. We are the picture in a book. without the picture it didnt happen, and you didnt happen. how much of your humanity is in that image? Is it small enough to fit inside it? do you even like any of your "friends"? how many of the people you know can you trust? are they real friends or just aquaintences? the whole world has been mentally sliced into units of monetary worth and tokens ownership. Flattened, the emotion squeezed out until all that is left is a leaf of paper currency, a picture dollar. more is better, richer, regardless of wether or not you need it, regardless of quality, regardless of context.

>> No.1526321


more money = better than, more facebook money= socially richer than, doesnt matter if you barely know them and never see them, its all about the high numbers. doesnt matter if every single picture is of you holding a drink and all social variation has evaporated, its about having more pictures, not the quality of the interaction. can you connect with another being without alchohol? can your humanity touch someone elses in a meaningful way, deeper than smalltalk? beyond clothes or music taste? beyond money? everyone i meet cant do it. And it doesn’t matter at all. People used to united by survival, in other words living.united by community, the act of being alive in each others space. now they are united through indulgence. By alchohol, by clothiong tastes. the provider used to work and earn to feed his family, now the provider moves away from the family, sees the famil;y less, relocates the family, sacrifices the unity of the family in order to work and earn.

>> No.1526325


s Tzu-Gung was traveling through the regions north of the river Han, he saw an old man working in his vegetable garden. He had dug an irrigation ditch. The man would descend into a well, fetch up a vessel of water in his arms and pour it out into the ditch. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very meager.
Tzu-Gung said. "There is a way whereby you can irrigate a hundred ditches in one day, and whereby you can do much with little effort. Would you not like to hear of it?"
Then the gardener stood up, looked at him and said, "And what would that be?"
Tzu-Gung replied, "You take a wooden lever, weighted at the back and light in front. In this way you can bring up water so quickly that it just gushes out. This is called a draw- well."

>> No.1526328

So much pathetic samefaggotry and fail attempts to generate discussion after being called out on the idiotic nature of the thread.

inb4 dozens more bumps from the same guy, and the next thing happening is a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it.

>> No.1526332


Then anger rose up in the old man's face and he said, "1 have heard my teacher say that whoever uses machines does all his work like a machine. He who does his work like a machine grows a heart like a machine, and he who carries the heart of a machine in his breast loses his simplicity. He who has lost his simplicity becomes unsure in the strivings of his soul. Uncertainty in the strivings of the soul is something which does not agree with honest sense. It is not that I do not know of such things; I am ashamed to use them."

>> No.1526336

After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.

>> No.1526337


They stopped eating and died only when exposed to social stimuli according to that article. Also, it said they grew listless after a year of total isolation and stopped trying to explore, yet their environment had next to no stimuli (steel walls and a 2-way mirror with just bedding and food/water). That's different from a habit enriched with other living beings that constantly changes a.k.a. the real world. While the study has applications (social shock kills) I don't think it accurately maps to social isolation in the real world.

>> No.1526344

even though the anal canon thing is everywhere, and you replied to my passionate posting with anal cannon, i still fucking love anal cannon.

>> No.1526349

Archimedes once said, "Give me a place to stand and I will move the world." Today he would have pointed to our electric media and said, "I will stand on your eyes, your ears, your nerves, and your brain, and the world will move in any tempo or pattern I choose." We have leased these "places to stand" to private corporations.
Marshall McLuhan 1964

>> No.1526353

A raving schizophrenic, who repeats a single paragraph over and over in the hopes that someone will remember him when the elements have claimed his body, and the next thing happening is a funnel placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it.

>> No.1526356

Sir, your generalizations are unbecoming.
You're attributing very specific opinions to society at large in a way that is unfair and unrepresentative. I've never even met anyone who judged their own social value in terms of some quantifiable internet currency. It may happen, but it doesn't happen in a majority of cases. It doesn't even happen in a large minority of cases. My family is not divided, nor is it affluent. My relationships are not defined by vices, nor, if you press me, am I entirely convinced that your listed vices are as vicious as all of that.

Moreover, I don't think your social situation is as homogenously and aggressively materialist as you're describing. If it had been, I don't think you'd be capable of feeling or expressing anything different.

Finally, the presumption that subsistence communities are more interpersonally knit than our modern ones is not evident. Such communities existed for centuries before the industrial revolution, and they still demonstrated xenophobia, alcohol addiction, murder, theft, and petty squabbling over resources, as well as such common practices as leaving a family one could not support and abandoning children to die of exposure. In fact, I'll wager that the only vice we have that subsistence communities don't is boredom.

>> No.1526360

Literate man, once having accepted an analytic technology of fragmentation, is not nearly so accessible to cosmic patterns as tribal man. He prefers separateness and compartmented spaces, rather than the open cosmos. He becomes less inclined to accept his body as a model of the universe, or to see his house-or any other of the media of communication, for that matter-as a ritual extension of his body .Once men have adopted the visual dynamic of the phonetic alphabet, they begin to lose the tribal man's obsession with cosmic order and ritual as recurrent in the physical organs and their social extension. Indifference to the cosmic, however, fosters intense concentration on minute segments and specialist tasks, which is the unique strength of Western man. For the specialist is one who never makes small mistakes while moving toward the grand fallacy.


>> No.1526365

I love you. To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.

>> No.1526373

And this sounds something close to my idea except the main character is a nihilist who wants to end up destroying himself as he hypocritically comments on his own society.

And the other two characters are just like the kinds of setpiece setpieces in my cast of unmentionable hundreds of reoccuring (and not) characters. That I will somehow jam in for no damn good reason.

>> No.1526397

people who start sentences with "And" too much in order to sound poetic/profound. any fiction writer who is half worth their shit thinks you sound like a fucking joke.

>> No.1526416


no ones going to say " i judge my human relationships on units of currency like some kind of emotional token"

but they will say "you think i dont care about my girlfriend, i bought her a £130 pair of boots for christmas. awww" i heard someone say that at work recently. money = love to this man. money equals life, you should hear him talk.

money is love and life to a hell of a lot of people, not every last one, but to the group entity it has become vastly important. im afraid in my opinion it is actually true in the majority of cases, trust me, i would rather it be the opposite. its the driving force behind everything, nothing as trivial as life stands in its way. take a look outside. the gravity of such a mindset has warped the abstract unquantifiable emotion of existence into worth tokens. love can be money, people can be tokens. our natural way of being will never be erased unless we all die, but as the group social machinery grows more intricate our individual human nature takes a back seat.

>> No.1526419



look at the oil war, look at deforestation, pollution. what is this but the conversion of our world into money? earlier simpler men obviously had their problems, i didnt say they were perfect or anything, but to say that they werent more interpersonally knit however is farcical. even as far back as a single generation you can see a more interpersonally knit set of people. to remove our modern problems would mean to collapse civilisation, we cannot survive any longer without them. try stopping pollution, try stopping central banking, it wouldnt happen and it wouldnt work. earlier men never had anything remotely like this.

>> No.1526428

Those are some good points. Whether they would have been happy in a real world environment is something of an academic question,.though, since no infant monkey that wasn't provided with food and protection from predators would reach adulthood. The unsocialized monkey in a world without any other monkeys is a purely theoretical monkey. If one were to exist, it would still be incapable of reproduction, though it might be able to survive an ordinary lifespan assuming that there is no conditioned learning component to its ordinary eating and self-defense behaviors. Because we don't know how or if monkeys define their sense of self-worth, it's tough to say whether they would feel the same depression in a more varied environment. We do know, however, that when placed in isolation, unsocialized monkeys experience emotional disturbances in as little as a month, and when removed from it they swiftly either killed themselves or were killed by their fellows.
To stretch these principles from monkeys to humans, we can say that it's possible for a human to live without socialization, as long as it never has to interact with another human. That means, from the moment it is born, it must seek its own food and shelter, protect itself from the ravages of the world, and hold its' sense of value about the world while looking forward to a future without emotional attachment, sexual release, or reproduction. I don't think this is a reasonable expectation.

>> No.1526435

To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate anal dessert.

>> No.1526447

There isn't a nation on Earth where people are free. I'd say society has a long way to go on that evidence alone.

>> No.1526453


I would agree that both are purely theoretical-that's part of why I think you shouldn't have any expectation about either one at all. The only way I can think of to test this the effects on lifespan/survival ability is an Eden situation. That is, one in which the baby is provided water, food, and everything it needs in a rich environment like the garden but receives this in such a way as to not be exposed to socializing influences.

But it is definitely true that such behavior is not evolutionarily stable even without a socializing influence.

>> No.1526451

I don't think this is a reasonable expectation.

>> No.1526459

If anything, we live in a time and place which is more free with emotional bonds than ever before in the history of the world. Your friend shows his love by buying a pair of boots, but he does so in deference to a tradition that's older than written history. I'm not just talking about dowries in Victorian England here, I'm talking about a trend of demonstrating your ability to provide that is seen in the oldest texts we know: the mythologies of the greece and rome and the fertile crescent and Egypt. There have always been two ways to win a woman. You can conquer or you can purchase.

As far back as a generation ago, I see a group of people so clannish about their national origins that they were willing to mutilate and murder people with the wrong color skin without even considering the possibility that it might be unethical.

And the cutting of forests began long before industrialization and consists of more than profit seeking. We don't cut down trees to sell them. We cut down trees to use them. We make them into chairs to rest on, houses to live in and paper to record thoughts or dry hands. The act of living is destructive. That's not an artifact of the industrial age, it's a fact of life. We fight the same wars for oil today that we fought for salt in centuries past. We pollute the air, but you should see our water sources compared to the Thames before we stopped pissing and dumping our dead in it.

>> No.1526546


id like to take a look at the thames further back, before we started pissing and dumping in it, when your shit and your corpse went back to the ground and helped make things grow, before the scalpel of the social machinery amputated our natural abilty to synchronise with even these most simple of links with the cycles of nature, before we sent our water down with sheets made from paper and cleaning chemicals and bath products, and then treated it with more chemicals in order to make it drinkable again, and all of the man hours, fuel and destruction that came from the production of these things.
that generation ago the racism that featured so heavily was caused by a strong feeling of local unity and identity, of community. yes it was ignorant, yes it was violent and hateful, but it was based in the bond they had with their clan, and in the fear they had of it being disturbed or threatened. destruction is a fact of life, but does that mean its something to consciously seek out and amplify? does that mean you should try and destroy yourself, that we should try and destroy ourselves?
deforestation may have occured before industrialisation, but that age was merely an earlier stage in the development of the modern western theme.it was still for chairs and paper, and it was for the naval fleet, for war. a time when the conversion of life into money was well under way. i dont think it matters if it started in egypt or phoenicia or wherever, it started, and it grew, and its killing us.

>> No.1526582


>he does so in deference to a tradition that's older than written history

i really dont think thats a good enough reason. i think tradition would help to create and continue the things im talking about, i find this just strengthens my frame of mind.
many people have had many different ways of bonding and marrying, the guy wasnt talking about that, he was outright saying that the money proves he cares for a human being, not something he made, not something he said.

>There have always been two ways to win a woman
>win a woman
winning a person? like a prize? thats some good abstract emotional conversion into currency right there.
and only two? what about connecting with them on a human level? like with the fact that your a person and they are a person? why do you think you can only buy or conquer a woman?

>> No.1526693

>implying bitches and whores

>> No.1526789

This is why your poems will always be shit.

>> No.1526796


I hate to intrude on what you're doing, but this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into a funnel placed into an asshole. After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.


>> No.1526802


>> No.1527213

that's only part of the story, a lot of our predispositions are genetically determined, too

social norms exist because they generally are the better way to go (not killing, not fucking other people's spouses, etc.)