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15262257 No.15262257 [Reply] [Original]

Enlighten me on love
>Does it exist or not?

>> No.15262269

Yes it does. Many edgelords will say "duhhh its just chemicals duhhh" yeah? Pretty much all of your emotions are chemicals doesnt mean they are useless. Love is a beautiful thing but true love is hard to find.

>> No.15262303 [DELETED] 


>> No.15262388

>but true love is hard to find

this is nonsense, people say this only to set up their future relationship as something special and some ride that wave until they eventually die

go out, the first girl you kick it off with has the same credibility to be the love of your life as the next one, don't make things more complicated than they should be

>> No.15262553

>Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.

-Soren Kierkegaard.

>> No.15262561

It is a feeling. Feeling it is evidence that it exists, in the same way that sensing a sense is evidence that it exists, regardless of whether it represents something external to itself.

>> No.15262564

Those who have to ask have never been in love. If you find yourself in love one day, you’ll realize what a silly question that was.

>> No.15262580

t. has never been in love

>> No.15262661

It's real, yes.

>> No.15262694


>> No.15262708

No, "love" is oxytocin and other chemicals. The mind then makes up an illusory story about the sensations and stimulus. Love is not real and not humanly possible.

>> No.15262717

honestly this

>> No.15262720

>chemicals are not real

>> No.15262721

Reality is not reducible to logic. You will never be able to quantify everything you can't understand, although it is quite possible you are incapable of being loved.

>> No.15262727

Absolutely, I am a master of producing love. This grants me incredible metaphysical powers.

>> No.15262737

Is there rule 34 of Morty just having a little ol taste of Pickle Rick? I imagine so.

>> No.15262756

Love is true for women but not men. Men only think in terms of the physical when it comes to women, not in any stretch of the Neptunian imagination.

>> No.15262774

So anger doesn’t exist because it’s just my amygdala acting up right?

>> No.15262790

depression does not exist because its chemicals

>> No.15262794

Never been in love, eh?

>> No.15262797

>Reality is not reducible to logic

>> No.15262800

speak for yourself

>> No.15262801

I’m not a woman, so no.

>> No.15262808

Love exists, but there's no love at first sight -- that would be lust.

Love comes from being with someone for an extended period and developing emotional bonds.

>> No.15262838

literally the opposite roastie, too bad god didnt grant women a soul for you to understand

>> No.15262846

>t. autist
No one that is eighteen or older holds the things that happen to fit inside their heads in such high regard. It's ok though, you'll see a that you're not Captain Spock pretty quickly once you graduate high school.

>> No.15262848

>Liking someone, being angry at someone, being
These are fabrications that do not exist, and attempt to create narratives on the chemicals that do exist.
Hope that helps!

>> No.15262895

>dude life is not real the brain is just chemicals that's why I choose not to live!
Cope for the midwit incapable of feeling love. How does it feel knowing a genuine brainlet will lead a more fulfilling life than you?

>> No.15262904
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Only between men in times of hardship.

>> No.15262913

Sure it does, and it’s not just chemicals. The actual experience of love is not chemicals, it is experience. Even if you read a chart of the chemicals associated with love, you are not in love because of that, and you do not know love because of that. Sure there is a correlation between the chemicals and the experience of love, but that doesn’t make them one and the same.

>> No.15262925
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The question is tricky because for most people it does not. They'll live their entire lives without any semblance of emotional depth or genuine catharsis. You can think that I'm wrong but the world wouldn't be the way that it is if this wasn't true. Ultimately, this>>15262913

>> No.15262938

Then all love poetry doesn't exit.

>> No.15263030

I wouldn’t say love is forever, but it does exist.

>> No.15263176

Surely, ones personal demons might be what causes the chemicals that causes sadness no?

>> No.15263210

Chemicals are chemicals. Only because the mind experiences what it refers to as love when those chemicals are in place, does not make the two the same. When people talk of love they talk about the experience of love, which you surely can not deny exists, not the chemicals released in the brain.

>> No.15263259

Need to breed + pair bonding
also, you need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.15263282
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>everybody else doesn't so you are wrong
>you are underage therefore you are wrong
>you are autistic therefore you are wrong

>> No.15263287
File: 180 KB, 749x931, cff4ef1d948bb2c62f34d8d9bd9bb4b25408b390ab1f1aedb2fc86f95504dc1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and I've never even kissed a girl.
I'll never find love...

>> No.15263291

>Enlighten me on love
>>Does it exist or not?
Well obviously you fucking retard. Just read the Timaeus.

>> No.15263321

If you are underage then you don't know more about life than someone who is older. If you are autistic your brain is physiologically deformed and not as adept at perceiving reality than a person who is normal. Not that complicated. Again, not my fault that love is real and you can't feel it.

>> No.15263323

why don't you get yourself a dog and make love with it?

>> No.15263342

>don't know more about life than someone who is older
I'm not, but this isn't necessarily the case. Consider the difference between some braindead old redneck and an educated middle class kid.
>perceiving reality than a person who is normal
If you are austic you tend to not subscribe to bullshit that is commonly believed by unthoughtful masses.

>> No.15263351
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Yes. Love of God, king and country.

>> No.15263370

>Consider the difference between some braindead old redneck and an educated middle class kid.
I said "about life", not more about matrices, vectors, and linear programming. I'd accuse you of being autistic for not being able to understand that, but at last
>If you are austic you tend to not subscribe to bullshit that is commonly believed by unthoughtful masses.
More cope. The subtleties of communicative nuance is really the tip of the iceberg here. There are all kinds of emotions you will never feel.

>> No.15263376

>i-it's all just chemicals! i-it's all just neurons firing!!
So is your critique of love. If love is invalidated by that, why wouldn't your critique be?

>> No.15263416


>> No.15263496
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No emotion IS chemicals, chemicals are just (probably) what causes the emotions

>> No.15263518
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>I said "about life",
it doesn't matter, because the perception that they have of their "life experiences" is deformed by their distorted notions about reality.
>The subtleties of communicative nuance
One can notice and understand them consciously, normies just "feel it" subconsciously thus are incapable of even understanding what they are doing. In a similar way as a human understands better the behaviour of an animal than the animal itself even though he doesn't have a direct experience of it.
> emotions you will never feel
most "emotions" are narrative driven instinctual tendencies, that is to say that the emotion is nothing more than a story you tell yourself.

>> No.15263560

This will sound prejudicial (and it is), but I don't intend to argue with someone that can't feel emotions. Be right in your head and reduce all of your feelings to ~narrative~, it's only making your life worse than someone who didn't give it any thought at all.

>> No.15263614

>someone that can't feel emotions
i do, that being said it sounds like you have lost the argument
i also have the intuition that you have a hole between your legs, that is correct isn't it?

>> No.15263662

>i also have the intuition that you have a hole between your legs, that is correct isn't it?
lol your intuition suchs, but it's pretty obvious that your priority is being correct rather than being better. Think what you want to, bro. Seriously.

>> No.15263796

Yes, just try playing the Sims and tell me if you don't feel love for the Sim family you raised?

>> No.15263859
File: 73 KB, 640x585, 1550269812590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i also have the intuition that you have a hole between your legs, that is correct isn't it?
TOS should implement a ban on incel virgins so I don't have to read some retarded shit like this again. You probably think of yourself as educated and even contemplative but mentally you're about 12.

>> No.15263940

it is real and it must be cultivated and tended to and stoked and stoked again and channeled directed shaped etc. to build something lasting and powerful and good—when the teenager feelings go away you’re left with an equal, someone you care about, a partner. i think love and intention create the relationships of our grandparents’ time.

>> No.15263978

Yes, but its a rare thing.

>> No.15263993
File: 141 KB, 1000x563, +_6ed649160dd07c556e085f2b4cc03d17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what you think love is OP.

>> No.15264012

>mentally you're about 12.
I already explained how a 12 yo could have a better understanding or reality than you.
Do you have any other argument?

>> No.15264021

gf wants me to say i love her but I wont do it. I think its too early

>> No.15264239

Like the other anon said, think whatever you want to lol. Nothing affects me less than whatever you decide to think of love.

>> No.15264288

>it's pretty obvious that your priority is being correct rather than being better.
post tits

>> No.15264318

>you're lying about not being a girl
This anon jerks off to traps, not even giving this one a (You)

>> No.15264346

Listen, bud. Autism is considered a disability for a reason. If a part of your brain is straight-up defective, you don't get to lecture us about how our notions of reality are distorted.
Also, feeling nuances of interpersonal interaction while simultaneously understanding them on a rational level are not mutually exclusive.
Also, emotions are not exclusively narrative-driven. Otherwise we would always be perfectly able to put a feeling we're experiencing into words, which just isn't the case. Oh and even if you had just explained the mechanisms of emotion to a T, that wouldn't invalidate them.

Ye, love is real. Being able to explain its mechanisms scientifically doesn't make it unreal in the slightest.

>> No.15264365

>God, king and country.

Imagine mixing nationalism with the purity of christ.

>> No.15264441

though your post shows how butthurt you are about my opinions since you need to use the brainlet meme to "disprove" me

>> No.15264446

prove it's not the other way around :)
you don't realise you are making a huge assumption when you say chemicals cause the emotions.

>> No.15264478
File: 193 KB, 1526x854, ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct, my assumption was baseless, and I don't agree with it either, my point was mainly that chemicals is not emotion.

>> No.15264495

It exists. It's just not some super spectacular magical thing, it's as shitty as everything else is

>> No.15264501

I can see you're very desperate to have had some sort of influence over me, so much so that you forgot to deny being an incel, a virgin, and as >>15264346 pointed out, mentally disabled. You're having a hard time understanding that I'm not going to argue with you or have any interest in "disproving" you, but let's definitely keep this going. What's next, incel? Take it away.

>> No.15264515

>part of your brain is straight-up defective
I'm not autistic, i'm just saying that claiming that someone is autistic isn't a valid argument against their view.
>most people are x way therefore being different is an illness
>most amerimutts don't wash their asses therefore washing your ass is a mental illness
>while simultaneously understanding them on a rational level are not mutually exclusive
it just so happens that it is usually impossible for the general population to do so
>emotions are not exclusively narrative-driven
complex emotions are, basic emotions like anger are pure a pure instinctual reaction
>that wouldn't invalidate them
the intention isn't to invalidate but rather to demystify

>> No.15264550

I like being right about things and i don't consider calling someone an incel or a virgin as an argument.

>> No.15264581

I'm not interested in argument, I was just making an observation. Believe it or not, not everything you see on the Internet is written with the intention of intellectually engaging you. What else you got? Respond faster this time, I'd like for this to be over sooner rather than later.

>> No.15264597

Love is an ideal. It is real, but it's hard to find and really needs to be tended and nurtured to come to full fruition. Rose/flower analogy is very appropriate but very cliche.

>> No.15264609

Demystification is fine by me, but emotions, as opposed to not washing your ass, are such a fundamental part of the human experience that it's hard for me to believe you would take up such a position to argue for without being schizoid at the very least. Ever underwent a psychological evaluation?

>> No.15264620

>I'm not interested in argument, I was just making an observation
>making an observation by name calling people i.e. associating them with X negative category, thinking that this somehow disproves their views
I give up.

>> No.15264654

What!!! So quickly?! There's still so much time for you to be right? Don't you want to be RIGHT? :-)
Let's try again, buddy. Dig a little deeper this time.

>> No.15264687

>are such a fundamental part of the human experience
The way people feel and interpret emotions changes radically according to the historical period and place that the individual is brought up in.
There is also to note that autistic people do feel emotions, just not in the same way and they tend to not express them directly most of the time.

>> No.15264704

You also seem to reply quite quickly anon.
Judging by your post you also seem to be upset, i wonder why.

>> No.15264731

>also seem
You are a different anon presumably? I've consented to humoring this autist >>15264620, not anyone else. Though we are not arguing he seems convinced that I have an interest in disproving him when I've told him repeatedly that he can think whatever he wants to. And yes I am responding quite fast, I don't want to be here all day.

>> No.15264793

>The way people feel and interpret emotions changes radically [...]
I'll need a source for that, because that implies we wouldn't be able to empathize with or understand the characters in books of different eras and cultures.

>> No.15264798

whatever makes you feel better anon, i understand that you are under significant stress in you life due to particular difficulties and that you need make similar posts to relieve it
go on without me

>> No.15264830

The problem with that is that I've extended you the courtesy of my attention. In light of that courtesy, I would appreciate if you not use this time to project whatever inadequacies you've internalized for yourself to try to rationalize my good will.
What's next? Have you found a way for you to be right? Let's see it.

>> No.15264854

>empathize with or understand the characters in books of different eras and cultures
We do but only after understanding the context of their culture. The basic underlying structure is the same though as mentioned previously.
So you might understand anger but not the reason for the anger. Example: medieval farmer is angry at a woman in the village because he thinks that there is a causal relationship between her weirdness (witchcraft) and the death of his child due to pneumonia.

>> No.15265036

All sensory experience is the result of chemicals in your mind. Does nothing exist?

>> No.15265260

>The basic underlying structure [of the way people feel emotions] is the same.
>The way people feel and interpret emotions changes radically [...]
Which is it? I don't even know if I'm arguing with the same person anymore desu. Sometimes I wish we had more tripfriends on this board.
I'd probably reiterate your previous point "The way people feel and interpret emotions changes radically [...]" as "While the felt experience of a specific type of emotion is always the same, the situations which trigger them are partially dependent on the cultural, temporal and temperamental context of the person experiencing it." so as to prevent misunderstandings.

>> No.15265488

Yeah i shouldn't have added the word "feel".
I'm not sure though what your over all point is?
Do you believe that autists don't feel emotions and that it's something that separetes them from humanity?
Because this is just a common misconception.

>> No.15265628

no because every relationship is transactional

>> No.15265657

>If a part of your brain is straight-up defective, you don't get to lecture us about how our notions of reality are distorted.
autists literally perceive reality more objectively than neuros

>> No.15265778

Honestly, I just disagreed vehemently with >>15263518 and might've been overly snarky in my reply >>15265488 but I answered your later replies as faithfully as I could.
Not sure if I have an overarching point other than "Emotions are inextricably linked to being human, regardless of circumstances and it's futile to try and dismiss them as dumb shit normies do."

>> No.15265897

>it's futile to try and dismiss them as dumb shit normies do.
i don't, i just think that viewing the emotion of "love" as some sort of pure and magic wu wu from another dimension uniting two souls instead of the pair bonding instinct among sexually reproducing animals isn't a very good idea

>> No.15267289

What does "choose not to live" mean?

>> No.15267303

Why the ageism? Not OP, I'm 25, and sort-of have the same question.

>> No.15267326

Not the person you're responding to... But I needed to come in and tell you that you seem like a bad person.

>> No.15267355

Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.15267378

No. I'm going to wonder how a little thing like you found its way to lit.

>> No.15267384

>cries in rationalism
Suck my penis, dweebus.

>> No.15267715

>How does it feel knowing a genuine brainlet will lead a more fulfilling life than you
I'm indifferent to this. That's like telling me a schizophrenic has more fun in life because he convinced himself he is the emperor of Europe. My point in life is getting closer to truth, not getting closer to some LARP that makes me happy.

>> No.15267732

Explain why truth matters.

>> No.15267749

No It's a manufactured experience.

>> No.15267868

Nothing exists correct (the projection onto the object I'm saying) the stories the mind conjures up is simply temporary flash of imagery, changing second to second, the brain/mind sees the stimulus/interprets the sensory experience and creates a narrative. The narrative is always imaginary.

>> No.15267901

>The narrative is always imaginary.
What difference does it make?

>> No.15267910

Enjoy it, there's no escaping it

>> No.15267919

Chemicals and matter are all just instruments

>> No.15267923

Exactly. It's a moot point. Glad we agree.