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15261575 No.15261575 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being able to read in 400BC. This guy is an alien. My grandfather was born in 1910 and was illiterate

>> No.15261601

How old are you anon
My grandmother and grandfather were born in 1918 and 1919 and I am 26 years old

>> No.15261614


>> No.15261615

yes boy history is a linear

>> No.15261620
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If your grandad was a member of the most powerful aristocratic family in the country who traced their linage back to both its prior royalty and its near mythical republican founder he probably would've been able to read too.

>> No.15261624

My grandfather could read and he came from a third world country

>> No.15261628

mine is italian

>> No.15261638

My grandfather was a sardinian farmer and could speak and write in italian, sardinian, latin and german
Mainlanders are genetically inferior

>> No.15261651

Mine came from Syria (a literal third world shithole) you have no excuse.

>> No.15261686

Why not just make up your own letters and teach it to other people then?

>> No.15261695 [DELETED] 

Did he kill Jews and darkies during WWII?

>> No.15261926

My great grandfathers could all read and they were from Serbia lmao

>> No.15262591

My great-great grandfather was illiterate, but they were Kentucky coalminers of Dutch descent.

>> No.15262602

WW2 Was the war of based brown men vs white and jewish cracka-ass SJWs.