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15260019 No.15260019 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you read out in public? How are the coffee shops where you live?

>like 16
>wandering around hollywood with friends, looking for something to see or do
>The Green text story format is lost on me.
>We walk into a coffee shop with a real cheezy name kind of laughing to ourselves about the name we're dorks that are too cool but with a secret hope maybe theres something good in here,, its like 11pm on a saturday hows a coffee shop open of course girls are on our minds

>there's a very dim, dark blue light everywhere made very slightly purple by a single red light
>there's dissonant, droning wall of noise, but the kind that after a few minutes you forget about for a few moments at a time
>in what seems like impossible light some are reading
>there's a ~20 year old couple on the couch nearest the red light, they're resting on each other on a couch that's ripped, their eyes are nearly closed and they're completely still
>there are a few people sitting along the walls at tiny tables drinking coffee and talking, they don't look like they're whispering but you can't hear any noises coming from them
>there's a bar counter we don't know how or where to approach we were probably wearing cargo shorts and vans, real nosepicker looking kids
>one barista quickly disappears into the kitchen without seeing who has come in
>the other has black hair, pale skin, short nose
>we all look at each other worried, all silently asking is this coffee shop? maybe it's a bar, should we go?
>first friend in a sudden confidence walks up to the counter asks what they have, the barista says nothing and doesn't move, she continues to stare at her hands and move slightly, she's slowly rubbing a cup that is dry, my friend wants to deflate every second, after a minute she looks up, annoyed that we are still here, she asks my friend what he wants and is annoyed when asked to list what they have

all the baristas there were like this

>my brave friend gets the orange juice and my other friend, who will be the first to try heroin orders a black coffee, the first friend has a change of heart and wants hot chocolate, i reach into my pocket and pull out a crumpled dollar bill and a hot cheeto, my friends offer to pay, I don't know what a cappucino is and get one
>all the seats in the first room are taken so we go towards the second room which is pitch black, there are no lights inside of the other room except a small orange lamp in a hollow tree stump that has two seats and a tiny table, two of us get in and the other crouches outside there is writing and drawing scrawled everywhere, images that are incomprehensible, vulgar invitations with phone numbers, poetry, aphorisms

we all ended up hanging out and reading there a lot

I came back after a few years at school and I knew something was terribly wrong when I saw someone wearing big red basketball shoes and a hoodie. there was a guy behind the bar with a big beard and glasses and a smile and he asked how he could help me i left.

>> No.15260037

>Where do you read out in public?
who the fuck does this? outdoor places are loud and distracting.

>> No.15260088

why do you even feel the need to reply?

Do you actually need to be told, that some people find it easier to focus when there is a hum of activity and noise around them? And yes, for some people that is distracting and they would prefer silence.

And, do you find it unbelievable, that people that have similar interests, go to the same places, and sometimes when I'm in a coffee shop and I see someone that I like or seems interesting, or they're reading a book that interests me, I will talk to them, but not while they're busy, so as not to interrupt them. And sometimes people will come up to me and talk to me.

Are you always this dim? Is all of this new for you?

>> No.15260104

it can be more distracting to be in a quiet place since the silence isn't consistent. so while it is more quiet, hearing a random noise every now and then is much more distracting than consistent noise - there's no attention differential when there's always noise.

>> No.15260144

i really like to read at the park :)

>> No.15260149

this but I'm actually staring at female joggers while pretending to read

>> No.15260183

I miss babe watching while reading out.

>> No.15260256
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>> No.15260303
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I work at a coffee shop, so the atmosphere gets a bit boring for me. I much prefer going to a bar near my house. It's a book shop and bar, and the general atmosphere is very peaceful. They have soft music playing, everyone is either in hushed conversation or is reading/writing, and we're all enjoying wine, whatever small plates they can make with their little toaster oven, and beer.

It's been 2 months since I was last there. Quarantine sucks. I'm excited to be able to go back one day.

>> No.15260355

Next to a railway in a forest during summer, drinking beers, watching trains, thinking if I should and reading fiction.

>> No.15260761
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>> No.15260870

i only read lolita in public, for the looks