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File: 25 KB, 304x500, No_Longer_Human_(Osamu_Dazai_novel)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15259724 No.15259724 [Reply] [Original]

>No Longer Human
>main character has sex multiple times with women

>> No.15259738

have sex incel

>> No.15259943


Imagine an incel finally having sex and then feeling nothing from it. No joy. No accomplishment.

The one thing the incel wanted, upon having, has led to no deeper understanding or fulfillment. The incel spent so many days bitching of the absence of sweet puss.

Imagine who that feels. Getting what you want only to realize nothing has changed.

This is what No Longer Human is about.

>> No.15259969
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>> No.15259983

>filtered by a chinese cartoon

>> No.15260097

>haha I'm gonna write this character who shares several of my life experiences and winds up killing himself
>actually kills himself
the absolute madman

>> No.15260125

nice description of the book.

an incel who believes that these (sex, drugs) would be the remedies to his problems, only to find out they really aren't.

no longer human's protagonist is very similar to the setting sun's protagonist's brother. dazai's books take inspiration from his personal life... he suffered from drug addiction, as with his promiscuity. i forget how many times he's tried to commit suicide, but it took him multiple attempts to finally kill himself in a river.

>> No.15260129

Many such cases

>> No.15260154

He's not an incel if he got sex.

>> No.15260165

he had already attempted to kill himself prior to writing no longer human

>> No.15260175

Character turns into a cockroach. Girls throw themselves at him as they realize he is now an alpha male with major muscles, can run super fast and is incredibly virile.
Girls love inhuman monsters to impregnate then, that why they fuck dogs and soft plastic so much.

>> No.15260186


This is true. The book proposes a more extreme reality.

To never be able to connect, to understand, to be comfortable around other humans. To the point where you act the part, doing everything you think humans do. Only to receive no reward, so much so you dont even consider yourself human, not being able to feel what you perceive others to feel.

Incels have it so lucky. Able to hate the Chad and Stacy. Being able to relate with other on the grounds they cannot relate to us all.

>> No.15260194


And why the fuck T H E B L A C K S

>> No.15260212

No Longer Human is the ultimate truthpill for incels, sex isn't the actual source of problems for them, it's purely their own psychology

>> No.15260241

The only white girls who fuck cannible savages are those who where victims of 90s unleashed parenting and femidronism.
Even Japanese girls dont get into interracial marriages that much actually. A very small percentage of the entire population can still make thousands of videos of bottom of the pile garbage females who look good bc of makeup.

>> No.15260243

Get into psychoanalysis and linguistic programming, youll understand humans much better than.

>> No.15260246


Pretty sure white girls born in the year 2000 arnt products of 90s parenting. Met some girls age 16-21 and their sexual history has so much African jungle sweat you'd swear it was a Joseph Conrad novella

>> No.15260257


Personally I don't have problems understanding humans. I have problems not feeling empty inside.

Never once have I felt empathy. I'm not an incel, a NEET, or a weirdo even. Got a house, girlfriend, 2 dogs, a car, blahnik blah blah normie stuff.

But never once, not once have I ever felt "right". I have always been haunted.

>> No.15260262

try a hooker faggot

>> No.15260275

you're not special buddy

>> No.15260282


Don't want to be special.

All the linguistic programming and psychoanalysis wont help some people though. Not if you're disqualified from being human

>> No.15260329
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Do people here actually read books?
Yozo wasn't an incel, quite the opposite; he never struggled with attracting women. Meme words aside, the book is about a young man that has an immense fear of humans, never saying no to others and invariably caving in to their wants. His only escape from this perceived irrational and scary world is to act the part of the jester. The book is basically a realistic portrayal of a high IQ Chad's life with most of his problems being caused by indulging in excessive debauchery.

>> No.15260334 [DELETED] 
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It's kinda funny and pathetic how white dudes still think that only fat and ugly women are into black men.

>> No.15260336

started strong and ended jsut as retarded as an incel

>> No.15260371
File: 25 KB, 600x338, 1586929765231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, that last part was just a superficial reading of the text. it was funnier in my head, but I should have probably left it out

>> No.15260383

Why would I want to read about a the "suffering" of a high IQ chad?

>> No.15260397

leave "chad" outside of /lit/

>> No.15260422

To gain perspective and because reading a great book is fun

>> No.15260448

Sounds like you're a sociopath then. People like you are what's wrong with humanity nowadays. You're psychic vampires.

>> No.15260608

Why do normies use 4chan? What subreddit lead you here?

>> No.15260620

shut the fuck up you shit for brains meme speaking child. grow up and make yourself useful

>> No.15260677

The life of the average incel is so far removed from the average normalfag that they cannot even imagine it. When they try their hardest to come up with the biggest loser on the planet they still end up writing someone with friends and love interests, because to the normalfag they are utterly taken for granted. It is UNTHINKABLE to them that someone could be COMPLETELY unloved and incapable of doing anything about it.

>> No.15260689


>> No.15260698

the character and the author both never had the signs of an incel, its an entirely seperate issue. incels are socially stunted cowards who refuse to do what they must. dazai describes a peculiar type of mental illness.

>> No.15260703

Yea guess you're right, also I actually dislike the term incel applied to pre-1990s. Feels anachronistic.

>> No.15260731


>> No.15260739

It was coined in 1993, so applying it to the late 80s doesn't feel off.

>> No.15260953

>implying sex doesn't just make you feel guilty and bad