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File: 11 KB, 279x281, nietzsche2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15258444 No.15258444 [Reply] [Original]

>I distrust all systemizers and avoid them. The will to a system indicates a lack of integrity

>> No.15258458

Perfect recipe for chaos. No wonder he was an unhealthy chronic masturbator who chased Russian whores.

>> No.15258513

why is he so good lads

>> No.15258522

>The will to a system indicates a lack of integrity

>> No.15258532


t. wagner

>> No.15258542

He seems good to you because he confirms your biases while sounding pseudo-intellectual doing it.

>> No.15258545


>wagner accusing anyone else of philandering


>> No.15258550

t. retarded tumblr moralfag

>> No.15258553

Wagner got the ladies, though. Neechgay sat and watched as the Russian whore fucked his friend. Sad, really.

>> No.15258556

Nietzsche is peak tumblr.

>> No.15258580

you would know faggot

>> No.15258585


wagner got goofy looking jewesses

>> No.15258596

You brought it up yourself first. Anything that encourages degeneracy gets them hard. The fat blue haired tumblr scumbags sure love that shit because it's pleasant for their lifestyle.

>> No.15258603


>encouraging degeneracy

wew lad

>> No.15258608

All Neechgay got was a silly horsey. Wagner wins.

>> No.15258614

It's the ultimate consequence of the OP proposition. Weak normies can deal with that much freedom.

>> No.15258633


>> No.15258642

Nietzsche isn't for weak normies

>> No.15258646

>implying fritz wrote for normies

>These alone are my readers; what do the rest matter? The rest are merely mankind

>> No.15258647

the masturbation thing was a rumor invented by Wagner to fuck with Nietzsche, it was based on nothing other than Nietzsche - according to Wagner - having a masturbator's vibe.
Obviously just throwing shade, and Nietzsche was pretty pissed about it if I recall correctly

>> No.15258662


wagner was butthurt about human all too human. nietzsche actually fucked whores in italy on a doctor's orders

>> No.15258668

How could his sounding pseudo-intellectual possibly make him appealing, you unfathomably idiotic bonobo?

>> No.15258670

>said no one who has read Nietzsche

>> No.15259017

Knowledge without system is useless.

>> No.15259071

Individuals do not think like systems, but build structures upon ideas. To systematize is to search for order, and if anything, order is an enemy of the creative spontaneity needed to conceive new ideas.

>> No.15259314
File: 21 KB, 242x220, 1584399240864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cope from someone who couldn't build one

>> No.15259327


The proposition is not: the system should not exist. He just says he distrust those who systematize.
For example I distrust cops, for good reasons. But do I think cops should not exist? Of course not.

>> No.15259362

typical g*rman
only wants chaos
tear down the walls only to live in the crumbles, never building anything better

>> No.15259564

>To systematize is to search for order, and if anything, order is an enemy of the creative spontaneity needed to conceive new ideas.
As a creative I've found this bullshit, the more you systematize the easier it get sot come up with new creative ideas. For example, when you have a vocabulary, now it is easier to juxtapose ideas because you don't need to set about defining terms of art. When you have a good system of categorizing ideas or if you work with bricolage - your raw materials, it becomes far easier to introduce (useful) Shannon Entropy or unlikely elements into your work rather that search for materials from a small nucleus.
I would go so far to say that what distinguishes the great artists from the good, if I am allowed to make a horribly simplistic dichotomy, is their systems they use to streamline the path to pure creation.

>> No.15259596

It's the original cope. OCD is an anxiety disorder.

>> No.15259607

so is the unsystemized system ideal or does he want to go even beyond that?

>> No.15259679

I think it's more that he's implying systematic thought tends to drift toward rigidity and falsity

>> No.15259706

My interpretation is that the will to a system indicates a lack of integrity because all systems are necessarily false. Remember, Nietzsche identifies as one of the three deadly truths the fluidity of concepts.

>> No.15259873

What is this anon saying?

>> No.15260073

nick pls

>> No.15260211


a) disliked systems
b) chronic masturbator

This would mean he didn't have a set schedule for visiting Mrs Palm and her five daughters. Wherever, whenever. Do you think he admired Diogenes? (Also, checked.)

>> No.15260230


>disliked systems
>typical g*rman

Err... anon. You do bring up a good point, though, by being exactly 100% wrong. The Germans are renowned for being obsessively ordered and system-oriented, so when Nietzsche "rebels" against that, it needn't mean he's some mad Agent of Chaos. It probably just means he has a normal, sane attitude to systems by normal, sane, Anglo standards. — i.e. he thinks they're not the be-all and end-all and can lead to rigidity of thought.

>> No.15260250

I'm saying that order is not mutually exclusive with spontaneity and new ideas.
It's like the barbell strategy of bees, 90% of the bees do the regular thing of going to the already known flower fields to collect pollen, 10% though go on deranged paths of which a small percentage may randomly stumble upon a new flower field.
If you don't have the ordered 90%, the entire hive collapses as all the bees go randomly searching.

>> No.15260260

Ever heard of constrained writing? Plenty of creative works have been made with order.

>> No.15260302

>order is an enemy of the creative spontaneity needed to conceive new ideas.

This is the exact opposite of the truth. You can't achieve anything creative without discipline.

>> No.15260308

Nietzsche is popular among the worst sort of people because he is the worst sort of person. Anything he can't do, he condemns, says it's a sign of bad character or watever bullshit. His philosophy is filled with big bunches of sour grapes, and it's demonstrated in the flimsiness of his reasoning there. In what way systematizing suggests lack of integrity or what Nietzsche even means by lack of integrity is a game of interpretation with no fixed meaning, like all of Nietzsche's philosophy, because, ironically, his unsystematic approach to philosophy means it lacks integrity, where integrity means consistency, and this may well be what is signified: his blistering sense of inferiority condemning his superiors for things more applicable to him.

>> No.15260391

Nietzsche simply rose above academic burocracy and told it as it is. Not much different to Socrates.
Thought and knowledge will never be a fixed system, but are in constant movement.

>> No.15260462

Nietzsche hated Socrates.

>> No.15260479

>Nietzsche hated Socrates.
I'm aware of his argument against him, but, to be frank, Nietzsche had a big mouth.
He himself enjoyed contradicting his own theses, and that's his virtue.

>> No.15260480

If you hate Socrates you are simply an edgelord, sorry mad Nietzsche.

>> No.15260626

It was more just banter desu

>> No.15260656

Regardless if he masturbated or not he was a depressed fella who practically had anarchist philosophy. Post-Enlightenment philosophers are a joke.

>> No.15260665

No one really cares what Nietzsche hates.

>Thought and knowledge will never be a fixed system, but are in constant movement.
Is constant movement a fixed system?

>> No.15260671

Will to system is just covert will to power

>> No.15260672

>Thought and knowledge will never be a fixed system, but are in constant movement.
Is constant movement a fixed system?

>> No.15260693

I think your creativity might just be airheadedness

>> No.15260717

How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.15260756

>Enlightenment philosophers are a joke.
ftfy retard

>> No.15260794

It's not a virtue in my view. It means he uses emotions, not reasons, and it results in: >>15260308. The integrity in a systematic approach yields science and mathematics. The lack of integrity in Nietzsche's approach yields emotionally overwrought wannabe revolutionaries.

>> No.15261073


Systemizers don't think about him at all.