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/lit/ - Literature

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15258213 No.15258213 [Reply] [Original]

Books for holistic and universal thinking? I want to explore the philosophy of universals and particulars, patterns in reality, holism vs reductionism, association and alignments, etc. Anything from philosophy of science to mystic religions to whatever else will do.

I also wonder, what is the bridge between the universal and the particular? How do they connect and separate?

>> No.15258218


>> No.15258732

redpill me on the Hadith

>> No.15258765

Check out Henri Bortoft's stuff on Goethean science or maybe Ernst Lehrs' Man or Matter.

Or maybe Barfield's Saving the Appearances.

>> No.15259168

Langan mathematically solved everything in a couple of dozen pages with his metaphysical theory of everything known as the CTMU; so by extension, he has solved (truthfully modeled) the concepts of identity and relation within philosophy. In particular, the CTMU concept of syndiffeonesis deals with these concepts.

For context, the CTMU describes reality as a uniquely structured and self-contained form of language, of which anything identifiable as "real" must by definition be embedded in; hence the use of linguistic terminology such as "syntax". See the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (2002) and An Introduction to Mathematical Metaphysics (2017) for more.

>Syndiffeonesis translates to “difference in sameness”. It defines the generic relational structure of reality in terms of syntactic distribution and coherence: given any relationship of any arity and order, its synetic (invariant syntactic) level must distribute over its diffeonic (variable) level, which consists of things to be discerned or distinguished, thereby providing them with a unified basis of cognitive and/or perceptual coherence. Basically, it says that common (uniformly distributed) syntax is required in order for any number of things to be recognized, no matter how generically, as different or distinct, or to identify any one thing as different from its complement.

>> No.15259250
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Looks like you just want to study Metaphysics. The particular topics (in analytic metaphysics at least) would be termed:
>philosophy of universals and particulars
General Ontology and also a bit of Modality
>patterns in reality
Laws of Nature and Natural Kinds
>holism vs reductionism
>association and alignments
I'm not sure exacly what you mean by this, but maybe Identity, Grounding, Dependence, and Mereology.
If you want contemporary stuff then read an introduction to metaphysics. I'd recommend:
>A Survey of Metaphysics by E.J. Lowe
>Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction by Michael J. Loux
But all contemporary metaphysics (analytic at least) follows Aristotle's general schema, so reading 'The Physics' and 'The Metaphysics' is itself a great way to learn about all metaphysical topics. Of course, there are all the other historical accounts of metaphysics too. So yeah, just study Metaphysics.

>> No.15259279

Yeah but if I just said "give me some metaphysics recs" people would just post the Bible and other meme books so I had to use specific terms.
But anyway, thanks for the recommendations

>> No.15259336
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well, for all your best intentions you still only got meme responses. for whatever reason spergs on /lit/ love to spam their pet literal who and hate mainstream philosophy. I should add that there is continental metaphysics as well, but i couldn't tell you what is worth reading in that tradition.

>> No.15260607
