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15256415 No.15256415 [Reply] [Original]

why is philosophy important and worth studying

>> No.15256425

So you can name drop in everyday conversations

>> No.15256439

Instead of teaching you what to think, it teaches you how to think.

>> No.15256492

It's proven to be useful on both a personal and societal level. Simple as. Advances driven in part or whole by philosophy have transformed society within living memory(see: the foundations of Computer Science coming out of applying formal logic to mathematics).

>> No.15256524

Nice philosophic question :)

>> No.15256545
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I just read the main philosophers wikipedia page and name drop them all the time against normies. They think Im well read and extremely intelligent

>> No.15256565


because niggers can't fuck with you on that level

>> No.15256580

To prepare for death

>> No.15256670

I read nothing but Baudrillard because its the only way I'll learn how to escape the matrix and side with the objects against the subject. I fucking hate humans, they get blessed with life and sex and death and shit and they're all like "nooooo I don't wanna die I need to ensure my immortality through the virtual even though that's basically just manifesting the freudian death drive to return to the inorganic exteriority from whence I came but instead of being matter I'll just be a whole bunch of pointless fucking signs and images!"

I bet I could kill all humans with one punch, its amazing how much better objects are than subjects.

>> No.15256676
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It isn't, study theology instead.

>> No.15257086

I’ve been studying philosophy pretty obsessively for maybe a year now. I was pretty depressed and suicidal before and I’m still pretty depressed and suicidal.

>> No.15257432

to dunk on midwits, fulfilling a fantasy of power denied by the singularity of autism.

>> No.15257520

this, philosophy isn't even an efficient way of coping

>> No.15257534
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>> No.15257640


>> No.15257658

It's not -- it makes you feel neurotic, helpless, and confused. You just make more questions than solving any when you take on such a demonic profession. Learn a nice skill and read good novels. Go out. Anything but this.

>> No.15257674

>It's not -- it makes you feel neurotic, helpless, and confused

Speak for yourself nigger lol

>> No.15257676


>> No.15257681
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Classical philosophy helps you think about what is good in life, so you don't become a Coomer.
And so you don't end up dating picture related

>> No.15257684

It is like weightlifting for your brain. It’s one of the only things that can truly make you more intelligent

>> No.15257692

If you're reasonably content with your life, there is no reason for either spirituality or philosophy, for you inadvertently are eating the fruit of both.

>> No.15257702

Based and tradpilled

>> No.15258130
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>> No.15258153


>> No.15258162

thats the way

>> No.15258169

pic is waifu material

>> No.15258340

you are the reason why onlyfans exist

>> No.15258770

super based.

>> No.15258781

It isn’t
It’s done for amusement.
once one figures out *how* to live best. Philosophy is done.

>> No.15258847

>I read nothing but Baudrillard because its the only way I'll learn how to escape the matrix
worst baudrillard take on this board atm

>> No.15258895

I would not nor could not have it be otherwise though. It’s become almost an imperative or matter of necessity rather than a means of merely coping.

>> No.15258941

It's like meditation - notable individuals do it and the tail benefits are not perfectly articulable. In general, it's a second childhood, where all the rhetoric and ready baked quotations of childhood fail.

>> No.15258990

philosophy isn't important. now let me tell you about anarchism...

>> No.15259106

Dangerously based and breadpilled

>> No.15259146

Its not no matter what anyone tells you

>> No.15259326

To understand what you are and what you are doing.