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/lit/ - Literature

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15255636 No.15255636 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to read this. I saw Lynch's film and I have no intentions of seeing whatshisname's incoming edition.

What I ask of you is to advise me on which edition to take, strictly in terms of the book. I'd like to have a nice cover and print and all that. Since I cannot check the book in a bookshop, and that they don't have options around here, I need to order it online.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.15256002

one with the book in

>> No.15256028

>being autistic over a genre fiction book
Ask Reddit.

>> No.15256075

Have sex.

>> No.15256110

>I saw Lynch's film
>I have no intentions of seeing whatshisname's incoming edition
It's not a great book if you're older than 16

>> No.15256113

>implying an internet illiterate obsessive retard has sex
You are aware you can google pictures of the printed copies of Dune or any book, right? That even Amazon allows users to upload photos of their copies which you can check to see stupid shit like the book cover or the print.

Tourists should learn how to Google before asking dumb shit more suitable for Reddit.

>> No.15256139

You sure sound mad.

>> No.15256146

Have sex.

>> No.15256156

You sure sound like a stupid faggot.

>> No.15256206

Not sure who's trolling who here anymore. But I'll bite.

Probably Reddit would have better answers than what I'm getting here, but I don't have an account and I don't want to make one.

I have regularly.

That was back in 1993, I a kid and I was told it was a great failed film. I wasn't sure what that could mean so I was curious. I don't remember much at all.

Because I heavily disliked his Blade Runner, and I would rather experience the novel than the movie version. At least at first.

>It's not a great book if you're older than 16
I did read the first few pages some time ago and didn't like it. But I sort of have to. The novel I am working on lately seems to have common points with Dune, and I would rather be aware of what exists in the field before my own comes out. It's shameful enough that I haven't read Dune so far.

>> No.15256230

OP here. Plenty of people are pretending to be me, it seems. I need the book as a gift for my girlfriend, that's why it needs to look good. I thought I'd make a better thread for people to discuss, but I forgot what kind of people post here.

Science fiction is quite awesome in general. People who need to only read certain books for ego reasons are reading for all the wrong reasons. And they should have sex.

>> No.15256250

OP, on this board, we pretend to despise anything that isn't both old and right wing. You should know better. We are autistic and don't read fiction because stories are for women and children.

We only read Julius Evola and pretend to understand. We also pretend that it's great.

Long live the white race and death to homos and blacks, and women.

>> No.15256262


No need to ask. Reddit has you covered no matter what you want.

What does 4channel do to remain relevant nowadays? Cater to incels and angry white boys? Yeah?

Did you take your meds today?

>> No.15256275

If you read Dune, please follow it up with dune: Messiah. It completes themes that are set up it dune but aren't fulfilled.

>> No.15256281
File: 85 KB, 720x1280, 4oSdKdU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic-related

Whenever I see people behave this way anonymously because they enjoy the absence of consequences like the immature younglings they are, I always laughing knowing they look like this and can't get laid.

lol stay mad

>> No.15256288

But isn't it by another author? His son?

>> No.15256315

God I actually fucking despise consumers like you, you come to ask us what book fo buy on the account of it's. Fucking. Cover.
Honestly just do it.

>> No.15256325

For those who hate on Dune, name what you consider a superior novel (preferably in science fiction, otherwise that's quite stupid...).

>> No.15256341

Shadow of the Torturer

>> No.15256344

>it's cover
I sure hope you weren't the guy who called OP illiterate.

>> No.15256353

I like discussing books. If you mind that, you don't have to post in my thread. Anything is fine to start a discussion about literature in my opinion, but again, if you disagree, you don't have to contribute.

Why bother posting in threads you don't like? What mentality is this?

Honestly, just have sex.

>> No.15256370

I do like Gene Wolfe. I read his first novel and it was quite something. Impressed me more than the little I've read of Dune.

I've already ordered my Dune copy though. Found a cover I liked. I really started this thread for a comfy conversation on Dune and to see cool covers, not even with the intention to buy it (I only have two options locally: paperback cover, stylised, or hardback with minimalism design; I went with the latter).

Gene Wolfe died recently, a shame. Did you know he was an engineer by trade, originally, and designed some frying machine for Pringles? Crazy stuff, uh.

>> No.15256384

>God I actually fucking despise consumers like you, you come to ask us what book fo buy on the account of it's. Fucking. Cover.
>Honestly just do it.
God I actually despise fucking shitposters like you, you come to ask us what post fo write on account of IT'S. Fucking. Bait. Honestly just have sex.

>> No.15256389

>calls OP illiterate
>writes "it's" for "its"
>writes "fo" for "to"
Bravo Obama. Sure showed him.

>> No.15256443

>God I actually despise fucking shitposters like you, you come to ask us what post fo write on account of IT'S. Fucking. Bait. Honestly just have sex.
God I actually feel contemptuous of fucking low-quality message writers like you, you happen upon us asking for guidance on account of a mating external aspect. In truth, just Nike my shit up senpai.

>> No.15256464

Zeus I truly, verily utterly abhor gentlemen of your ilk, you arrive here to ask my brethren and myself about a volume with regards to its blasted dressing! For all intents and purposes, only terminate your life early.

>> No.15256478

Man, I kinda don't like buyers like you, you come to a Chinese imageboard to ask about what to buy because of the cover. It's just mad. Kill yourself.

>> No.15256498

Dear John,

Truth be told, I do not appreciate the man you are: you come to me to ask about the worth of a woman relating to her damned appearance! With all my sincereity, do consider suicide.

Best regards,


>> No.15256523

Yo nigga, if ama tell you da trooth, I ain't like motherfuckers like you, you come to our hood asking what books to buy, we don't fuckin' read, and you want sum purdy covers. Some. Fucking. Covers. Be real yo, just off yaself. Nigger.

>> No.15256557

God I actually fucking despise homosexuals like you, you come to ask us what gay porn fo buy on the account of it's. Fucking. Male performers.

Honestly just masturbate.

>> No.15256568

>tfw you spot an oldfag doing his thing like it's 2004
I respect you, anon, but know that those days are gone and 2020's anons are very serious autists who never have fun with anything. Just give up already. Beace be upon you.

>> No.15257068
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, wmniwytux73z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easton Press. You can never go wrong.

>> No.15257272

No, the first 6 dune books are by Frank. Dune feels incomplete without Messiah in my opinion. The rest you can skip if you aren't into them.

Don't read his son's books though, they're really bad.

>> No.15257308

All right, good to know. I'll see how things go with the first. Thanks.

>> No.15257340

No, the first 6 books are all by the original author, after that is when Brian's horse shit starts

>> No.15257358

Should I rewatch Lynch's Dune before I read or is that the worst idea imaginable?

I'd like to imagine the characters my own way but I'm afraid Mr. Twin Peaks and the obese homosexual red-haired AIDS-man will remain in my thoughts as I read.