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/lit/ - Literature

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15253794 No.15253794 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15253815

Did Harold Bloom think Stephen King is part of the Canon?

>> No.15253818

They say Boom was able to read 1000 words p/minute... how so? that's like 1 page p/10 seconds lmao

Jewish mischief at its best

>> No.15253819

The canon died with him

>> No.15253845
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That's not too fast at all.

Only for fags, and only for a while

>> No.15253856

17 words p/sec. ... right

>> No.15253892

When was it the last time you read a 480 page book in 2 hours? lmao

>> No.15254029
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I know people who read almost that fast-

>> No.15254044

you call it "reading" then?

>> No.15254101

A simple exercise:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

If you cut it to: "Best times/worst times, age wisdom/foolishness, epoch belief/incredulity, season Light/Darkness, spring hope, winter despair."

... then you're not "reading", you're boasting

>> No.15254113

>not reducing entire novels to a few paragraphs
LMAO how do you read

>> No.15254123
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Indeed, it is reading.
There's no need to cut anything, you just don't think of every letter in it before comprehending it.

>> No.15254125

>tfw you will never be an anachronistic old man longing for the days of your youth

>> No.15254178

That's plastic reading. From the moment you take reading as a fast internet connection, you're lost imo

And then go boasting to your friends you read a 400 page book in an afternoon. Ludicrous, measuring wiener sizes and how fast one reads LMAO

>> No.15254202

No one reads Dante in an hour, but for what you don’t know is trash or not, then it’s a good way to know without wasting too much time.

>> No.15254703

I read this shitty post in 0,036s and the only thing that I could discern was cope lmao

>> No.15255958

Ok, Bloomer