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/lit/ - Literature

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15252344 No.15252344 [Reply] [Original]

Was schopenhauer right? Does life only mean boredom and pain? What the fuck is there to do all day? I dont want to work, i dont want to open a business, i dont want to meet new people. i dont enjoy doing anything at all besides lifting weights. I dont even enjoy reading books but do it anyway because muh virtue and muh hope to find enlightenment. I read seneca, aurelius, thich nhat hanh, alan watts, stoicism, zen buddhism and all that shit and yet nothing clicks.

Is it because of past cocaine and alcohol abuse that i fried my receptors? I been sober for 6 months already, when is this shit supossed to heal?

I need to find some sort of cope or else im gonna check out soon or relapse on drugs. Should i start watching anime? I need something to get addicted to like a child playing vidya when the days went by like nothing. I retried vidya but i dont have the nerves and attention span for it anymore and it also doesnt bring me any joy.

Should i travel the world once the borders open? But the only thing id be interested would be alcohol and local prostitutes. I got 50k$ left to burn. Once that is gone i can always leech off my parents to survive, they dont mind, they love if im around. Im 24 btw, no education, no skills, but i know how to make like 30k$ annually with minimal effort, which even this i dont want to do anymore, because what do i need money for? Im also yuropoor btw

>> No.15252351


>> No.15252355

As long as you keep using erotic anime pics you're not healing.
t. Ex addict of cocaine and porn

Remove all instant gratification for a week

>> No.15252379

>but i know how to make like 30k$ annually with minimal effort
How? NEET in a scandi country?
>Should i start watching anime?
Yeah why not. There's a lot of good shows.

>> No.15252393

Its too specific and not relevant to the topic meng. I started watching death note yesterday, its okay i guess, where would you rank that anime for reference?

>> No.15252394
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Try psychedelics bro hope that pushes your "enlightenment" and helps you find that place in the world, you're still very young so its common to be confused, best of luck, and turn it down with the anime faggot : )

>> No.15252409

Never seen it, but i've heard it's overrated. By all means; if you like it just keep watching. I'd also recommend Kaiji and Welcome to the NHK. Might be right up your alley.

>> No.15252419

I've always been hyper skeptical of this. Guess I'll know in the coming months. Plan on growing my own crop, and taking 5 grams. Hopefully before August.

>> No.15252423

Learn skills?

>30k$ annually with minimal effort
Please tell us more.

>> No.15252430
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>Try psychedelics bro hope that pushes your "enlightenment"

Retarded niggas like you should be excommunicated from society

>> No.15252439
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>> No.15252466

>wojak poster actively detracting from the conversation
They have. Welcome, fellow low IQ midwit.

>> No.15252472

Im afraid of those lad, i dont even handle weed

>> No.15252475

> lifting weights
After reading tons of enlightenment literature you will return to the point of start.

>> No.15252479
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Is there any topic you're interested in? that you have a curiosity about?

>> No.15252499


No, not really. I was always interested in making money because of materialistic goals, after these didnt fullfill me, im stuck with nothing. I only live for the short high i get from exercising at this point but im not interested in being a personal trainer or being a philantrophist. Im thinking of starting to inject testosterone so i can handle more workload in the gym

>> No.15252507

Unironically stop wanking

>> No.15252515

I dont fap, big advocate on semen retention. It gives me more drive and energy in the gym but i cant workout all day or else ill overreach, get joint problems and unironically make less gains. I need something to effectively kill time until its time to exercise again.

>> No.15252540
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>> No.15252560

If you want more superficial answer, than read Jordan Peterson - work, family, responsibility, gives you a sense of meaning, that's what most people do, much better for your psychological health than instant gratification shit, that's for sure. If you want deeper answers than try watching Anthony de Mello on youtube, enlightened dude, also really entertaining speaker. If you prefer reading, he has a book called "Awarness", but i would advise to watch him in person, as you can see how genuine he is. You won't find happiness in another addiction, that's for certain. Just more running away from the pain.

>> No.15252577

> 50k$
Your near future is secured so you don't have to tare your ass apart to make your living.

>> No.15252595


>> No.15252598

Money doesnt solve my issues. Money brought me many vices which almost killed me. Id probably be less miserable if i was forced to wagecuck because i would have no time to be bored
>why dont you work then
Well, because i dont have to. I cant force myself.

>> No.15252615

> Money doesnt solve my issues
Then why do you hold to them?

>> No.15252617

This one im not sure yet. I went to see a therapist and he diagnosed adhd, general anxiety and mild depression. I tried ritalin which felt like low quality amphetamine cut with caffeine, zero benefit. He wanted me to try to sertraline or escitalopram aswell but i heard so many horror stories regarding ssri told him hell nah that shit might kill my libido which will kill my drive in gym but at this point im not so sure anymore

>> No.15252628

hold to money? I dont, thats why i said i stopped doing what i was doing for money in the op and im asking on how to spent the rest of it. Im thinking of just living in thailand for some years but i dont know if i a change of place will fix anything

>> No.15252661
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In good old days the bourgeoisie was spending money for luxury stuff, making of which was generating jobs for others. You just don't know how to spend money becase you allways was a rich kid.

>> No.15252668

boredom from hedonism
first world problems in a nutshell

>> No.15252675
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>No, not really
That's a shame. Perhaps you just haven't found it yet. Or perhaps you just need to force yourself to be interested in something. I find if you have nothing to work towards then there's little that differentiates one day from the next. Even if it doesn't fascinate you, having something to work towards and structure your day around, and to give a sense of progression and accumulation, helps. perhaps that's why some people love video games so much—it becomes a surrogate for progression in the IRL.

>> No.15252683

How would you spend 50k$?

>> No.15252691

Loling at one of samsara's bewildered beasts of burden looking for happiness in samsara.

>> No.15252692

Satanic orgy.

>> No.15252694

what are your hobbies anonkun? What do you work towards?

>> No.15252696

Imagine being in that room. Kino.

>> No.15252709

Had hundreds of orgies, thats how i became addicted to cocaine. I went through romanian whores in germany, thai whores in pattaya, spanish whores in malaga. The pain this lifestyle brings far outweighs the pleasure overtime

I was generating money to many jobs doing so

>> No.15252717

Then be a big brother for someone.

>> No.15252835


>> No.15253047


>> No.15253075

Take autism pill.

>> No.15253078


>> No.15253091

Death Note is one of the best anime, but it's also overrated and doesn't live up to its potential.

>> No.15253096
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I guess i lucked out in having a fascination in the study of society in general. So for me, it's enough to simply read books on sociology, political and social philosophy, anthropology, history, religion, and all the necessary supporting material that inform the aforementioned subjects. Strangely, i don't find much of a desire to actually participate in society, and never really have, but it's study in the abstract is captivating to me. As a bonus, it's a subject matter that i will never run out of source material for. As long as i'm working towards a greater understanding of these subjects and can structure my day around it, i want for nothing. But if i'm not working towards that, i feel incredibly restless and agitated; If you've seen it, it's like episode 16 of ergo proxy.
Aside from that i'm working my way through academia, play a sport, shitpost on /lit/, and watch anime. by all accounts, quite a boring person and a bit of a loser, but that doesn't bother me.
i noted in my last post about forcing yourself to be interested in something, because i think even a small seed of curiosity can grow into a something more substantial if nurtured and attended to. here's a quote from William James i like:
>A practical observation may end this chapter. If belief consists in an emotional reaction of the entire man on an object, how can we believe at will? We cannot control our emotions. Truly enough, a man cannot believe at will abruptly. Nature sometimes, and indeed not very infrequently, produces instantaneous conversions for us. She suddenly puts us in an active connection with objects of which she had till then left us cold. We realize for the first time,”we then say, ‘what that means!” This happens often with moral propositions. We have often heard them; but now they shoot into our lives; they move us; we feel their living force. Such instantaneous beliefs are truly enough not to be achieved by will. But gradually our will can lead us to the same results by a very simple method: we need only in cold blood act as if the thing in question were real, and keep acting as if it were real, and it will infallibly end by growing into such a connection with our life that it will become real. It will become so knit with habit and emotion that our interests in it will be those which characterize belief. Those to whom “God” and “Duty” are now mere names can make them much more than that, if they make a little sacrifice to them every day. ~Principles of Psychology, p. 661.
Pascal has a similar quote but it would go over the character limit if i posted it. So even if nothing now seems to interest you, you shouldn't think that it will always be so.

>> No.15253105

Personally I really recommend taking a short jog every day in nature, as well as proper nutrients, sleep, and emotional regulation.

>> No.15253211

Shopy was always right

>> No.15253227

Then you can go to hell. I see no reason to engage in your thread if you won't give the specifics. Kill yourself.

>> No.15253239

I dont give a shit that you are not enganging anywhere you insect. Necc

>> No.15253587

it is easy, the drive-will which makes you want to do other stuff is in yourself and you will never get rid off it, in other words...niggas gonna nig....it does not matter how much schopenhauer u read, you cant fight against your nature, you cannot fight flesh againt flesh, but there is a way...what shopenhauer is called as Will/Drive is similar is the sense of lust in what the bible is call as "FLESH", in the bible you will see that this FLESH thing is something you have to control in order to be happy...so my recommendation is this....fuck all the whores you can until your drive is void, then read a schopenhauer book listen some jazz music, then read the BIBLE listen jazz music, do not read the translations of the bible, try to read them in koine Greek and Mishanic Hebrew, ...the Bible scriptures will give you some peace, them read all the books by Kenneth E Hagin, ...if you learn how to get baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, and beimg led by the Spirit (aka Ruach Hakodesh) u will be free from the "will-drive-flesh-lust" as far as you know how to get force through the practising of gift of tongues. and then maybe you will experience a life comfy as fuck even the world burn in gore

>> No.15253654

> i dont enjoy doing anything at all besides lifting weights.

Stopped reading there.
Neck yourself.
Boredom is a symptom of normalfaggotry.

>> No.15254162

Read "Of Tranquillity of Mind" by seneca.

>> No.15254203

>posts on /lit/ aka pure escapism
>thinks hes above op
Lol mouth breather

>> No.15254256

Do art or play videogames