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1525007 No.1525007 [Reply] [Original]

Tips on stealing books from stores? I'm about to go to borders and need to get a gift, but don't have any cash.

>> No.1525016

1. Go to the library
2. Get a library card (they're free)
3. Rent a book
4. Don't pay the librarian
5. Run out the library and into your getaway car (make sure the car is running in-case they run after you)

>> No.1525015

who is the gift for?

>> No.1525021

put it in your pants

back in the 8th grade i used to have a friend who would steal porn from the grocery store using this method

>> No.1525026

Flush them down the toilet
Later, go in to the sewers and retrieve
(You need to have befriended the cess-gnomes by performing a heroic task for their shaman, Untergok, before this point, ofc)

>> No.1525028

>stealing porn
your showing :3

please reply

>> No.1525031


>> No.1525033

Cool story liar. Library cards usually run from $1-$3.

>> No.1525037

Just a girl I know. I want her to put me in the friends zone and I figured sending her a present while shes inan art program in Denmark would do the work for me.

I'd rather rip on a business because the library is such an undeserving target of crime.

It's been a while since I did this but do they put stickers or something in the book that set off alarms like they do with games and movie?

>> No.1525038

Really? Sad place you live in.

>> No.1525040
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Make sure you've got a good combat vest with extra mags, mark your targets, clean snatch the package and make sure you mark exit points

>> No.1525051


>> No.1525059
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>> No.1525063

i think its lovely that you want to be in the 'friends zone' op and unlike what i usually do, im going to not say anything hateful :]

>> No.1525070

Oh come on, this is hilariously pathetic.

>> No.1525072

Shoplifting isn't the cake walk it used to be.Magnetic sensor tags,alarms,multiple CCTVS strategically placed throughout store not to mention the employees walking around.In the old days you just had to keep an eye out for the clerks and shove the item down your pants when the coast was clear

>> No.1525074 [DELETED] 

just watch the movies faggot

>> No.1525075

What's pathetic about not wanting a girl to be into you anymore?

>> No.1525079

those were the days, eh old timer?

>> No.1525082

>Stealing a gift to make some girl like you

uh, that.

>> No.1525087

he's putting her off dumbass

do you even know what's happening here?

>> No.1525090

im a terrible person. but you sound worse than me :/

>> No.1525098

They sure were

>> No.1525105

hah, you misread me. She's into me and I want her to decide independently to not be into me any more. I like her as a friend and don't want to deal with making her feel bad. Shipping her a gift across the world will look sufficiently beta enough for her to feel good about enjoying her time in Denmark and not thinking about me.

All of this is kind of irrelevant however as I still need to get her a fucking book and the place closes in like an hour.

>> No.1525107

Obviously, I read this.

>> No.1525111

at least this guy gets it

>> No.1525112

Ah apologies, took the wrong interpretation of "friend zone".

Still, don't steal a damn book. :P

>> No.1525116

>everything is to be taken at face value, social comprehension exists not within me!

>> No.1525126

All the chains in town have run out the good used books stores and their prices are hardly fair. I can not feel bad about this.

anyway, yeah. Where do stores put RFID tags and such in books? is there anything else I should know about?

>> No.1525128
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>> No.1525138
File: 6 KB, 268x188, Moliereindrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit, i look stupid
>reaction image restores my dignity
mine are better anyway

>> No.1525139

>hah, you misread me. She's into me and I want her to decide independently to not be into me any more. I like her as a friend and don't want to deal with making her feel bad. Shipping her a gift across the world will look sufficiently beta enough for her to feel good about enjoying her time in Denmark and not thinking about me.

how would that stop a girl liking you? if anything that seems like a really nice and flattering thing to do showing you care about someone. I assumed you were just acquaintes and you wanted to be friends, not stop her liking you.

i think this will make you like her as much as ever,. are you an idiot?

>> No.1525141

Dislike of Sartre? Tsk.
'Sides, I laughed when I saw your assumption, does a laughing photo not please you?

>> No.1525143

you are so socially inept

>> No.1525145

When I grabbed the best american science writing last week, there was a tag under the pricing sticker and it literally fell out. If you are going to borders and shes into popsci, I would go for that.

Not a bad book and she'll feel smarter for reading AND she'll think you are a smart nerd for sending it to her which, if you want to be friendzoned is a pretty solid place to be.

>> No.1525146

if you are an girl i hate you.

Fabulous look at this >>1525125

>> No.1525149

>I hate you for being a girl
>Will post an image of a sexually and physically abused girl, who was abused by her father to please someone else

Don't have a Sartre image for that one...

>> No.1525153
File: 50 KB, 485x600, tumblr_l007tzE7PF1qzykm0o1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I do

>> No.1525152

I don't want to be a dick about this, but I don't think you know a lot about relationships if you think this would look attractive to any girl not already in a relationship.

>> No.1525156

As it happens, I actually already have a copy of the last edition of that, hah. She's more of a soft sciences kind of person so I was thinking of just throwing her the a gladwell or something. Great series though, I totally agree.

>> No.1525158

what do you mean 'look attractive'? unless she's a whore she wouldnt brag to her friends about it.

i hate your idiocy ITT and the fact you need to shout 'look at me i'm a girl' in every post, not the fact that you are a girl.

>Will post an image of a sexually and physically abused girl, who was abused by her father to please someone else
i dont remember myself doing this :/

>> No.1525163



>> No.1525171

spending 30 dollars to ship a book to someone you aren't in a relationship with demonstrates lower value. Unless I am in some kind of shitty teen romantic comedy right now, this will result in her thinking less of me and putting me in the friend zone. It's not hard to grasp.

>> No.1525174

Borders is about to go out of business. Stock rate is less than a $1 a falling.


>> No.1525178

Sorry can't say I'm creative with creating names for myself, so I figured this one is suitable, has been for the last three years.

Additionally, the girl you posted in the other thread via the Valentine's Day card, is. Younger sister watches anime, she found it amusing when she saw it and told me about her. I then laughed at you being insulted that I'm also a woman.

>> No.1525180

Sorry but I have to agree with her.
>spending 30 dollars to ship a book to someone you aren't in a relationship with demonstrates lower value.
You not sending her anything will demonstrate that.

>> No.1525184
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>> No.1525187

oh yeah i forgot how much books cost. ok carry on. but still it isnt a stretch to think that under different circumstances you would be showing mutual interest through buying a gift. and also you assume you can control her feelings by buying her a gift so really you're not undoubtedly right about what the gift shows though i agree with you now.

>Additionally, the girl you posted in the other thread via the Valentine's Day card, is. Younger sister watches anime, she found it amusing when she saw it and told me about her. I then laughed at you being insulted that I'm also a woman.
youre insane.

>> No.1525190

man you guys aren't much help. whatever, I guess I'll just take care of this tomorrow. While I'm here however:

not sending anything demonstrates higher value because it implies I've got more important things going on in my life than and her if she wants anything to do with me she will have to make the first move. Plus I'd rather she think I am a nerd than a jerk.

>> No.1525191


>> No.1525194
File: 41 KB, 338x450, scherman-david-philosopher-writer-jean-paul-sartre-making-a-difficult-point-with-his-eyes-going-in-two-directions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who that is.

I'm merely making others attack me in order to change the subject of OPs original post - I dislike book crimes. :)

>> No.1525212

I am now going to steal three books tomorrow and leave two of them in the park so others will not buy them.

>> No.1525218

I'm not sure how to apply this. Is it better to steal from a sinking ship or attack one still going strong? Theres a BN and a Borders in town and I'm not really partial to either.

>> No.1525224

you are such a newfaggot

>> No.1525232

OP, if you have to make an effort to be in the friend zone, you suck with people.

1. Borrow money off a friend (you're going to give it back later today)
2. Go to store. Put one copy of book in your pants, and one in your hand. Go to the front and pay for the book.
3. If the alarm goes off, say the person at the counter couldn't deactivate it, and show the security person your receipt. Leave with your purchased book and your stolen one.
4. Later that day, return the purchased book.

>> No.1525252

Yeah, I'm pretty well aware of my social failings but I mean, who isn't?

This is genius btw. I'll probably give the pants-copy a going over for the alarm sticker anyway but thats a great insurance policy.

>> No.1525254
File: 24 KB, 300x390, kindle-libr-300px__V251249390_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I know a way. Google.

>> No.1525259

I can't really fit a search engine in my pants man.

>> No.1525295


>>Because you have small pants
>>Because your penis lacks breadth

>> No.1525336

jokes on you, I keep my junk outside my pants anyway.

>> No.1525365


I recommend you tuck in your micro-penis before your book heist, because if that doesn't get you noticed what will?

>> No.1525403

:/ you are no fun

>> No.1525409

Buy books.

>> No.1525408


then why am I amused?

>> No.1525425

I really hope you get caught.

>> No.1525439

Depends where you live. USA is a lot more strict with booklifting. Europe, esp. UK, is pretty cool. A lot of stores don't have tags at all, some (namely Waterstones) have paper tags that they take out at checkout (lolwut?!) but some have real tags on that you either chisel, with keys or whatever, but I'd stay away from the latter if I were you.

Actual method: any item of clothing or bag which can hold a book(s). Put book in said article. Do it away from cameras in a deserted part of the store. Cameras often don't work anyway. Pretend to be looking at something on a shelf in front of you and slip it in. Work out all cool-like.

>> No.1525441

Seriously, I totally would at least try if all the stores in town weren't chains that ran the good stores out of business. I'm not usually some kind of anti-business faggot but the practices of big book chains like literally throwing away an unimaginable number of books every year because they were turned into movies and have new covers is completely reprehensible and shows how little they care about the products they sell.

>> No.1525485

>bag which can hold a book(s)

bad move. store clerks are much more likely to search a bag.

put the book down your trousers if you have to steal...act confidently and you'll probably get away with it.

if you're challenged when leaving, run like fuck!

from an ex-book thief

>> No.1525490

walk in with a bookbag and a laptop

get whatever the fuck book u want

go sit at cafe area. pretendtype for 10 minutes.
put shit back in bag with book
walk out

>> No.1525492

he won't. for all the shit that comes with getting caught for shoplifting, stealing books is unbelievably easy, especially if he listens to >>1525021

>> No.1525756

It's not illegal to put a book into your bag in the store.

Go to a fairly packed store, wear a backpack with several different compartments, line one of the compartments with lots of aluminum foil.
Accidentally put the book in there.

If you get caught say you forgot or whatever. Don't steal from a library.

>> No.1525831

Well, it took you guys a few hours and some personal information but I think I'm pretty well prepared for tomorrow now. Thanks for all the help, especially the last few people.