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15249428 No.15249428 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read his other works and come back to this later? What's his reading order?

>> No.15249435
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It is forbidden.

>> No.15249438

That's actually a great place to start, imo. You won't understand everything, though.

>> No.15249439

go back to /x/. Stop polluting the /lit/ board

>> No.15249712

I'm sure OP's actual discussion of a classic book is going to serve the board much worse than another bait thread about a booktuber or the same five threads by pseudy 18 year olds who don't understand [x famous author]

>> No.15249934

The waters beyond the waters brah. It's mysticism. Grok it and cock it.

>> No.15250263

Almost was interested in it.

>> No.15250308

Great intro. The opening essays are worth the price of the book alone imo.

>> No.15250485

Is Liber Null and Psychonaut a good place to start out with reading about magic? I already know about sigils, but I want something more encompassing and eventually to get into summoning.

>> No.15250567
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>What's his reading order?

>> No.15250583

why would you read this/

>> No.15250599

Why would you read anything, huh?

>> No.15250609

Get Magick in Theory and Practice

>> No.15250640

Evola is LARP, magic is very LARP.
Evola magic is ultra LARP.

>> No.15250648

Yeah actually you bring a good point. I still don't get the circle-jerk over over the booktuber. Yes he read some of the meme books and summarizes them into bit-sized chunks for brainlets.

OP you should consult the image that one of the anons provided. I'd recommend you read Revolt Against the Modern World, which was pretty good. I'm not familiar with his other books, although I've been meaning to read some of them, including Introduction to Magic.

>> No.15250663
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Will do. Do you have anything else I should read after that, or are there any other notable figures I should know about?

>> No.15251441


>> No.15252801

Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual

>> No.15252817

Unlike all the pseuds, you should start with his Dada, individualist, and Magical Idealist writings. Then these Magic works with the Gruppo di UR. His study of Jünger's 'The Worker' (which can be supplemented by Ride the Tiger) is quite interesting. Leave the traditionalist trash by the wayside.

>> No.15252871

I'd say the best starting point with Evola is really whichever of his books covers topics that are of personal interest to you. In relation to Introduction to Magic specifically, this is all written prior to the publication his major works, so it actually serves as quite a good introduction to what he means by expressions like "differentiated human type" later. Given the other contributors and Renato del Ponte's excellent introduction, it also helps serve to situate Evola's worldview within a broader context of continental occultism which is often overlooked as if he had no antecedents other than Guénon.

>> No.15252877

I agree. I haven't finished it yet, but I've been getting into Evola through his book 'The Hermetic Tradition'.

>> No.15252882

The dumber midwit version of Guenon with poor physiognomy to boot.

>> No.15252935

>In a traditional civilization it is almost inconceivable that a man should claim an idea as his own; and in any case, were he to do so, he would thereby deprive it of all credit and authority, reducing it to the level of a meaningless fantasy: if an idea is true, it belongs equally to all who are capable of understanding it; if it is false, there is no credit in having invented it.
t. Guénon

>> No.15253063

evola was handsome as fuck lol