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15248596 No.15248596 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder for the plebs and uninitiated here

>> No.15248602

>he thinks there are actions

>> No.15248606

Then who’s telling me to call you stupid right now?

>> No.15248614

Cause and effect is not real;it's just ONE

>> No.15248622

>it's just ONE
pleb tier retardation, there is an infinite obscure multiplicity

>> No.15248624

Your brain on its own proclivity it analyzed the stimulus and picked the thoughts best capable of making sense of the stimulus

>> No.15248641

Are you trying to imply that in reality the notion of free will is really an unconscious network of information that’s self-autonomous?

>> No.15248654

Yes like a computer, very much mechanical

>> No.15248663

>close but no close enough
There is only freedom
the world is the totality of acts, not of things

>> No.15248671

But then how does intelligence come into play?

>> No.15248677

>God told Eve not to eat the apple(God was Serpent in disguise)
>God PLANTED this idea into Eve's head making it far more tempting therefore not her own action but she did so involuntarily
>Eve going by God's actions also doomed Adam by making him eat the apple too

Genesis makes this causality clear

>> No.15248680

By the same token, there's also no pain, fool, unless you want to explain to me your oh-so-rigourous method for choosing which mental constructs are real.

>> No.15248693
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One copy of Beyond Freedom and Dignity, please.

>> No.15248708

Intelligence, in as far as intelligently functioning in society (remember the average urbanite couldn't survive in a jungle) is dependent on many forces, ones environment, material conditions education, inherent talents/cognitive abilities. People process things differently, but the foundation and conceptual framework is innate to us all

>> No.15248726

>By the same token, there's also no pain, fool,
Of course there's certain physical responses not amicable to the body retard.. I'm just denying a unique self separate from the body crafting everything meticulously

>> No.15248728

Self autonomous is a lapalissade, friend...

>> No.15248742

Ok I'll do you the favor of explaining this, that way in the future you won't make a fool of yourself.

1. You only ever do something because you want to do it or because you are forced to do it.
2. If you are forced to do it, it is not free will.
3. You have no control over your wants.
4. Therefore, an action done for want is also not free will.
5. Therefore, since want and force make up the set of total actions you ever can/will take, and since both are not freely-willed, you have no free will.

You're welcome, anon.

>> No.15248768
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>imgine thinking that the existence of free will is a genuine philosophical problem and not some excuse for faggots terrified of making mistakes and trying to justify their inaction

>> No.15248791

that's not true because everything that happens is still my fault and exclusively my responsibility to fix

>> No.15248800

It has the potential to do that and get sacked into hedonistic nihilism, but it can also be very freeing

>> No.15248808

>You have no control over your wants.
You can choose not to act on them, or to what extent, and by what means.

>> No.15248824

Why did he play games with us bros?

>> No.15248831

and what determines whether someone who believes they do not have free will, falls into hedonistic nihilism, or becomes "free?"

>> No.15248841

What is "my"? Where is "my"?

>> No.15248858

Slave to "your" impulses/not a slave to "your" impluses

>> No.15248870

No you can't. If you choose not to act on a want it is because you want to not act on that want. If it's easier to understand another way: You may stop yourself from acting on a given want, but in so doing you act for a higher-order want.

>> No.15248936

>3. You have no control over your wants.
Non-ubermensch detected

>> No.15248949
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Based and fucking redpilled

>> No.15249003

You're using the things people weigh to make decisions as "proof" the decision itself doesn't exist. As though two people with the same set of desires and all else equal, would always make the same decisions. But they wouldn't. Humans aren't computers and their actions aren't deterministic.

You can deny yourself the things you want, you can't magically shut off the processes in your brain generating those desires. You have wants, whether you want to or not.

>> No.15249013

And what is the difference between being a slave and not being a slave?

>> No.15249042

981. Philosophers have done away with causality for centuries now, but commoners still believe in it. They see us and our writings as "absurd", or at the most "magical", but it's their causality that is magic. So let me try to explain one last time to you low-IQ buffoons why your Richard Dawkins Anglo Cabbage Head logic is dumb as fuck and you are dumb as doorknobs for still believing it in the 21st century. This is the last chance you'll get to grasp this, and if you fail to give this explanation to the roving gangs of murder-drones we'll soon be sending out, you're toast! So pay attention!
What is the cause of something?
It's something else.
But we've already agreed that everything in the universe is connected to and affects everything else, otherwise they wouldn't be part of the same universe.
So the cause of anything... is everything.
But "everything" is precisely the definition of universe.
So the cause of anything is the universe.
But the universe cannot be pointed to as cause, because... it can't be pointed to.
The universe is not in your room, or outside your door, or even in the sky.
So it is magical thinking to believe that some thing caused something else, and that all the other things in the universe had nothing to do with it.
So causality is magical thinking, which is fantasy, which is a desire, which is will.
You WANT that thing's cause to be that other thing, and that is all.
I can "prove" that Muslims created Western civilization if I want.
But I don't want to.
So I won't.
Think also of chaos theory and the butterfly flapping its wings creating a cyclone and so on.
Think also of the epistemological scepticism of Hume and Kant.
All these things say the same thing.
We are not logically entitled to draw inferences from circumstances. Just because something happened doesn't mean it will happen again. Indeed, it's proof positive that it won't happen again before the next Recurrence! How can there be "laws" of "nature" in a universe in which repetition is impossible!
Moreover, causality would make the universe deterministic.
If you could find the true cause of one thing you could calculate all other things from that and win the game.
That's why we are reduced to chances and quantum theory and ultimately Zarathustra's dice-throwers.
It's not an accident that the ultimate philosopher likes gambling! It's also not an accident that the subhuman hates gambling and regards it as the devil. The subhuman wants to calculate! The subhuman wants the "sure thing"!
And of course whoever insists on the sure thing doesn't deserve anything. He deserves slavery, and that's why he gets precisely that.

>> No.15249111

Discovering or not discovering the unreality of the world crated by "I"

>> No.15249131


>> No.15249208

>opens with some larp about how he'll kill everyone who doesn't agree with him with an imaginary army
How to guarantee I'm not going to read your shit
You can keep making up snake words all you like to skirt around it, the point is you admitted choice exists and that people aren't computers

>> No.15249265

No, choice is not real
1. No control over the forumulation of thought or choices>>15248624
2. The "chooser" or "I" has no reality it is a neurological problem
3. The "I" also refers to the body, is it a misrepresentation and illusion

>> No.15249403

There are numerous experiments done, including ones with actual mapping of brain activity showing patterns happening up to several seconds before any conscious choices.

>> No.15249997

You are fully misunderstanding the point. I never said "the decision itself doesn't exist." That's a nonsense sentence. read carefully.

>> No.15250051

Only as pertains to the individual.