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15248513 No.15248513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given that transgenderism is a symptom of capitalism driven de-territorialization, why do leftists seem to support it?
>nb4 those are liberals
I also see leftists supporting it as well, though. Aren't they helping capitalism?

>> No.15248542

do you not feel ashamed for making this thread?

>> No.15248548

Yes. No one is responding.

>> No.15248552

Ysa my man i figure the whole thing also. I was just saying. Transgendersim genderism it's rism and sm my coworker reolied stop. Stop with the SHENINGANGS. I couldnt just check and thanked you

>> No.15248559


Modern day LGBT garbage is the "invisibilized third shit" in his critique of duality linguistics, in this case biological male and female.

>> No.15248560

skeet wignat

>> No.15248568

They (leftists) are not very smart.

>> No.15248633

Neo-Marxists are Liberals, you want proof? Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh1Fmg7NmUc

>> No.15248656

Since transgenderism is perceived as innate, and transexuality goes against prevailing social norms, leftists feel obligated to protect them from victimization. It's like they're generalized blacks basically.

>> No.15248665

>capitalism driven de-territorialization,
What is that mean? Are you saying urbanization?

>> No.15248675

back to rebbit, dumbfuck

>> No.15248681

he wrote non-sense

>> No.15248700

Read Nick Land

>> No.15248722

Because de-territorialization isn't real. There is no original territory

>> No.15248727

>Given that transgenderism is a symptom of capitalism driven de-territorialization, why do leftists seem to support it?
Read Deleuze, he argued we need to push capitalism/deterritorialization further rather than retreat from the process

>> No.15248758

It is a fact that some people, born biologically male/female, feel as a deep and intrinsic truth that they are not the gender they were assigned. These people experience great oppression in our society, leading to immeasurable suffering and injustice. The left supports them because they support individual expression over stringent enforcement of hegemonic codes.

>> No.15248828

But that's not informative, since the leftist project for the last 30 has been absolute territorialization

>> No.15248854

Go cry somewhere else. Individualism is a myth, shitlib.

>> No.15248857

>The left supports them because they support individual expression over stringent enforcement of hegemonic codes.
Wrong. Collectivism is anti-individualism.

>> No.15248872

For unironic commies they support transgenders because transgenders are guaranteed loyal serfs.

>> No.15248898

Why do they attack masculinity if their goal is territorialization? They do everything that supports capital expansion.
The left is so balkanized right now that I don't know who they're primarily following anymore.

>> No.15248928

They're all mixed up in the head. They've been hanging with liberals too much.

>> No.15248932

This. Every power fantasy needs some eunuchs.

>> No.15248958

first, I don't agree that the leftist project has been absolute territorialization, it's never as simple as that. second, only Deleuzians care about deterritorialization, it's useless to assume every leftist has read, understood, and agreed with Deleuze

>> No.15248975

They are simply a means to to end, if the tranny autism was generally getting in the way of the collective (which it will) they will be disposed off.

>> No.15249002

They already are in the way. Would the far right be so prevalent if not for the social liberalism? Of course not! They would be Leftists.

>> No.15249087
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>They already are in the way
It's a psyop, and it goes back to the collectivism thing. You can thank the CIA.
You're never going to rally room temp IQ brainlets of the Rust Belt to rally behind the cause of "workers of the world uniting" when the left is so impenetrably dense to require its sympathizers to accept that there are over 300 different genders and all of them are valid.

>> No.15249126


>> No.15249132

Definitely not

>> No.15249144

I don't (You) liberals, go cry somewhere else.

>> No.15249148

Because in Land's view amazons and trannies are the only respose to platonist and fascist biopolitics. Men are inherently anti-capital.
Read N1x Land to make it even more clear.

>> No.15249174

They should've created an anti-urban, pro-workers rights ideology. That's what the far right has been trying to do.

>> No.15249176

>transgenderism is a symptom of capitalism driven de-territorialization
How'd you figure that one out. Do not tell me to read [insert meme writer here].

>> No.15249192

Leftist here. I don't support it because I'm not a liberal.

>> No.15249198

Cope. Enjoy failing, again. Bernie was doing fine until he went the "white people don't know what it's like to be poor" route.

>> No.15249205

You're thinking about it too logically. Leftism in the USA is designed top-down to fail and generally repel anyone that works for a living.

>> No.15249221

Read Deleuze and Guatarri

>> No.15249238

So is contrapoints CIA because it takes one tranny to destroy the “movement?” That sounds like a reddit problem.

>> No.15249241

meme garbage that turns you into a queer.

>> No.15249256 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 720x1080, C1Keg9yXUAArek6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a sense of humor about it, it is just a little funny that swathes of the general public have been tricked into campaigning for political rights of the political rights of social order disproportionately represented in cases of child sex abuse. Looking at you >>15249126 BTW.
Are you asking me if every single liberal with an Internet connection is CIA? Because the answer is probably no. Pyops work in such a way that you're never wasting money on the manufacturing of propaganda that the public can be conditioned to produce and distribute themselves.

>> No.15249262
File: 237 KB, 500x834, epsteinistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Free market children, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Freeee-kidds: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Free. Chil. Dren. They were One, plain One, in the morning, standing four feet ten without tax. They were voluntary in contract. They were sold and re-owed on the dotted line. But in my arms they were always taxless. Did they have a precursor? They did, indeed they did. In point of fact, there might have been no free market in children at all had I not loved, one jubilee, an initial boy-child. In a patchwork by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before free children were sold as my age was that summer. You can always count on a federal accountant for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the married, the misinformed, simple, two-parent family, envied. Look at this tangle of taxes.

>> No.15249264
File: 126 KB, 720x1080, C1Keg9yXUAArek6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a sense of humor about it, it is just a little funny that swathes of the general public have been tricked into campaigning for political rights of a social order disproportionately represented in cases of child sex abuse. Looking at you >>15249126 BTW.
Are you asking me if every single liberal with an Internet connection is CIA? Because the answer is probably no. Pyops work in such a way that you're never wasting money on the manufacturing of propaganda that the public can be conditioned to produce and distribute themselves.

>> No.15249292

They need more rural Marxist thinkers. Urbanists always place their perspective at the center of their analysis.

>> No.15249296

We're talking about liberals being pedos, everyone knows that ancaps are pedos.

>> No.15249297

The culture of the left has been made totally into a tool in service of the powerful.

>> No.15249299

I honestly think he is CIA. He even lives in Virginia.

>> No.15249303
File: 46 KB, 500x485, the-black-book-of-communism-crimes-terror-repression-pinochet-did-29058354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249309

It was developed in academia. What did you expect?

>> No.15249324

Who cares? Fucking retard

>> No.15249334

>t. liberal pedo

>> No.15249362


>> No.15249377

because leftism is capitalism.

>> No.15249380

Yes. He. Fuck your liberal sensibilities. Fuck your PC bullshit. That shit is the taboo structure manufactured by oligarchs.

>> No.15249389

this is a Nick Land thread. if you want to discuss some nobody who opposes transgender capitalism you're free to make another thread.

>> No.15249400

True, yes.

>> No.15249419

stop spamming this ugly fuck's head.

>> No.15249469

American liberals and leftists are constantly contradicting themselves and hold hypocritical positions. They will claim to be anti-nationalist and judge things based on their country of origin, but that rule is always made an exception when it relates to the USA. Castro and Marx support the right to bear arms, but now that such a thing is so associated with the USA and its culture, they will call it stupid and evil. If someone like George Washington was rewritten every 20 years to be kept as progressive and modern as possible, communists today will still hate his guts and call him a proto-fascist and an evil imperialist white man. The mere sight of the Star Spangled Banner will trigger these freaks into a spastic fit, and it’s fucking hilarious regardless of your nationality.

>> No.15249533

They have been programmed to be global citizens.

>> No.15249764

I asked myself a similar question years ago when my job used to make all of us take "harassment training" classes. Leftists think that harassment laws are expanding freedoms for leftists, and while that may be true, it's mostly just government regulation of the marketplace to limit liability for companies.

In other words, no one can dominate any market environment for long, not conservatives or cis-genderds, or anyone. Worse yet, capitalism DOESN'T CARE who we are, or who its participants "identify" as. Transgenderism is good for business theoretically, but we're just expanding the wage-slave market to include more slaves, nothing more. Leftists are dumb enough to not see this.

>> No.15249936

Is odd that they don't see this, considering most of them are well educated.

>> No.15249945

>given that
Wtf prove it

>> No.15249961

>Transgenderism is good for business theoretically
How so?

>> No.15249987
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Capital is Sentient

>> No.15249996
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because there is only woman. capital is intelligent enough to realize this unlike man.

>> No.15250079

it consolidates influence in few ZIP codes where they flourish. It's every election map ever, blue overbearing urbanite centers and red I just wanna grill ruralite.

>> No.15250175

Dear lord

>> No.15250192

How is this the fault of capital and not merely capital's reaction to a potential new consumers?

>> No.15250196


>> No.15250220

capital doesn't have intentions. if it was more profitable to pander to the christian right, coke would be running ads promoting straight white marriage and shit. the idea that capital prefers a certain type of person is basically religious mystification. have you ever picked up an economics textbook?