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15248164 No.15248164[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why shouldn't men who have a submissive temperament be turned into females and shared among the strong? They've proven themselves to be aesthetically capable, and by excluding their dna from the gene pool we only serve to benefit from a healthier collective dna moving forward. A bond between man and sissified man is something that can not be replicated in any other way by nature, I see traps as the ultimate and final alignment of the natural order of the species.

Does anyone have any literature regarding this topic?

>> No.15248170

>Why shouldn't men who have a submissive temperament be turned into females and shared among the strong?
Because homosexuality is for faggots and faggots burn in hell.
>Does anyone have any literature regarding this topic?
Romans, Chapter 1
don't @ me

>> No.15248180
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It's time to step into the gas chamber.

>> No.15248186

>Can you give me a philosophically sound argument against traps?
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

>> No.15248193

it's not a good idea to fuck the poo poo hole

>> No.15248199

You're going to have to work way harder than that as a proof

>> No.15248202
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>> No.15248249

the only argument I can think of is that anal sex is disgusting.

>> No.15248265

There is no sound argument against traps. Fucking a trap is not gay, neither is sucking the feminine penis either, great mouth feel, not like man dick, ew. Fucking a post-op tranny, however, IS gay.

>> No.15248276
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What about Adam and Sheev?

>> No.15248285

Homos in denial

>> No.15248312

it's a sign of deterretorialization. the destruction of boundaries and borders. in the future, our children would be taught in schools that there is no dichotomy between female and male, and the two are the same. It is degenerate, in that it derivates from primordial tradition of the female seeking male, or holy grail. it is just unnatural.

read, The Reign of Quantity and The Signs of The Times, The Quran, anything related to Kabbalah

>> No.15248319

Easy one.
Sex with "traps" is hedonistic, since it doesn't lead to reproduction.

>> No.15248326

The grail represents a pussy you dumb bitch, nothing male about it

>> No.15248327

You are fucking a man disguised as a woman. Not only it is one of the worst ways of sodomy, which is disgusting - but degeneracy rots society at its core. It’s a slippery slope all the way into Weimar-tier bullshit. If you want to go that way, be my guest. But remember how that one ended, and the good guys might win the second time around.
Oh, and, by the way, let’s not forget trannies are mentally ill and need help. Whoever is aiding and encouraging this kind of behavior deserves the rope. And they will get it soon enough.

>> No.15248329

Post-op trannies? Absolutely. Only queers cut their dicks off.

Traps? How fucking dare you, traps are just as much women as "biological" women.

>> No.15248336

>sequel trilogy

>> No.15248337

No I meant people who want to fuck traps and think it's not gay. You can't have your cock and eat it too, so to speak

>> No.15248338

>Traps? How fucking dare you, traps are just as much women as "biological" women.
This is bait but there’s people who believe this shit

>> No.15248341

lmao this must be bait, surely even you know that gender is non-dual brother?

>> No.15248357

>You can't have your cock and eat it too, so to speak
of course you can, that's why its called the "feminine" penis. There's nothing gay about it. It's soft and squishy like all the other female body parts, not hard and veiny like man dick.

I bet you think jerking off your bro is gay too.

>> No.15248370

The idea that a man who enjoys submission, or a woman who enjoys domination, are somehow eschewing biological or even gendered characteristics and should therefore "transition" (take hormones and other drugs) in order to match your ideas of what a person who enjoys submission/domination should look like, is a low IQ take.

>> No.15248375

>I bet you think jerking off your bro is gay too
Ok, I get it, I got trolled

>> No.15248376

Wrong. Absolutely wrong.

>> No.15248424

i hope you never have jerked off in your life, anon

>> No.15248441

Paul Cockshott
June 17, 2019 at 5:14 pm
I have read a number of papers that claim to detect differences between the brains of people who have undergone transexual treatment compared to others of the same sex. These papers suffer from a number of weaknesses, small sample sizes, failure to control for the effect of hormone treatment, failure to compare against homosexual samples, failure to control for brain size. None of them, to my knowledge, has ever demonstrated that blinded detection of transexual subjects can be performed solely from NMR scans. It is unclear what conclusions you are drawing from these studies.

All behaviour has material causes, none is freely chosen.

The notion of free will and free choice is part of Catholic theology and alien to the materialist world view. Saying that homosexuality, or transgender identity is not freely chosen may be of relevance if you are debating with a priest, but not when debating with a Marxist.

All ideological beliefs have material supports. If a person believes in transubstantiation or sees visions of the Holy Virgin, these beliefs and experiences have a material support in the state of the believer’s brain. One would expect, were one able to put a person having a Marian vision in an NMR machine that they would show activity in areas of the visual cortex.
But were one to detect this activity, one would not concede that the vision of Mary was real in any sense other than it being an internal brain state.
That there are patterns of brain activity associated with the internal modeling of the body, including perceptions of whether the body is male or female, is only to be expected but it is unclear a) how reliable current NMR techniques are at detecting non-conforming perceptions, b) why one should give particular credence to such states even if they can be detected.

>> No.15248448


>> No.15248482

>you dumb bitch
funny how inverted modern society is, what do you think would happen to the grail myth without a gender dichotomy? why do retards have such a simplistic outlook on everything. it's almost as if you can expect the type of response you'd get from what thread you're responding to. you people bore me.

>> No.15248494

i don't think that's what non dualism means, anon :/

>> No.15248504

Why not? surely in a non-dualist framework all dualisms cannot be divided?

>> No.15248518

i don't know. literally the first page of The Reign of Quantity, Guenon talks about and confirms the existence of "cosmic dualities"

>> No.15248545

It's a fetish/mental illness. High rates of suicide. High rates of regret/distress after post op.

>> No.15248716

>submissive temperament
No such thing. Men humble themselves before that which they deem worthy of veneration. You ascribing a temperament to them is simply your pattern recognition lizard brain working overdrive because you’re so depraved you’d stoop low enough to fuck dudes pretending to be women.

>> No.15248733
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>> No.15248796

>free will doesn't exist

so tired of these materialist scumbags, if you don't have agency then you don't think, you don't have any reason to believe anything because you can't do it.

The trap/femboy/trans phenomenon is actually interesting and not just because I think they're hot. Capitalism has now melted culture and increased prosperity to the point that it is completely viable for gender roles to be ignored entirely.

At this point it seems almost inevitable that society is only going to get more feminized and that gender is only going to get further melted. As the meaning of marriage has, sexual freedom, sexuality and so on. In the context of a traditional society this is degenerate, it leads to imminent social collapse. But modern societies are literally rotten to the core in almost every way yet they still don't buckle, they just suck the blood of capital and everything keeps on turning.

>> No.15248821
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>> No.15248852
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Because the powers that be decide if they want to collapse the system or not.

>> No.15248862
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Based and Paulpilled. Final redpill is realizing St. Paul (pbuh) was citing Platon (pbuh). As they prove, they are against the natural use and used impelled to act out of slavery to pleasure.

>> No.15248866

what a qt

>> No.15248875

It is not possible for men to turn into women and it never will be possible because your sex is encoded in your DNA. They're nothing but poor imitations. They are the most genuinely satanic things on this earth, the antithesis of truth. They are traitors to mankind.

>> No.15248885

Nobody believes men can turn into women, they can however look identical to women and be treated as if they are women, which is what they want.

>> No.15248891

Homosexuality and any sexual deviancy is the result of emotional trauma. You are promoting the degradation of man by subsidizing and encouraging it.

>> No.15248908

Yeah they want you to pretend they're something they're not. This is what I mean by being the antithesis of truth. It's not enough for them to live a lie, they need you to live it too. They should be thrown off the tallest building we can find.

>> No.15248976

What is being pretended? Their sex is the same, their gender (outward presentation) is different. It's right in front of your face, there's no act.

>> No.15249028

Don't play stupid with me. You know damn well what I'm talking about when I say they're pretending to be something they're not. Gender is a modern invention and ultimately it's a meaningless concept so I do not accept it.

>> No.15249038
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>> No.15249053

why do trannies just feel that they feel need to be feminine?
do most arguments against trannies fall apart if they remain celibate

>> No.15249078

Gender is an ancient invention which has been rejected as meaningless in modernity. If it's meaningless then there is no truth or lie to reject here. If OPs pic say is not pretending to be a biological woman, and is simply presenting how they want then what exactly are they not achieving?

>> No.15249128

Show me one thinker before John Money who supposed that sex was distinct from gender.

>> No.15249328

It's not, sex is definitely a component, men are predisposed to be masculine because of it. But it's not deterministic.

>> No.15249478

What the hell are you even going on about? You said gender was an ancient invention so prove it. The concept didn't exist before John Money.

>> No.15249497
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>tits and a dick
they are literally Satan

>> No.15249501

There isn't any, it's just reactionary ignorance. Read more Foucault.

>> No.15249529

Yeah, it's Adam AND Eve not Adam OR Eve.

>> No.15249530

I haven't

>> No.15249540

You would have to argue against all forms of homosexuality and gay marriage.

The 'natural law' case against gay marriage is the strongest, and looks like this:
a) Gay marriage replaces the traditional understanding of marriage without any demonstration of a benefit to society and without any assessment of the long term risks to society.
b) In particular, it risks undermining the chief function of marriage which is that of providing a stable environment for child rearing without any demonstration of a benefit to society.
c) The existence of civil partnerships avoids any possible existing injustice to homosexuals. There is accordingly no demonstrated need to run the risks detailed in a) and b).

The work referenced is Natural Law and Natural Rights, by the philosopher John Finnis.

>> No.15249545


And you mean Baphomet, retard

>> No.15249566

Foucault was a reactionary

>> No.15249730

>deterretorialization. the destruction of boundaries and borders. in the future, our children would be taught in schools that there is no dichotomy between female and male, and the two are the same
I see this coming as well. Males will be feminized completely

>> No.15249809

PP? What does it mean?

>> No.15249820

peepee = penis

>> No.15249831


She's a boy???

>> No.15249909

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15249918

Explain why

>> No.15249924


>> No.15249937

It has already begun. I bet he'll be mostly jettisoned in a couple decades

>> No.15249947

But she's so cute! I wanted to download this pic... Any proofs she's a boy?

>> No.15249975

taftaj on reddit
nude gifs available

>> No.15250001

see for yourself

>> No.15250070

Okay (((

I don't like bwoys.

>> No.15250075
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why not?

>> No.15250110


>> No.15250168

In his book on Finnis' student Neil Gorsuch while at Oxford University, John Greenya has described Finnis's views by stating: "Some of John Finnis's views are very controversial. For example, in defending his long-held position against same-sex marriage and same-sex coupling, he once compared them to bestiality."

>> No.15250176

Argument, why dont i just fight you?

>> No.15250218

Here’s an objection that can be constructed totally within the ideology that produced the phenomenon:
Suppose a woman, maybe a rape victim, needs to go see a psych professional, and because of the nature of her specific trauma, wishes to see a female doctor. If at her appointment, a biological male who lives as a woman walks in, does the rape victim have the right to be upset?