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/lit/ - Literature

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15246684 No.15246684 [Reply] [Original]

Y’know, a cool chart someone should make is one with all practical skills like:
>learning (deep work, make it stick, how to read a book)
>art (drawing on the right side of the brain and loomis)
>nature identification
>music theory/instrument
>sports (starting strength/illustrated rules to football)

Growing up I always enjoyed the picture books that explained skills, the most recent one A friend got me Was The Art of Manliness. What good books have you read on practical skills?

>> No.15246788

Flour Water Salt Yeast
The Essentials of Italian cooking (Hazan)
Mastering the Art of French cooking
The Joy of Cooking
Modernist Cuisine

>> No.15246797

The Intelligent Investor is a good one for stock trading

>> No.15246800

And who could forget The Joye of Snacks

>> No.15246853

im currently reading a book on how to build a house. i hope to build my own house one day

>> No.15246861

Gaia's garden is great for permaculture. It's not traditonal gardening but it's a fun world to experiment in.

>> No.15246892

I’ve heard of some of those from Internet personalities. Good to know theyre /lit/ approved. I made pizza dough the other night. Fuckin’ based.
Does it cover basics?
Are you really gonna post about something that cool and not tell us what book it is?
Could you be more specific? So is it for how to have a small interesting eccentric home garden or more the science behind it?

>> No.15247013

>Does it cover basics?

>> No.15247085
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>> No.15247526

ah cmon thread dont die

>> No.15247541

No one reads books here, let alone books about being productive at something. Posters here are so good at shitposting instead they wouldn’t be able to write a guide on how to shitpost because it comes so second nature to them.

>> No.15247792

>Music Theory
Arnold Schoenberg’s books on Harmony, Rudiments and Contrapoint

>> No.15247848
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This one is great for basic homesteading skills and they recommend more books on each skill.

>> No.15249062

>homesteading skills
like what? will it teach me how to live completely off the grid?

>> No.15250237

Pretty much, it goes over the basics of building and maintaining a house, gardening, preserving food, butchering meat, raising livestock, making soap.

>> No.15250325

DIY you lazy bastard

>> No.15250584

The Intelligent Investor is almost completely irrelevant for modern stock and bond investment. The theory is solid, but the practical advice is just obsolete and all informative value comes from the follow-up chapters that reapply Graham's model to the particulars of the modern market.

>> No.15250587
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>> No.15250592

I'm working on assembling some key literature for the practical sciences constituent to the Virtruvian architectural theory.

>> No.15250795

>ywn make something beautiful out of wood
why god

>> No.15250805

Why not? Are you a paraplegic?

>> No.15250807
File: 132 KB, 719x888, 9780190698614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if its relevant but heres a good book on electromagnetism

>> No.15250816

a good book on electromagnetism is always relevant anon

>> No.15250818

i could never create something beautiful

>> No.15250828

what order do i read these in?

>> No.15250834
File: 284 KB, 1919x978, vulkan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a pdf on vulkan if thats something that fits

>> No.15250911

Idk. I'm not a carpenter.

>> No.15250953

someone needs to /lit/-ify that pic

>> No.15251161

Do I need to know classical mechanics?

>> No.15251211

it even has its first chapters covering vector algebra, vector calculus, and linear algebra
but youre probably gonna want to know at least a little calculus going in

>> No.15251228

The book is about value investing, not trading.

>> No.15251426
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Finally a good thread.

>> No.15251459
File: 38 KB, 500x444, alla prima II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to share the two best books on painting that there are out there.

The first one is Alla Prima II, by Richard Schmid. It gives an insight on the process of painting, from the very basic theorical knowledge to how to create a palette (and why), how to mix colors, and detailed explanations on the materials.

This style of painting (wet in wet) is very popular in american realist painters like Mann and Lipking, and upon study I'm pretty sure it's the one used by impressionists, or Sargent, Goya and the like.

>> No.15251489

You know what, the other book is pretty bad compared to this one. Scratch that. Pick this one up (a pdf is going around I think). Will greatly change the way you perceive drawings and art.

>> No.15251527

libgen has most of these. Thank's guys!

>> No.15252545


>> No.15254075

how do i make my own water supply? do i have to pump it from a lake somewhere?

>> No.15254638

Have a well dug, that's what rural people have instead of city water. You can also set up rain barrels, but you'll have to filter those or just use them for non drinking water. They're expensive, but you can get well pumps that are both electric and manual, so you can get water without power but have the convenience of electric when you do.

>> No.15254820

is well water clean? you dont have to filter it?

>> No.15255751

Typically you don't need to filter it, because it's filtered through rock naturally, but that all depends on where you are. It needs to be tested to make sure the groundwater isn't contaminated and you might have to treat it if it's hard water, which is not dangerous but rough on the pipes. A lot of this depends on where you are in the world.

>> No.15255893
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Also that is something you'll want a professional to do. They have equipment to do it safely and quickly and will know about the water in your area. Wells and septic tanks should be done by professionals. I lived in a house with a DIY septic tank and is not something I want to have ever again.
To stay on the topic of books on specific skills this one is will show you everything you need to know about western leather braiding with instructional diagrams. You can make your own belts, whips, buttons and horse tack.

>> No.15257138

Foxfire series

>> No.15258244

why cant i do it myself? im a smart dude