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/lit/ - Literature

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15246441 No.15246441 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good poem? It's mandatory in British schools.

>> No.15246451
File: 88 KB, 387x374, Loves philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mandatory in schools in my nation, is it good?

>> No.15246471

>does my sassiness upset you

>> No.15246482

>studying a preface to a dick pic in school
mega cringe

>> No.15246486

What grade level? For elementary it's alright. Secondary though? They should be learning German and reading Goethe

>> No.15246489

post some /japoems/

>> No.15246510


>Learning German and reading Goethe in secondary

They should be learning ancient Sumerian and translating Gilgamesh, I was doing Goethe in grade 6.

>> No.15246520

it's historically important to the civil rights movement, it's it's accessible piece that demonstrates how poetry unpretentiously engage with politics, and, other than maybe being a little trite and twice the length it needs to be, it's not bad verse
the meter's there; it just takes a couple read-throughs to scan it right
the poetry community doesn't take Angelou very seriously as a writer, and I have no problem with that, but this is a perfectly appropriate poem to teach in school

>> No.15246584

Resentment - the poem.

>> No.15246610
File: 301 KB, 1536x2048, average american highschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good poem? it's mandatory in american schools

>> No.15246710

>not learning German and Sanscrit and Koine Greek in the womb

>> No.15246785

Unironically better than Angelou

>> No.15246890

Mate I went to school in Britain since when is this mandatory?

>> No.15246910
File: 23 KB, 480x276, 1582687188141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ this makes my skin crawl

>> No.15246994


>> No.15247010

British schools are a meme these days. This poem is embarrassing.

>> No.15247017
File: 656 KB, 3264x1644, american national anthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good poem? it's mandatory in american schools

>> No.15247205

kek, never gets old

>> No.15247238


>> No.15247246

This is some terrible prose

>> No.15247252

The “The Tiger” of school required poems

>> No.15247259

I could imagine this in a Pynchon novel. I particularly like how they tried to make it "old & Shakespeare-like" with the "fav'rite".

>> No.15247267

since when? the only poems i remember studying at school were some of shakespeare's sonnets

>> No.15247508

Nothing is "mandatory in British schools" because education is a devolved matter.
The only poetry I did in school was Burns, Shakespeare and WW1 poetry. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.15247550


>> No.15247604
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, slide7-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good poem? It's mandatory in German schools.

>> No.15247751

Is this a good poem?

>> No.15247784

for a touching moment on a talk show?

for serious study?

>> No.15247827


Why does everything women write feel like that one Natasha Bedingfield song?
This one. It's like this is the peak of female expression, and they can't rise above this. It's almost as if they're held back by, dare I say it, a glass ceiling.

>> No.15248621

Because you've read virtually nothing written by women.

>> No.15248746

Why Brits have to read black American female poets? I can understand the need to have some AA in literature so that the blacks don't feel too despondent but I don't see why it'd be relevant to Britain.

>> No.15249014

Yeah we had lockdown drills in school. Genuinely not a big deal. Tell me how lockdown drills are worse than acid and knoife attacks on the streets of your country, m8

>> No.15249023

I swear to fucking god Thomas Pynchon wrote this

>> No.15249055
File: 179 KB, 640x2160, talking-turkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mandatory in British schools.

>> No.15249063

You know what else is mandatory in British Schools? Bum-buggery.

>> No.15249697

No, it's shit. Sounds like Leonard Cohen at his very worst moments.

Also shit. All the images are complete cliches.

>> No.15249716

I don't think it's bad, it's a nice contrast of belowness to highlight her topness. It says whichever position she's in, up or down, she's fine

>> No.15249733

that's Shelley, idiot
they're cliches because of him

>> No.15249756

I'm American, faggot
Something about the fact that my kids are going to be taught nursery rhymes about hiding from school shooters one day just makes me uncomfortable, and it should do the same to you

>> No.15249771

No, they're not, imbecile. Those cliches are cliches mostly because of the provençal troubadours and, specially, Petrarca and his followers.

Shelley was a man of great poetic vision and talent, but who often wrote very badly. The poem posted is ridiculous, could have been written by any well-educated 19th century schoolboy. It's horrible.

>> No.15250311

you just got memed into educating me ;)
thanks, anon!

>> No.15250327

>Mandatory in British schools
No it isn't

>> No.15250520

>kazoo line 1 and 2

>> No.15250549

That's just a pronunciation guide for the sake of the meter - elide the o.

>> No.15250578

But in American English, it's antiquated to write it out like that - "fav'rite" has been the default pronunciation for a century, at least. I can't think of any American accent of today that would pronounce "favorite" with three syllables, you would only do that if you were intentionally changing your speech to sound old-fashioned.

>> No.15250625

No clue I don't speak nazi

>> No.15250645

You're welcome.

Shelley wrote many good poems, a few great ones too, and he was a man of vast intellect, but everyone is susceptible to the vices of their age and Shelley was all too susceptible to those of his...

>> No.15250866


>> No.15250904

The poem is still well structured, and a couple of the lines are good especially this bit
>and the waves clasp one another
>no sister flower would be forgiven
>if it disdained its brother
The first stanza expressing the concept of universal uniting, ending with relating the concept to the person receiving it, then the second weaving pretty images, ending with diminishing them in comparison with the uniting with her. And the phrasing and rhythm are all competent. It is Shelley after all.

It's just that it's a lame idea
>everything is united and that is like us uniting
and he didn't put much effort into developing any of the particular images or take the metaphor anywhere interesting.

Like the other poem though it's so clear what he's doing that it's probably good for kids to learn from.

>> No.15250937
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>It's mandatory in British schools.
No it's not you liar. Maybe your teacher slapped it on the curriculum but it's not some all around standard. My secondary school teachers were based and never made us read garbage shit like this, we had an anthology full of all the classic poems and romantics and bunch of war poems. Sorry you have shit teachers. Also you have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.15250976

It should, mainly because there's something like 1-2 legitimate school shootings (i.e., school invader intending to do harm to a moderate number of students) per year, that often have pretty much no effect because they're stopped, or the shooter was only targeting one person.The rest of the school shootings are accidental discharges or unrelated gun violence that happens to occur at or near the school. The continual growth of mandatory and frequent lockdown prep in schools is, generously, a method of catharsis for teachers who watch too much news and don't know how to manage their anxiety or, less generously, an active attempt to indoctrinate children into believing they are liable to be the target of gun violence, which is simply not true.

If schools actually cared about protecting their students from violence, they'd take all the probably small amount of money but large amount of mental bandwidth they spend on preparing for lockdowns and devote it to protecting them from physical or sexual abuse at home. That is an infinitely more deadly phenomenon in the US, and arguably much easier to make an impact on

>> No.15251118

It makes me uncomfortable that everyone just argues about guns and no one will admit that the problem is in a deeper cultural decay.

>> No.15251696

Very /lit/.

>> No.15251706

Citizens could own full auto guns back in the 50's and we didn't have this problem. Society is going off the rails, but go ahead and blame the tools.

>> No.15251788

Did I say we needed gun control or make any statement at all disagreeing with what you're asserting? Fucking retards arguing with imaginary liberals that are never actually on 4channel.net