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15243720 No.15243720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>140 iq tested
>can't get rich yet
i hate this fucking world so fucking much lads there's no legitimate way of getting rich

>> No.15243726

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15243740

Go to /biz/, if you’re really smart you can benefit off their retardation like I do

>> No.15243743

Have you considered to actually to something to earn money instead of taling iq tests

>> No.15243756

Getting rich is the shittiest normie life goal. Have fun wasting your life.

>> No.15243767

>self-reported IQ scores
The irony is that if you were truly intelligent you would know that your self-report is meaningless in the medium of an anonymous internet.
>impossible to get rich
Nurse Anesthetist

Pick one. There are plenty of others.

>> No.15243783

You serious? If you just work a regular middle class job and get into investing and swing trading, then get into real estate, you can become a millionaire before you're 30, assuming you start in your late teens or early 20s. It's not rocket science. You just need to be disciplined. And fortunately it becomes a lot easier to make money once you're rich.

>> No.15243886

This. It's a completely empty headed "goal" and even if you make it, you'll just end up even more depressed than now.

>> No.15243939

which test did you take?

>> No.15243957

It's pretty good because you can buy commodities and people's attention and company and feed your ego.

>> No.15243963

I just want to own some really nice cars

>> No.15243998
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only slaves care about becoming rich. a true aristocrat of the soul is born rich; he carries all his riches with him. omnia mea mecum porto

>> No.15244005

140 IQ is apex midwit.

>> No.15244055

Then you're an avaricious midwit who is already rich. Otherwise you would view this money as a means to have more freedom such as eating 3 big meals a day and not living in chronic stress and to no longer have any dependency on others whether it be your family or work.

>> No.15244267

>be me
>141 iq
>became rich after reading The Bible
feels good tbqh

>> No.15244271

Big cope my guy

>> No.15244285
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climb that ladder wagie. climb climb climb

>> No.15244298

145 here. Getting rich is not that difficult. The easiest way is go to a top school and just go work in tech or finance and be the biggest kiss ass so you’re the last man standing after 6 years. That’s the path I took even though I knew I would still be miserable and I was right. I exited on my own accord a couple of years in so I never got rich but it was in front of me and very doable.

>> No.15244300
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>> No.15244304

Maybe you should read it again

>> No.15244313

Mfw the higher I climb the happier I become. But of course your mind isnt capable of pride. What you faggots always fail to realize is that its not the rewards that make me happy, but the climb itself. Faggots like you denouce it because you're weak lmao

>> No.15244320

>>became rich after reading The Bible
camel, eye, needle

>> No.15244322

Imagine not being a based SSDI recipient raking in $3000 a month tax free (adjusted for COLA increases and inflation every year) FREE healthcare, food stamps and free home heating oil for heat and your mercedes 300TD.

>> No.15244325

>me get dopamine becus bossman say i do good, me get promoted

>> No.15244330

>I enjoy sucking corporate cock
I believe you

>> No.15244419
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You faggots will never get it. You're so far down in your cope rabbithole that you didnt even listen to my other reply.

It is the climb itself that brings happiness, not the rewards. If I lost all the progress I made in 1 year it wouldnt bother me in anyway as long as I have the opportunity to climb back.

But yeah man, keep getting your dopamine for thinking you're superior to anyone actually trying to acheive something. It only comes off as bitter

>> No.15244433

one must imagine wagie happy

>> No.15244440

mfw Im not even a wagie kek. Again, you paint a picture in your head and attatch it to this mentality when its only further from the truth. Keep coping

>> No.15244451

Bud, money making is a skill you either have or you don't. While there's some correlation to IQ, not every smart fuck is good at making money. Some of the greatest minds ever had to basically beg for money to fund their work. Do you want to a business man or an intellectual? Stop sniffing your own farts over your IQ score and pick one.

>> No.15244452

Not gonna make it.

>> No.15244464

>money making is a skill
That's like saying playing the lottery is a skill. If you've ever worked in the real world you would realize that most people at even the 150k range are retards who got their position because of luck and circumstance. You're just am imbecile yourself trying to cope with a just world framework.

>> No.15244467


>> No.15244472

I was only making a joke anon, no need to be so uptight

>> No.15244476

Cope isn't based.

>> No.15244481
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sure you were

>> No.15244490
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>material ladder of success supplanting the anagogic ladder of divine ascent climbed by the sages.
Pure cringe desu

>> No.15244489

My nigga the only person coping here is you, that anon is spiting facts

>> No.15244495
File: 16 KB, 240x320, 240px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nietzsche warned us of weak ass niggas like you

>> No.15244496

based and adlerianpilled

>> No.15244500


Keep calling people imbeciles and thinking you're smart, see how that works for you, broke boy.

Yes, your point on people earning 150k+ and not being very smart only further proves my point. You don't need to be very smart to be successful career-wise and financially, though it certainly helps.

Want to know why those retards are making 150k a year while you cry posting wojacks on 4chan? Because they're likable. They have charisma. Their head isn't so firmly planted in their ass that they come across as an obnoxious know-it-all.

Luck is when preparation and opportunity meet at the same time. Which is a prime part of making money and jumping at chances to get ahead in life.

So many opportunities have come and went in your life, so many different paths and routes that would have led you to success, but you were to self-obsessed with yourself and your supposed intelligence to chase them.

in contrast, those "retards" making 6 figures that you for some inexplicable reason feel superior to, were out chasing opportunities, forging relationships.

And what were you doing with your 140 IQ? Playing video games? Posting here? Yet you have the audacity to call them retarded. Get over yourself you pathetic little weasle.

>> No.15244518

Beyond based

>> No.15244542

>Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.

>> No.15244554
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>Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave
Thats when you don't like what you do retard. What makes you think I dont like doing what I do?

>> No.15244594
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>i like being a slave so it doesn't count

>> No.15244602


>> No.15244607

the fact that you're here trying to convince us

>> No.15244613

Not the same anon, but what to you is not a "slave" then? I think both of you are coping

>> No.15244621
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Im just trying to show you the light anon

>> No.15244630
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77 IQ here and i could beat the shit out of every single person on this board. I am stronger, bigger, smarter and more sexually attractive than all of you and your cute three digit make believe number is just a massive cope.

>> No.15244634

The older I get the more I think people with lower IQ are smarter and better able to reach a balanced life.

Thats a based from me sir

>> No.15244641
File: 79 KB, 730x960, windmill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>"self obsessed with yourself"
>cannot spell the word "weasel"
Looks like you need to go back. TO SCHOOL

>> No.15244644

>Luck is when preparation and opportunity meet at the same time.

>> No.15244648


>> No.15244653

giving away your essence and turn into npc #9292828282 for wealth is retarded those people making 150k a year will always be stuck there they lack the spark to advance beyond that because they're soulless, i get that you gotta start somewhere and being a charismatic bootlicker is the starting path to middle class wealth
I have a job in a tech company i took the chance even though i care little about web app development thats why I'm mediocre as fuck 2 years later i am in the same position(companies love mediocre wagies) i started, I'm seriously considering taking the biggest mortage i can take buy a house sell it and runaway with the money to some country with no extradition and start my own company if i make it I'd pay the debt,
Being someone's little bitch, sucking corporate dicks to survive or to put extreme effort on being the best on your job to make some other people rich is no way to live fuck it
>inb4 youtube crypto swing trading
not much time or energy left for any of that when you're a full time wagie

>> No.15244655
File: 5 KB, 202x250, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to them anon. You're on the right path. Their self-ideal is based on a spiritual level while yours is on a resilience level.

>> No.15244661

>77 IQ
Good fighting takes intelligence. I could easily knock you out.

>> No.15244676

At a certain point yeah, I just want to be comfortable and retire in my 50s

>> No.15244677

based kabala retard

>> No.15244680


Cope. You're feeling a safeguarding behaviour.

>> No.15244696

No you wouldn't. This is what would happen if we were to enter into a duel: I approach, you try to outsmart me, but suddenly BANG, you reel, and BOOM, you get knocked on your ass and can barely seem from the massive brain trauma you just suffered. I slap my ass with both hands before walking away.

>> No.15244704

Luck is probability. The probability of being prepared for and at any given situation varies. You can increase the probability with preparedness but that does not ensure it will be realized. You just keep spouting out just world hypothesis platitudes.

>> No.15244708

>just buy more lottery tickets to increase your chances bro

>> No.15244714

Yeah you're right. Thats what I wanted to say I just couldnt find the right words

>> No.15244931

Not him but I get this and that's why I've stopped criticizing the economic system. I wish I could be happy fucking other people up, blindly climbing the ladder, content with selling myself for crumbs. That's not criticism btw

>> No.15244961 [DELETED] 

invest in tangram, testnet2 is around the corner

>> No.15244965

>He doesn't need the approval and reward of transposed mother figures
How does it feel to be a self without a home?

>> No.15244968

>I wish I could be happy fucking other people up, blindly climbing the ladder, content with selling myself for crumbs.

You have a very wrong Idea of what "climbing" the ladder is.

I, for example, love developing new skills and becoming a master at my craft. I consider that "climbing" the ladder, even if there is competition. Competition is my favourite thing in the world but that doesnt mean I get bitter when I lose

>> No.15244973


based. Ascetics BTFO

>> No.15245573

It baffles me that grown adults are incapable of understanding that different people want different things in life.

>> No.15245811



lol all u fucking faggots in this thread who think having a job is being a slave are retarded. if you enjoy what you do, and make good money doing it, all the fucking power to you

if you're the kind of person who wants to be their own boss, and can do so with success, all the power to you

but to sit here, on the 4chan literature board, and try to sound smart and superior, you really just prove to everyone who reads your comment that you''re a faggy little incel wristlet who think their intelligence is their best trait when in reality they have the cognitive ability of a wet carrot

>> No.15245883

>faggots in this thread who think having a job is being a slave are retarded.

Not only retarded, but people who think like this are the apex of privilege. Thats why ascetics are fucking cancer

>> No.15245893

how do you even manage to type on a keyboard?