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15243602 No.15243602 [Reply] [Original]

Books to btfo christcucks?

>> No.15243644


Why do you care? If you already disagree with their religion, what’s the point in reading a book on it?

>> No.15243661

Ask them to prove that Yahweh exists. They can’t, so they usually retreat to giving arguments for “bare theism” or deis. At this point you have to ask them again to prove the existence of the Yahweh of the Bible in whom they claim to believe. Again they will not be able to, so you will have effectively BTFOd them.

>> No.15243695

You don’t need a book for that, just ask them why an all powerful and all loving god allows evil to continue to exist, when he’s both able and willing to destroy it. The christcuck will then deflect this question and move on to free will, which has nothing to do with the question why evil exists in the first place

>> No.15243713

Not really. The entirety of faith is dependent on the absence of absolute proof. Secularism and religion will forever be entangled in a stalemate since no proof of God could ever exist. Anything infinite could not manifest proof of the infinite in a finite realm. Neither side “wins”. You BTFO nobody, fedora-tipper.

>> No.15243714

hes probably american, and christian americans are annoying as fuck so its understandable

>> No.15243760

1) The Bible disagrees with you:
>For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
2) No rational man believes something in which there is no reason to believe, so Christianity is irrational and should not be believed
3) it would be unjust for god to send people to eternal damnation for not believing in him when the only faculties he gave us to get at the truth — reason and the senses — do not bring us to the conclusion that he exists, meaning there is no good reason a human being should believe in him

>> No.15243773
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>why an all powerful and all loving god allows evil to continue to exist,
Because He wills it.

>> No.15243799

God doesn't will shit, retard. Once again christards prove to be absolutely incompetent in conceiving the flawless nature of God.
>b-but muh faith
Your god is a kike power fantasy, it has nothing to do with the origin of the universe. A god who wills something is by definition imperfect.

>> No.15243817
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>God doesn't will
Why yes He does, Christ even had two wills.

>> No.15243824

>it would be unjust for god to send people to eternal damnation for not believing in him when the only faculties he gave us to get at the truth — reason and the senses — do not bring us to the conclusion that he exists
absolute state of pseuds

>> No.15243829

Then it's a big fucking lie. Pre-christian Neoplatonists absolutely destroy you delusional dimwits.

>> No.15243835

>do not bring us to the conclusion that he exists
Citation needed.

>> No.15243847
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>pre-Christian Neoplatonists
All repented of their false teachings and converted to Christianity when they met Christ in Hades whereupon and wherein he preached the Gospel before his resurrection.

>> No.15243853

>has no arguments
>uses historical revisionism
Typical christkike

>> No.15243880


I don’t usually partake in these quarrels but I’ll bite. With faith it is quite clear that God is certainly all loving, powerful, and merciful, however this faith also allows one to understand that His ways are not to be comprehended by man. What may appear as contradictory by human rationality is not necessarily so on the cosmic level where much of God’s might is observed. The mistake is man’s arrogance in thinking that he knows better than God which decisions are best for the universe, and if man is unwilling to admit this then he only falls deeper into error with his understandings of the world, necessitating a life of darkness and confusion for himself. The crucial point is that faith provides an understanding of the universe incommunicable to those without it, hence the famous quote “those with faith need no explanation, those without it can never have it explained”. If you refuse God on the basis of rational arguments and comparisons with other man-made opinions, the loss is only yours. God makes Himself known to us in manners which we can comprehend, but that does not mean we understand or are meant to rationalize the totality of His acts, for such hubristic endeavors are the very means by which faith is eluded. And there is no better state of being to have than one of faith in God, and it is a state of being, not a belief in the mind, it is something one feels and understands with certainty, though it is quite unexplainable.

>> No.15243909

Faith isn't present in christianity alone. The bible isn't required to hold belief in God.

>> No.15243924


I’m not a Christian.

>> No.15243929

If you follow along, the poster I was responding to admitted there can be no proof of Yahweh’s existence.

>> No.15243932

the bible itself

>> No.15243938


Also, faith is not belief in God, belief is an idea like Santa Clause or Platonic forms, faith is a mode of consciousness resultant of and maintained as an ongoing experience.

>> No.15243968
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this nigga doesn't even know how to spell lieutenant

>> No.15243969

culture built on hatred is not worthy to be called culture at all

>> No.15243988

So we should erase christain culture

>> No.15243996

I think that lieutenant might’ve been jewish

>> No.15244004

This. People really do not talk about the belief in God bringing you into another state of being as you said. Night and day from being an atheist in terms of happiness and fulfillment. I love God.

>> No.15244743
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>OP makes a bait thread about immigration
>/lit/ ignores it and throws their own shit at each other over the Problem of Evil

>> No.15244779

How do their guns work if they were in the sea