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File: 34 KB, 805x480, 1561724613173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15243476 No.15243476 [Reply] [Original]

is there anyone nearly as based as this man

>> No.15243509
File: 474 KB, 1191x753, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even believe in objective reality. Definition of /ourguy/

>> No.15243521
File: 66 KB, 583x586, IMG_20200430_203959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15243529
File: 888 KB, 500x243, ziz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15243535
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1473097202635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15243538

Thats literally just freud

>> No.15243542

Tell me about Sniffman. Why doesn't he wear a mask?

>> No.15243552


>> No.15243591

Read mourning and melancholia. Its pretty short.

Also I wasn't talking about the meme, I was just talking about the zizek quote separated from the context of the meme.

It makes sense because zizek has a boner for lacan and lacan has a boner for freud.

>> No.15243607

He repeats what he has read. It's what academics do.

>> No.15244002

i don't understand this. does it mean that the christian guy is the smartest or what?

>> No.15244015

man that image is true

full blown existential crisis realizing she's maximally fulfilled by "being in a relationship" and you only got into it for the pussy which you don't even want, you're just deluded into thinking you want it

>> No.15244031

lol, that is your personal problem though
OP's image is just about the sensation of orgasm

>> No.15244047

that's the logical conclusion of it. most of men's desire for women comes from sex. when that desire suddenly vanishes you can have some serious realizations. men's criteria for dating are "is she attractive," "will she fuck me," and "is she basically pleasant and not horrible to be around" but the latter is a far cry from "do i really love this woman?"

when the first two criteria suddenly vanish, and you're left lying next to someone who is "basically pleasant" and who you're minimally willing to hang out with, or who you even tolerate, it's scary. you realize not only that you're stuck with this bitch, but that you hate yourself for how much of your determination to enter into a relationship with her was based on sex.

>> No.15244052

he repeats what he has read because explaining basic psychoanalytic conceps is the whole premise of the documentary that the screencap is from.

>> No.15244054

as an adult virgin this is terrifying. i am more afraid of a woman liking me than a woman not liking me.

>> No.15244058

Is this not taught in middle school wherever you're from?

>> No.15244066

Because everyone already cared who he was before he did.

>> No.15244071

I know you're doing this to feel better, but this is not a male problem. This is your problem. If those are your standards, if you acted on them, if you entered into an unhealthy relationship for the poon, then don't pretend it's fate that gets you down.

>> No.15244072

Fuck. This is me.

>> No.15244090

What docu is it from

>> No.15244101

So basically women have more mature and honest desire than men

>> No.15244110

Switch the middle and the left.

>> No.15244111

I must be lucky because I love being around my wife, even after sex.

>> No.15244122

That's not the point of the image though, the point is post-orgasmic sobriety.

>> No.15244121
File: 31 KB, 378x378, wojak-neck-beard-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15244124

no, just far more options

>> No.15244125

why are you afraid of women liking you? for me it's that i feel horribly guilty when they genuinely like me, and i realize i only sort of liked them and just wanted sex.

see >>15244072 it's a common problem among men. getting emotional about it and trying to socially shame people for being honest about it is a very womanish response.

>> No.15244126

yes, just clean your room bucko! never ever think about anything outside your room, your room is the only thing that exists and it's all your fault that it's dirty

>> No.15244127

That's because you are an NPC that is inperceptive to post coital tristesee.

>> No.15244139

pervert's guide to cinema or the sequel, don't remember which one

>> No.15244144

I'm not shaming anyone, nigga. What kind of pussified crap is this? If you don't want to get your shit together, then don't. But don't act like it's your gender holding you back, you fucking retard.

>> No.15244157

>I'm not shaming anyone
>get your shit together

please calm down before posting, you're getting emotional and it's making your post have zero actual content. (you being bitter and telling me i'm a LOSER is not content.)

>> No.15244160

Isnt he just a continental poser

>> No.15244170

good contribution

>> No.15244175

>using an anglo shibbolth
hello nigel

>> No.15244207

That's not what shibboleth means
Quit posturing and answer the question

>> No.15244258

Quit evading my comments. Don't act like it's your gender holding you back. You not being able to find a woman that you are content with, because entering into a relationship for the sex alone, is your problem, not the curse of the archetypal male.

>> No.15244270

i met žižek on the street once in ljubljana biggest schizo ive ever met

>> No.15244282

>doesn't deny being an angl*

>> No.15244299

what happened anon

>> No.15244305

incorrect, it's a common problem of men. don't post while you're PMSing, it's making you sound like you're freaking out. your hair's probably all in disarray right now.

why are you on 4chan anyway? get a boyfriend

>> No.15244315

nothing i met him while walking on the street and asked to take a picture with him and then i told him he did well fucking over jbp in the debate then he told me how they are really the best of friends and he doesnt understand why people pin them against each other

>> No.15244316

Is this an actually quote because it captures the way he talks perfectly

>> No.15244321

also he looked diseased as hell, he told me he was on his way to a hospital this was before the coronabullshit, wouldnt be surprised if hes gonna die soon

>> No.15244326

no, it means he's the norm
in the picture, the neckbeard represents exceptionally low intelligence and Zizek represents exceptionally high intelligence.

>> No.15244338

he's right tho

>> No.15244358

This but unironically

>> No.15244459

Where's the picture anon?