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15241212 No.15241212 [Reply] [Original]

>Adam and Eve created as perfect and flawless.
>Somehow manage to disobey god and commit sin.

Bravo whoever wrote the Old Testament. No plot holes here!

>> No.15241228

>And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
that's all the bible says about how he created adam. nothing about creating him to be perfect

>> No.15241239

fpbp. what a stupid thread.

>> No.15241251

>Harry Potter cast tenser's transformation

>> No.15241252


Yeah imagine being a fedora tipper and you accidentally refute the Qu'ran version instead of the Old Testament one.

I-Immigrants welcome

>> No.15241327

I don’t know what you’ve been smoking but just about every Christian I’ve ever talked to has agreed that Adam and Eve were perfect and that their actions caused the fallen world. If you want to state otherwise then go ahead but you’ll have to explain how a perfect entity managed to make an imperfect creation.

>> No.15241330

(Wrong qoute)
Nah, it really wasn't a plothole but a paradox
God made humans special by giving them free will.
But how can you prove that you have free will than disobeying authority?

First 5 creations ended with "God said it was good". Humans never had that

>> No.15241331

This, children, is what we call moving the goal posts.

>> No.15241343

>how a perfect entity managed to make an imperfect creation.
Paradox, mate
Heard of it?

A perfect creator so perfect he can create something that disobeys his command.and can choose for himself, for better or for worse

>> No.15241348

Temporal imperfection for greater eternal perfection.

>> No.15241355


You're moaling the pool ghosts

>> No.15241468

If perfection is infinite since God is infinite, then one would have to keep this infinite quality. The second Adam is a greater Revelation than the first adam. But how does God make a perfect thing that can sin? Freedom. God has freedom and therefore we also must have freedom. The thing is if we decide to turn away that we might damage the image of God due to cutting ourselves off from him. In that way our freedom would be darkened. We might have had good intentions and might have even theoretically foresaw that Gods salvation would be manifest if we fell. So in experiencing this new state and knowing God would save us and reveal something new about himself to us might have compelled us to fall, on top of satisfying our curiosity and desire for a strange experience. when you think about it, a fall is only possible if you shut yourself off in some way from Divine perfection. You would have to have some kind of ignorance and blindness about God. They say that Lucifer fell because of his Beauty and pride. Perhaps focusing on the self rather than God creates a condition where falling away from God Is Possible. in the bigger picture of reality the fall may not be all that big of a deal, it's just another day in eternity of the Love-play of God and his others.

>> No.15241505

How. The point of the statement was to show how both options were absurd and that the “answer” given to solve the initial problem only created more problems.

>> No.15241509
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God created man but he had one limitation on his powers of creation, he could not create anything perfect because if he did perfection would not exist, so everything created by god is imperfect but can become perfect again by finding god.

>> No.15241523

I mean having all infinity and Eternity, you would think that something like this would happen. But most Christians are so brainlet that they think they don't exist forever. Most humans conceive of themselves as nothing more than having a beginning in this universe. They don't conceive of having a beginning in God who transcends this universe.

>> No.15241659
File: 113 KB, 720x720, Genesis_1-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally it says in the Bible that humans were created in the image of God. If God is perfect, then that image is as well. Of course, image doesn't just refer to physical traits, but all traits that human's possess, since God was modeling all aspects of humans on himself. Including mental faculties. Meaning that humans think in the image of God. So if God is perfect then Human's thoughts should also be perfect.

OP is right, evidently the Book at the root of the 3 greatest religions in the world seems to have a gaping plothole

>> No.15241833

God didn't create man as a clone of himself...
To create in your own image is to impart yourself into your creation
That doesn't mean your creation is an exact copy of yourself
A self portrait is a creation of yourself in your own image, but it will never be an exact copy of yourself.

>> No.15242644

In the image of, not the exact same.
Stop smoking crack. God can't create perfect things because only God is perfect; other things rely upon God to exist and thus cannot be said to be perfect.
The average Christian has got no sense of theology and catechesis is abysmal, but there's also a trend (especially in Baptists and their ilk) to speak in terms of "perfect" when they mean "they haven't sinned/don't bear the weight of original sin".
God didn't create them as either, please learn to actually read /lit/ and stop just shitposting about books

>> No.15242791

Imagine grasping at straws so hard in order to refute a book which has been rendered harmless and forgotten for 400 years

>> No.15242805

>harmless and forgotten for 400 years

>> No.15242815

When people say Adam and Eve were perfect, they mean without sin. They're not talking about perfection as an ontologically necessary being

>> No.15242907

>God can't create perfect things because only God is perfect; other things rely upon God to exist and thus cannot be said to be perfect.
"Be perfect as your father in heaven is" which is equivalent to "be holy for I am HOLY". when referencing himself as holy it is spelled out all the way. So we can be perfect but we have to partake of him. But that's what God does, he is the great stabilizer for the actualization of the rest of reality. But the Trinity is dependent on itself. The very need to love would both want their loved one to depend on them and to be dependable for them.

>> No.15242982
File: 56 KB, 550x804, God - Oscar Wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
