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15240480 No.15240480 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an age when you get too old to browse image boards?

Let's pretend for a moment underage/ teen posters don't exist. Then it seems like most posters are 18-25, then there are quite commonly 25-30 years old posters (me), a few 30-34 years old, but from 35+ years upwards posters become very sparse across all boards it seems. When someone outs himself as 40+ then it's mostly one of a kind who will be considered a grandpa and often be asked questions how life is once you get older etc.

So most people stop browsing image boards in their late 20s/ early 30s it seems. The reasons for this could be varied I guess, for many it likely has to do with either moving on in life with job and family or it's because you become bored and there is nothing new to discover or it is because many become fed up with the rapidly changing culture.

However, I don't know what I will do in 10 years from now. I don't see how I could not use image boards then just as I am now. Even if I won't visit as regularly as now I cannot imagine completely abandoning them. Will there be increasingly more older posters as image boards as a whole are a relatively young phenomenon and there simply haven't been enough people yet who grew up with them and stick to them as they got older? Do people when they grow older normally stop using image boards altogether or will the user base grow older with time as image board culture becomes older? Let’s say in 10 years, will there be boards with a population mainly consisting of 30-40 years old? Hard to imagine I have to say. Would be very slow paced probably.

>> No.15240490

let's pretend this thread is /lit/ related until mods clean it up.

>> No.15240528

I dunno I'm 35 been using 4chan since I was like 20 lmao. There really aren't any alternatives as far as the internet. Reddit? Facebook? Fuck else am I going to go?

>> No.15240537

Eventually you realize there is no point commenting on anything. The world with your reply is virtual the same as the world without.

>> No.15240538
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How about we pretend that trips aren't for brain dead faggots and I won't kick your teeth in?

>> No.15240556

i started browsing this gay ass website when i was 14 now i'm 24

i blame 4chan for me getting bullied in hs and never getting pussy. for ruining my life basically

>> No.15240942

Yeah, I've been here since my freshman year of highschool in 05'. I don't think I can ever leave.

>> No.15240959

i've seen 40yo women on here who don't have lives and act like teenagers. you're here forever.

>> No.15240974

Yes, even (you)s are of no value to me nowadays past that short interest in reading them. Not worth the effort to make a well thought out post though.

>> No.15241005

There is no age at which you're absolutely safe from isolation. Where else you gonna to look for conversation? Most people would just go outside and try to meet real people but I just don't have it in me, it usually just ends up awkward and I regret going. Online you can find [superficially] similar people really quick but the quality of interactions will be low. Still, at least you are guaranteed some kind of connection. I strongly prefer hanging out in real life but that isn't always in reach. Like how I recently came crawling back here (unrelated to covid) after three years of real life adventures. Kinda sad. To me image boards are what you go to when you have no one else, a house that only has junk food in the pantry. At least it's something right?

The next time I am fortunate in my social life I will try to leave for even longer. The only thing I miss in those times is edgy humor which can be hard to merge with a relatively wholesome lifestyle when you find yourself out there surrounded by people who care about you.

In terms of the future, I think the average age of a user will grow. Imageboards like any cultural phenomenon are a product of their time. It seems like the growth is still healthy right now but as time marches on the newer generations will have different sensibilities that will not be as interested in this type of interaction. But that's a while away...

>> No.15241050
File: 301 KB, 856x983, crow_army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there an age when you get too old to browse image boards?

56 here. it's not easy when about ninety percent of the posts are young teen boys shitting on things to convince their friends they aren't gay, but every so often someone makes a post worth reading. i'm here for the gems, not the potch.

pic related.

>> No.15241081

I feel this man. I found a great group of friends in college (actually they went to a neighboring college near mine). Even had some edgy humor going without taking it too far or sperging out about it. However, it's been frustrating (and now impossible with the coronavirus) trying to find new friends since I've moved and gotten a job.

>> No.15241159

I think it's like videogames. People thought that people would grow out of videogames, that it was a children's thing. Turns out that people (millennials?) did grow up but videogames grew with them. I don't think people will stop posting but the board will change, mature.

>> No.15241204

Imageboards have only been around for 20 years retard.

>> No.15241473

it's probably an aging population too. the whole world will have moved on and the same set of oldfags will be posting pepes into their 50s going >we never made it bros
while the next generation barely remembers what 4chan was except for the frog that was racist and somehow related to donald trump back in the day

>> No.15241490


Or 35+ers are scarce because they didn't spend their entirely adolescence on the internet like we did?

>> No.15241493
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>56 here
>young teen boys shitting

>> No.15241512

Nice piece of writefaggotry, but irl the crows would have wisened up to his act and ganged up on him.

>> No.15241516

34 here. I mostly cut out 4chan last year because I felt like it was too much of a toxic influence. I've been coming back here to /lit/ a little, but the rest of the site can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.15241550

read it in his voice

>> No.15241559


So I'd say age makes no difference whatsoever. The age of the current user has nothing to do with leaving the board as you get older, and more to do with when the tech became available.
Image boards have only been around 20 years, and for the first 10, virtually no one used them.
Let's say it has been popular enough for 15 years, or 2005 at the earliest that someone might have used it for that whole time.
So a 70 year old would have to have started when they were 55. How many 55 year olds were using the internet in 2005? I'd say almost none.
Yet almost anyone can stumble upon this life now and in 15 years still be using it.

>> No.15241601

I'm 23 and I feel the same. I feel that frequenting anonymous imageboards regularly makes you really prone to various types of poisonous thought processes that aren't conducent to a healthy relationship with the world.
However, after about 10 years of coming here daily, spending my entire adolescence, I also feel that about 25% of my entire personality is made of the living, breathing chan zeitgeist, fact due to which it would be extremely painful to just leave. I'm hoping this will change with age.

>> No.15241647

4chan is like kid beer. It ruins your fucking life but you fucking love it. You will never get away from it.

>> No.15241650

>How many 55 year olds were using the internet in 2005?
A fucking shitload. I remember when it was all interest forums (just missed usenet myself) and email groups. There were whole forums where most users were over 45. You have to realize, smartphones didn't exist and computers were expensive, internet even more so. Most of the people that owned computers and had free time were bored middle aged people with hobbies.
Email groups have only really died out recently. Email groups were the original facebook: where every retiree and middle ager goes to look through cute cat pictures and vaguely racist political cartoons while drinking their morning coffee.

Phones made the internet younger, because millennials could stay online outside and didn't have to spend over a hundred bucks for a good phone.
It was very isolating to be an internet addict in 2004. I know.

>> No.15241710

This is both pathetic and amusing. Anon, I..

>> No.15241819

i wish i could leave I get nothing of benefit from this shitty site. It just gets worse by the year

>> No.15242293

I'm 34 and have been coming here since 2007. Everyone is too immature to have a serious conversation with, so I come here less and less

>> No.15242365

what do you do instead?
i've been here 12 years. normalfags don't understand me, and i dont get along with them. if i stopped 4chan i dont know where i would get my 'social interaction' from. coworkers? lmao. the htings normafaggots get offended over are laughable, i can't speak a single true thought to any of those retarded fuckheads and i wouldn't risk my means of putting bread on my table just to try and socialize there. 'friends'? from where, a friend tree? i do meetup shit from time to time and i hate everyone there, i'm surrounded by 50ybois and normalfags.

the more intellectually nuanced humans become, the more complex our lives, influences, and thoughts, the more we drift apart from each other and the harder it is to find a fellow of the same make. in the very distant past maybe you had a village and they were mostly all the same, same thoughts and feelings, same makeup, same humor, same language. as society evolved we fragmented into little cliques and niches and with the internet age that has accelerated to the point where i wouldn't find a fellow amongst even 1 in 100 people, even given a similar age and gender range.

the normalfaggots i know with 'friends' just play [video game] or some stupid shit together and pretend to like each other, but you get one in private and he'll tell you how he despises all the others and thinks they're retarded. am i supposed to associate with those cretins?

4chan is my home. you are my friends. you think like me, understand me, get my humor, get my worldview, speak my language. we share a bond, we are forged of the same material. i am no longer capable of empathising with outsiders. if not 4chan, where would i go? and yet, as the board floods with zoomers, all the oldfags are leaving one by one and i dont know where they've gone. i'm so lonely i can't stand it.

>> No.15242403

We're always gonna have our gays backs on this site, anon.

>> No.15242534
File: 176 KB, 719x556, 1587974769379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's probably an aging population too. the whole world will have moved on and the same set of oldfags will be posting pepes into their 50s going >we never made it bros

>> No.15242544

>all the oldfags are leaving one by one and i dont know where they've gone
dog most of them left the internet. i know some people want this party to keep going, but i strongly feel that 4chan is approaching it's endgame. the 4channel split is very much a kind of last call. those old dudes are gone. ive been here since 07 and have not had a (you) chain with anyone who has been here longer than me. there may be a stronghold of hikkifags on /a/ or /jp/ or general losers on /tv/.

the weird thing about that loneliness is that it doesn't ever leave. i live with my brother and my wife in an apt, have a couple old buddies i hit up on IM, and a younger brother who still lives at home with my folks who i visit often. then there's my extended family etc. im not bereft of people, but we learned how to express ourselves in part through this shithole and that hole doesn't go away. i find it insidious personally. it's a weird, existential addiction.

>> No.15242554
File: 163 KB, 750x1166, 1587951680874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it requires more effort to write out a reply than to passively press an arrow. this does little to filter out bait, but it keeps discussion interesting at least.

>> No.15242631
File: 59 KB, 640x360, 1578717742668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga you should read Durkheim if you haven't already. 'The Division of Labour in Society' then 'Suicide: A Study in Sociology.'

>> No.15242633

>left the internet.
for where? is it just over? it's like my comrades in arms are leaving over the far hills and i can never see them again. i have thoughts and feelings i can't express to anyone but anons because no one else even has the faculties to understand our mutual feels.

>> No.15242672

>what do you do instead?
I try to study more, write more, and I take long walks while listening to podcasts. After a period of extreme loneliness and alienation, I realized I had just become a poorly functioning, neurotic mess, and sites like this were just an opiate to distract me from the pains of my disordered life. I went nuclear and blocked a bunch of sites, deleting accounts where applicable. While I don't feel like I fit in anywhere in real life, unlike you, I can't say I fit in great here either. I've become a more outgoing person over these last six months or so and rebuilt some relationships. Still though, on some level I feel like I'll always be some kind of lonesome drifter, holding certain aspects of myself back even from the people who think they know me best.

>> No.15242682

Nigger, I'm 68 and have been here for 10 years. Was one of those Unix guys back in the day and was on the internet back in 1989 (had a Uni account) back when blinkenlights were considered humorous. Waste most of my time on /pol/ but I come on here when I want to find something new to read. 4chan is still the place to be.

>> No.15242708

but for a brief moment, we were all kings

>> No.15242730


>> No.15242739

thank you fren. i guess i'll have to do similar . before corona i was trying to get involved in sports and /fit//out/stuff but now it's all fucked before launch. after this i guess i have to do it, replace 4chan with irl shit. the site is dying, every day more anons leave like the fucking elves to the west on their ships.

>> No.15242746

Seems to change quite rapidly. A year or so ago, I felt /pol became quite boring. Still check it out though.

>> No.15242753
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Hang in there anon.

>> No.15242765

>When someone outs himself as 40+ then it's mostly one of a kind who will be considered a grandpa and often be asked questions how life is once you get older etc.
Sounds like butterfly. She is 46. Kek

>> No.15242784

I still like to check in for Best Korea stuff and some of the political stuff. But there's no question it has become kind of stale.

>> No.15242785
File: 823 KB, 1879x2451, 4gy4a5takcf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elves to the West

I've had enough of our machines
I'm giving up and I am letting down

I've had enough of our machines
I'm giving up and I am letting down

I've had enough of our disease
I'm picking up and I will walk away

I've had enough of our disease
I'm picking up and I will walk away

I'm asking you to take
I'm asking you to take
I'm asking you to take
I'm asking you to take
I'm asking you to take
To take
To take

>> No.15242817

There was a 90-something-year-old man on here once that was telling people about his youth as a greaser. You are never too old for 4chan.

>> No.15242819

>Is there an age when you get too old to browse image boards?
Think about it like this.
Is there an age when you get too old to use a telephone?
Is there an age when you get to old to use a messaging service?
Is there an age when you get too old to interact with anyone, verbally or virtually?
Is there an age when you get too old to do X activity, given it's not physical limitations hold you back?

The answer is obviously no. In fact, the older you get, the more you have to make it a point as an old person to invade young people spaces and annoy them. Hit up trendy hangout places and shops for hipster kids. Do young activities like skateboarding, go to young people concerts etc. This world is an adult space, kids need to learn their place.

>> No.15242826

Imagine wasting your 20s posting on 4chan lmao.

>> No.15242842

Everything ends anon, even this

>> No.15242902

you sound extremely bitter but i don't disagree with you

>> No.15242927

Oldfags are around but they tend to lurk and not post. Eventually you reach a sort of posting fatigue and feel like you've said everything you wanted to say before and get tired of correcting people. I've written several paragraphs of text before only to delete it before posting. Nowadays when I post in threads I might not even follow up on responses until after the thread dies and is in archive.

Also I (shit)post in /tv/ and /v/ almost exclusively and only came across this thread by chance. I've been on the chans (4chan/5chan) since 2005 and on the internet since 1997/1998, 32 now. If you make a 30+ year old poster thread on boards that won't ban you for it, you might get more posters than you expect.

>> No.15242948

Anyway, seems like a good time to re-read Moby Dick. So, that's what I'm going to do. If I can manage the time. There's so much to do!

>> No.15242976

how about doing something you love and being more open and actually trying to communicate with fellow people you can connect with. Fuck man this site is literal fucking spergs everywhere you go even on /lit/

>> No.15242992

this place is garbage, the swift deletion of discussions preclude any effort going into them and the very general, vague topic of literature(and other boards) brings together people who don't really have much to talk about.

>> No.15243017

>smartphones didn't exist and computers were expensive
Absolutely this. In the early 90s everyone who had a webpage or posted in pre-internet forums (and 10 years after that) was a privileged, relatively well-off, technically savvy white person. The internet was mainly western universities and white culture. Then commercialization made it much less attractive. I am 50 now. /pol/ is retard world but /c/ is sweet. /lit/ is not really worth watching. I am in /d/ sometimes because I'm a tranny.

>> No.15243064

>Eventually you reach a sort of posting fatigue and feel like you've said everything you wanted to say before and get tired of correcting people. I've written several paragraphs of text before only to delete it before posting
so im not alone.

>> No.15243122

I also started at 14 and am about to turn 24. This site made me more comfortable with myself and never really affected my ability to get laid. I started on /fit/ though.

>> No.15243211
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y..yeah haha imagine that

>> No.15243216

You're not grandpa status yet, but can I ask: are you happy?

>> No.15243218

>the normalfaggots i know with 'friends' just play [video game] or some stupid shit together and pretend to like each other, but you get one in private and he'll tell you how he despises all the others and thinks they're retarded. am i supposed to associate with those cretins?

>> No.15243352
File: 30 KB, 500x239, areyouconnectedtoyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so insecure?

>> No.15243485

>for many it likely has to do with either moving on in life with job and family or it's because you become bored and there is nothing new to discover or it is because many become fed up with the rapidly changing culture.
It's because it's socially unacceptable and few can justify it to their significant other

>> No.15243489

this, zoomers will realize that every other internet community is worse

>> No.15243640

Forty-eight here. I read 1600 pp/day. I've been here since the beginning. AMA.

>> No.15243902

- what is pp?
- what boards do you like and why?
- what do you do here and how frequantly?
- how has the place changed?

>> No.15243927

how? 4chan does not have video
you know people can just say they are whatever they want, right

>> No.15243936

Older people didn't grow up with the internet. People in their 20s now will continue to browse image boards into their 30s and beyond.

>> No.15243949

pp is shorthand for pages.
Co, tg, and lit ofc.
Mostly lurk and every day.
Whoa, that would take awhile to describe. It seems most people are only interested in trolling others.
Also, those aren't mudkips.

>> No.15243985
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>> No.15244086

I used to visit /pol/ but I find it unbearable now. It's not only stale, but a lot of what's claimed is unsourced or outright wrong. I just want to read and watch anime in comfort. Sadly my dad reminded me of how that will all end. I brought up the whole thing with TLOU2 (I don't follow video game news but it caught my attention) and he laughed about how they're coming for my interests too. He mentioned that my generation of zoomer/millenial guys are going to lose our escapisms to what we hate and it makes me sad to realize he's right. At least there's enough published literature and released anime that I don't need to rely on new tainted releases.

>> No.15244206

>Is there an age when you get too old to browse image boards?
i'm leaving this shithole in 30 days

>> No.15244657

That is oddly specific. What's the matter anon?

>> No.15244675

More or less I guess, shit could be better but it could also be worse.

>> No.15244711

>all the oldfags are leaving one by one and i dont know where they've gone.
This is really depressing, and I especially feel it when I think about what I did back in the 90s/early 2000s pre 4chan, all the various forums and other communities I was a part of, I still long for that but they're all gone, all the people are gone. Even if I could find them (I know some from those communities on facebook) what once was can never be again, the people have changed, culture has changed, the entire environment and everything has changed. None of it can ever come back, moments in time lost like tears in the rain lmao but seriously though it's depressing.

>> No.15244723

It's tempting to just leave the internet. Internet addiction is real, and when you look at it, after decades, what do you gain? It's mostly just a way to waste time, but why waste time when we've got so little?
I have a yearbook from highschool from '98 or so, it has various quotes and headlines in it, one of them was a study that showed the more time you spend on the internet, the lonelier you feel. At the time I thought it was bullshit, but the ensuing decades have proved how very real it is.

>> No.15244735

>Absolutely this. In the early 90s everyone who had a webpage or posted in pre-internet forums (and 10 years after that) was a privileged, relatively well-off, technically savvy white person. The internet was mainly western universities and white culture.
Fuck I miss those days.

>> No.15244744

The bigger problem isn't that they're worse, but compared to 20 years ago, how few there actual are anymore.

>> No.15244790

>rapidly changing culture
lol the internet is the exact same as it was 10 years ago. The only things that have changed are things that have prevented people from moving on. I highly doubt the next decade is going to help either.

>> No.15245236

I'm 24. Image boards are just becoming fucking boring. I don't know whether that's me changing or the internet. Internet in general is boring shite. Other places are mostly based on upcummies, which is fucking boring.

>> No.15245256

There are certainly a decent amount of older fags and they are a blessing because they are usually far better read than the average poster. There are plenty of posters here who certainly did at least a master in their field or have read a similar amount to be able to compete with the rigor of academic educated fellows.
I sometimes feel sorry for them having to post with retards like me but I thoroughly enjoy getting sincere posts from these users to my questions that no professor would deign attention to, since I am only an infantile bachelor student, or at most I would get a condescending reply from an arrogant tutor who feels forced to reply so he gets his little bit of gibs.
>I felt /pol became quite boring
I used to only be able to endure post 2015 /pol/ by going straight to a contianment general I followed because /pol/ was so absolutely toxic especially late 2016 and the first years after. It was literally jsut rage posting or baiting and posting porn to trigger any specific group of incels who you wanted to feel their stacys betraying their race.
I only have one irl friend who I know browsed /pol/ and he said he needed to quit because he got so sick and angry with all the blacked tier posting. Like remember when there were usually at least 10 porn threads?
/pol/ being boring now is jsut cause the hapa/twitterSJW/incelwhiteoids seemed to have stopped brigading regularly.
I am really sad my one general on /pol/ I frequented since 2015 has since died but I now actually can go to /pol/ for the catalog now if I am bored and want a quick laugh; it is no longer completely inhabitable imo.

>> No.15245270

I am 51 homeslice.

>> No.15245274

Im certain it’s because older people are less likely to understand the paradigm of image boards. The whole concept us alien to generations born before the internet. In the future though, Im certain grandpas (born in the last 2 decades and further) will have their image board of preference.

>> No.15245290
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I want to discuss books online but I also want to be able to say "nigger" if I want to. This is the only place I can do both, so I guess I'm not leaving any time soon.

>> No.15245291

i'm tired of "discussions" on literally every board i've ever visited on this site
it's all just reactions with zero thoughts put into it which are 99% of the time off topic
the only board i've "benefited" from is /wg/ and i think i have a large enough supply of wallpapers to last me a lifetime, everything else is pure shit

>> No.15245450

Best luck, anon.

>> No.15245457

You won't be missed.

>> No.15246595


>> No.15246719

I'm 21 now and been here since I was 15 and I'm bored of seeing the same shit over and over again. I feel my brain going to mush. Been using twitter more lately instead. It's better. I had to delete my twitter though because of things that happened in my life and now I'm here again. It's the same demographic and similar posts and everyone has the same frame of reference for everything. Idk, I feel like my brain has been way too moulded by this site, I'm gonna get bored again real soon and leave

>> No.15246811

Boomer-brah, you gotta get your life together. Okay? Do it.

>> No.15248037

I do not agree. I've learn a few interesting thing with these boards. So i guess some learned also a little from my posts. Of course thoughts don't change in 6 months. A few decades might do.

>> No.15248997


This. I'm 39 and was an early adopter back then. I was first using Prodigy at 11 (you dialed in via phone and then had a basic message board system). Then BBS's (local versions of the same). All this was ASCII with some basic text games. Then IRC, on and on. You know how many people my age were doing this? Maybe 3-4 in my grade of around 350 at school. How many of these people do you think are chatting online? They never were, so now they have a Facebook but that's it. Internet message boards are relatively new and when you are older, you will still be on them. It's just that a bigger percentage of 26 year olds grew up on them than 30+.

>> No.15249163

A lot of anons in here have said good stuff better than I can. Here's my theory though: there's a certain masculine element to this board that just does not exist in life after a certain age. Where else can you express yourself so freely without being reprimanded by people who aren't even going to contend with your argument or joke. A lot of the ways people act towards each other here can be seen as juvenile, but it is unironically guys being guys and men like to shoot the shit by giving each other a hard time.

There is no "better" place on the internet. Facebook is full of people putting on their whiny hats, reddit is full of people seeking le upvote, Instagram is full of attention seekers, news articles are full of same-minded commenters. It's all so boring. I believe wholeheartedly that if you seriously want to quit the Chan, you need to literally schedule your day with stuff that does not involve the internet. Like write down the following for a single man, 6:30am-8 exercise, 8-5pm be at work, 5-6 exercise, 6-7 read some of whatever novel, 7-8 eat dinner, 8-10 clean up messes in the house/work on an interesting hobby like say woodworking/social events if you have friends or are trying to make friends. I mean by the time you're done with such a schedule the day is over. I was off the Chan for a good 3 years and am now back, but am on less than before (although my usage has gone up during quarantine). It's an unspectacular solution but there's no magic involved with leaving the Chan, you just have to make it happen.

>> No.15250086

haha, I achieved those all by myself without 4chan

>> No.15250089


>> No.15250141

I need to get off this fucking site man, it's fucking killing me, I know I'm become more stupid in the time that I've been here, I can barely think straight anymore, I've completely lost my internal monolouge, my memory is shit, i'm obsessing over trivial fucking shit, i'm desperate for (you)s and yet I know deep down that if I leave, nothing will change, I'll just waste my time in an equally unproductive way. Jesus, I wish I could start over, I wish I never got a fucking computer, I wish I'd asked Meghan out and she'd just said no and I could have moved on, I wish I'd hung out with my friends more and didn't take so much offense, I wish I'd hit that prick in the face, I wish I'd gone to that party at uni, I wish I'd actually read at uni, I wish I'd written more at Uni, I wish I'd made films at Uni, I wish I'd told Laura I liked her, I wish I hadn't given up the piano or swimming or anything else. I wish I fucking tried and I wish I knew how to now.

>> No.15250182

hey I'm 35 too anon, and this may seem meaningless but I just finished reading a really depressing book and have to connect with people even if it is only on an anonymous image board

>> No.15250213
File: 33 KB, 500x424, catbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice day friend, for what it's worth I'm 31 and I'll be here until I'm fucking dead so you can always count on me to say hello and send you a virtual boomer hug

>> No.15250514
File: 615 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200418-101313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're ready.
Take the Radical Pragmatism pill, start with The Self Awakened

>> No.15250517

You as well: >>15250514

>> No.15250519

that's one way of coping with your own failures.

>> No.15250536

Getting bullied is character building and pussy is wildly overrated.
Pussy and drinking buddies are the #1 cope of this society.

>> No.15251067

agree 100%, but nothing beats nutting inside the woman you love.

>> No.15251077

They belong to a generation. As the years march on the acceptable age gets older.

>> No.15251092

>So most people stop browsing image boards in their late 20s/ early 30s it seems
no. everyone who posted here starting around 2006 is between 30 and 35 now. the thing is that not many older people came here, just a steady stream of younger people. the site is exponentially bigger so it seems like the old people all left.
some did but most just check in less sand chime in less. it's not as funny anymore but every other place online is even worse

>> No.15251105

the only alternative is Twitter but it's a shit show and you might get even more pissed off than when you come here. lots of retard mob bullshit

>> No.15251127

I dunno, several drugs I've done were better.

>> No.15251967

Choke on your own spit and die, faggot.

>> No.15252053

it's actually 22 but ok

>> No.15252424
File: 40 KB, 700x505, 1588375300165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the same page as you, but then you find post like pic related

>> No.15252436

With great (you)'s

In order to emphasize the intended emotions, Kaur has resorted to the extra-poetic insertion of a drawing upon the page, thus inadvertently revealing that her verse is unable to stand on its own, shall we say, "feet".

Meanwhile, Nigel has had the intuition of simply using majuscules in order to achieve the same effect, showing that the verbal has a similar capacity to the visual, just as long as you are able to explore its (the verbal's) contrasts of size, disposition on the page, and so on. Clearly, we see a young poet who's wisely following the tradition of Mallarmé and Brazilian concretists - while at the same time applying their formal discoveries to a mixture of the visual world of William Blake with the philosophical developments of the existentialist tradition.

Yet many will ask me: how is it so? Well, my dear, if you read the poem very closely, you can see that the majuscules not only achieve the aforementioned affect, as they also depict the evolution of phenomenalist discovery, as the tiger suddenly sees the world around him enlarge in the space of a single second, bringing him freedom. Here, it's useful to point out the contrast between the rational - the minuscules - which represent the tiger in the act - the techne even - of breaking up his cage; and the irrational - the majuscules - which represent the tiger in the "realization" (in both the English and the Romance sense of the word) of freedom.

However, freedom from constraint entails an obligation towards action (remember that, thanatos excepted, inaction itself is action). And this is why, at the final line, we come back to the minuscules.

So what does this mean? Why is rationality back in the game? What has happened to the irrational realization of freedom? Pay attention to the words:

"The tiger is out".

Here we see the ambiguity of poetry reaching to one single truth: either the tiger is out in the sense that he is physically free; or else he's out in the sense that he is over, in the sense that he has transformed himself into another individual altogether due to his new state of being. And yet, in both cases (the poem does not let us determine which one is which, and there might be - there probably is - a heavy relationship between one and the other), what do we have left? The indecision of the free.

What will the tiger do now? Well, you see, it is a Buridan-like situation, bringing us to a stop which cannot be transposed by irrationality, but merely stated and lamented by reason. And the genius of the poet is in the fact that this sorry situation is represented graphically (another hommage to Mallarmé and the concretists) by the simple lack of a final point.

Yes, my friends: in life, as in all other enterprises, there is no "where" to the final point! We go on in our dream of reason incessantly, signifying nothing, and it's only when the cages have finally broken that we meet the Eye of God (oh, Mallarmé!): an empty page.

>> No.15252465

I just came back after five months, I'm 29. Left because this placed was getting too dull after 12 years. But it's really the only place on the internet that isn't robotic/mindless/corporate bootlicking

>> No.15252497

This is why I never took English.

>> No.15252502

I'm in my late twenties and I'd say I am much too old, especially since 4channel is now zoomer-normie media.

>> No.15252505

This place sucks but it manages to suck less than literally the rest of the internet, so I may as well come here, if I must go anywhere. The right thing to do and the hardest challenge of all is to simply not go on the internet. It makes me genuinely excited to think what I could achieve if I spent as much time working on myself as I do mindlessly browsing this website.

>> No.15252523

I have been told we're here forever. There is no other place like anonymous imageboards, even if your ISP knows who you are the other users don't. The other forms of internet communication are too personal, public and permanent, I don't want all the people I meet at my workplace to know the smut I read in my spare time, my fetishes, which videogame characters strikes my fancy, my nerdy friends into boardgames couldn't care less about how much I hate modern cinematography, I don't need the kinksters from local bdsm club listen to my rants that I would rather escape from the society and live in the woods with a cute foxgirl and how much I spend on MtG cards. I can be all those anons and nobody needs to know what anons am I. But when I find a better place to exist in virtual space, I'm out of here.

>> No.15252530

>what I could achieve if I spent as much time working on myself as I do mindlessly browsing this website.
I think we all wonder this

>> No.15252591

What book?

>> No.15252781

Where else can you practice free speech without obvious tracking? I've been here back and forth since 2005 and see no reason to stop.

>> No.15252979

It doesn't necessarily mean that you stop browsing image boards at a certain age, rather that you don't start browsing them past a certain age. Keep in mind that 4chan has only been around for about 15 years yet. Assuming that the usual age for starting to browse 4chan is 16 (it might even be younger), that would mean that people who have been here from the beginning are only in their early thirties now. I bet that in 10 years there will be tons of thirty and forty year olds here.

>> No.15253015

It’s not that people “aged out” of imageboards, it’s that people in their 25-30’s grew up with imageboards and stayed as fresh blood kept pouring in.

>> No.15253018

27 here. I love books and am awkward as hell. As cliche as it may sound, where would I go?

>> No.15253134
File: 76 KB, 431x339, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all sad sacks of shit but hey, at least we got each other. And shitposting. I love to read. Always have. I'm the 1600 pp/day reading anon and lit is a cool place to discuss books. Better than Goodreads at least. What a bunch of pretentious asses. The chon has it's fair share of assholes, too, but I can relate to you guys. I can come here and talk about the grapes of wrath or the latest S. King book.