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15239776 No.15239776 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the clasical art is the great art before the jews memes
>most clasical paintings from old masters are just shitty versions of photography (things a camera would have done cheaper today)
>beethoven, mozart and bach less popular pieces are mediocre as fuck and worse than modern day music
>older architecture is just expensive houses for the rich but the average house for the peasants back then was literal garbage compared to today houses

It's literally nostalgia googles.

>> No.15239802
File: 876 KB, 1417x2000, Cavalier_d'Arpino_-_Archangel_Michael_and_the_Rebel_Angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your taste is fucked anon

>> No.15239803

post a single bad Mozart piece, you can't do it

>> No.15239808

sorry anon, this just means u come from a long line of peasants so you don't get it, only noblemen, priests and artists "got" it, even back then

>> No.15239834

beyond his most popular pieces, the average of his music is just generic baroque music.

He had not the technology to design the sound of his music (because it didn't existed) and he couldn't do shit like sampling, low fi filters, reverb, extensive use of sound synthesis.

It's just generic pieces with a very limited sound design.

oh wow, a religious painting, how interesting.
clearly not the most generic shit that lasted for near centuries of art.

wow, what an original topic.
Also that painting has shitty use of color, because color theory wasn't developed back then.

I do art, and I've studied music theory, visual language and storytelling.

Most modern films are way superior to any of those paintings and music and literature.

>> No.15239870

>"anon i know what i'm talking about, i have a bachelor's in art!"
stfu peasant you don't know shit, ur just not capable of appreciating the heights of art, go back to talking about how kendrick lamar is a great poet on r*ddit pls

>> No.15239879

>beyond his most popular pieces, the average of his music is just generic baroque music.
His music is universally amazing
>and he couldn't do shit like sampling, low fi filters, reverb,
nevermind I see that youre rusing me

>> No.15239892

Stopped reading there, also saged for such a shit thread

>> No.15239900

Imagine the kind of person that turns to classical art because abstraction makes them upset

>> No.15239901

>oh no, my nostalgia googles
Most clasical paintings are shit and we're "realistic" because they were basically a shitty version of blender.

I've seen better shit done in any major film today, in terms of color theory, composition, narrative language and emotions.


Around minute 40 his music start to become very generic.

Again, for modern tastes, his harmony is too limited (since there wasn't atonalism yet) and his melodies while well developed, are nothing impressive today.

And being limited to real life orchestra is just very limited.

Is nothing impressive today.

He was very still influenced by people like hayden and he's from the clasical tradition and he was the last big composer of the clasical period before beethoven.

>> No.15239927

Haydn is not baroque either. You are doing yourself a disservice to see Mozart this way, actually pay attention to what he does, he is the best composer of all time.

>> No.15239930

is that why almost all rationalist art was a failed lament for the idyllic?
peasants are the last real artists, and they are the only ones who kept traditional art alive.

>> No.15239958

don't care for your buzzwords faggot

>> No.15239959

> sampling, low fi filters, reverb, extensive use of sound synthesis

i agree with your point but as an electronic music maker myself this made me laugh out loud for some reason

>wtf is this nocturne no. 9 op. 2 shit, it doesn't even have reverb or low fi filters

>> No.15239980

Mozart music is like admiring a horse chariot when we have today Teslas.

It's ok if you like mozart, but today we can't do things he couldn't even dream about.
Design sounds that are way way more deeper than any real life instrument and even make harmonies much more complex than anything done in clasical music.

Today we can make even pure intonation music with automated intonalism and xenomorphic music.

Mozart is just kind of old and boring.

>> No.15239982
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>> No.15239994
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>> No.15240051

>fell for the clasical art is the great art before the jews memes
Holy ESL! It's only your first line and I already can't tell what you're trying to say.

>> No.15240126

Really good bait, a real masterstroke
I'm impressed, have a bump

>> No.15240161

based department

>> No.15240553

Shit troll